Vince Upset During RAW Main Event

Martin Gabriel

Pre-Show Stalwart
Vince has to chill, I'm sure Cena and Punk know exactly what they were doing. Besides, no boss should ever get mad about a main event like that especially with how good it was.
I'm sure he was pissed, but boy did that one move make the match that much better. I can understand not wanting all theguys to do the move. But when you have seasoned guys who have been wrestling for over a decade and can give and take moves like a piledriver you have to let them do it. When done correctly it is a safe move and when letting guys like Punk and Cena execute the move you have practically nothing to fear.

I think the last piledriver we saw on WWE tv before last night was at WrestleMania XXIII and that was back in 2007. I would say that six years is long overdue for one of the best looking, most impactful moves.
Rightfully so. Vince is the boss and that move has been banned for years now. If any employee at any business broke a rule designed to keep people safe, I would expect a good boss to be p.o.'ed about it. That goes even if by breaking the rule the employee ended up with a good result. It was an incredible match, but I'm sure Vince would rather it be a little less incredible and not literally risk his biggest star's neck. That's just the position he's in as the boss.
Rightfully so. Vince is the boss and that move has been banned for years now. If any employee at any business broke a rule designed to keep people safe, I would expect a good boss to be p.o.'ed about it. That goes even if by breaking the rule the employee ended up with a good result. It was an incredible match, but I'm sure Vince would rather it be a little less incredible and not literally risk his biggest star's neck. That's just the position he's in as the boss.

Blood has been banned as well but it didn't stop Lesnar looking like a mess last night.
I would say that the Lesnar mess probably made Vince more on edge and therefore more reactionary to the piledriver.

To be fair to him though, while I would have no problem with occasionally breaking out the piledriver, a month shy of the biggest show of the year was not the time to do it from a potential injury standpoint.
Who says Vince was happy about that?

No one, I don't know what Vince is thinking but so far all we've heard about is the main event and not the opening segment. Since we heard about how he felt about 1 incident and not the other we can only go off what we heard.
There hasn't been a piledriver for so long that it's a waste to use it on the main event of Raw. No matter how good that match was.
No one, I don't know what Vince is thinking but so far all we've heard about is the main event and not the opening segment. Since we heard about how he felt about 1 incident and not the other we can only go off what we heard.

Agreed. I just feel that it's his prerogative to be upset about it is all. After what happened to Stone Cold way back when, I can't blame him.
Agreed. I just feel that it's his prerogative to be upset about it is all. After what happened to Stone Cold way back when, I can't blame him.

I agree that its his prerogative, its his company and his ass on the line in general. My feeling though (and this is just my opinion, Vince has certainly earned the right to feel the way he feels) is you have to trust your performers to put on a good match and do any move they feel safely. This isn't just about the main event but I feel Vince has his hand so tight around the performers in all facets that its seriously affecting the product. At the end of the day the move made sense at that moment, the main event was awesome and no one got hurt so there's no reason to get upset.

Of course you can get seriously hurt by taking a piledriver but statistically a performer is more likely to get hurt doing high risk moves (like Cena's off the top rope leg drop or leaping over the top rope to the floor) than taking a piledriver. A wrestler can get seriously hurt doing any move, Steamboat lost his career by taking a simple back bump off the second rope for example.
Agreed. I just feel that it's his prerogative to be upset about it is all. After what happened to Stone Cold way back when, I can't blame him.

Exactly, can you imagine if Punk had botched it, injured Cena, and ruined a Wrestlemania main event that has been planned for over a year?

Punk and Cena took a risk doing that move, but you'd expect two stars as experienced as those two to perform it as safely as possible.
Meh. The 'rules' always seem to get broken around Wrestlemania time. Whether it's at the encouragement of management, or individual performers on their own initiative, it happens every year. No big deal.
He should be pissed. Punk and Cena BOTH should be fined (and announce that they're fined on the website, much like they did when HHH and Taker were fined for the chairshot to the head at Mania 27). The move was banned for seemingly longer then Punk has been in WWE. They both know that the move is banned, and did it anyway knowing it was against the rules. The only reason they aren't suspended/fired is because they are CM Punk and John Cena and it's Wrestlemania time. I hope they both get punished on-air too, making them lose clean next week. It was probably the one negative in the match for me.

And to Lesnars credit, he didn't make himself bleed intentionally, it looked like an accident, was in an odd place for a blade job and it took 12 staples to close the wound.

