Victory Road - Abyss Vs. Dr. Stevie


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So this match is finally going down. I must say i was quite happy with this feud. Although i didn't find it entertaining in particular, it was built slowly and right. For months we have seen Stevie torture Abyss without Abyss retaliating. That is until Lauren was brought in. So now we get the match up that this feud was leading to. Since as far as I'm aware this isn't a match with any stipulations, i expect Stevie to pick up the win here via one of his cronies. Maybe Raven, haven't seen him in awhile. If Stevie does indeed pick up the win here i see him having a rematch with Abyss next month under some stipulation. Probably a Monsters Ball match where Abyss would pick up the win. I expect this to be a meh match.
What's the gimmick? 'Cus if there isn't one then it's a bit pointless. I know you're supposed to build towards them, but who the fuck wants to see Abyss in a regular match.

If it's a regular match it'll turn into a hardcore match anyway.
Abyss pulled out a bag of tacs on iMPACT! but to the best of my knowledge, its just a regular match. Stevie Richards hasn't wrestled on television for a few years, and I'm assuming this isn't just a one-and-done deal like Raven and Shane Douglas (unfortunately) was. So yeah, this looks to be a regular match.

All in all, it'll either end in a No contest with a double weapons finish.. or it'll end with Abyss winning, because Stevie Richard's doesn't have what it takes to defeat Abyss in a regular (rules) match.

I do, however, see Richards sneaking out a victory if he can somehow zap Abyss with that taser gun, behind the official's back. Yet at the same time, thats how I imagine this match coming to an end via the double DQ/No Contest finish. Abyss will bring in the tacs, the official will warn him yet not throw the match out. Richards will bring in the taser, the official will warn him yet not throw the match out. Then a third weapon will get involved, and all hell will break loose.. with the official no longer having a "choice", in which the match will just have to end.

Then again, it's T.N.A and the officials don't really DQ/throw out matches for stuff like this. You have to slightly shove them, or just randomly do nothing at all to get a match called off.

Abyss returns to a new look, or an old black attire, with a new style.. and wins the match, but takes a couple fake bolts in the chest after the victory to continue the feud in a "taser/tacs on a pole(s)" match for the next Pay per view.
This should be at least ok. It won't be great, but it's a ticked off monster which is always fun to see. Stevie is at least good in almost everything he does as he's solid in the ring and on the mic, so why shouldn't this work? It'll be him running and hitting most of the match and I'd see it ending with him winning to set up a gimmick match later, which would work fine. This should be at least a decent 8 minutes of filler.
This feud has been interesting and I think this will be a short but decent match. My best guess is that Stevie will win cheaply and then after the match he will Stevie destroying Abyss. Then there will be a gimmick match, probably a mosters brawl, to end the feud at the next pay per view.
I would like to see Stevie bring out some new cronies, Raven has already left and for some reason Daffney hasn't been used in a while. I think for Stevie to get a clean pin over him he would have to bring someone out from Abyss' past to interfere. James Mitchell anyone? But probably Abyss will be distracted by that silly tart Lauren and Stevie will get the win.
I think this match will be a yawwwwwwwwwwwner Abyss vs Dr Stevie seriously TNA is not building Abyss as an indestructible monster but somewhat a combination of Mankind and Kane he lost a lot of matches even against Matt Morgan! I really don't understand why they brought Raven in to team up with Stevie Richards and attack Abyss ? They escalated the feud so continue it and why is Inshane Douglas gone again? lol
There is no control in TNA where they need talent and wrestlers just do what they please
This has been a relatively solid feud that has been built up nicely. I don't expect anything groundbreaking in this match, but Aybss and Stevie are both solid workers. I'm really hoping for Abyss to get the win here, but it doesn't make sense that it isn't a 10,000 tack match or something like that.

It is more likely that Abyss gets DQ'd, or that Stevie uses some kind of weapon behind the refs back to get the win. Either way, it's looking like this isn't the end of this feud and it will probably last until the next PPV.

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