Velvet Sky = one of the worst female wrestlers in the sport today


Dark Match Winner
After watching Sarita/Velvet match, I came to the conclusion that Velvet is the Kelly Kelly of TNA(someone who is utter garbage in the ring and likes to embarass herself in the ring), worse than the divas of NXT, and the way she wrestles its like watching a monkey trying to wrestle.

She is a good example in why the Diva Search was an epic fail.

She is pushing 30 and she still cant put a decent performance, just make her a valet. It will be good for everyone or hell maybe a ring announcer, she could do a better job than JB.
Well, she's not top notch material that's for sure, but she's by far not THE worstfemale wrestler today. And if anyone's the Kelly Kelly of TNA -- it's Lacey. If her boobies weren't trying to jump out of that bra during her matches I'd protest but ... I like boobies.
Lacey is still rookie, I will put in the Kaitlyn category. She has shown athleticism, has a decent moveset, the thing she needs to improve are selling(easily her weakest point) and the basics.
Usually when you have 2 talents that are on opposite ends of the talent spectrum, the more experienced one is supposed to carry the load. It seemed Sarita was trying to let Velvet carry the load and the flow of the match suffered for it. They just didn't have any chemistry together at all, but I do have to admit that Velvet is just average in the ring. Throwing her in a tag team was the best thing to happen to her. With all the genuine talent in TNA, she's bound to get better..she won't have a choice if she ever wants to get off Jobber duty.
I've been saying this for some time now. Velvet Sky, on her very best day, is slightly below average in the ring. Of course, she has other assets which compensate for her lack of in-ring skills.

For a long while, especially a year or so ago, before the unanimous decline of the Knockouts division, I would constantly read about how the Knockouts, including Velvet Sky, were so much better than the Divas of the WWE. Then, I would attempt to watch an episode of iMPACT and was struck by just how ordinary her in-ring skills were. All hype, no substance. Was supposedly something in the indies (so I am told) but I have yet to see it.

Luckily for her, she's drop dead gorgeous and very sexy. Her ring entrance alone makes her presence in the ring worthwhile. She better hope, though, that TNA never goes PG like WWE has. If she has to cover up more and restrict the way she performs in her entrance, and be more "kid friendly," I figure she'll be quickly out of work. Her in-ring skills won't give her job security, neither will her mic work. She 's all about the look and the sex appeal, without that, she's nothing special at all.
After watching Sarita/Velvet match, I came to the conclusion that Velvet is the Kelly Kelly of TNA(someone who is utter garbage in the ring and likes to embarass herself in the ring), worse than the divas of NXT, and the way she wrestles its like watching a monkey trying to wrestle.

Considering I've heard Kelly Kelly get called the Rey Mysterio of the Divas Division (no lie), I'd say she's not doing too bad. :lmao:

But to be honest, she's a perfectly ordinary women's wrestler. She's best in a tag team, and that's where she should stay.
I'll admit Velvet is weak in the ring. But I'll also admit she blurs my vision of her ring ability with her very very nice body. And damn that entrance :p.

To respond to your post I'll drop a few comments :
Lacey is easily your Kelly Kelly. Both are weak in the ring but both are hotter than hell
Velvet isn't worse than most of the NXT rookies. (maybe that is my blindness by boobs talking) but most of them are terrible
Diva Search fail, I agree her act isn't PG but she can wrestle as well as anything Diva Search has brought us.
Valet or ring announcer. Maybe a valet would work cause she can talk, but a ring announcer would keep her off my screen way too much.
She's definitely not the worst female wrestler in the world. That would be Lacey Von Erich or Alica Fox. I actually think Kelly Kelly is far better than her. Kelly is far from great herself, but at least she appears to try and put forth a better effort in her matches than Velvet does. I never saw much in ring talent in Velvet. I think she's Ok on the mic and makes a better valet.

