US belt


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so ive been reading about how some ppl want the curserweight belt back and the lack of prestage the us and ic belts have. this got me thinkng how about changing the us belt into a roockie belt. where the man who wins it can not have more than a year or to n wwe main roster. maby if u hold it past the deadline u get a shot at ic or WHC or somthing. thoughts? on a side note anyone eles miss the crazyness of hardcore belt with 24/7 rule
They don't need to do much with the US belts or for that matter, the IC belts. All they really need to do is wright something for these belts. Look at who are holding your US and IC belts. Ambrose and Big E. Both have great potential. All they need to do is defend their titles more. Have programs around those titles. The undercard should want these titles. These title holders shouldn't be jobbed out to your Main Event players. See what happened to Axel. That shouldn't have happened. How many times did Del Rio beat your US or IC champion? That should not happen. How many times did Cesaro lose while holding the US championship? That shouldn't happen.

All you need is building a good feud around these titles which hasn't happened in a long time. We see random challengers for these titles. That should stop happening. These titles are stepping stone into the ME picture. Use them as such.
WWE are not committed to making good quality mid card feuds anymore and all that means is Axel and Ambrose look like terrible champions. I think WWE needs to create some well structured feuds for the US and IC title whether it is a 1 vs 1 feud or a couple of challengers which leads to fatal four way, triple threat and tag matches they need to do something. Random challengers for titles = lower prestige. I think WWE should feud Del Rio with Big E for the IC title and Rey and Ambrose for the US title
so ive been reading about how some ppl want the curserweight belt back and the lack of prestage the us and ic belts have. this got me thinkng how about changing the us belt into a roockie belt. where the man who wins it can not have more than a year or to n wwe main roster. maby if u hold it past the deadline u get a shot at ic or WHC or somthing. thoughts? on a side note anyone eles miss the crazyness of hardcore belt with 24/7 rule

I don't see how the US and IC Titles have 'lack' of prestige.

The US Belt was treated very well during it's early NWA/WCW days. A lot of big names have held it multiple times and for long runs.

Harley Race (the first champ), Ric Flair, Lex Luger, Ricky Steamboat, Rick Rude, Dusty Rhodes, Sting, Steve Austin, Bret Hart, etc.

The list of people who wore IC title may not be as prestigious in all honesty.

However, it would be dumb to further diminish either title by making them a rookie title.
how about changing the us belt into a roockie belt. where the man who wins it can not have more than a year or to n wwe main roster. maby if u hold it past the deadline u get a shot at ic or WHC or somthing.

No. That's a bad idea. The rookies need to establish themselves and pay their dues before they can earn a title shot. A rookie belt? Really!? I highly doubt anyone would care about that. They might as well make the NXT belt be defended on Raw and Smackdown if they are going to go such a route. Also, why would you get a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship after holding onto a rookie belt no one cares about for a certain period of time? No, just NO! Keep the US Championship and let that be the lower card's belt. It will fill the spots currently used by both of the IC and US belts once the IC belt becomes the #2 belt upon the unification of the two world titles.

on a side note anyone eles miss the crazyness of hardcore belt with 24/7 rule

I don't. That got ridiculous to the point of stupidity in the end. I hope it never comes back!
Take that US Championship and re-brand it as some sort of TV Title.
10 minute time limit.
Defended on free TV weekly.
Take that US Championship and re-brand it as some sort of TV Title.
10 minute time limit.
Defended on free TV weekly.

I was just gonna say this! The TV belt would be such an awesome way to upgrade WWE programming, which is apparently a new objective of Vince's. A defense every week on raw would be an awesome way not only add to programming, but it could also spread the belt around and help put over young talent like Fandango, Xavier Rhodes, and even Dean Ambrose. It can also help keep people such as R truth, the Miz, or Ziggler relevant.

The hXc belt could also serve the same purpose. Ziggler and Sandow showed the last couple of weeks that you can put on very entertaining hardcore matches while still working within the TVPG perimeters.
I was just gonna say this! The TV belt would be such an awesome way to upgrade WWE programming, which is apparently a new objective of Vince's. A defense every week on raw would be an awesome way not only add to programming, but it could also spread the belt around and help put over young talent like Fandango, Xavier Rhodes, and even Dean Ambrose. It can also help keep people such as R truth, the Miz, or Ziggler relevant.

