Uso's and Slater/Gabriel...The next Egde/Christian and Hardy boyz


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So i watch smackdown the last two weeks and was glued to my tv during the the Uso's v. Gabriel/Slater then i started thining bout E & C v. The Hardys and how i was marking out over their matches especially the famous ladder match.

Then i got to think since MITB ppv is coming up why dont the WWE do for the first time ever "Tag Team MITB ladder match" with the USO's and Gabriel/Slater....same rules as the indiviual MITB match

What do you guys think ?
Sounds good to me.

Maybe they shouldn't do it at Money in the Bank though... just a normal tag match.

Save the ladder match for Summerslam since we got enough ladders at MITB.

I'm sure The Usos Vs Gabriel/Slatter in a ladder match would be watch worthy.
@JustDawg08 you make a good point about too many ladders in one PPV but would you consider a pole match ? On a side note it's true what they are saying now wrestling matters again !
Yeah plus if you give these guys a ladder match at Summerslam.. I think more people will take notice.. especially if they put on a great ladder match like The Hardys and Edge/Christian did back in the day.

Simply because Summerslam is like what.. the 2nd biggest PPV of the year?
I agree with Justdawg08. Two Money in the Bank Ladder matches are enough for the PPV. Also, there aren't very many tag teams left in the WWE, so they could win the titles without even having to use the briefcase. They could still have a great ladder match together, so I think Summerslam would be perfect for this match.
This feud is going pretty well I think, it is definitely good for both teams to be involved in this feud that actually means something, as are not just wrestling random matches. I hope we see a few more matches and a good gimmick match to end this at SummerSlam.

The Uso's are pretty decent, I am glad we are getting to see more of them on TV. I was fully expecting them to be released, but I am glad WWE have kept them round. Maybe they see something in them? They are more than deserving of the spot they are in right now.

Its a bit too early to compare this feud to the legendary Hardy Boyz vs Edge & Christian feud, but it looks good anyway and thats the most important thing.
A bit early to make that sort of extreme comparison don’t you think?

Both tag teams have potential to be successful tag teams in the WWE but to compare them to one of the greatest tag team rivalries in WWE history is a bit far fetched. We have had two matches between the two, right? Something like that. They do have chemistry with one another. They do put on some exciting matches. But they are not Edge/Christian and the Hardy's - far from it. I do think we will see more of these tag team type feuds happening in the WWE again and there will probably be several more comparisons between newer teams and older, but for now, these rivalries aren't even alike.
A tag team MITB ladder match? No way my friend. The WWE does not care about that division enough for it to get it's own MITB match. And for the life of me I cannot name 4 legit tag-teams in the WWE right now, let alone 5 or 6.

And you're comparisons seem highly unfair. Teams like The Hardy Boys and Edge & Christian put tag teams on the map during a time when foul language and a chairshot to the head was commonplace. Slater & Gabriel haven't appealed half as much to me as a team like Edge & Christian because there haven't been any real threats in their division.

For every Hardy Boy you had a Dudley Boy. For every E & C you had a Brother Of Destruction. The Uso's are just now coming into their own, and Slater & Gabriel may be a solid team, but like I said that tag team is just as good as their competition, which has been severely minimal.
Being a huge Justin Gabriel fan I think a match at MITB with him and Heath Slater against the Usos would be great! Although ladder matches give me the shivers I have to agree that it would be an amazing match to watch
Well, I would support a tag team ladder match between these two teams because it would give them a chance to show off what they can do. However I disagree with two parts of your post. First of all, a tag team MITB ladder match would mean the winner gets a MITB case. Slater/Gabriel and the Usos are still tag teams. Having one of the four go off on a MITB push would not make much sense, unless they were going to do a MITB push for a tag team. That still wouldn't be that great of an idea, they could just as easily throw in Nexus to make it a triple threat tag team ladder title match. That I would really want to see. As long as the Usos lose, I don't like them at all. Secondly, the next Edge/Christian and Hardyz would need to teams far better than any of the teams currently in WWE. Slater/Gabriel come the closest.
That sounds like a good idea but I think WWE would mess it up by having champions disagree on when to cash in, making an interpartnership rivalry and therefore resulting in the first ever unssuccesful MITB cash in. They should just keep it at a ladder match while they have the ladders out for that night and see what the two teams are made of. We already know theyre amazing when it comes to a structured tag team match but I think a high calliber tag ladder match is just what there four need to get their careers going. The Usos have been stuck in the same spot since their debut, the only difference is now theyre lacking a manager. Gabriel/Slater have done nothing in their own since breakign away from the Corre. If these four can pull it off, I see them making history and an advance in their careers.
One of the Usos/Slater&Gabriel need to have the tag titles right now. It was a huge mistake dumping them on Otunga and Mcgillicutty. All they've done in a month is have a non-title match with Santino/Kozlov and get Sweet Chin Music'd by HBK. Plus, the Nexus probably won't exist in two weeks. Punk is reportedly out the door for real. Mason Ryan is now hurt. Harris was sent back to Florida long ago and Sheffield has been AWOL since breaking his ankle. Otunga and Mcgillicutty should drop the titles ASAP, in my opinion. Possibly at an unadvertised match for MITB.

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