Vince is trying to recapture the 90's.


You don't want it with me.
One question, who was on TV when the WWE was pulling sevens in the ratings? Stone Cold, not coming back. The Rock....Hollywood. The Mr. McMahon character is the only surviving star of the Attitude Era.

What things did McMahon do to aid in the ratings?

1. Get involved in the WWE title picture - He continues to make matches based on bias. This time, instead of making those matches based on bias against Stone Cold, he makes them boased toward HHH. He even booked himself into a match, but changed it in favor of Batista.

2. Ownership squabbles - This Donald Trump thing is similar to Bishoff, Michaels, Flair, etc. There was always a power struggle involving a McMahon or two (most notably Linda). These power struggles always added to the drama of the show. It led to surprise run ins and new feuds based on the desires of the owners. It gave the whole show purpose.

3. Believe it or not, McMahons do equal ratings. The shows are just better when the McMahons are involved. When it is oiled up men trying to convince an audience that their next match is life or death, it helps to have the boss reminding them that their job/livlihood/spot is on the line. When the drama starts to cross family lines, the story and the show heats up.

What else happened during Attitude? Title changes on weekly shows were a common occurrence. The World Championship has changed hands on Raw twice in the last seven months. Admittedly, the last one was forced due to injury, but the "what might happen next" was always worth tuning in for. Story lines have gotten a bit predictable. Admit it, you were surprised it was Trump. I'm all for passing on judgment until the angle plays out. It started with a surprise, and here's to there being more.

There will never be another Attitude, but it would be in the best interest of the WWE to try and recapture a few of its themes without all of the filth. This last Raw was a great show. The wrestling was good, the Miz segment was great, the surprise was epic, and if the aftermath follows suit, then WWE programming will be just fine.
A stupid angle with a billionaire that most wrestling fans don't give two shits about is not the way to "recapture the 90's", unless what he is trying to recapture is WCW of the 90's. Donald Trump is a far cry from Mike Tyson at WrestleMania XIV. It's much more along the lines of David Arquette, Karl Malone, or Jay Leno.

As for the constant title changes...hooray to using the belt as props! That will work well. Imagine Russo without the edginess. Cover of TV Guide, here you come, John Cena.
Donald Trump gets ratings on everything he does. His name is worth more than his business empire now. This story has been covered by legitimate media. That will bring in some casual viewers just to see what Trump is doing. If you put on a few good shows, you draw some of them in. I'm not talking about a 7 point night right off the bat, but low to mid 4's would be great for the company in this climate.
Donald Trump gets ratings on everything he does. His name is worth more than his business empire now. This story has been covered by legitimate media. That will bring in some casual viewers just to see what Trump is doing. If you put on a few good shows, you draw some of them in. I'm not talking about a 7 point night right off the bat, but low to mid 4's would be great for the company in this climate.

"The Apprentice" has been steadily declining in ratings every year since year one. If this were in 2004, when Trump was on fire, it would have been a great idea. But, it's been five years since Trumpamania swept the nation. Most people are sick of Donald Trump. And most people dislike Donald Trump. He's a natural heel. The dude is just a grade-a asshole. But, they are portraying him as a face. The angle would work a hell of a lot better with Trump as a heel, because unless he makes it rain cash from the rafters again, no one wants to cheer for that slimy, corporate scumball.

This may have a small ratings impact at first, but this is not going to help RAW in the long term at all. If people are tuning out the Apprentice, they aren't going to keep tuning in to Monday Night RAW every week on the off chance that the Donald might grace us with his regal presence that week.
I would argue that if the WWE puts on a good enough show, it won't matter what Trump does. My argument is that this will have a one to two week ratings impact, where if the show is good enough, could recapture some casual viewers. I am pretty convinced that a 3.1 to 3.5 is pretty much the usual crowd, but maybe pushing up over 4 is a possibility.

