US Unemployment rate falls below 8%.


Excellence of Execution
The jobs report was released today, and with it came the news the US unemployment has fallen to 7.8%, under 8% for the first time since January of 2009.

Nutjob Republicans (in this case, I'm referring to the few nutjobs who are Republican, not that all Republicans are nutjobs) claim this is only because the Obama administration cooked the numbers. This leaves me wondering, "If Obama can fudge the numbers, why didn't he when they were so bad for so long?"

It's almost like some of the Republicans are unhappy more people are working and are totally disconnected from reality. Strange.
Worth noting however that it's under the threshold of jobs needed to keep up with population growth.
Better than losing jobs though, which hasn't happened in I think 31 months now.

That would be another thing Obama should have mentioned on Wednesday.
Better than losing jobs though, which hasn't happened in I think 31 months now.

That would be another thing Obama should have mentioned on Wednesday.

Oh, sure, absolutely. Just want to have the full picture out there is all.

Obama seemed very content not to push the issue at all. Just offered a positive message and wrapped up the end with all the feel good shit he's done in the last four years. It didn't seem to be in his strategy to start getting into a nitty gritty battle over economics, since he doesn't really need to. Playing defense is probably his best move.
Worth noting however that it's under the threshold of jobs needed to keep up with population growth.

Worth noting I read, with the revised figures for July and August, the three month rate WAS more than the population growth.

I'm hunting down the source now, if I can find it.

EDIT: Found it.

In addition, there were 114,000 new jobs created in September, while job-creation in the previous two months was revised upward by 86,000. After these revisions, the average job growth over the last three months has been nearly 150,000.

Job growth of 150,000 per month exceeds the 90,000 to 125,000 jobs per month that are needed to keep up with population growth, although not by a lot.

Oh, sure, absolutely. Just want to have the full picture out there is all.
Me too. :)
Oh, sure, absolutely. Just want to have the full picture out there is all.

Obama seemed very content not to push the issue at all. Just offered a positive message and wrapped up the end with all the feel good shit he's done in the last four years. It didn't seem to be in his strategy to start getting into a nitty gritty battle over economics, since he doesn't really need to. Playing defense is probably his best move.

That's one of the things that baffles me about the GOP. They actually seem to believe that the Bush policies where we would lose over half a million jobs in a month were better.
That's one of the things that baffles me about the GOP. They actually seem to believe that the Bush policies where we would lose over half a million jobs in a month were better.
What baffles me is how Republicans seem to think the economy works with the flip of a switch. Three years of Obama policies are somehow supposed to fix the 15 years that built the problem.
While having most of the power to fix things not being accessible because of Congress committing what could be viewed as treason if you look at it right.
While having most of the power to fix things not being accessible because of Congress committing what could be viewed as treason if you look at it right.
Meh, I wouldn't go that far. Republicans were certainly more interested in playing politics than they were helping our country, but I don't know if I'd call that treason.

And you have to admit, they have a point about ramrodding the Healthcare bill through Congress.
Yeah I know it's not treason, but you try living in a state with McConnell and Paul as your Senators and see what your attitude is about them.
I couldn't have gotten my new job without the phone Obama gave me!!!!

Not true. I missed the call due to a lack of phone. FML.
No doubt it is better than nothing but it doesn't mean the problem is any closer to being fixed. If Romney ever cares about me then I would be disappointed in myself.

Actually it does. The jobs being created mean that the companies are doing better, which means people have the money to buy their products. Also it means the people with jobs can put money into the local economy and envigorate it a bit. The more jobs, the better things are getting. Also if you have a bad job, you could get promoted to a better one. If you're unemployed, that's not likely to happen.
Actually it does. The jobs being created mean that the companies are doing better, which means people have the money to buy their products. Also it means the people with jobs can put money into the local economy and envigorate it a bit. The more jobs, the better things are getting. Also if you have a bad job, you could get promoted to a better one. If you're unemployed, that's not likely to happen.

This isn't wrong but I guess what I am saying is celebrating a baby step like it is a full stride is misleading.
Also the DJIA is at a 5 year high. But Obama's policies hate business and he's out to cripple the rich right?

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