Virginia Shootings:

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I'm surprised no-one posted this yet.

At least 22 people have been killed and 21 more injured after a gunman went on the rampage at the campus of Virginia Tech university in Virginia, US.

Police say there were two separate shooting incidents - at West Ambler Johnston Hall, a student dormitory, and Norris Hall, an engineering building.
The incidents were about two hours apart. Police say they believe there was one gunman and that he is dead.

It is the deadliest shooting at a US educational facility.

Eyewitness accounts:


This is truly shocking, and I hope no-one else becomes a casualty to this. My condolences to the families affected.
Jesus fucking christ I can't believe this...this is even worse then Columbine was...holy shit man god damnit what the fuck is wrong with people in this world. RIP to all those who died.

Just...christ man.

Dear god we're never going to hear the end of this and how it's music/movies/wrestling's fault.

I seriously don't get what drives people to do this sort of shit. And again, At a university.

xfearbefore - you damn right. It's only a mater of time before it's movies/music and wrestling being blamed. and I spose they could possibly throw drugs in there
But let's not let that overshadow this for now InstantClassic, the important thing is to let the families know and to begin the grieving process. This is such a tragedy I can't believe it. When things like this happen you never really stop and think "Hey, this is history happening right now, this is going to be in every textbook in the future". This is worse then the tower shootings with Charles Whitman and worse then Columbine...god this is just terrible.

May their families and the victims find peace.
It's up to 32 as of 2:53 PM EST

Man, it's getting worse and worse... :(
Fucking shit... Montreal is unfortunately kind of considered the capital of school shootings... we had an incident in September where one 18 year old girl was killed at Dawson College by a crazed loser (he was a wrestling fan too... ugh...), a couple of shootings over the years at my University (Concordia)... and of course the one I hope you all know of (but I wish you didn't remember it) the Ecole Polytechnique where a guy killed 14 woman who were trying to take University classes... because they were woman.

But this one takes the cake... 32 people? That's ridiculous and horrifying. What drives people to do these things? We think there are problems in the world and we discuss politics, etc... but then in our own backyards shit like this happens?

It's disgusting.
It's incredible that something like this can happen at a university where kids are trying to better themselves for a brighter future. My prayers go out to all those affected.
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Bullying, neglect, depression, mental illness, family problems. Thats what feuled the Columbine shootings. Im sure the Virgina Shooter had similar problems, but he handled himself very poorly, and ended up taking it out on the wrong people by taking things to the extreme and shooting up his school campus and killing innocent people who probably had no idea what was even going on with him.
I find it incredible that one shooter had the time to take 2 hours between two sections of the campus and carry out two separate shootings. I wonder where the fault is pointed to here? Perhaps the police came and couldn't find him? I don't know the circumstances, but surely the school should have been evacuated at 7:30 after the first shooting, rather than having a second shooting two hours later?
Ya thats the big problem with the system Cyric. If there were shooting in the morning, why continue with classes when the person hasn't been found? Now I don't know the details of the morning shootings yet, but you would think if more then one person was shot, then you would put the campus on lockdown. Now we have 32 people dead, with I think the number is 17, still wounded. It's insane.

It's crazy what people can and will do when they finally reach their breaking point. This is definetly becoming a giant social issue in this country. I have my personel feelings on what some of the problems are, but I won't get into them on here.
Its sad and my thought and prayers goes out to the familes of all those who were injured and have died. I can not belive people are sick enough in the head to fidn what they do justicable and then kill themselves. Why taking innocnet lives makes anything right well it doesnt.

And its up to 33 dead plus the gunmanand i belive its over his girlfriend but still this crap makes me sick. I swear thsi crap pisses me off but again my thought and prayers goes out to the familes of all those who were injured and have died.
Man are you guys watching CNN or any other news channel? They're saying that after the first shooting which only claimed a couple of lives the campus sent out emails to the students network. It was like 8AM. WHO THE FUCK CHECKS THEIR EMAIL AT THAT TIME?! That is just disgusting, why wasn't the campus immediately evacuated after that? My school is evacuated if anyone even hints at their being a bomb around, this guy shoots a few people dead and people just chill around even after they haven't caught the guy? How could they let this happen? Mark my words, theres going to be some serious investigating into this as to why the fuck the campus didn't evacuate or even have an announcement that people had been shot dead and the guy who didn't was still lurking around campus!

This week is also the 8th anniversary of Columbine...
They said it was orignally a domestic calling the police thought so they figured the it was going to be resloved and the guy had left or something like that. BUT FUCK shooting on campus close the damn place down and i agree Xfear some peoples asses are going be balmed the cheif of police and the Univeristy much will happen from the fallout
This is fucking digusting. It amazes me how some people just have a complete and utter disregard for human life. I only hope that families and friends of those who were killed or injured find a way to make it through this. I also hope the gunman did have the chance to shoot himself- instead I hope he was shot by the police and died a very slow and painful death, which still does not begin to make up for all the chaos he has caused. May he burn in hell.
So we have 32 dead, and then the gunman, plus at last count 26 being treated for wounds, some critical. That is sick shit. I think I'm more pissed with CBS, or the Complete Bull Shit channel already setting up on campus. I don't know, I hate when they sensationalize shit like that. I understand the story, but these people are going to be over analyzing everything to death. It is a tragic occurence which is now going to be turned into a media circus.
it was in the news here in Australia and i think it is pretty sad and my condolances to all of the families affected by this tragedy
Well now NBC has gotten a multi-media manifesto from Cho. Chris Matthews is a jackass, already comparing him to Keanu Reeves in the Matrix, so we officially went two days before the "Blame the Movies" card was played. What a bunch of horseshit.