But the Trump argument is just part of the post. I think that more McMahons is the answer. The show is always better with the McMahons.
I wouldn't say he was trying to recapture the 90's, he's just throwing shit at the wall and whatever sticks he's using... and it's all shit at the moment with saving lights,
1) Randy Orton as champion. I feel a storyline where the face is chasing the belt for a few months but getting thwarted in his attempts works a hell of alot better than a face carrying the title for months and months with the heel getting no where near it. If you don't agree, well it's your opinion and you're entitled to it as much as I am mine.
2) Chris Jericho v Rey Mysterio feud. The story could go either way, Rey could come out on top and regain the IC Title, or the WWE could go with the unmasking of Rey which although done in WCW, was done wrong and in a mass of Lucha's getting unmasked. The payoff for a Title vs Mask match, if not rushed and if done properly (ie not have Jericho v Rey on Smackdown! every week in single Non-Title Matches) would be huge.
3) The Tag Title Unification. What was the point in having 2 sets of tag team titles when you only had about 4 recognised tag teams? Having the tag champions work all shows is a much better idea, but first - where are the tag teams? The Hart Dynasty, Cryme Tyme and Priceless. Have I forgotten anyone?

Anyway I think I've said more than I intended, and actually gone a little off topic... :-/
Considering Trump is nothing but a figurehead he could tell the audience he loves Dicks (DX 2006 promo on Vince) and people could care less.

If Vince wants viewers for Raw he can start by doing a few simple things.

1) Give Randy Orton an Attitude. Orton is not anywhere near equal to his father at in ring skill. Granted Ace was one of the best technical wrestlers the business had ever seen by that point but Randy should be better in the ring. Well most people who aren't great technical wrestlers can play the crowd. Randy is decent at that but his Stare of Death doesnt make fans give him the finger. That being said he needs to be great on the mic. We know he has the ability, hell when he was injured and on the mic he was generating monster responses from the crowd. WWE Creative has let Randy Orton down big time and needs to give him back the mic skills he portrayed when he was injured to make him interesting again.

2) Turn Triple H heel and give him an open Mic. Triple H has proven during his time in the WWE that he is one of the most prepared workers in the industry. He has also shown that he can destroy opponents as a heel. I like Triple H as a face but he isn't the larger than life badass that Raw needs as a face and the other guys have shown they dont have the look or ability to make the crowd loathe them with a passion like Trips can. Trips has also proven that on the mic he can not only toot his own horn but piss off anyone he feels like with degrading insults and tough strait to the point talk much like Arn Anderson did as a Horseman when the NWA and WCW would give Arn the open mic. Make his ass a heel, give him an open mic and let him work.

3) Do something with the Miz. He showed smarts in the Battle Royal last week by sneaking out of the ring. He has shown some good skills as well. However he is missing one thing that he desperately needs. He needs a rub from a guy like Cena. He needs not only a match but a match where no one interferes and lets him show not only his talent but also how good of a cheater he is. Does he have to win, no. Does he have to push Cena for a good 15-20 minutes yes. The Miz is the best up and coming heel on Raw at this point and needs the chance to prove so.

4) Push a new face to the main event. Batista is like a broken down tank and just as slow. Cena is a great face because of the merchandise sales and ability to appeal as the Hulk Hogan of this generation. Triple H has always been at his best as a heel. Even though he was most entertaining when given an open mic with DX he is a dominant in ring force as a heel and needs to be turned. I don't get MVP as a face, never have, never will. If they can't create a new face that has a believable character as a face then bring Christian over to take up that spot. However they need to improve both the faces and heels by turning the wrestlers to their biggest strengths. Turn Trips heel and get a new face in there to take his place so they can upgrade the main event workers.

