Vince Starting to take an interest again?


Future Diva, Womans and Divas champ
Okay this is a thread about the WWE divas on Smackdown and Raw. Okay so for the second time in recent memory the divas have main evented superstars. I don't really know how big of an honor that is being its just Superstars but at least they are main eventing something.

Last Monday the divas had two matches and the match between Melina and Alicia was great. Also the divas on Smackdown are having a great fued with Kelly w/Tiffany against Laycool and I think that will only get better when Beth comes back from her injury. Although I'm not really a big fan of the split title, but it is something different. Also the divas match this Sunday seems like it will be good to considering who the champion Alicia is facing.

So it seems like divas are getting more air time I mean Alicia Fox got to cut a promo two weeks ago on Raw. Also the divas are getting better storylines. So my question to all of you is Vince finally starting to take an interest in the divas again.

I think he is, but it is going to take a lot more to get the divas to be like they were during the days of Trish and Lita.
I don't think they should be getting more air time.
There's tons of mid carders back stage waiting for an open opportunity for some air time...
Why should the diva's who accomplish nothing hog even more time

It's not like the diva's are actually going to really wrestle or anything...
The have Beth, natalya and Timina who actually are wrestlers...the rest are just hoe's in skimpy cloths

I just think they need to give time where it is needed...the poor mid carders who we see maybe twice a month at the absolute most
Honestly I doubt it. RAW was a different thing cause they obviously wanted Melina to make an impact on her return and they ALWAYS do something involving the divas and swimsuits around SummerSlam, although usually they don't look that hideous in them.'s superstars. It's the least watched wrestling program and no one seems to give a damn about it, although they usually have some good mathes on them, so main eventing superstars is really no prize. When the divas are once again the main event/segment on RAW or SmackDown then let the speculation begin, until then it's a cock tease really.
I think this will only be temporary to help out with Linda's campaign. Vince is known for his disrespect toward through the years unless they were highly marketable like Trish and Lita who main evented a Raw before. This will probably continue until November. There will probably be more storylines advanced so Women would get a fair shot as we saw two diva segments on RAW. Vince is doing this for Linda and the better business of his company. He started the PG era preparing for the Linda campaign so it's not really a surprise.
Maybe he is, im ejoyed the divas match on raw, and even though it was superstars its still a mainevent in my eyes. But i still hate the split title storyline.
I think he is Yes its Superstars but Its still a Show and a ME is a ME. I hate the split title crap I mean let someone other than McTaker or her lacky have a DAMN title, Like my girl Kelly Kelly(Not Tiffany). As for Raw Melina came back and we all know Vinnie Mac is High on her so really no surprizes with her but they did have 2 matches and that hasnt happened in awhile Yes it was a Summer match but still they could of easily cut the Melina-Alicia match and put them in the match or cut the summer match. So yes I think Vinnie Mac is realizing he needs a new star in the division considering the big stars have probally 2 to 4 yrs left.
On the verge of sounding chauvinistic, there are only 4 female superstars that are even attractive in Vince's company and neither of them are really all that impressive in the ring.

As soon as Mickie James left the company I lost almost all interest in watching women matches. Melina seems to be a lot of peoples favorite but to me she looks like some kind of deformed mutated gerbil. I guess I have to admit that she does have some ability, but I don't like her. Never have, never will.

The women are not that attractive and not that good at wrestling. Before Vince decided that they needed to appeal to the children there where a lot hotter women and a lot hotter matches.
I dont think that he is, main eventing Superstars dosent really mean much I guess they had nothing else so they just threw that together. I'm not sure why there were two divas matches on Raw but I hope that it never happens again one is too much in my opinion and as for Alicia getting mic time that was only to set up the reture of Melina. If VInce was really taking an interest in the divas then both titles would be being defended on Sunday and that aint happening (thank god).
I dont think that he is, main eventing Superstars dosent really mean much I guess they had nothing else so they just threw that together. I'm not sure why there were two divas matches on Raw but I hope that it never happens again one is too much in my opinion and as for Alicia getting mic time that was only to set up the reture of Melina. If VInce was really taking an interest in the divas then both titles would be being defended on Sunday and that aint happening (thank god).

Didn't watch Money in the Bank there "mrbrownstone?" Both of the women's belts were defended that night. And suprise, suprise neither one changed hands. :rolleyes:

I have noticed a slight difference in the Divas' work lately. On a recent Raw I actually saw them use wrestling moves for the first time in ages. Someone performed a nice backbreaker. And Eve did a suplex/pin combo move that almost looked like a "Perfect-Plex." And in that short promo that Alicia Fox cut before Milena returned was not too bad.

But I think if Vince was truly taking an interest in women's wrestling again, the he would have Natalya Neidhart in Diva title matches more often. Because even with Milena's return, the women's division desperately needs Natalya as a contender.
getting better; but still boring

atleast thats how im seeing it. Raw fell back on its usual 2 problems last week though;

1) They played Barbie with the Divas
2) The Bellas won.

