Vince is : Bringing Back WCW !!


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I was going throw nicks raw review and the forums and people ( smart people)
can easily see that the story is that vince will be mad with trumps decisions and he will start going heel and will try to bring back raw . That is the situation. People think that vince is going to lead SD vs Raw but lets be honest since when did vince gave a shit about SD ? . I was thinking the other day about how would vince would play this story and then it hit me after watching an old vince promo here is a link{ } lately wwe is so in love with repeating old story lines so why is this different , think about it instead of ric flair back then now its trump and instead of nwo now wcw and vince said that there will be a new tv program near and there is going to be a raise and fall of wcw dvd soon and wwe are now interested in hiring old wcw guys (like if tna has left any for wwe lol ) . So think about it I can rely see vince losing his mind and doing it lol that would be funny cray shit that may fall on its ass big time lol .

This is my view of the story and my OPINION or fantasy of how the story will turn out and not a fact . so what do you think IF this happens . or what is your fantasy and how would you do it ?
:wcw: IS BACK !!!
I think Vince reviving WCW will not happen. They planned to do it after the invasion angle but screwed the angle up so badly it wasn't viable. Also I don't expect Trump to be around for that long. It probaly will end up in some sort of angle which see's Vincereclaiming Raw. almost if WWE is trying to tell us they have no new ideas what so ever. Without actully saying it out loud.
I was going throw nicks raw review and the forums and people ( smart people) can easily see that the story is that vince will be mad with trumps decisions and he will start going heel and will try to bring back raw.

Not smart as much as not ******ed. Vince can't really go heel by fighting against Orton, nor can he really align himself with Orton after being fucked by him on numerous occasions. This is one of the only ways, really. Unless he wants to take over Smackdown or ECW or something like that. Superstars!

That is the situation. People think that vince is going to lead SD vs Raw but lets be honest since when did vince gave a shit about SD ?

Oh, you mean the show that is stacked? Or the show that had Mysterio drafted back from Raw because without Mysterio their ratings plummeted from the loss of Hispanic viewers? If Vince didn't care, he would have kept Mysterio on Raw, and shoved Taker, Edge, Hardy, and Jericho onto Raw with everyone else.

I was thinking the other day about how would vince would play this story and then it hit me after watching an old vince promo here is a link{ } lately wwe is so in love with repeating old story lines so why is this different ,

I'm sorry, I must have missed where Austin was punting everyone in the head and going on about how crazy he was.

think about it instead of ric flair back then now its trump and instead of nwo now wcw and vince said that there will be a new tv program near and there is going to be a raise and fall of wcw dvd soon and wwe are now interested in hiring old wcw guys (like if tna has left any for wwe lol )

What old WCW guys have they hired that are actually wrestling? Backstage roles, maybe. And your entire plans seems to hinge on the fact that Trump is going to name Raw WCW or something like that, which wouldn't make sense at all. Unless Raw takes on the role of WCW and Smackdown takes on the role of WWE, ala the Invasion Angle. That would be a sensible metaphor. If that's what you meant in that text above, apologies. I couldn't really read it.

So think about it I can rely see vince losing his mind and doing it lol that would be funny cray shit that may fall on its ass big time lol .

I don't even know what to say to this. You have me dumbstruck and silent.

This is my view of the story and my OPINION or fantasy of how the story will turn out and not a fact . so what do you think IF this happens . or what is your fantasy and how would you do it ?
:wcw: IS BACK !!!

Thanks for that disclaimer. I was worried you were Vince for a second.

This could happen. And when I say could, I could also get fucked by a pair of rabid wolverines when I leave my home. I live in Arkansas, so that'll tell you exactly the chances of that happening.

Trump will end up playing Raw up as the best there is. Vince will take exception, and propose Smackdown vs. Raw matches. Blah blah blah, Survivor Series. Smackdown vs. Raw match, if Raw wins Trump keeps Raw and/or gets complete control of Smackdown/WWE. If Smackdown wins Trump sells Raw back to Vince. If Trump wins, then this storyline goes to Wrestlemania.
i think it would be good to finally see a change in the WWE. Storylines now are getting old and boring, with no real thought at all, WWE hasnt done something 'BIG' in a very long time and believe this would be a start to something big, ive always wondered why ECW came back and now WCW. The only problem i would have with that would be the World Title, would it be Smackdowns or WCWs? would 4 shows be good for the company, there had been talk about Sid coming back with Buff Bagwell and others, lets hope, if it does happen, they dont do a ECW and fire the 'original' tallent in a year.
i think it would be good to finally see a change in the WWE. Storylines now are getting old and boring, with no real thought at all, WWE hasnt done something 'BIG' in a very long time and believe this would be a start to something big, ive always wondered why ECW came back and now WCW. The only problem i would have with that would be the World Title, would it be Smackdowns or WCWs? would 4 shows be good for the company, there had been talk about Sid coming back with Buff Bagwell and others, lets hope, if it does happen, they dont do a ECW and fire the 'original' tallent in a year.