5) Hire a believable GM. Vickie Guerrero was a good heel but lets face it, her making matches when she spent only a couple months learning from Teddy Long doesn't cut it. It just wasn't believable. William Regal was believable because he has been involved in wrestling for so long, Ric Flair would be believable because he has had two stints as a booker in WCW, Jim Ross would be believable because he was former head of talent relations, Jerry Lawler because he has spent time as a booker. There are so many choices that could make so much sense and make for good tv as well. Make the on screen authority figure look like they know what they are doing, make them believable, and give them an attitude that says I'm in charge, I know how to make money off of this show and if you dont like it you can kiss my ass.

Those things are not big changes but even if one of those things are done it would strengthen the product. What do you think.
I would argue that if the WWE puts on a good enough show, it won't matter what Trump does. My argument is that this will have a one to two week ratings impact, where if the show is good enough, could recapture some casual viewers. I am pretty convinced that a 3.1 to 3.5 is pretty much the usual crowd, but maybe pushing up over 4 is a possibility.

But the Trump argument is just part of the post. I think that more McMahons is the answer. The show is always better with the McMahons.

And what are the odds that they ACTUALLY put on a good enough show?

The main event for RAW is a match that has already been done eleventy billion times before. If you want a casual fan to become a regular viewer, showing them yet another boring encounter between HHH and Randy Orton is not going to do it. Chances are that the last time a casual fan flipped on the product, the same two guys were fighting for the title. Someone that stopped watching two years ago and decides to give RAW a try because of Donald Trump is going to come back to the program and assume that it's just the same old shit. Because it is. It's just the same old shit + Donald Trump.
Personally I would rather see the focus on the wrestlers, not the Mcmahons. You will never recreate the heat the Austin/Mcmahon fued had. also that wasn't the only thing that made the attitude era great. The undercard was very talented. And the main event picture was fresh and diffrent(unlike Raw today).And why would Vince go PG if he wanted to recapture the late 90's(an era of Beer drinking,middle fingers and scantily clad women). Unless you mean the wrestlecrap early 90's with dustbin men and pirates, that I don't think anyone wants to see again.

Yes it is like prevouis strorylines isn't it? Almost as if WWE is incaple of coming up with anything resembling a new and fresh idea. Is that a good thing?
I'm still confused as to how you see that Mr.McMahon is the only surviving star of the attitude era? If i'm not mistaken, Chris Jericho, The Undertaker, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Edge, Christian, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Big Show, Kane, are all still employeed by the WWE.

But on to the topic at hand.. I don't think Vince is trying to recapture the 90's.. If anything, he's doing his best to act like the 90's never even existed... Now think about it like this.. Triple H, for better or worse, is THE reason Randy Orton is as big as he is now.. Think about it, look back at the WWE history.. Triple H and Randy Orton have feuded parts of EVERY year since Evolution turned on Orton in 2004..They feuded from 04-05 with Orton as face.. They feuded in 06 as part of DX vs Rated RKO..That feud went in to 07 and they continued it when HHH returned from injury.. They feuded for basically 3 months in 2008 and then now, in 2009. And I'm actually liking this feud better than their previous installments basically because they added a personal element to it.. All their other feuds(especially 2006) stemmed from Triple H turning on Randy Orton in 2004.. But this had the "personal" element to it and frankly..I view this feud in the same light I view HHH/HBK..It never gets old to me.

Sure, Orton needs to improve but he's only 28-29 years old...He's got EASILY 10-12 good years left provided he stays healthy...Triple H vs Randy Orton is the saving grace for RAW right now because Orton/Batista wasnt cutting it.. And this feud with Orton is bringing back the "Cerebral Assassin" HHH who was the badass noone wanted to mess with.. Not the funny happy go lucky HHH we've seen since DX in 2006...Raw just needs a few things to turn the corner..

1. Put The Miz in an actual feud... Stop waiting and hanging him around until Cena and Big Show are finished...Put him in a feud..The Miz and MVP could play extremely well off each other if given enough time... Even a Miz/Kingston US Title feud.