Theres some Divas I actually like but I cant stand the Bellas. Theres a high chance their *doing favors* backstage to keep themselves from being future endeavored. They cant wrestle, they cant cut promos their overall useless beings stealing time from Divas that can actually do anything.
On the verge of sounding chauvinistic, there are only 4 female superstars that are even attractive in Vince's company and neither of them are really all that impressive in the ring.

As soon as Mickie James left the company I lost almost all interest in watching women matches. Melina seems to be a lot of peoples favorite but to me she looks like some kind of deformed mutated gerbil. I guess I have to admit that she does have some ability, but I don't like her. Never have, never will.

The women are not that attractive and not that good at wrestling. Before Vince decided that they needed to appeal to the children there where a lot hotter women and a lot hotter matches.

So women wrestling means they have to be hot?
Funny I thought it meant they should work harder, put on a little more muscle so they could pass as wrestlers and.... learn how to know like having beth be in more matches, getting Natalya in more matches, Timena didn't seem bad....
I think it would be cool if he tried to bring over a tamed version of O.D.B....
I mean even she said don't count anything out, it' may be a small possibility but hey all things are possible right?
Awesome Kong coming in and kicking all the barbie's asses would just be that much more awesome as well
I don't think Vince gives a shit, he's just running out of things to use on Superstars. The Divas are terrible and shouldn't get anymore air time... unless it includes bikinis... but it's PG nowadays. There hasn't been any good Diva wrestling matches in years and that won't change any time soon.
If he cared about the women of Raw, they would get promo and segments more often. Outside of Alicia whining, Maryse's insulting Cole and the Bellas hitting on Will Farrell, has their been a diva promo on Raw this summer?

If he cared about the women of SD, Michelle would NOT be anywhere near on TV. That black hole of all things needed to be an entertainer (look, charisma, presence) and a pro wrestler (selling, SELLING, SELLING!) makes anything involving her completely and utterly uninteresting.
So women wrestling means they have to be hot?
Funny I thought it meant they should work harder, put on a little more muscle so they could pass as wrestlers and.... learn how to know like having beth be in more matches, getting Natalya in more matches, Timena didn't seem bad....
I think it would be cool if he tried to bring over a tamed version of O.D.B....
I mean even she said don't count anything out, it' may be a small possibility but hey all things are possible right?
Awesome Kong coming in and kicking all the barbie's asses would just be that much more awesome as well


I'm saying if they aren't that good in the ring they could at least be attractive. The majority of wrestling fans are men and want to see the eye candy. If people like Beth Phoenix, ODB, and awesome kong are who you find attractive, all the power to you.
Okay this is a thread about the WWE divas on Smackdown and Raw. Okay so for the second time in recent memory the divas have main evented superstars. I don't really know how big of an honor that is being its just Superstars but at least they are main eventing something.

Last Monday the divas had two matches and the match between Melina and Alicia was great. Also the divas on Smackdown are having a great fued with Kelly w/Tiffany against Laycool and I think that will only get better when Beth comes back from her injury. Although I'm not really a big fan of the split title, but it is something different. Also the divas match this Sunday seems like it will be good to considering who the champion Alicia is facing.

So it seems like divas are getting more air time I mean Alicia Fox got to cut a promo two weeks ago on Raw. Also the divas are getting better storylines. So my question to all of you is Vince finally starting to take an interest in the divas again.

I think he is, but it is going to take a lot more to get the divas to be like they were during the days of Trish and Lita.

I really don't think that main eventing Superstars really means anything, it is the D show of the WWE that hardly anyone watches or cares about and it would not surprise me at all if it just randomly happened that way. While the Divas division might seem to be getting better I really don't think that it is a big deal, anything is better than the shit we've had to sit through for months and even years on end lately. The Divas division has never and probably will never be a legitimate money maker for Vince and even if there is a second coming of talent that rivals the Trish/Lita days I doubt that even a Hulk Hogan styled Diva could ever hope to bring that division to be taken seriously by management or a good deal of the fans. Now I know that TNA's Knock Out division was at one time the best thing in TNA but that doesn't mean that it ever drew a dime for that company, after the division went to shit the ratings stayed the same and that is exactly what will happen for the WWE Divas if they ever decide to become actual wrestlers instead of just tits and ass.

As for Alicia Fox she's not the only diva that has been able to cut a promo, LayCool do it all the time and hell even Jillian is able to do one from time to time. Alicia Fox has been a bit of a letdown to me, her mic work is ok but she is basically a carbon copy of a good majority of the heel divas we've seen. The promo she did about beating everyone there is and nobody on the roster is better than her only to have a former champ come out and wreck house is an old and tired tale that I have seen far too often. Nothing that Fox has done recently would qualify to me as anything close to good or even better than recent memory, her annoying voice and cringe worth in ring ability and mic work just kill it for me.

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