Vince McMahon and TNA

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R.I.P Benoit Family
Who here thinks that Vince McMahon should stop playing stupid and actually acknowledge to his fans that TNA exists? I know he's not scared theyre there, but I think he should at least associate with them and maybe start thinking about co-operating on things like interpromotional PPVs, invasions, etc.

I know that sounds a lot like WCW, and I know a lot of you ppl don't want to see what happened to WCW happen to TNA, but youve got to admit, it would make for MUCH better storylines, and way better ratings for BOTH sides. Maybe even go so far as to have a WWE vs. TNA PPV, then have ECW invade it, forcing TNA superstars and WWE superstars to work together. Please post your thoughts.

EDIT: I also realize now that TNA is under NWA management, but ECW was originally under NWA, were they not? I feel that this could last for a very long time, and with good angles and writers co-inciding with each other from both companies, it would probably make TNA on the same level or close to the same level as WWE.
Vince will make TNA get out of buisness just like WCW and ECW. I can't wait till it's WWE V.S. TNA.
But dont you see? it CANT be TNA vs. WWE until Vince actually tells everybody he knows its THERE. He cant be the owner of the biggest wrestling company in the world and NOT tell his fans theres some more competition that he has to buy out. What would REALLY piss me and probably all of TNA's fans off, would be if he bought TNA quietly and didnt tell the fans that he did it. You try to go to TNA's website and, WOOPS! it the WWE site now!
WTF would you want to do that? Acknowloging that TNA is there would only intrest more people into viewing the TNA product and that = a bad business deal. If I was McMahon I would do what he did 8 years ago against WCW, play better storylines and matches. DX invasion, here they come.
The problem is TNA is all the WWE rejects. Most of thier feelings not to kind towards WWE and Vince Mcmahon. Now before you yell that WCW was the same it wasn't. Most left for more money back then. Now they left because they were unhappy/fired.

Former WWE Stars:
Jeff Jarret
Jeff Hardy
Spike Dudley
D-Von Dudley
Bubba Ray Dudley
Billy Gunn
Road Dogg
Jackie Gayda
Jerry Lynn
Christy Hemme
Gail Kim
Kevin Nash
Scott Steiner
Ron "Truth" Killings

Now a good amount of those recieved WWE/ECW contracts and tore them up. Others were fired. Others were forced out by situation.

Its not the same as WCW was and it just wouldn't work.
Yea..I don't know why Vince McMahon would sign on to give free publicity to competing promotion that gets 25% of the ratings that raw gets. The wrestlers in TNA are generally has beens and never weres with a few people that didn't feel they were getting enough attention in the WWE.
J-Slim said:
Vince will make TNA get out of buisness just like WCW and ECW. I can't wait till it's WWE V.S. TNA.

Vince should just leave TNA alone.
Vince has no worry about TNA. It is a bad promotion that only has one thing going for it, the X Division which they have completely screwed up with the Kevin Nash crap they are doing lately. They are a pathetic version of WCW in 99/00. Stupid storylines pushing over rated wrestlers. Sorry, Jarret is not a legit main eventer neither is Jeff Hardy.
I agree, Vince doesn't need to worry about it, not because its a bad promotion, by all means its a great one IMO, but the fact that they aren't big and not alot of people are paying attention to it yet is where Vince would like to keep it. If he were to go after them now it would just bring more attention to them from Raw veiwers, hence higher ratings for TNA, then on to more money, eventually giving them a bigger market and a chance to go to 2 hrs quicker than if there was not intervening from WWE. And yes the X-division is probrably the biggest thing, Nash being in it right now is great too,at first it sucked but last sunday he barely beat Chris Sabin and needed alot of help from the outside to do it, eventually this angle will lead to Nash losing to the X-division stars, putting the division over in the long run
Why would Vince McMahon give TNA any free publicity? You don't hear FOX mentioning NBC, ABC, or CBS, do you? It makes NO business sense whatsoever.

thecruiser said:
EDIT: I also realize now that TNA is under NWA management, but ECW was originally under NWA, were they not? I feel that this could last for a very long time, and with good angles and writers co-inciding with each other from both companies, it would probably make TNA on the same level or close to the same level as WWE.
Actually, EVERYBODY was once under the NWA, even WWE.
Yeah, it seems like every promotion starts out with NWA then ditches it when they gain momentum. Hell, even TNA left the NWA, they just have the Heavyweight title and Tag Team Titles on lease from them.
Bringing the point about NWA, why doesn't TNA create their own heavyweight championships and tag team championships and ditch NWA altogether? NWA should only be the stepping stone for indy promotions getting into the semi-mainstream, not for already developed promotions that don't need it and are only still attached to them for extra money (TNA). And when i said vince should at least acknowledge TNA, I didn't mean for it to be a free acknowledgement. what I meant was, that Vince should meet with TNA management and discuss issues like interpromotional actions (WWE vs. TNA, or ECW vs. TNA). If those meetings went smoothly, and both TNA and WWE were in agreement, then TNA would be in a business alliance, but in a war between each other as storylines are concerned. Wouldn't the fans go crazy if, say, Samoa Joe suddenly, without warning, invaded SmackDown! one night? If vince did business with his ratings enemies, both TNA AND WWE would have more fans. its as simple as that!
What you don't seem to grasp is that there is no way for Vince to gain anything, or make any money by helping TNA. By drawing attention to what's at the moment a minor player all he does is run the risk of losing money by drawing viewers away from Sunday Night Heat.
Im not talking about Sunday Night Heat. What Im saying is, WWE ratings have been declining ever since the destruction of WCW and the REAL ECW. you know why? There were TWO wrestling companies that everybody watched, which gave the WWE AND WCW more ratings. I understand that if WWE was to work with TNA, that TNA's ratings would almost definately sky-rocket, but so would the WWE's. TNA fans would be watching WWE to see their fav wrestlers kill WWE's stars, and WWE fans would be watching TNA for WWE's invasions also. They would BOTH gain from a wrestling war.

