Vince ribs good 'ol JR!


The Doctor Of Veganomics!!!
Real quick, I know the history behind Vince and JR, but why do you guys think it was necessary for Mr. McMahon to rib JR. on RAW last night when JR. hasn't been seen for months on TV? Do you think it was disrespectful or was it done out of good humor?

(I love JR... but I thought it was funny, shhhhh....)
I thought it was a mix of both really. I enjoyed Vince's segments overall last night. We hardly ever see him on television anymore so it makes some of his antics, even some of the more cheesy ones, seem much fresher than they have in years. I was kind of turned off with the segment with Hornswoggle. It wasn't anywhere near as horrible as some of the stuff Vince has done in the past when it comes to ribbing Jim Ross, not even close.

To me, it wasn't exactly horrible but it was pretty tasteless. However, that does sum up Vince's sense of humor to some degree. Vince is kind of a weird guy when it comes to comedy in that he either tends to like stuff that's either pretty corny or stuff that's more inappropriate & done in bad taste. The Kiss My Ass Club was the absolute worst. It was Vince's ego running at full speed and I'm glad that it's gone the way of the dinosaur. In the grand scheme of things, compared to some of the tasteless stuff Vince has pulled out over the past 15 years, last night was nothing.
I thought it was tasteless but then again that's Vince for you.

Honestly even though he has done some pretty tasteless and inappropriate things in his day, often making fun of or humiliating other personalities (such as JR) it has never bothered me that much for 1 reason:

No matter how bad he humiliates or makes fun of someone else he will allow himself to be humiliated and made fun of 1000 times worse.

My guess is that's Vince's logic on the subject, even though he makes fun of others he will allow the same or worse to be done to him and I think for the most part he feels its all in the name of entertainment. Very rarely I think he does it for the simple reason to hurt someone. Even when he's way off base and it hurts someone greatly I think in his twisted mind its all for the sake of entertainment and its done for the fans, at least that's what I think.

As to last night in question I think it all comes down to yes it was pretty tasteless but it was nothing in comparison to other things he has done.
What did he say? I missed that part.

But Vince and JR have always had a weird relationship. Some people say Vince doesn't like JR, he does and so on. I am sure he did it because he knew JR wouldn't take it personally, plus people react when JR is mentioned.
No matter how bad he humiliates or makes fun of someone else he will allow himself to be humiliated and made fun of 1000 times worse.

This is a great point. Vince will do absolutely anything to himself and his own reputation to make good television. He's had his head shoved up Big Show's ass, he's had his own daughter called horrible things on live TV (even encouraging a "****!" chant for years), has wet his pants, swam around in a millimeter of beer, been spit on, had fecal matter dumped on him, had his head shaved, and probably dozens more I'm not thinking of right now.

It doesn't excuse his actions by any means, but it is a very valid point and probably is his logic.
The Kiss My Ass Club was the absolute worst. It was Vince's ego running at full speed and I'm glad that it's gone the way of the dinosaur.

Actually, the Kiss My Ass Club was Mick Foley's idea and he mentioned that in one of his books, the Hardcore Diaries. He told creative about it and everyone fell about laughing. This was around late 2001 time.

Yeah, I agree, Vince's treatment of JR is terrible, for a guy that's been SO good to the company and held the talent relations job for many years and employed many such as Chris Jericho, The Rock, Steve Austin and Mick Foley. So why, WHY????, is JR treated so badly when he did his job so well??

I don't understand it from Vince, but I think its because he knows JR will always come back that he does it. He has nothing to lose in his mind.
Well I think if you like someone enough you'll rib 'em the hardest. I work with a group of guys at my work and I've done my fair share of ribbing/practical jokes and I only do it to the guys I really get a long with, if I don't like you I'll ignore you or tell you about it.

I think this is same for Vince, it all adds up since JR has been with him for what seems like forever and JR does nothing but fly the WWE flag. So no, I don't think it's out of place it's just a term of endearment.
Vince has done some pretty bad stuff to JR over the years. I know JR is the nicest guy in the world, but really he is stubborn as hell sometimes. He always comes back, no matter what. He's like a well trained dog or something and Vince knows this. That's why he's been able to get away with all the shit over the years. JR is awesome and one of the nicest people ever in the business, but he needs a backbone once in a while.