And if you noticed WWE did their best to not show Lesnars head and the wound itself during that brawl. They couldn't just show the crowd during the match for 5 seconds during the piledriver.
I'm with Stormtrooper. It's been banned for a long time with one exception: 'Taker. And even he swapped to the Last Ride for a while. Aside from him being allowed to use it on a regular basis, guys like Shawn and Kane had to ask permission to do the move.

If Punk asked, he'd probably have gotten the nod to go ahead, but he apparently didn't.
Piledriver is a banned moved, utilizing it would be premeditated.

Lesnar apparently bled the hard way, which means it wasn't his fault - unless maybe he and Hunter kept it to themselves he was going to blade. I'm not too caring for blood in wrestling anymore, especially after watching Nigel McGuinness' documentary, but the odd time it really does raise the seriousness of a feud. I'm vested in the Lesnar/HHH angle again after it.
I'm with Stormtrooper. It's been banned for a long time with one exception: 'Taker. And even he swapped to the Last Ride for a while. Aside from him being allowed to use it on a regular basis, guys like Shawn and Kane had to ask permission to do the move.

If Punk asked, he'd probably have gotten the nod to go ahead, but he apparently didn't.

That was like back in 2001. Has the piledriver been banned for that long? I always thought its banning was a byproduct of the concussion stuff and went away at the same time with chair shots to the head.
Reasons Vince should be happy about that match:

1. It was highly entertaining
2. If Vince ever wants to sell a rivalry video for Punk and Cena that match is going to sell a lot more copies
3. It was long enough and consistently good enough that people not watching had time to hear about it and tune in
4. He didn't have to waste an UT return to make it special
5. It gives life to another future Cena/Punk feud
6. Cena won over some haters for a little while
7. Punk made himself more of a draw and didn't weaken himself with that loss
8. Punk's performance could qualify any promoter to throw him in the main event of WM thus causing more questions regarding the main event and creating more interest for Raw next week and better ratings (even if Cole used the word official).

Things that should piss Vince off:

1. He gave that away for free
2. Heel Punk may win back/over some fans
3. Cena's open mouth STF may have scared his whole main demographic away from being able to watch him (how wide was his mouth open?)
4. If a pile driver is used again one time it should be re-established as a finisher
5. There was no need for the pile driver. Not worth the danger. Not worth it for a guy who isn't exactly a powerhouse to do on your top performer. The risk/reward isn't there.

Although I still think the big moment of a Punk/Austin feud should be Punk nailing Austin with pile driver.

Also, I thought the fact that WWE didn't stop the segment and it appeared like Lesnar's bleeding splotched and didn't continue flowing made it look like Lesnar used a blood capsule (not a blade). Although if the dirt sheets are reporting 12 staples, I guess it was an accident

Nevermind, I don't trust the dirt sheets or even I don't know what to believe.
He'll get over it. He's the only man on earth that's upset about it and rightfully so. But i loved it and it was memorable.

dont be a BuzzKill Vince.
Meh. I highly doubt it's even true. Almost all internet wrestling journalism is either A: Totally false or B: Blown wildly out of proportion, because it's a head said/she said industry. And the track record of stuff being anywhere near true is getting worse all the time. The E has learned how to play the wrasslin' media like a fiddle and I bet Vince and Trips are looking at a computer right now laughing thier asses off that people actually believe this garbage.
He has a right to be pissed, it is a banned move. In 2007 Stephanie said in an interview only two guys could use it without special permission. Cena and Punk probably both knew going in they are two of the few guys who could go out and do that and not have the company go into damage control, so they did it. I do think a fine is in order, but don't get carried away with it. It is still a banned move, no matter how much the performers know or how high up the totem pole they are, but don't treat it as the worst thing they could have done out there.
Meh. I highly doubt it's even true. Almost all internet wrestling journalism is either A: Totally false or B: Blown wildly out of proportion, because it's a head said/she said industry. And the track record of stuff being anywhere near true is getting worse all the time. The E has learned how to play the wrasslin' media like a fiddle and I bet Vince and Trips are looking at a computer right now laughing thier asses off that people actually believe this garbage.

QFT. It's nice fodder for discussions, but even taking these reports with a grain of salt can be giving them too much credence.

Plus, I think when people hear that Vince is upset or p.o.'ed or whatever, they imagine the Mr. McMahon character foaming at the mouth backstage, which likely couldn't be further from his actual response.

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