I don't get why TNA thinks so high of her. I read once that she's one of the highest paid performers in TNA making more than some of the male talent. In my opinion TNA has many other Knockouts that deserve to be pushed higher than her. Taylor Wilde, Sarita, Humada, Tara, Angelina Love, Mickie James, and even Madison Raine are ten times better workers than her.
Yeah, she's not the best Knockout. But with Lacey out there, she ain't the worst either. What she lacks in ring ability she defiantly makes up in attitude and mic skills. Something a lot of women lack. She shows true passion, and it showed quite well during that terrible match on Impact where she showed frustrations at her own work. Storyline or not, she can drive her character forward very well. Even if she can't drive a Headscissor all that well.
While i agree she's not a great in-ring wrestler, i can NOT call her one of the worst female wrestlers in the sport today. WWE has some nice Diva's who i think are bad, if not, worse than Velvet. For one, Alicia Fox is dull as dirt. Vickie Guerrero should NEVER be in a ring wrestling, but sometimes is, and we cant forget Kelly Kelly and i am not a big fan of Layla in the ring either and in TNA Velvet is better in the ring than Lacey is. Angelina Love and Velvet together is a great thing. They worked well before and can do it again. I am hoping the BP becomes the Knockouts Tag Champs in the future.
True she isn't all that great, but she hot enough that it reall makes no difference for me.I don't think Maryse is all that great a wrestler but I find her being on screen better than when 96% of the rest of the roster is out, maybe even 99%. Women performers don't have to be all that great in the ring anyways,and when they are as hot as Velvet is, that requirement drops greatly.I woudn't mind her not wrestling anymore, but for the love of god, don't take her off screen.

But yea, she's not a good wrestler.
I agree with you. Velvet is a terrible wrestler, but she is hot as hell and she is the ONLY reason why i record TNA. I fast forward through the rest of the show, cuz i hate TNA i just love seeing Velvet. Maryse is the hottest diva that wrestling has ever seen, obviously behind Trish Stratus. But at least Maryse has a little bit of wrestling talent unlike Velvet. But yes nowadays its all about eyecandy not wrestling skill like 10 yrs ago sadly.
This is to whoever made this thread on Velvet Sky. She is not the worst woman wrestler ever, but you are obviosly a hater on everything and everything in wrestling, and that is why i am smarter than everyone in these forums. My rant is over so everyone can get back to their lives.
Why does this come up so much? Some genius on the interweb noticed that Velvet isn't a great wrestler and then exaggerates a bunch of other stuff. Velvet is essentially average for a female worker, which by TNA standards is slightly below average for a knockout but she is not terrible. Everything else she has going for her, plus look, plus mic skills and an interesting character. As long as she is passable in the ring (which she is) then there is no real issue. Wrestling ability is usually not the number one draw for women in prowrestling. Hell, it usually isn't for men in wrestling either. Her match was in the highest rated quarter hour last week while the MCMG's lost a significant amount of viewers comparably.
I was watching TNA last night and thought the exact same thing. I found Velvet below average by female wrestling standards in her moveset and taking bumps. She looked very sloppy in the ring and hardly believable. I admit to thinking higher of her mostly because she is paired with a more refined Angelina Love. The thing that was most surprising is the contrast in skill between Velvet and Mickie James. I was watching her in the ring with the men for a bit and found her to be so smooth in there. She looked like she belonged with the men but then again I do consider her one of the best female worker in N/A that I have seen.
Velvet is certainly not the worst women's wrestler in the world she's not good but not the worst either. Velvet has other assets like her Looks and she makes up for lack of wrestling skills in the way she portrays a character and her mic skills.
This is to whoever made this thread on Velvet Sky. She is not the worst woman wrestler ever, but you are obviosly a hater on everything and everything in wrestling, and that is why i am smarter than everyone in these forums. My rant is over so everyone can get back to their lives.

First off this comming from a Cena Hater. I put no faith in what you say. I'm a fan of Cena's, not one of those die hard fans but he puts the butts into the seats like Velvet Sky does for the guys who watch TNA. See Lacey is not the worst of them all nor is Velvet. Personally I always saw ODB as the worst. If you wanna see a bad wrestler watch Vickie on Smackdown, she makes any female a good wrestler. Try taking a look around at all the Knockouts and Diva's inculding NXT before saying someone is bad.
#1 Velvet Sky is not a horrendous wrestler, she is hit and miss in the ring. In the three on three Knockouts match a week or so ago on Impact she looked very strong and confident but this week against Sarita she looked very tenative and a off her game. Overall though she is better that 80 percent of the Divas barring Melina, Beth Pheonix and Natalia and maybe a couple others and definitely better than Miss Tessmacher, Cookie and Lacey Von Erich in TNA. She is a "(passable wrestling wise) WWE diva in the knockouts division" basically.

