Virus help

I Suck Ass

I survived the Rapture
My dad was playing Farkle on Facebook when it started running really slow. Firefox crashed after his game was done, saying dxdiag.exe has crashed. I went into the Control Panel, and there was a process called d-xdiag10bc.exe that was using 80 to 100% of the CPU, which is a Phenom X4 9550. A quick google search told me that it was a virus. I shut down the process and searched dxdiag.exe in the Vista search bar. It found a file in the Windows folder called dxdiag.exe, so I deleted it. Has anyone heard of this process before? And if so, did I do the right thing?
Yeah I've heard of it and had the experience of something similar, and of course you made the right decision deleting it. Dxdiag is a trojan, if you don't know what a trojan is, "It is a harmful piece of software that looks legitimate". In your case dxdiag is what you use to see your computer specs however there is a virus called this as it is a clever disguise. Wise move on deleting it though.
Thanks. I found the file in the windows folder and deleted the whole folder for it. Hasn't popped up since.

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