I guess now though in his career, everything is perfect for JR. He barely has to travel, gets to sit at home and watch PPV's and gets paid a ton of cash. Can't complain. lol.
I tend to think along the lines of the above posters. Was it tasteless? Yes? WOuld I prefer it not be done? yup...but as others have pointed out, Vince will go to any degree to entertain, and quite often, allows himself to be humiliated (his head up big show's "buttocks" lol)

I still don't think it was anywhere near as nasty and horrendus as the crap Russo pulled in WCW....I still get pissed whenever I see or read about it
Vince has always been a bit off. But takes it as well as he gives it remember the super stink face he took by Rakishi, or when he got caught with pants arround his knees with Tori Wilson. I suspect that these guys all have a pretty warped sense of humor.
I loved Vince's segments. But the Bells Palsy Rib was a little too far in my opinion.
If it was funny I wouldnt was just in bad taste.
Vince is a bully,. plain and simple. He gets off on putting down guys who made it big elsewhere and not WWE made talent. Vince is a living, breathing hypocrite and anybody who gets pleasure out of seeing a 60 odd year old man pick on another who has a physical disability is plain fucking sad.
i have yet to see the skit yet but judging by J.R's blog he didn't seem too upset about it. He applauded the comedic team of Vince and Hornswoggle. maybe it was just a little deal between him and Vince. you can make fun of me as long as you pour my sauce over Micheal Cole so i get free advertising.
We don't really know what goes on really and for all we know J.R could have already said ok to he skit
I just knew something bad was about to happen as soon as he took that hat from Hornswoggle last night. I just shook my head, because I knew he was going to do something tasteless. Jim Ross is one of the most respected individuals in the business and has produced some great moments for television, and even sacrificed his body for television. Making fun of his voice is one thing, making fun of someone's disability is just out of bounds. The guy has bell's palsy. If I'm not mistaken, that's a type of paralysis of the face (could be wrong). And even through that, J.R's dealt with it and called some of the best matches in WWE history. I wonder if one of Vince's employees had cancer or AIDS would Vince make fun of them. I know you want ratings, and money, but some things just shouldn't be on t.v. Plus, if you go back and watch that footage from last night, you'll hear the crowd moan and kind of boo when Vince did the "J.R face". I didn't like that skit at all.
I dont mind the WWE pushing the limits during an angle if it has some sense to it.

But I thought Vince bringing up JR's Bells Palsy was disgusting. JR is not a weekly character anymore. They are not starting a program between Vince and him. It was just a cheap shot that wasn't needed.

I bet JR didn't even know they were going to poke fun at his disease. Vince is a douchebag, but it's also Jr's fault too. He needs to have some damn pride and leave or call Vince out on it.
Making fun of a man's disability with a "B A Star" poster in the background was quite funny, but not the reasons Vince intended.

Great shot for Linda's campaign, that would make.
I love the Mr.McMahon character, I love how he is one of the best heels of all time and can draw alot of heat. But, In real life, Im not a fan of Vince McMahon. From all the stuff I read about the guy, he is a dick. How he screwed Bret. How he let the Over The Limit Show to go on after Owen falled, showed replays of the show. In Martha Harts book, she said to him, "Don't bring a film crew to the funeral. I dont want your company to make a buck on my husband's death." Vince did not care, he brought a film crew over and made a doller. In Foley's last book, Foley said when he was the announcer for SmackDown, Vince would curse at him and call him names. Mick Foley is the nicest guy in the wrestling business. Vince likes to shit on people who make him the money.
Well I think if you like someone enough you'll rib 'em the hardest. I work with a group of guys at my work and I've done my fair share of ribbing/practical jokes and I only do it to the guys I really get a long with, if I don't like you I'll ignore you or tell you about it.

I think this is same for Vince, it all adds up since JR has been with him for what seems like forever and JR does nothing but fly the WWE flag. So no, I don't think it's out of place it's just a term of endearment.

My thoughts exactly. When you are really good friends with someone you play pranks and jokes on each other. See Jackass for example. They play pranks on each other all the time and it's done in the name of fun and entertainment. See Bam's fear of snakes and the time they trapped him in the horse trailer with a King Cobra. Vince and JR have done things to each other over the years that were tasteless, but done in the name of entertainment. Vince didn't do it because he hates JR. He said it because they're friends and that's what friends do in the name of entertainment.
'Jim Ross' Trending on Twitter during Raw was a surprise. The Hornswoggle/Mr. McMahon skit impersonating yours truly must have struck a nerve with some folks. The Boss and 'Swoggle made for a comedic pair. Sell 'da Sauce!

Thats a C&P from JR's blog. He has said before he gets a kick outta it that he gets a chuckle when they rib him.

I was listning to a interview on Chaz and Aj in the morning on WPLR Monday with Punk. he was even saying the people who you love the most you hit the harderst in the ring and rib the most. If Vince didnt love JR he would have fired him long ago but he hasn't.