#2 She is one of the sexiest women in pro wrestling today. That is her attraction, she does not I repeat does not have to be a great wrestler. All she has to do is go out there and not look completely lost IE Lacey Von Erich, as long as she puts on a passable match she has done her job.

#3 She does a really great job of just doing enough in the ring to get by on her looks. That is perfectly acceptable in TNA's Knockouts division when you have the "wrestlers" they have in the division you can hide a few "DIVAS" for eye candy. But in WWE you can't do that because over 80% of the WWE womens division is made up of eye candy who can't really wrestle. Almost everyone in the TNA Knockout Division can go in the ring. Velvet is just the eye candy but she does have at least passable wrestling skill, which is OK in TNA, where others can help her along in the ring and she can do her thang outside it.

In summary she is not nearly as bad as people want to make her out to be, she is passable and sometimes good, but with TNA having a Knockouts division made up of some of the best female wrestlers in the world today like Angelina Love, Mickie James ,Sarita, Katie Lea (Winter), Hamada and Tara she looks bad in comparison to them but if you put her in the WWE Divas/womens division she would put a hell of a lot of them to shame. Velvet does her job, she looks good and gets over with the crowd, that is what TNA needs from her and gets from her.
The answer to this thread is...who cares? She's there because she's attractive. That's all. No average fan watching TNA is going to stay tuned in to a women's match besides to watch because they're hot. So that's why she's there. Because the average wrestling fan will tune in because she's attractive.
Velvet Sky is hot, I don't give a fuck if she can't wrestle, she can arouse me. That's her job, professional arousal girl. No one gives a fuck about women wrestling the only people who do are sad, lonely people. Enjoy Velvet for what she is, an instant erection.
wow, ill admit i dont watch tna weekly but i would say even someone that doesnt watch it all has to know that jillian in wwe is one of the worst females to step in the ring. she botches finishers all the time. she cant sell other peoples finishers. say what you want about velvet sky but unless she stumbles around the ring like a raccoon with rabies she is definately not worse than jillian
People actually watch divas/knockouts for the talent? I think Velvet Sky is sexy as hell and comes off like a **** and Im down with that! To me besides Gail Kim, McCool, and some chicks I see on TNA they are all kinda shitty and scream real loud. I usually watch something else and woulkd rather see midgets.
Are you serious? Is she the best in the world? No. Is she good enough to belong on the second largest wrestling company in the world. Well she is. She is not a danger to others in the ring. She is good.

The she is attractive so who cares answers just sound stupid. I don't care how attractive she is if she was injuring others we would not want to see her in the ring. Just stop being a chauvinist. Besides, some people may not find her as attractive as you do.
Velvet is sexy and a dick tease to the crowd. That is her job, she will never be the womens champ but will hold tag titles again. Lacey is super hot but cannot wrestle at all.

Hamada is the best female wrestler I have seen in years but doesn't even get a look in as she does not have that super sexy body. I just hope she can get involved with Mickie or Tara or some of the others who can actually wrestle.

I would just be happy with Velvet kissing different women each week. No more no less!
She's not great, nobody can make that claim. Her match with Sarita was pretty damn bad, that's true. I do have to give her credit that she does try, but she just looks very sloppy and generally uncoordinated in the ring at times. If she wants to be a singles wrestler, she needs a lot of work. Compared to Lacey Von Erich, however, Velvet Sky is Kurt Angle. I'm amazed that Lacey can get out of the bed and dress herself in the morning quite frankly.

I will say that far too many people are giving Velvet a pass simply because she's hot. While it's true I'd probably never leave the house if I were shacked up with that woman, I fail to see how it's alright for her to be a lousy but hot female wrestler when someone like Kelly Kelly gets criticized constantly for her lousy in-ring ability despite being extremely hot.

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