2. Put the Tag Team Titles around The Legacy... Evolution was at it's peak when EVERY member had a Championship.. You had World Champion Triple H, Intercontinental Champion Randy Orton, and World Tag Team Champions Ric Flair and Batista.. If you REALLY want to get Legacy over as a dominant force on Raw, then Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes need to defeat The Colons at The Bash and bring the World Tag Team Titles to Legacy with Randy Orton's WWE Title...The Colons have had the Titles for awhile anyway.. It's time for a change.

3. Put Ric Flair in an Authority role on Raw.. I know it's not a popular decision but the fact is, Flair IS a ratings draw...And his Co Owner role back in 2001-2002 wasn't half bad.. I think a GM type role would suit Flair nicely, especially if you turn him heel in about 6 months... Maybe Flair is bitter about Shawn Michaels retiring him so he tries for revenge.

And finally...

4. Have a faction oppose Legacy...I'm not sayin it has to be DX.. But put a fourth guy in Legacy..An enforcer to make Legacy a four man group..Then have a group of guys oppose them..Not four individuals banding together, but an actual faction with a name.. Maybe Triple H leads a group against Legacy.. Have a tag team in there to oppose Rhodes and Dibiase and bam, you have a decent faction feud...When DX was around, they had the Corporation..The nWo had several different factions to feud with(The Horsemen being the most notable)..Even modern day groups like The Mafia had the Frontline.. You need a decent faction feud as oppose to just Legacy ganging up on Triple H or several singles wrestlers.

Thats just 4 things I have in mind for RAW.. I'm sure theres other little things but that's what comes to MY mind.
The 90's weren't all that(Wrestlemania 9 the exception)! They only picked up 97 98 99 -2002 Those were best years. Every raw had a shocker and when someone made an interferance no1 knew because of the internet and every1 was surprised! Remember when it seemed that no matter how much you wanted the face to win the title he'd get screwed? How good did it feel when finally after a year or so a face chasin the title would finally win? You would feel releived satisfied! now titles bounce back n forwards so much its ridiculous! i mean bret 5 time champion edge 100000 time champion borin!! WWE needs to ditch these muscle pumped guys such as cena n start hirin big men who were just monsters n giants!! i know ive gone off the subject a little but i feel these things needed to be said!!
I do not know if this is Vince's angle in all of this but if it is I will not be the only one to say do not back track to the 90's. In order for any business to succeed they need to move forward and continue to make there product the best they can. But their is a slight problem in the case of the wwe , they do not know how to go a head and challenge the limits .IMO the attitude era might have slowed down the whole industry for a while ( although it was the better part of the history of wrestling ) It seems that all the limts are reached and they cant go ahead but I do belive there are still big things to be reached out there and the only way to find them is by going forward not back .
More like Vince is trying to bring back in the '80s.

There will NEVER be another attitude era.

Even if he stimulates raw to be similar to the attitude era, it won't be the same.

If a woman strips half naked or seduces a man, Is that forbidden and pushing the limit? Not really, maybe on Fox news.

If people fling the middle finger, say "impolite" cursewords, satanic characters, crotch punching, obscene phrases, etc etc. It's not as crazy as it was back in the '90s. We're approaching the 2010's, oddly enough, these things are considered normal to our society.

The only things I can see that pushes the limit, are lesbian storylines, actual nudity, rated R programming, heavy gore, simulated sexual activity in the ring, pro-drug use, etc etc. But most of these things are pretty much illegal on television or can DEFINITELY not be seen on television and 9 pm.

Give it 10-20 years and maybe this will be allowed on television. Then there will be another attitude era for the new generation. When you look at those things then, you will be like "this country's all corrupted and morally wrong!" when you're 40 years old hearing about RAW (lol).

The attitude era's done, gone. Even if all the storylines were identical and stuff, it wouldn't be the same.

Best wishes is to just start a family era. Get the kids to watch(along with their parents), and it will attract millions of viewers. Probably might even return to brodcast TV, that attracts a lot of casual viewers.