The hXc belt could also serve the same purpose. Ziggler and Sandow showed the last couple of weeks that you can put on very entertaining hardcore matches while still working within the TVPG perimeters.

All PG takes away is the blood and sharp weapons. As long as there are still Tables, Ladders, Chairs, Stairs, Kendo sticks, Guitars, and the occasional Sledge, a great match is still possible. Sandow and Ziggler looked really comfortable working those hardcore matches. It proves that there is still a place for it in WWE today.
There isn't an easy answer. Ambrose having the belt as actually taken focus away from the actual belt. Personally I would have people actually wrestling for the belt. I am happy having Ambrose with the belt because it was initially brought to build The Shield and now, it could be used for driving them apart.

When he loses the belt, they should go to basics. A champion and a chasing pack. It doesn't matter if it is 1, 2 or 10 wrestlers but there should be a group of people wanting to win the US title. The champion should actually win some matches on TV to make him look stronger.

Also varying the match types. For example, the best Intercontinental Title match in recent years was the triple threat between Axel, Barrett and The Miz. There is no harm in triple threats and fatal-4-ways every so often.

As for the Hardcore Title: I think there is potential. It doesn't have to be blood, blood, blood but the 24/7 aspect is something that could work. The unpredictability is something that could work in a way to entertain people. I would complain if we had El Torito holding the Hardcore title for a couple of hours. It also ties in with The WWE APP, Twitter and Facebook.
It doesn't bother me that Ambrose has the US title. He's easily the best and generally highest profile guy to have the title for any length of time since The Miz or Daniel Bryan. While I do agree that the title could be defended more, some fans won't ever be satisfied. Not having anything to complain about wrestling in WWE, TNA, ROH or wherever is probably close to impossible when it comes to a lot of net fans and dirtsheet writers. If he defended it every other week, it wouldn't be long before it wound up being compared to what TNA did with the TV title a while back in which it was defended weekly in random matches.

If WWE ever decided to have a title for wrestlers that are sort of new to the roster or a bit lower down on the card, I think they'd be better off creating a different title altogether. Unify the IC & US titles and either reinstate & then rename the WCW World Television Championship as the WWE Television Championship or create a new TV title altogether. Personally, I'd go with the latter. Use it just for television purposes, maybe have the champ defend the title no more than twice a month for free, usually either on Main Event or SmackDown!. Every so often, maybe at WrestleMania or one of the other Big Four ppvs, it could be defended on a ppv.

Having a TV title for "rookies" or lower card guys could be a means of getting them on television, give them something to do other than being carted out to job to bigger stars and could ultimately familiarize them more with fans. Also, do away with jobbing the champ out to the bigger stars. If you wanna put him into a match with CM Punk, for instance, have him do something that winds up getting him disqualified after giving Punk a good fight. If he's a babyface against a heel Punk, have Punk do something lowdown that gets him DQ'd or lets him pick up the win in a dishonest way.
I've said before the U.S title is useless. The original idea of it was to reinstate it to be a smackdown equivalent of raw's Intercontinental championship.

No way is the U.S title equal to the Intercontinental title. Its representative of one country whereas the I.C belt is representative of two whole continents.

They should get rid of it and bring back the European championship, at least that represents more than one country. Makes even more sense now there are some actual European wrestlers like Antonio Cesaro, Wade Barret, Sheamus, Drew McIntyre etc.
Those wrestlers would hold the European championship and be proud to have their region represented. Other wrestlers would also be happy to have a belt to conquer another part of the world.

I don't like the rookie idea, that would make the u.s title even more of a joke.

And yes I miss the hardcore 24/7 rule, made for cool moments.
They might as well make the NXT belt be defended on Raw and Smackdown if they are going to go such a route. !

