Vince Russo 10 WWE Stars I Would Have Made World Champion

What is the newspaper would have already been printed up and sent to the carriers houses. Meaning that article would have been in the newspaper the day after Wrestlemania due to missing the printing for the day of Wrestlemania. Now, I'll take Lex Luger trivia for 200 Alex.
OK you got me interested. Whats your theory, detective KB? Is it a flaw in the how it was leaked or the where?

This is one of those so obvious it's overlooked. The paper said Luger was bragging that he was going to win the title right?

I always thought that Luger obviously wanted the win, but that was never the plan & the 'leak' was meant to swerve. Or someone backstage had told him that he would, but Vince slated Bret to win all along & Lex found out last minute- Vince was just extra pissed Luger was being a bigmouth in public.

One of those two seemed to work for me all these years & I never really cared to look further.

Well upon further research... This is straight from the horse's mouth:

"No. To be honest with you, I knew maybe a few months before WrestleMania because my family had never been to an event. So I asked (The WWF) for tickets to WrestleMania and Vince was upset. He called me into his office, this is months and months before WrestleMania, and he goes, "Lex, you know, you're not going to be winning the belt at WrestleMania." And my ex-wife Peggy had some really good friends o ut of New York. Their family had kids the same age as my kids, so I wanted them there no matter what. So I said, "Vince, I just want them to go to the event with their friends. It doesn't matter. That doesn't have anything to do with me wanting tickets." So he let me know months out that I was not going to be World Champion at WrestleMania because he was worried about me flying my whole family in to celebrate me winning the title and he was courteous enough to tell me that I wasn't winning the belt. So I knew months out."

Well now that makes much more sense. Guess part one of my running theory was somewhat true.
Vince Russo's genius: act like a homophobe's idea of a gay person and they won't like it.

The success of Goldust has nothing to do with the material, and everything to do with the execution.
Ric Flair took that dive off the cage 200 nights in a year pal.

Wait this has nothing to do with Flair yet I can't help but talk about him anyway and pretend that no one elses' accomplishments mean anything? I've been watching too much Legends of Wrestling.

Also, Russo is the same guy who thought Jeff Jarrett would save WCW. Jeff Jarrett. The Space Cowboy Chippendale who couldn't draw a dime if you gave him a sketch pad and 3 years of art lessons.

Child please.

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