Where have you heard this about Sid and bagwell coming back? I would be amazed if bagwell came back considering how much he pissed off everyone in his last stay. Why would Vince want to hire Sid and Bagwell? Nethier of them have anything to offer WWE viewers in 2009.

Also you mention storylines getting old and boring. I agree, they are also getting repetitive. As mentioned in the first post this has been done before, many times. And it's not something "big" in terms of what it's going to do for the product, it's more like a marketing tool, and will be, IMO, a short term storyline anyway,which, when it ends will have no lastingeffect on the business.
Actually, I don't think it's completely out of the realm of possibility. This thread migh thave started all tongue and cheek like, but guess what, this has happened before...

Vince McMahon brought back ECW after the success of the Rise and Fall of ECW DVD's, so guess what's in the work right now...a Rise and Fall of WCW DVD. Now, will it be the old WCW, of course not, but instead of Raw, Smackdown and ECW, a WWE Owned WWE Brand, WCW Brand, and ECW Brand certainly makes things far more interesting.

Don't sleep on this idea.
I'm not sure if you know this or not, but the Rock is Canadian lol

But anyways, your idea isn't too far-fetched. I think they could do something like that, but I really hope they don't.

Reasons why:
-Lack of talent
-Lack of interest
-It would be "McMahonized"
look there is a possibility that this can happen but then again lets look at WCW which I might add has not been around since 2001 so what wrestlers could we have...Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, Booker T, Mick Foley, Jeff Jarrett all in TNA, Scott Hall - lol, Sid - Maybe if he pass tests, Bagwell - Who cares without NWO nobody gave 2 shits about this guy, DDP - Done, Ric - OK he's still around but wont wrestle, oh and Goldturd - just like his catch phrase WHO's NEXT!!

The only people you have that can maybe do something to hype up WCW is Jericho, Big Show, Finlay and oh this person brings it all together.....William Regal. Come on this is a joke the only way any of this could have any kind of impact is if the writing team pulls some very creative stuff out of their ass and lets face it as much as I would love to see something like this actually go down the writing team at WWE is just like Hollywood they do remakes after remakes after remakes never anything new. So I will watch this storyline go down in flames just like most of the other ones, why because I love watching and hoping they prove me wrong!!!

But keep in mind this in my own opinion...
I don’t know about the details this entails, but I would sure love to see this happen. I could see something along the lines of Trump selling Raw to, or making the GM be Eric Bischoff or even something crazier like Ted Turner himself, if Vince can look past the past. A WWE vs. WCW “Promotional” War is, was, and always will be far more interesting that a Raw vs. Smackdown Brand War. It’s like this, what’s more interesting to you to watch, a fight between two rivals, or a fight between two brothers?? Okay, bad example, but you get the idea. Also, with this comes ECW. This could help ECW establish itself as a force and not just WWE Televised Developmental Brand. This could go either way, but the way I stated is the way I would like to see it all unfold. Trump isn’t going to last long, at least not past Mania. This is the WWE’s chance to really make something out of nothing.
Where have you heard this about Sid and bagwell coming back? I would be amazed if bagwell came back considering how much he pissed off everyone in his last stay. Why would Vince want to hire Sid and Bagwell? Nethier of them have anything to offer WWE viewers in 2009.

Also you mention storylines getting old and boring. I agree, they are also getting repetitive. As mentioned in the first post this has been done before, many times. And it's not something "big" in terms of what it's going to do for the product, it's more like a marketing tool, and will be, IMO, a short term storyline anyway,which, when it ends will have no lastingeffect on the business.

It was on the WZ newsboard a few days ago;

Matt Boone said:
Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter @

WWE's Executive Vice President of Talent Relations, John Laurinaitis, recently went to the WWE creative team with a list of former WCW stars to gauge current interest in bringing some of those stars to the active WWE roster.

Lauinaitis is no stranger to WCW, as he was brought into the company in 2000 as booker, holding the spot down until the company was sold to WWE in March of 2001.

Among those still actively wrestling, and not under contractual obligation to TNA that were on Lauranitis' list were: Buff Bagwell, Sid Vicious, Chuck Palumbo, Mark Jindrak, Shawn Stasiak and Kaz Hayashi.

I think it would be a great idea to bring some fresh faces in to the WWE and it would, I belive, increase viewership.
Among those still actively wrestling, and not under contractual obligation to TNA that were on Lauranitis' list were: Buff Bagwell, Sid Vicious, Chuck Palumbo, Mark Jindrak, Shawn Stasiak and Kaz Hayashi.