Sounds like the OP basically describing the nXt title. Since WWE has a lot fewer titles the when the Night of Champions concept began, I stared thinking this year the the nXt title should be defended every year at that PPV, even if its the kickoff match or the first on the main card. How much fun would a Sami Zane vs Bo Dallas match at NoC this year instead of that meaningless Axel vs Kofi match... Kind of like a showcase of the future
If WWE ever decided to have a title for wrestlers that are sort of new to the roster or a bit lower down on the card, I think they'd be better off creating a different title altogether.

An idea I had years ago, I think we were talking about how to boost the WWE Superstars show.

Line up a "title sponsor" for a belt/trophy, with a kayfabe $2,000 (or $5000, or $10,000) bonus for each successful defense. If college football can have a Chik-fil-A Bowl, and NASCAR can have a Nextel Cup as their top championship, and golf can have a FedEx Cup as a big deal, then WWE can have a "Taco Bell Cup Challenge" which is defended every week.

The dollar figure pegs it as worth it for every scrub and rookie on the roster to be gunning for the extra paychecks, combined with the guaranteed TV time (every week or every other week could work), while the upper card can't be bothered with the "chump-change" title.

Also, do away with jobbing the champ out to the bigger stars. If you wanna put him into a match with CM Punk, for instance, have him do something that winds up getting him disqualified after giving Punk a good fight. If he's a babyface against a heel Punk, have Punk do something lowdown that gets him DQ'd or lets him pick up the win in a dishonest way.

I don't know if WWF/WWE has ever done this, but other wrestling promotions have used the time-limit draw for this purpose. If Taco Bell Trophy holder Joe Rookie lasts the full 10 minutes with John Cena or CM Punk or Randy Orton, he can act like he just won the world title. Sort of like the way Undertaker raised Jeff Hardy's hand after their match 10 years or so ago.
I would drop the US title because right now it is basically IC title Junior.

You could have the US champion is hardcore matches similar to how Ziggler and Sandow have been having. The winner could retire the US belt and bring back the hardcore belt. They could defend it on any show, Youtube, Tout, WWE app. They have been cramming the app down our throats and all of this social media so maybe they can use this to make people somewhat care about them.

Also, they have commedy sketches with Khali, Santino, and others and these hardcore matches could incorporate some of this comedy and be fun. This wouldn't be a big stepping stone but could get the lesser known characters involved.
I wouldn't drop the title just yet. The prestige of the title goes back so far to the NWA/WCW days so it would be a massive shame just to get rid of it. Plus, both heayweight belts are going to be unified. That'll have some effect on how the US and IC might be booked. You would have to give it roughly about 6 months after the unification to really see how the IC/US title scenes pan out.

All it needs is strong feuds with solid midcard players. Langston/Sandow is a step forward in the right direction. Make a compelling storyline which lasts longer than 2 months and most of the IWC would be sold. Believe it or not but Ambrose actually defending the belt might make it somewhat relevant again. Just carrying the belt around and not doing anything with it isn't good enough. They really could've done something with Ambrose/Ziggler which would've been a good program.

Also those clamouring for the TV title, I wouldn't expect that to do any better. Chances are, the TV champ isn't always going to be on TV despite the rule of the champ always defending on TV. It lacks the real prestige of the US title, I mean didn't Scott Hall chuck it in the trash at one point? I know most fans wont remember it but the point is that it never does well and never has had the history of doing well so why would it suddenly work now?
First post here I usually just lurk but this is a topic I have been discussing with my girlfriend for awhile now. I don't think there needs to be or even will be a unification of the belts but if there is I have no doubts that it will be unified as the intercontinental seeing as that's the WWE belt. Anyways I think the idea of scrapping the US at this point is kind of silly.

If it's possible to throw away personal preference and what you would like to see etc you can see how the US belt is elevated far beyond the IC currently. Even with the power push that Big E. is getting and the potential that he has if you look at it from a casual perspective he's new to the audience and still getting traction and sandow has been back burnered for awhile now. Look at the US title now it's sitting on ambrose is clearly is setting ahead of either of those guys as far as his standing in the company. True he doesn't have a feud right now but that's simply because there's no credible challengers for the title.