I don't know if that's going to be successful though. CM Punk and John Cena's characters are probably going to be the popular one for the next 5-10 years but I don't see punk and cena actually leading the wwe to another golden era. (Not punk and cena themselves, just the actual gimmick[being clean, fighting the odds, superman, etc])

There will probably be another superstar lurking in the shadows.
I'm still confused as to how you see that Mr.McMahon is the only surviving star of the attitude era? If i'm not mistaken, Chris Jericho, The Undertaker, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Edge, Christian, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Big Show, Kane, are all still employeed by the WWE.

You're confused because you failed to catch the point. All of those guys were employed with the company, yes, and they were stars too, but The Rock, Stone Cold, and Mr. McMahon were the biggest stars of the era. The main events and story lines centered around those three men. the biggest match of the era was between The Rock and Stone Cold, and it finished with a screw job courtesy of Mr. McMahon.
But on to the topic at hand.. I don't think Vince is trying to recapture the 90's.. If anything, he's doing his best to act like the 90's never even existed... Now think about it like this.. Triple H, for better or worse, is THE reason Randy Orton is as big as he is now.. Think about it, look back at the WWE history.. Triple H and Randy Orton have feuded parts of EVERY year since Evolution turned on Orton in 2004..They feuded from 04-05 with Orton as face.. They feuded in 06 as part of DX vs Rated RKO..That feud went in to 07 and they continued it when HHH returned from injury.. They feuded for basically 3 months in 2008 and then now, in 2009. And I'm actually liking this feud better than their previous installments basically because they added a personal element to it.. All their other feuds(especially 2006) stemmed from Triple H turning on Randy Orton in 2004.. But this had the "personal" element to it and frankly..I view this feud in the same light I view HHH/HBK..It never gets old to me.

OK, so how is this acting like the 90's never happened? I don't get that. HHH and The Rock feuded for parts of every year during the late 90's.
Sure, Orton needs to improve but he's only 28-29 years old...He's got EASILY 10-12 good years left provided he stays healthy...Triple H vs Randy Orton is the saving grace for RAW right now because Orton/Batista wasnt cutting it.. And this feud with Orton is bringing back the "Cerebral Assassin" HHH who was the badass noone wanted to mess with.. Not the funny happy go lucky HHH we've seen since DX in 2006...Raw just needs a few things to turn the corner..

OK. That's great. How does this turn the debate either way? Orton is young. Great.

I actually liked Orton and Batista. So did the live crowds, but I bet you're thinking the live crowds reactions don't mean shit because Batista sucks.
1. Put The Miz in an actual feud... Stop waiting and hanging him around until Cena and Big Show are finished...Put him in a feud..The Miz and MVP could play extremely well off each other if given enough time... Even a Miz/Kingston US Title feud.

He is in a feud with Cena. They keep having Cena fight Big Show so Miz can say Cena is ducking him. This is called build. I know that wrestling fans don't like stories unless they peak immediately, and only knee jerk reactions are allowed. I do think Miz should wrestle, but he should be going over jobbers right now and then talking about dominant he is.

2. Put the Tag Team Titles around The Legacy... Evolution was at it's peak when EVERY member had a Championship.. You had World Champion Triple H, Intercontinental Champion Randy Orton, and World Tag Team Champions Ric Flair and Batista.. If you REALLY want to get Legacy over as a dominant force on Raw, then Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes need to defeat The Colons at The Bash and bring the World Tag Team Titles to Legacy with Randy Orton's WWE Title...The Colons have had the Titles for awhile anyway.. It's time for a change.

That's coming. Legacy wouldn't have been doing commentary on the Colons recently unless that feud was in the pipe.
3. Put Ric Flair in an Authority role on Raw.. I know it's not a popular decision but the fact is, Flair IS a ratings draw...And his Co Owner role back in 2001-2002 wasn't half bad.. I think a GM type role would suit Flair nicely, especially if you turn him heel in about 6 months... Maybe Flair is bitter about Shawn Michaels retiring him so he tries for revenge.