I was thinking also about the Cole Cena thing with the BBQ sauce. I think many forget the last time Ole JR was on TV they did a spot where Cole covered JR in the BBQ sauce and this to me was a kinda revenge thing. After Cena made Cole Apologize he then called for the sauce and covered him.

As for Vince ribbing people I will bet a dollar, since WWE employees have said this before, everything is cleared prior to being on TV. King ranking on Vikki's weight, the Ribs on JR, The King's mother thing. They all oked it prior.

In an interview with Vikki G she even said Jerry said a few times he didnt want to say things but she told him he had to it would be fun and she didnt mind at all. They got her more heat and many were funny. She also said her inspiration for loosing the weight were the other Divas looking at them in the locker room and then in the mirror.

Ribbing is part of many workplace invironments. Where I work if you arent getting ribbed then usually it means they dont like you. I would bet its the same in the E.
Vince is a bully,. plain and simple. He gets off on putting down guys who made it big elsewhere and not WWE made talent. Vince is a living, breathing hypocrite and anybody who gets pleasure out of seeing a 60 odd year old man pick on another who has a physical disability is plain fucking sad.

I think you've managed to sum it up nicely. Anyone who says one thing with Be A Star and promotes "anti-bullying", but, makes fun of someone with a physical handicap is the very definition of a hypocrite. Vince has always been the type of boss to air grievances and grind personal axes on television. That's no surprize. It's at a point where most fans have to ask "why"? Why do it? Why does Vince keep taking cheap shots at JR? Is there some deep-rooted jealousy issues there? Or is Vince a cynical bastard who gets off on these kinda things? Or maybe all of the above? Who knows?

Some of the stuff Vince does on-air is entertaining, no doubt. But, taking pot shots at Jim Ross for personal amuzement is abit extreme. And not even close to being a professional business practice. To sum it all up, Vince seems like a douche who only cares about himself and that distasteful Ross segment proved it. I honestly think McMahon needs to take some of that money of his and get serious professional mental help. Because the pattern of behavior would imply alot of childish tendencies and serious psychosis issues that need dealing with. Certainly not boss-like material.
I think Vince was just having a laugh and i dont think he meant any harm by it, it is his show and company so why cant he come out and say and do whatever he wants.
We need to all get over it - we make a bigger deal of it than Jim Ross does. That should be an indication right there that it's a nonissue.
My only real issue with that skit was...

what was the point?

In the past, the JR humiliations have always come with some form of a payoff, or as some part of an overall story. There was none of that here.

I get that it was just McMahon using his TV time to have some fun. I get that this is his sense of humour. I get that he does this stuff to JR because he can, and because he knows JR will just sit there and take it.

But in the overall arc of the show, that skit just seemed so out of place, and as a rib, it didn't come off as clever or funny... it was just mean spirited, pointless and above all else... boring. It didn't even fit McMahon's character for the night. Anytime he's personally mocked JR in the past on TV, it's been as the evil Mr. McMahon. This week, he was out as the babyface Vince.

Not to mention the whole 'Be a Star' hypocrisy of it all. It just really does show that McMahon is out of touch these days and doesn't understand much beyond the corporate frat boy environment he's created at WWE.
We need to all get over it - we make a bigger deal of it than Jim Ross does. That should be an indication right there that it's a nonissue.

Ross is kind of a hypocrite here too though.

Remember how offended he was when Ed Ferrarra did the Oklahoma character on Nitro? Where's the difference?

Oh yeah, and Ross wasn't offended by that character when it first debuted on RAW... only when it was done on Nitro.

JR just laughs it off when it happens in the WWE because he doesn't want to cause waves and maybe lose his job again. He lets himself be the butt of the joke in the WWE, because it's just easier that way. If he really didn't care, then Oklahoma wouldn't have bothered him either... especially when that one didn't even mock his Bells Palsy. The only thing offensive about Oklahoma was it was a bad character, and did nothing to further WCW's brand... then again Vince McMahon doing a 10 second bad JR impression is also a bad character that does nothing to further WWE's brand.
I think Vince was just having a laugh and i dont think he meant any harm by it, it is his show and company so why cant he come out and say and do whatever he wants.

That's a lame excuse for allowing McMahon to do whatever he wants on television. Do you see that being done in UFC? Do you see Dana White on television taking cheap shots at his own talent? No. Why? Because it's UNPROFESSIONAL. And no matter what justification is given, it's direct opposition to WWE's anti-bullying campaign. How are kids supposed to be "tolerent" of different individuals if Vince can't even do that himself?
Long story short, McMahon needs to grow up.

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