Sly or Ty, please help


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This morning, a malware virus was downloaded onto my computer. I don't know how, but it's been doing this all morning. Firefox is my main browser, and I use Windows XP, if that makes any difference. I currently use Symantec Anti-Virus.

Anyway, any page I open up gets hijacked, regardless of the link I click on. It's happened on Myspace, Wikipedia, AOL, Google, etc. It even happened on this forum (shit it took me forever to get to the Bar Room to start this thread). The link always takes me to "great feedmill", whatever that is.

I've runned a full scan twice on my computer and it's not showing the hijacker on it.

Is there anything else I can do?
You made this thread without even taking my computer abilities into consideration. I'm hurt, I really am.

Google, the answer is Google.
You made this thread without even taking my computer abilities into consideration. I'm hurt, I really am.

Google, the answer is Google.

I had already tried that. I came across one person who had the same problem (shit honestly I took most of the words out of his post), and the person who replied solution didn't work for me. He said to download this thing called HostsXpert and when I got it, press "Restore MS Host" and then "Ok" and that should fix everything. But it didn't for me. And again... it took me fucking minutes to just to get here to reply to this.
And you wonder why I didn't include your name huh Jake?

And thanks, Tdigs. I'll try that once I hear Sly and Ty's solutions.
Jmt, first and foremost go to and download their antimalware program. Run that and it should remove that malware from your computer. If you still have issues after, like tdigle said use SuperAntiSpyware. And if for whatever reason that doesn't fix the problem, message me since I"m at work I can direct you to a link so I can remote into your machine and take a look from my computer.
Thanks Ty, man. I decided to try Tdigs suggestion and am currently running a scan with them (I desperately want to get this shit fix before I have to head off to work myself at Noon). If this doesn't work, then I'll try that website you recommended.
Thanks Ty, man. I decided to try Tdigs suggestion and am currently running a scan with them (I desperately want to get this shit fix before I have to head off to work myself at Noon). If this doesn't work, then I'll try that website you recommended.

And if SuperAntiSpyware seems to take care of the problem, I would still run MalwareBytes AntiMalwre afterwards because it can find a ton of shit that SAS can't find.
Looks like superantispyware worked. :D

Thanks again, guys.

And Ty... I'll make sure to download and run a scan with that sometime tonight.

I'm just surprised Symantec AntiVirus couldn't find anything. That shit cost a fortune and is used by every computer at LSU. Weird...
Looks like superantispyware worked. :D

Thanks again, guys.

And Ty... I'll make sure to download and run a scan with that sometime tonight.

I'm just surprised Symantec AntiVirus couldn't find anything. That shit cost a fortune and is used by every computer at LSU. Weird...

The thing is is that most malware and spyware creators nowadays already know about Symantec, Mcafee, Trend Micro, etc. so they can write code into their malware that allows it to be overlooked by the big anti virus companies. And the amount of new malware code that is written is substantially higher than the amount of definitions the big three companies are adding to their updates. Not only that but as soon as they put an update out, the malware creators have already created another 5 variations of their code.
Usually when your browser is being hijacked, it's not a virus, but rather spyware/adware/malware.

Usually just running Spybot and MalwareBytes Anti-Malware will clear those things up.
If you get it off I use a program called advanced system care which clears any corrupt or useless files that take up space. It is great if you think you have spyware or malware as it got rid of it for me a few times.

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