Victory Road: Gail Kim vs. Angelina Love


SmackDown! is MY Show
Gail Kim vs. Angelina Love

So we have a knockouts match on PPV that isn't for the gold, something you never see from the WWE hardly. I figured this match be on Impact, but I guess its PPV worthy as Love did "injure" Gail and of course she will want her revenge for it. If Gail is still selling the knee injury then I expect not a great match as she be selling the knee so much and add the fact that Velvet Sky should be at ringside though I expect maybe ODB or osmeone else to handle Sky so Gail can face Love one on one. Anyways I see Kim winning as she has been getting handle by Love and Sky so Gail should win in a ok match.
Can anyone truly explain to me why a match this unimportant is being built and pushed so greatly? I mean, iMPACT! (this previous episode) explained this match will happen.. and we still have, like what, 4 more shows to go before the p.p.v.?

There is no possible way Gail Kim & Angelina Love can stay apart that long, without this feud becoming boring. This is equal to the W.W.E. booking Maria v. Beth Phoenix. Its just a stupid angle without any storyline and it'll take way too long to unfold. Apparently the writer who thought this up, must of thought the C.M. Punk v. Chavo Guerrero storyline/feud was gold.

Again, I can't see these two staying apart, without the feud basically becoming forgotten. So I see Kim & Love in Tag matches for the next 2-4 weeks. I'm honestly assuming they'll have a single's match before the p.p.v., where Love will pick up a fluke victory, only to lead into the p.p.v. with any type of "lead." When everyone knows Kim is 99.9% likely to win this match in the end.

Infact, I'd say right now I could fully see Love winning, just to "swerve" everyone. However I believe T.N.A. needs to fully stop and think at the damage that could do, to not only Gail Kim.. but the entire Knockout's Division. Angelina Love isn't viewed as a "wrestling" knockout.. she's viewed as a "diva." So for her to win, against the original T.N.A. Women's Champion.. it would not only be the biggest fluke win in female history for the company.. but it'll also make Kim look very weak, and bring the whole division down greatly.
This will be abysmal. Love is terrible. Truly awful. And Gail has the Mickie & Trish effect. She's better than those two, but not by much. She's no golden goddess. I can't see why this would be on the card. It all sounds pretty pointless to me. Yeah the Knockouts are over. But that has more to do with the Kong vs. Kim matches. If it wasn't for them the division wouldn't be half as over. Certainly not with wrestling fans.

TNA needs to realize that they don't need to put everybody on each PPV. If Gail has to miss a show, then so be it. It's pointless putting her in matches, for matches sake. Do TNA not know that nobody will buy the show for this? They watch The Beautiful People because they have big tits and are on free TV. They won't be prepared to pay to watch them.

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