The only person on this lists that I would want to see would be Sid. Chuck Palumbo had a stint in WWE and the only good stint he had was with Billy Gunn as a gay tag team. the rest of these joe blowers should just stay on the indy market.
ECW was highly loved by it's fans, the fan base was insane and the matches were just violent which really inspired backyard wrestling. WCW on the other hand didn't have a true fan base. In fact, they had the old school WWF fan base, because they became popular when they were Hulk Hogan came to WCW. Many others followed, and very few young talent such as Jericho, and HHH did not enjoyed their time with WCW. ECW had many underpaid and overworked wrestlers, and they loved what was accomplished! WCW really only had a few originals, most of them were WWF talent that wanted the extra 2 or 3 million a year! WCW is not a desirable brand that I would watch... Now however, when it comes to old and boring storylines, yea it sucks... It also sucks when most of your main event wrestlers keep on needing a month or so off. The Trump angle is going to be interesting, because Trump needs money more then Vince does. Yea Trump has cash, just not much because good amount of his money is tied into real estate. Anyways, Superstars sucks, i'm not a fan, I would like to see a longer and more thought out ECW program. No WCW, Trump will work out.
Yea...bringing back mediocre wrestlers from the dying WCW era will suck out loud. You're going to try to convince me that Buff Bagwell, Sid Vicious, Mark Jindrak, and Chuck Palumbo can DRAW RATINGS? I think not.

This will be no more than a mini-angle with some WCW stars coming back and talking about how the WWE spins things the way they want them to and how WCW wasn't as bad as people thought. WCW will be an after thought simply because they're wanting to bring back guys that had NO impact on WCW. If they brought back Sting or Goldberg, that would be different. But Buff and Sid aren't going to resurrect WCW. It's just the WWE's way of promoting a DVD. Remember how the History of the IC Title came out and all of a sudden, the IC Title was 'prestigious'? Or how ECW came back and they were "groundbreaking"? Please. The WWE and Vince's prerogative is shilling merchandise sales. Nothing more than that.
meh. It`s not as if old WCW fans are dying to see it back. You have RAW, Smack Down already. Just names of brands. My point here is that WCW would bring nothing more than what RAW and Smack Down can`s nothing special worth bringing back (compared to ECW that was something different) Even part of some invasion storyline, it would be very probably worse than 2001
:wcw: can stay buried.
The reason why the Invasion Angle didn't work was because Vince purposely made his guys go way over on the WCW workers to show he was the master and commander of wrestling and the WWF as the superior company. If Vince could have put personal issues aside it would have been one of the best angles ever. I can kind of see where they were coming from because Ted Turner's money caused a lot of stress, bad business, and almost took the WWF out. When Vince won, he really wanted to show who was boss. I don't see it happening, but I can see some kind of invasion/rebel angle led by Vince against Trump. Who's left though? Steiner, Nash, Sting, Booker T, Jarret among others are in TNA. Buff Bagwell and DDP are free agents. Some are dead and I'm sure some are out of shape or too old. Flair is too old, and a lot of the guys did time in WWF either before or after the buyout.
I like the idea of bringing back the WCW name, but not as another brand or as a faction.

IMO, Vince should rename ECW to WCW.


Because there's nothing really "extreme" about ECW right now. Minus Evan Bourne's high flying prowess, it's pretty ho-hum. Bringing in a great worker like Christian isn't even helping. It's boring, only an hour long, and doesn't live up to the ECW name.

For those of us who were fans of the original ECW, this is sad. ECW was groundbreaking. ECW took what you knew about wrestling and turned it up to 11. Cheesy bingo halls, crappy camera quality and all. But it was new. It was inventive. It was localized wrestling going big-time. ECW has a legacy that, IMO, is being tarnished more and more each day by the current product under its banner. When Vince first relaunched it on Sci-Fi, he had dumbass monster characters come on because of the Sci-Fi Channel tie-in.

Please, for the love of God, change ECW to WCW. I think that would be the best move.
It would be cool to see but if it were to happen i dont think it would be a long term thing. And its not going to work with Buff and Sid. Maybe if you have Jericho, Mysterio or someone who was alright in WCW but not huge before the WWE do some sort on turn on the WWE and say how they learned what they know from WCW. Have Flair come back and be the new "Head" of WCW. It might work like that for a while.
I don’t know about the details this entails, but I would sure love to see this happen. I could see something along the lines of Trump selling Raw to, or making the GM be Eric Bischoff or even something crazier like Ted Turner himself, if Vince can look past the past. A WWE vs. WCW “Promotional” War is, was, and always will be far more interesting that a Raw vs. Smackdown Brand War. It’s like this, what’s more interesting to you to watch, a fight between two rivals, or a fight between two brothers?? Okay, bad example, but you get the idea. Also, with this comes ECW. This could help ECW establish itself as a force and not just WWE Televised Developmental Brand. This could go either way, but the way I stated is the way I would like to see it all unfold. Trump isn’t going to last long, at least not past Mania. This is the WWE’s chance to really make something out of nothing.