What's amazing is that Cho sent this stuff in the morning after he killed the two people in the dorm. So he got all of his stuff gathered and went to the post office, and dropped it off at 9:01am, then he was at the school 15 minutes later.

I've watched a couple vids, and I know the psych majors on here are going to eat this up. How do you get into the mind of a person with such rage in their heart. He blasts Hedonism and Christianity.

This situation is just nuts. Check it out on and probably every other video hosting site in the next day.
This who media covergae crap is pissing me off as theyare going to run this thing to death. Its atragic thing but the media keeps reminding us all and giving the killer so much publicty is ridcioulus....I wish they let eeryone take a break and have some private time and back off some.
That manifesto of his just disgusted me, I can't believe this piece of shit really has the balls to compare himself to Jesus and say that he will be remembered as martyr like him and the Columbine kids. No, sorry Cho-whatever the fuck your name is, everyones going to remember you as one of the biggest losers ever who went on to kill 33 people and who is now burning hell just as you deserve. The guy talks about how he did this because of how he's been victimized by everyone and then he goes and makes victims out of the 33 he kills, could that be anymore hypocritical?
I saw some of that shit its so disguhsting i cannot he did all the crap and feels he was justifed it such utter crap.
I think a question people have on their minds is how? How did a crazed gunman manage to shoot 33 people dead before something was done about it? Apparently, the man was appearing a little suicidal beforehand and it's a little scary how insane some people can be. This is without a doubt, THE worse massacre the world has seen for quite a while and it happened in a place where this shouldn't have happened to this extent. My cousin lives in Virginia though and it's a little scary to think just how close he was to this. It's a terrible tragedy and the families of those college students must feel awful and words can't express how sad it is for them.
Death is a Right, its the same thing as anti-war protestors going to teh funeral of a fallen soldier and picketing across the street. In both cases, the Victims have nothing or little to do with the beliefs of the protestors, but they use high profile stuff to piss people off and to be heard. And the big problem is that the big news companies will cover it and give them exposure that they want. This again is a problem with "Freedom of Speach". Don't get me wrong, I love the 1st amendment, but bastards like this hide behind it so they can do shit like this.

This is exactly what the "God Hates ***" people are. Cho believed he was a martar for all kids like him, and then this hate group is coming out and pretty much glorifiying what he did, most likely encouraging other sheltered kids that feel they have no reason in life. Most likely they'll see the exposure Cho is gettin, and wala, you'll have another incident that is praised by hate groups, and the murderer is justified for what he did in death.
You know Spiral mentioned that this is without a doubt the worst massacre in a long time, but that is actually complete horse shit. Just yesterday 150 people were killed in Iraq from an explosion, that is MUCH worse then the Virginia Tech shooting. I'm not taking away from the tragedy because it was terrible, but it pisses me off how the whole world stops to say "Oh god what a tragedy now we must mourn and do everything we can to prevent this from happening again", and then they see every day another hundred or so people massacred in Iraq, and they don't give a fuck. Are American lives worth more than Iraqi lives now? It absolutely disgusts me.

Further more, any organization called "God Hates ****" immediately loses any respect they might get. I hope they all get the ever loving shit kicked out of them at the funeral for daring to ever do something so incredibly fucked up. I know if I was there I would take a brick to those asshole's faces.

I find what they say deplorable Shocky, but I would gladly die for their right to say it.
xfear.... I 100% agree with you. It was a great tragedy that those people did get killed in such a way. But, watch the news and you will see, a very "hows the weather chat" it is when they talk about killings in Iraq. Do the math on it, and most people are killed in Iraq during SUICIDE BOMBINGS! The people that were killed at Virgina Tech was killed by a SUICIDE SHOOTER! Please... someone tell me the difference between the two, because either way you cut the cake on it, both are suicidal.

The man raped one girl and killed her and someone else, 2 hours before the massacre started. No one on campus was notified of the two murders. They didn't evacuate the school. No one was notified, so basically they left the door wide open for this dude to go on a spree. The sickest part about it though, doesn't even begin with the media, its the fact that someone, could blame 33 other people for something that happened to him. Because that is all it is. He shot and killed 33 people, because he wasn't loved or some excuse.

I think the reason why people tend to focus more on stuff like this then stuff that happens in Iraq, is that we are at war there and it is expected. But when someone random takes a few people with him, its a tragedy because it was random... That at least is the fundamentals of it.
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