Enough Ric Flair. Retire gracefully, please. Make HBK GM again. Shit, dig up Jack Tunney. Just no more Ric Flair. I understand that he's a legend, and can pop a crowd. But if I was timing the show in the back I would be pissed as hell because he talks for too damn long. Putting him in a speaking only role would shorten matches. Thiry five Whooooooooos aren't necessary every time you walk out.

And finally...
4. Have a faction oppose Legacy...I'm not sayin it has to be DX.. But put a fourth guy in Legacy..An enforcer to make Legacy a four man group..Then have a group of guys oppose them..Not four individuals banding together, but an actual faction with a name.. Maybe Triple H leads a group against Legacy.. Have a tag team in there to oppose Rhodes and Dibiase and bam, you have a decent faction feud...When DX was around, they had the Corporation..The nWo had several different factions to feud with(The Horsemen being the most notable)..Even modern day groups like The Mafia had the Frontline.. You need a decent faction feud as oppose to just Legacy ganging up on Triple H or several singles wrestlers.

Now you're talking. But I think that Legacy needs complete dominance first. They need a fourth member to win the US Title off of Kofi. Then, they could have all the titles, and a bunch of midcard faces could unite under Cena and go to battle.


I'm not sure what that had to do with the topic, but you have some good ideas.
More like Vince is trying to bring back in the '80s.

Fine with me. I started watching WWE programming in the 80's and it was fantastic.

There will NEVER be another attitude era.

Never say never. There is plenty of room left to push the limits, You're about to mention some of them.
Even if he stimulates raw to be similar to the attitude era, it won't be the same.

If a woman strips half naked or seduces a man, Is that forbidden and pushing the limit?

That's how Kelly Kelly got over. If it's done well, it will be good TV. The WWE just did a storyline like this, with Edge and Vickie. There was sound reasoning behind the seduction, trouble in the marriage, and an eventual awesome ending. Vickie was the most over heel in the business for a year because of it. The problem is that not enough of the storylines were as well thought out and executed.
Not really, maybe on Fox news.

Not necessary, not on topic, and not a sentence, three strikes.
If people fling the middle finger, say "impolite" cursewords, satanic characters, crotch punching, obscene phrases, etc etc. It's not as crazy as it was back in the '90s. We're approaching the 2010's, oddly enough, these things are considered normal to our society.

OK, so find things that aren't normal. I think you're about to mention some.
The only things I can see that pushes the limit, are lesbian storylines, actual nudity, rated R programming, heavy gore, simulated sexual activity in the ring, pro-drug use, etc etc. But most of these things are pretty much illegal on television or can DEFINITELY not be seen on television and 9 pm.

Well, not a single thing you mentioned is actually illegal. Cursewords and nudity are only banned on over the air broadcasts. Cable follows suit as part of a gentleman's agreement for footage rights and such. Watch South Park. The language, the religious potshots, the drug use, they're all there. And at the same time Raw runs. Watch Family Guy. These shows get huge ratings because they push the envelope the way the WWE did in the 90's. And they do it at the same time of day that Raw runs. Your argument is an epic fail.
Give it 10-20 years and maybe this will be allowed on television.

Once again, it already is.

Then there will be another attitude era for the new generation. When you look at those things then, you will be like "this country's all corrupted and morally wrong!" when you're 40 years old hearing about RAW (lol).

Well, I grew up with the product in the 80's and then Attitude happened when I was at the perfect age for it. I'd say six years and we will be back into it. The kids they are targeting now and the age that I was when I started watching.
The attitude era's done, gone. Even if all the storylines were identical and stuff, it wouldn't be the same.