good idea. i would have loved seeing vince sell raw to ted debiase and ted bringing back dusty rhodes, and bob orton jr. in some capacity. and the orton's, debiase's and rhodes families in charge.
i'm an old schooler.
i would absolutely love the idea of bringing back WCW.....but not right now. a few years ago would've been ideal when Bischoff & Heyman were part of the company. they could've had Bischoff rename a brand WCW and Heyman in the ECW brand. right now, it could work although not as good. all it takes for this to work is one old school guy for the angle (Ted DiBiase, Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, someone who had their share in classic wrestling). someone could come out and say they're sick of the stuff, gimmick matches, and whatever they force feed the public. they stand for real championship wrestling, the good ol' stuff they used to watch and partake of in the past and could launch a new "promotion" in the process (taking the spot of one of the brands). they don't really need a lot of old WCW guys to pull this off.
Where have you heard this about Sid and bagwell coming back? I would be amazed if bagwell came back considering how much he pissed off everyone in his last stay. Why would Vince want to hire Sid and Bagwell? Nethier of them have anything to offer WWE viewers in 2009.

WWE creative have shown interest in old WCW stars, such as them and Jindrak, Stasiak and some others, rumours of Sid to WWE tho have been reported for years and there is no hard proof to say thats true.
Vince already brought back WCW. It is today's WWE. He turned WWE into WCW with an incorporated Ring of Honor (heavy concentration on the wrestling and lack of gimmicks/storylines) feel to it, as well. That is what he traded the WWE everyone knew and loved for.

But, no I don't forsee Vince really bringing back another WCW faction to feud with WWE. He's done that already, with not much success. I think he will simply stick to a Trump/McMahon feud over the product, with Trump doing some things to the product that the fans don't care for ... only for the story to end with Vince returning and "saving the product from the evil Trump". Pardon me while I gag.


I saw a post below Kaoscage in wanting to rename Smackdown to WCW. If I had to rename today's shows in comparison to what I have seen in the past:

We can rename Raw = "WCW"
We can rename Smackdown = "Ring of Honor"
We can rename ECW = "Florida Championship Wrestling"
Actually, I don't think it's completely out of the realm of possibility. This thread migh thave started all tongue and cheek like, but guess what, this has happened before...

Vince McMahon brought back ECW after the success of the Rise and Fall of ECW DVD's, so guess what's in the work right now...a Rise and Fall of WCW DVD. Now, will it be the old WCW, of course not, but instead of Raw, Smackdown and ECW, a WWE Owned WWE Brand, WCW Brand, and ECW Brand certainly makes things far more interesting.

Don't sleep on this idea.

and THEN everyone can bitch about how "itz not like the real WC-DUB" and look like morons like they do now with ECW.

I agree though. Ive always thought this was a damn good idea. and with the new DVD coming out, I think it very well could happen.
Bring back The Natural Born Thrillers if your gonna do it. Most of them were under contract to WWE at some point. That would be cool to see Sanders, Stasiak, Palumbo, jindrak, and esp O'Haire. I liked Buff and Sid, everybody says WWE is boring and same old fueds, this would definately liven it up. Y not? Tell me you wouldnt watch if these guys were on.
WCW coming back? You must be drunk to think Vince would ever bring back WCW. Even though I was a fan of WCW back before the WWF/E bought them out, I could never see Vince doing that.

What's next? An AWA brand with Verne Gagne as GM? Or how about an WCCW brand with a feud between Kevin Von Erich and Michael Hayes over who gets to be the GM of that brand? I don't think so because we don't need anymore defunct wrestling companies as WWE brands. WCW could have been a brand in 2001, but it probably wouldn't have lasted long.

As for Donald Trump running Raw, that probably won't last long anyway. Vince will find a way to get Raw back from Trump, and rid WWE of him once and for all.

:wcw: is dead, and that's the way it should be.
Yeah, Vince will probably never bring back WCW.. but i actually thought of this idea back when ECW first came back under the WWE, i thought that they should turn Smackdown into WCW... i just always thought it was dumb having different "brands," Smackdown and Raw.. so it's WWE vs WWE basically, but at least having WCW in there, it'd be them vs WWE vs ECW.. :)

when he was saying that he was selling Raw to someone he had a past with, first thing i thought was Eric Bischoff, then they could've done a storyline where he slowly turns Raw into the WCW brand or something.. not sure how this Donald Trump thing is gonna turn out though

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