Urgent for all posters to read and take into consideration

Banned Dysturbed

Occasional Pre-Show
This place is out of control and any of you who are frequent posters should set an example, but if you're going to represent the place by spamming, then this place really has no hope,. Some people say that a lot and some of you get insulted but it's up to you guys to help make that not be true.

The fact that people that posted here since the beginning are absolutely disgusted with the place (and I'm not referring to the reasons that b q was started) speaks volumes. Most people (and I'm talking about thousands on various forums which probably isn't an exagerration) can't even bear to sign back up here or sign in because it's just become a joke. I'm glad that a lot of you enjoy coming here cause it shows that there's a reason for the place to exist, and I've tried to help, as have the other mods, but you guys really need to get a grip on what you're doing. Pretty soon there will be no mods and nobody to mod new ones and there certainly are only one or two candidates to be new mods at the moment anyway so it seems hopeless.

I'm at the point where I should just stop doing anything here which creates even more bullshit but really, why should I care? Can anyone give me an honest reason? The admin has pretty much given up and people that decided to be nice and mod here gave up, minus the few left. You guys (posters in general and not anyone specific) claim to like the place yet run rampant and don't give a shit that you're having the kinds of discussions that you can have on pm over threads instead of trying to actually fulfill the purpose of a "discussion forum." That may be how some forums are but it was never how this place is.

No wonder why if you check the member list a massive number of posters have only 0-5 posts because it's a turnoff. Most people that post the most, especially in the WWE forum need to set an example of quality discussion, not enhanced instant messages.

I guess that WZ forums are now like WWE where standards change over the years. The new standard here is a turnoff. We as the mods are trying to make it a "turn on" so to speak by trying to get you guys to post intelligently and not with random thoughts, but too many of you guys and girls just don't show that you care. So again i ask....why should we?

Feedback would be nice, but to be honest, the best form of feedback would be to put an effort into making this a better place. Actions speak louder than words.

What's sad is that since anything over a few lines normally is ignored by the masses, this probably will be too since it's long. We shall see.
No problem. I'll try to do the best I can and hope others do to. You're right most new people that sign off on't like the place and those people could probaly be real intelligent and help the forums.
I wholeheartedly agree...It gets to the point where I dont even acknowledge posts made by people who I don't recognize as quality posters. The best we can do is give threads direction and hope that some intelligent discussion ensues. I'm not an old school member here, but I have taken a liking to the handful of dedicated individuals that frequent this board and would like to see it grow in a positive direction.
You can have my word that I will come here only to post. I've never liked instant messaging. I will also refrain from vulgarity unless, of course, Cena gets the belt back!

Keep up the good work and don't let some bad apples discourage you from what seems to be a nice board, with a lot of info, and a nice interface.

Best 'o luck.

Sadly I'll be honest and tell you that this post won't really help at all, no one reads them. PPV threads are in the wrong spots daily, I get fucked by spoiler threads in the wrong forum, there is still ECW threads in the main WWE forum right now even though I've reported them countless times...

It's too much work for the three people modding to deal with right now, if I was still there I could help but only a fleet of mods would make a dent.
I agree with everything Dysturbed had to say, I don't even run the place and it was just full of Summerslam threads and spoilers in the wrong section. I am trying my best with BT, but the E-Fed threads, which I have no problem with some of them, are getting a bit out of controll, but seriously maybe this should be an annoucment and posted in every sub forum/forum, maybe when scene everywhere it might gain people attention... maybe.
im sorry im new can you tell me what spamming means?
^^ lol you know what spamming means, And as a oldish school member i will try to contribute more, This place is in my eyes anyone getting a bit better,.............There are actually some good posters out there if you look around and they are starting to post again, SO yeah hopefully this place will pick up.