Ambrose is in a similar spot as say ziggles a year or so ago but in a good way, he's sitting above the mid-card but isn't quite world title level. Yet he is performing with main eventers competively while holding the US title in that spot light. The shield basically elevated their titles by their dominance. I took a major storyline(not taking credit away from goldie and cody who have been amazing) to take the tag titles off them and those belts are miles above where they were a year ago. Right now ambrose has the US title right about where it needs to be as far being on a guy that's definitively TOP of the mid card. He needs one good feud(which at this point will probably come from within the shield) to put that title right back where it should be. The task at hand is now getting the IC title up to that level.

Also just my personal opinion I dont see them unifying these titles anytime soon. Frankly the bran extension is dead for the main eventers and big draws and has been for some time and this unification is the nail in that coffin. But if you look at the lower card and mid card certain guys are sitll mainly relegated to certain shows ie smackdown/superstars etc. Instead of seeing one of the mid card titles take priority over the other I can very much see them treating the mid card titles now as a sort of unofficial "brand oriented" title. Where each can act as a stepping stone independently of each other, and consequently making champion vs champion matches more interesting because it's 2 circles of competitors that don't always cross paths. They basically take the place of both MITB brief cases respectively then. They establish a pecking order while also used as mid card feud tools to build people, and if they can succesfully build both those titles and their respective champions it gives them more creative options for challengers for the unified. You have 2 stepping stone mid card title champions, MITB, royal rumble, in addition to personal feuds and your basic main eventer stable of wrestlers to work with.
In my opinion. I think WWE currently has a great Mid-Card which can easily elevate both the US and IC titles easily. All it requires is creative to start writing feuds for both Champions.
It seems as though Ambrose is going to have one soon with Roman Reigns.It will happen as a result of the Shield's break-up.
Big E is doing a great job, and hopefully, Sandow can have a feud with Big E until Royal Rumble at least.

Here is a possible list currently to fight for Either Title:
Big E Langston,Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, Damien Sandow, Rey Mysterio, Seth Rollins,Kofi Kingston, Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, Jack Swagger, Antonio Cesaro, Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler,Daniel Ryback, Curtis Axel, Cody Rhodes, Goldust...
I might have missed a couple others.

It is actually the Main Event that currently has very few alternatives and it needs a build.
Cena, Orton, Bryan, Punk, Big Show and Sheamus and not much else for the Main Event.
They don't need to do much with the US belts or for that matter, the IC belts. All they really need to do is wright something for these belts. Look at who are holding your US and IC belts. Ambrose and Big E. Both have great potential. All they need to do is defend their titles more. Have programs around those titles. The undercard should want these titles. These title holders shouldn't be jobbed out to your Main Event players. See what happened to Axel. That shouldn't have happened. How many times did Del Rio beat your US or IC champion? That should not happen. How many times did Cesaro lose while holding the US championship? That shouldn't happen.

All you need is building a good feud around these titles which hasn't happened in a long time. We see random challengers for these titles. That should stop happening. These titles are stepping stone into the ME picture. Use them as such.
Couldn't agree more! The mid card titles should have stories built around them. The titles should be defended and the champs should look strong. I mean back in the day could you imagine Randy Savage losing all the time when he was IC champ or Magnum TA losing week after week while he held the US strap? Recently when Curtis Axel was IC champ, I couldn't believe how often he lost. It made him look weak and didn't do anything to help him. Bring back the prestige of these once important titles.
I love the US Title. I think it is a title with a ton of potential. I just think they constantly give it to the wrong people. When Cesaro had it, I cared about it a lot. I was pissed to watch Kofi get it on free TV just to drop it to Ambrose. I wish it was more of a big deal for Ambrose to have it rather than using it to look cool, but it isn't really his fault. Look at the roster.

The issue isn't with the title at all. The issue is there are almost no faces to take on a heel champion in Ambrose. As champ, Ambrose is being featured in singles matches with Punk and other top talents. He's doing just fine. The issue is other than Ziggler, Mysterio, or Kingston, who is there to feud with? All other talents in the running are respectfully a little above it, in the running for the tag titles, or heels. It's not the fault of Ambrose that there is no one who can feud with him as a face. Given these circumstances, it puzzles me that he isn't in a feud with Tyson Kidd right now. That feud would be cool and help establish both guys.

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