Video Game Glitches. Which One Is Your Favorite?


Lord And Master
Staff member
Video games have come a long way since Pong. You've gone from 3 sprites to 8-bit to 3D all the way to online gaming. However video game programmer's are capable of making mistakes. And sometimes those mistakes become a thing of legend. What I'm talking about is that programmers sometimes leave some bugs in the programming and forget to fix them. Nowadays they do this mostly on purpose, but back then they were mostly total accidents. I'm not talking about the Konami code, I'm talking about Mario's negative world and Missingno.. Glitches. Flaws in the programming that have lived in games and have increased their replay value dramatically. Which one has the one that always made you go back to the game/ Is it Missingno. from Pokemon Red/Blue/Green? Or is it swimming endlessly in Mario's Negative World?

Mine has to be Missingno. I start the game and when I make it to the Cinnabar Island I forget about the rest of the game. Its just fun to play with overpowered Pokemon, a Pokemon that looks like a washing machine and a "Wild Gym Leader".
Missing # is probably my favorite glitch because you could do so many weird things due to fighting against him. Sometimes pokemon with levels higher than 100 would appear there and were great for EXP building. I kept getting level 150 Gyarados, so that made leveling up my Zapdos easy since he was strong against both of Gyarados' "types" of Water and Flying. You could also get unlimited items of whatever was in.... I believe it was item slot number 6 from the top.... would become unlimited after you defeat Missing #. Unlimited stat boosting items anyone? How about selling unlimited expensive items for unlimited money in return?

Then there was the ultimate glitch of all. Catch Missing #. Use a Rare Candy to level him up. What do you get? A Kangaskhan who knows Water Gun and Sky Attack. Yes, SKY ATTACK. I tested this multiple times and that was always the result. I caught one and named him Racecar. I remember bringing out Racecar once on Pokemon Stadium for the 64 and had him use Sky Attack against my friend's fighting type, a Machamp I think. Let's just say my friend was not too happy.... lol....

The Missing # glitch in Pokemon Blue/Red has yet to be topped by any game in my opinion because there was so much you could do with it!
Missing # is probably my favorite glitch because you could do so many weird things due to fighting against him. Sometimes pokemon with levels higher than 100 would appear there and were great for EXP building. I kept getting level 150 Gyarados, so that made leveling up my Zapdos easy since he was strong against both of Gyarados' "types" of Water and Flying. You could also get unlimited items of whatever was in.... I believe it was item slot number 6 from the top.... would become unlimited after you defeat Missing #. Unlimited stat boosting items anyone? How about selling unlimited expensive items for unlimited money in return?

Then there was the ultimate glitch of all. Catch Missing #. Use a Rare Candy to level him up. What do you get? A Kangaskhan who knows Water Gun and Sky Attack. Yes, SKY ATTACK. I tested this multiple times and that was always the result. I caught one and named him Racecar. I remember bringing out Racecar once on Pokemon Stadium for the 64 and had him use Sky Attack against my friend's fighting type, a Machamp I think. Let's just say my friend was not too happy.... lol....

The Missing # glitch in Pokemon Blue/Red has yet to be topped by any game in my opinion because there was so much you could do with it!

You reminded me of another glitch involving Missigno. Catching him and using him unchanged on Pokemon Stadium. What would come out of the Pokeball was a doll. An odd reaction the game has towards a glitch that comes from another game. There was also the naming of first Pokemon being "Mew". Sometimes it would gain the ability to learn any attack.
FOr me, it's the cloning process in Pokemon Gold. Take a pokemon, equip an item, put him on the pc, and while the game's saving, turn off the game boy, and turn it back on.

End result: You get a cloned pokemon and the cloned item, and last i remember it was infinite. I would do it for trading and item cloning purposes as well, so I had everything covered there.
By far the care package glitch on Modern Wafare 2, As a "runner" it was fantastic to run at such speed while shanking the fuck outta everyone I came across. It was great to hear the bitching and moaning in the lobby after.
I grew up on Pokemon glitches. Whether it was making duplicate items with Missingno on Pokemon Red or cloning Pokemon and Master Balls in Pokemon Silver, it was something I couldn't get enough of. And as Dagger said earlier, the possibilities you could come up with to use the glitch for were limitless. Unlimited Rare Candies, Master Balls, Nuggets... it was a Pokemon fanatic's wet dream. But to be honest, part of the reason this is my favorite glitch is because it's the only one I really ever used... cheat codes don't count, right?
Mario World. Kill Bowser by jumping over him and hitting the switch to destroy the bridge. Cheapest final boss win EVER.

Another amazing glitch is "wavegliding" in Super Smash Bros Melee. If you would jump and do a downward angled sideways dodge right away, you looked like you glided. If you master it, you can use it as your primary form of navigating the screen, and it's significantly faster than moving. It literally took over tournaments and any kind of serious SSBMer mastered it.
The best glitch for me was in emerald.The battle tower cloning realy helped get rare candies to get my pokemon to lvl 100 for the various battle frontier places.

I hated the one in Silver because i accidently failed once and lost my lugia.
As much as I abused the Missingno glitch, the two glitches I worked the hardest to do were from SOCOM 2. You know, back before Halo 3 and COD were the only two FPS's that people played online.

The first one was a prone slide. Basically, you'd go through some motions while holding a rocket launcher, and lie down, quickly getting up. On your screen, you'd be running (At full run speed) but everyone else would see you lying on the ground. However, when you're prone, you move rather slow. When you're Prone Sliding, you're moving at full speed, with no movement animation, and pretty much cutting off the range you can be hit by 3/4ths. Was always fun running up to someone who'd just started trying to get the glitch to work.

There was also a section in the wall of one of the best levels where you could drop through the railing, and sit in the wall. Was funny the first couplke times, but when everyone does it, it ruined my favorite level D:
The one in the SvR games where you can walk into the crowd. You hold someone in the backbreaker ultimate control hold, then bash them against one of the ringposts, and then you can walk with them through the barrier, from where you are free to run around the arena. Probably best demonstrated on the tribute to the troops stadium allowing you to run around Iraq fighting each other. Definitely very fun, even if you can't climb on stuff.
As I don't want to state Pokemon's great glitch, I will say my favourite is the Final Fantasy thumb. A portion of the map that is seeded incorrectly to have higher level enemies at its point. It is a great way to level up quickly, especially after getting FIR2, if you are old school like me.

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