And for the love of god start the E - fed please.
I used to be a occasional poster back when I used to post at W-E alot and it used to be such a good forum compared to W-E which was a site run by egomaniacs. Now it has a few good poster's I admit, but it sure doe's have alot of crap and I'm just here to post my opinions and discusss and I for one would be willing to step up to stamp out these dickweeds that spam and disrespect authority.
ergh theres so many people that fuck around this place
i'd be happy to mod this board i have modded and owned a few in the past

to fix this problem your gonna need to add on some more mods as far as i know their is 3 thats just not enough
I'm someone in the low-post count range you were talking about. Nobody seems to really post coherently here, so I just go to B-Q where the discussion level is leagues and leagues above, no offense intended.
i have been here since the site was redone and renewed a few months ago. I try my best not to spam, but discuss on each post I make. if you need a mod I can help, obviously it's up to you but i can help. you are right there are numerous repetitive threads, topics in the wrong forums, and spamming here. you guys know what you're doing and you could help by telling new signees to read the rules here. lets make this place what it used to be.
realblackhart said:
i have been here since the site was redone and renewed a few months ago. I try my best not to spam, but discuss on each post I make. if you need a mod I can help, obviously it's up to you but i can help. you are right there are numerous repetitive threads, topics in the wrong forums, and spamming here. you guys know what you're doing and you could help by telling new signees to read the rules here. lets make this place what it used to be.
I know you weren't really asking about a mod spot, but if you haven't read anything about the whole mod situation, Proto Man brings this up about people asking about mod positions on WZ. If you read the rules of WZ, you'll find it. Also Dysturbed has brought it up about the whole mod situation in many threads especially in the "Feedback Forum"

Proto Man wrote this, which is in the rules on WZ
Proto Man said:
How do you become a mod or admin?

There's no application process. Just post regularly and well, and you'll be noticed when the need is there. Being a mod is a big responsibility, and we need to have someone who can handle it. Just saying you can do it isn't enough. Just keep posting and you may just get the nod. But remember, patience is a virtue. Requesting a mod spot is an easy way to lose nomination for the spot.

Even many of the regular posters that are suppose to help the forum tend to spam in alot of threads here, which Dysturbed brings up in many threads. I'm not saying you're one of them, because I've seen you post some decent posts in threads. That's why WZ staff hasn't gained enough trust in some of the regular posters to become mods yet, because there is still alot of people making threads that contain mostly all spam. Some threads start off good and have decent discussion in them, but then someone spams in it and then people continue to follow their lead by spamming also.

Not only do some of the posters on here, but the WZ staff finds this very irritating when people continue to spam in threads and do other stupid things, when they know they shouldn't, but still continue to do it on a regular basis.

As regular members we all need to take our share in helping out WZ forum to get better. No matter what it is. There is still many ways we can do this. If you need ideas, then I'll be happy to share them with you. So to the regular posters please respect the staff when they give out warnings, etc... I'm not saying everyone doesn't respect the staff, but many of the regulars still like to spam in threads and do other things that you should know that you shouldn't be doing. WZ staff can only do, so much for the forum, because they're putting in the extra time in their life to help out members of WZ and the forum itself, so it can be a great forum to come to. We should all respect the staff and the rules, because they don't have to come to WZ, but they choose to, because they want to see this place get better. Every one of the staff members believes in this place and want to see it go somewhere, so we all need to believe and care for this place just like they do.

They also appreciate everyone thats helps out around WZ. They may not come out and say it directly to you right away, but they're usually busy tending to the forum, so everyone thats doing good things to help out with what you can keep doing what your doing, so we can keep this forum getting better everyday.
Hi guys as a new member here I think what you are trying to do is great. I have left other sites over the last year and this is my first foray back into a wrestling site. I love chatting about wrestling and hearing other thoughts but the crap that seems to go on just annoys me. In under one day on the site I am mind boggled by some of the offensive garbge some posters have put up. Why bother it just doesn't help anyone. I'll stick with the site for a while because there are some really great thoughts and pops you guys for trying to make the site all it can be.

Good luck
spam tastes bad any way lol :spam4: [it stinks wen ur in a forunm and then u c like "great" "i tottally agree" "scott steiner" etc...]
I'm not going to lie...I was very very stoked about joining this forum...maybe a bad first experience but the dx is sticking around thread is a joke thats been hijacked pretty much by petty bullshit. Lets talking wrestling here people, no need for internet tough guys.
To be honest everywhere you go you are going to find Spammers, look at any of the major boards and their WWE sections have a fair share of Spam, to be honest its something that goes with the WWE in a way. There are younger people who come here and to be honest they just dont know any better than to spam, and act in a Markish kind of way. I must admit I look at the WWE Forum, and I struggle to find something to actually post in, but I have been going through Threads lately and there are alot of decent posters around this place, but sometimes they get drowned out by the Spammers. Like everyone before me has said the best thing everyone can do is just contribute to the Forum on a Constructive way and the Mods will get rid of the Spammers.

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