Then find new buttons to push. You mentioned some. The WWE has already had lesbian Torrie Wilson, a gay wedding with Billy and Chuck, and bestiality with Edge and Vickie. There's still politics and religion to mar with wrestling stories. Have someone show up and claim to be of the "Holy Bloodline."
Best wishes is to just start a family era. Get the kids to watch(along with their parents), and it will attract millions of viewers. Probably might even return to brodcast TV, that attracts a lot of casual viewers.

That's fine, but make the product grow up with the viewer. The original point of the post wasn't to recapture Attitude, it was to catch the high points of the 90's. The point was to make the McMahons central characters again, and then have the wrestlers pick sides. You can do this without nudity and cursing. All I am saying is that there are a lot of nonsensical stories, and having the owner involved gives immediate purpose to everything he's involved in. Ownership fights always lead to Survivor Series, and that kind of long term booking is what is missing.
I don't know if that's going to be successful though. CM Punk and John Cena's characters are probably going to be the popular one for the next 5-10 years but I don't see punk and cena actually leading the wwe to another golden era. (Not punk and cena themselves, just the actual gimmick[being clean, fighting the odds, superman, etc])

There will probably be another superstar lurking in the shadows.

CM Punk is worthless to the company's bottom line. He will never draw a viewer. He will put on good matches, and be versatile enough to work at any point on the card, much like HBK, Jericho, and Kane.

Cena is a pretty famous guy. Non-wrestling fans know who he is. He just needs someone to match up with him on the heel side to bring the best out of him. It's tough to feud with HHH because HHH will always get cheered, heel or face. It's tough to work with Orton because Orton will always be over with the smarky crowd. Ten guys start booing, then it's a section, then it's half the crowd because people think they're being cool instead of realizing they're ruining the show. I like Edge, but I still boo him. It's cool to like the heels, but cheering them ruins the show. But I digress.

Cena is perfectly capable of bringing the WWE into a new golden era, he just needs the right angle. So far, every angle is Cena overcoming the odds. This Miz angle might be what he needs, as Cena is now the odds, and has to be overcome himself.
Recapture the 90's, if you meant LATE 90's then no, Vince is not trying to do that. The WWE is missing something that the 90's had. Oh, I know, balls. Vince did some really cool shit in the Attitude Era, and I would love to see some stuff that push the limits, and raise the bar a little. No I'm not saying every week, make some Attitude Era rated material. But they could at least do it from time to time. I mean an Old lady giving birth to a hand is pushing it a little bit. But cursing is a TV-PG leveled offense to me. I was watching this movie from 2004 and they have a little boy cursing and says "SHIT" three times. The only way to improve the product so thats its even comparable to late 90's material is

1. Stop firing useful superstars with potential and start hiring needed superstars. Kennedy and Umaga being fired is just unacceptable, and with Kennedy's fanbase, and Umaga's popularity, they have future main event potential in them. Sim Snuka and Manu, decent in the ring, why did they have to be fired, you keep superstars like TBK, Jim Duggan, and Jamie Noble, but you fired future Mid-carder. Candace Michelle is not the best Diva, but is certainly not the worst, firing her is not the best decision the WWE could have made in that regard.

They need to do some major hiring of superstars from TNA, Kurt, Rhino, and Kevin Nash, who are considering WWE contracts after their TNA contracts are up. They need to do everything they can to keep Jeff Hardy from leaving.

2. Make more interesting storylines. For all of Raw to revolve around one feud is just a point that the WWE Creative Team is not doing their job correctly. Smackdown has become a better product because it has different storylines, and their storyline is easier to understand compared to the Triple H Vs Randy Orton Feud.

3. Push Legacy through the roof. Legacy needs to be the most dominate force every Monday Night. They need to have all the titles (even if it means putting two titles on Ted). They need to push Legacy for the sake of Ted and Orton. I'm not saying that Ted and Orton should headline Wrestlemania. I just want Ted to at least be able to stand by his own by Wrestlemania.

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