Vince Mcmahon "Face turn"


Pre-Show Stalwart
Triple h is gonna start being a "Villian" he said last night on raw, so this make's me think that hhh is gonna be more heel than before, and will start screwing all the wrestlers that cross him, which could lead to a return of vince to strip hhh of the his job, and in the process vince turn's face,
Then we see hhh/vince mcmahon feud once again, just in the time for the wrestlemania 30 season, i for one would love to see vince mcmahon face again, and for hhh to be heel, could lead to vince having his last match at wrestlemania 30 hhh vs vince mcmahon. "winner get's the wwe" it could be another end of a era! so would you love to see vince mcmahon have a major face turn! and give big show back his job? and even get behind daniel bryan?
No doubt, I can agree with you. I think HHH will indefinitely start being the most cockiest guy we've ever seen inside Trips. I think this will soon lead to Vince Mcmahons "Shocking" return to WWE, or have WWE advertise his return a week early, maybe as a "Job evaluation" for Hunter. Something will transpire and we will soon see Vince favorite towards the anti-corporation, like show and Bryan.
I think the idea of a face turn for Vince will be very cool and exciting, and I hope it happens, I really do :)
Wasn't Vince the original person who thought Daniel Bryan wasn't "best for business"? Remember before Summerslam. In fact Vince was happy when HHH finally "see the light" after he Pedigreed Daniel Bryan at Summerslam. It's kind of illogical to see Vince do a 180. Shane would fit better in this scenario if he comes back that is.
I definitely see Vince returning, but I'm not sure how they'd do it. Vince should return and still stay sided with HHH and Stephanie as he was the one who basically started the whole thing. I eventually see Vince turning face and going against HHH and Stephanie but I don't see it happening until the whole Bryan thing is over with (Assuming it ends within the next month or two) and then it becomes a struggle for control of the company and all that.
I'm good with it. I honestly love face Vince as a character a lot more than heel Vince. It's just grown on me, I guess. Plus, an old man facing off for the company he built against one he sees as the destroyer is an epic storyline in itself. I can see him coming back having gained faith in DB after all HHH has put him through, but HHH won't comply because he's sick of Vince's stranglehold on the company (especially since the buildup to HHH's heel turn was Vince undermining him the whole time). Then Show gets rehired and we might get Team Vince vs. Team HHH at Survivor Series.
Yes, if they plan to turn Vince into a face, better to start it now than several months ago, which was their original plan. He and the Levesques were at odds back then and I remember thinking it was way too early to begin this if they plan to carry it all the way through to WM30.

A non-wrestling program has a very limited shelf life, and there are only so many things these people can do to each other before the whole thing got stale.

I'd even wait until after Thanksgiving.
I cringe at the thought of this lasting to Wrestlemania. So far it hasn't produced anything worth watching past Summerslam. I don't really want to see any Vinces right now. That's Attitude Era shit. I want wrestlers in the main storyline.
I read a while back that 1 of the plans being discussed for WM was to have Vince as a face with Stone Cold (originally) planned to wrestle for him against HHH... then instead of Stone Cold it was the Rock.... Now I'm wondering if it won't be this guy named Shawn Michaels. Oh, and yeah, for "control of the company" still at stake. Of course, this is just all speculation.
I don't want Vince to get a spot at WM. I love seeing the guy, his match with Punk was a lot of fun, but other than a blow off match at a random PPV or Raw, he doesn't need a spot at WM. Anyone remember Vince's last WM match? It also doesn't make much sense for HHH to be taken down a peg (or 10) by a guy in his 60's. The payoff with HHH is putting him out there with guys like Punk or Bryan or some other guy that could use a push.

Vince, HHH, and Stephanie still have many years to battle over control of the company. The story would be a waste right now. I'm not even sure if we are going to be seeing HHH and Stephanie once Cena returns. They have been off TV for a while. Give the victories over the 'Executives' to a guy who is going to get something out of it.
IF any McMahon does a face turn,it will be a returning Shane.
IF he ever does come back..the time is right for Shane-O-Mac to shock the shit out of everyone!!

BUT as soon as his music hits I'll die laughing,HBK lampooned it to the point I can't think of anyone else including Shane doing that stupid dance...that had me in tears when he did that!!

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