and BTW, he wouldn't be HELPING TNA at all. He would be helping himself, as ratings are concerned. WWE has WAY more fans than TNA, and they would just raise as the war progressed. People would be actually INTERESTED again. Thats the point Im trying to make.
it wouldn't be smart to do interpromitional ppvs at all...
it would be very dumb to boost any kind of ratings for an opposing show...
the only reason ecw and wwe can mingle is because OWNS it. so if they boost each other, then everybody wins...
J-Slim said:
Vince will make TNA get out of buisness just like WCW and ECW. I can't wait till it's WWE V.S. TNA.

I dont' really think that will happen TNA I think will make it a very long time, they just keep getting better and better.
I think it be preety cool but instead of WWE vs TNA there should be like a promotional thing between ECW and TNA, then the rest of WWE should take part of it or something I don't know
I think vince is doing just fine. The RAW ratings crush TNA, so does SD miraculously. And ECW, which imo was only brought back to match TNA is crushing them as well.
I mean seriously, why do some people talk about TNA like its a serious competitor? Its like talking about the Mac computer putting the gears to the generic Windows system. ECW has been on tv two weeks and its already getting 2-3 times the ratings that TNA gets..
TNA is all about hey everybody look at us look at how great our wrestling show is..... our whole mission in life is to show up wwe rather than worry about ourselves. Who cares just entertain the people don't worry about wwe. Most wrestling organizations don't boast how great there wrestling is they just shut up and put on a show.
TenaciousK said:
the only reason ecw and wwe can mingle is because OWNS it. so if they boost each other, then everybody wins...

well McMahon did do somethin like this in the 90s with ECW when it was run and OWNED by ECW an WWE had nothing to do with it. They even gave them raw on a couple of occasions
I HATE TNA! No I was just playing, but TNA is based alot around old WWE superstars. Look at Christian, he went from zero to hero. Jeff Hardy hasent been used well in TNA at all. The X Division is preety coll but it lost respect after Nash interfered with it. And I really don't like there ring size, and there ring. I just dont find it cool. But hey, at least there putting guys that had no oppertunity in the WWE in the main event right?

That just keeps giving TNA a bad name. I think if you give Nash the title, it will at least make sense, since Nash was a WWE Champion. But Abyss shouldnt be in the main event. He is a copy of Taker and Kane. Plus he is a horrible wrestler in my opinion.
Well, TNA is IMO NOT AT ALL a competetor of WWE. It's WWE's rejects that just want to get back at Vince. what I dont get is why TNA would pick up superstars that the biggest wrestling company in the world doesn't want? That just makes them look even more second rate. For example, look at Christian. Christian was a nothing in the WWE. Nobody liked him. But, what I think TNA is thinking is: "He was a mid-carder in WWE, but mid-card in this company is basically main-event anyway, so lets give him the NWA Heavyweight Championship! That's a GREAT idea!"

TNA's best interest is to get superstars who AREN'T bitching and complaining about their former boss, stars that could be SUPERstars if developed properly, get their OWN titles, and promote themselves more as the alternative to the WWE, not the place where people go when they aren't wanted any more.

I first started watching TNA last October. I didn't buy any PPVs, for fear they would SUCK! Then, when they announced Sting was coming back at Final Resolution, I thought, "Hey, this could be good!" But what do you know? Sting's an old fogey now! He can't wrestle for SH*T! same with everybody else ever associated with the WWE. Here is a list of ppl who suck on TNA's Roster:

BG James (Road Dogg)
Christian Cage (Christian)
Jeff Hardy (Basically because the hardys, IMO, arent singles wrestlers)
Jeff Jarrett (too old to wrestle properly, and I just hate him)
Kip James (Billy Gunn)
Kevin Nash (Old fogey, who has two total moves)
Scott Steiner (Cant wrestle at all)
Sting (Old, fat, cant wrestle)

People who SHOULD stay:

AJ Styles (AMAZING competetor)
Alex Shelley (Great gimmick, great wrestler)
Team 3D (You just CANT hate them; they got screwed in the WWE)
Chris Sabin (Another amazing competetor)
Chris Daniels (A key part in TNA; great wrestler)
Raven (So hardcore its scary; dont know if TNA is right for him though)
Petey williams (Amazing X-Divisioner)
Ron Killings (you cant hate him; hes just good in every way)
Samoa Joe (Great Wrestler)
Sharkboy (A key part in TNA)
Sonjay Dutt (Amazing competetor; great wrestler)

When McMahon was putting over ECW early on it was because he's reportedly already acquired an interest in ECW. The only way you ever see WWE or ECW vs TNA is if McMahon buys up TNA. But at this point why bother? TNA is gettin Sunday night heat and velocity ratings which is to say..not really a serious competitor.
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