

Getting Noticed By Management
Ok im a huge Football fan....and with BYU beating Oklahoma...Houston beating Oklahoma St. and my fav....THE University of Michigan beating Notre Lame all in upsets...i started to think....what the biggest upset in wrestling you ever a mid carder over a star or legend...or just a win you thought would never happen....and i mean before you knew of the wrestling spoiler sites.

Here is mine

Randy Orton beating Chris Beniot for the World Title....i never seen this coming...i mean Randy while was a IC champion just thought was to young in the business to win the title...i always saw Beniot one day losing it to HHH and Orton threw that off for me...and it was a great match as well to boot

Eddie Guerrero beating Brock Lesnar...this was before i knew Brock was leaving the i was shocked...i mean Brock was a beast and eddie while was a amazing wrestler was small.
John Cena defeating Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania. That disgusted me so much I wanted to puke my mother's milk. No disrespect for Cena, he's a good worker, it's just that if Shawn's losing to ANYONE, especially at WrestleMania, it should be someone that could use the damn win, not a person that wins almost everytime in a dominant fashion. An unecessary win. Sure, it was for the title, but it's not hard to make a feud revolve around something else than a title. Usually, from my observation, feuds that are ONLY for a title always, always, always suck.

Another upset, which I see every-single-week, is the way Evan Bourne keeps on losing. The way Evan Bourne never gets pushed. The way Evan Bourne gives it his all and always delivers in my estimation the best match on the card. And finally, the way Evan Bourne NEVER gets a PPV match. I mean COME ON! If this guy can pull off a darn great match with freakin' Tony Atlas who has the ahtleticism of a lawn mower, don't you think that he should be at Pay Per Views? Some people hate Evan because of his lack of charisma, but he compensates with perfect wrestling ability. He can do everything. I'm mad pissed at WWE for not putting this guy on Pay Per Views. His match against Hardy was extremely good. Tell you what, if WWE can push Kofi Kingston, who is not as good of a wrestler as Bourne, they can push Evan too. SURE he's not drawing such huge reaction from the crowd, but then again how can he when he's losing 3 times in a row to freaking Swagger, WITHOUT ANY REASON WHATSOEVER!
I never saw an upset that matched 1-2-3 Kid beating Razor Ramon.:wtf:

It was so off-the-wall unexpected that I remember jumping out of my seat. It was the kind of thing you never saw on WWE programming and they handled it so skillfully that they launched Sean Waltman's career while managing to not damage Scott Hall's.

I'll never forget the look on Razor's face when he was pinned.

Classic planning by the company, classic writing, classic execution by the wrestlers.
Upsets eh? Well one that I'll always remember is when Carlito first started and beat John Cena for the US Title. Back then I was one of those fools who always loved the faces and hated the heels.When Carlito won the US title I couldn't believe it, even now I don't see why they let Carlito win the US title in his first WWE match.

I don't know if this one would count but I felt when Rey Mysterio won the World Heavyweight Championship was a big upset because he was facing Kurt Angle and Randy Orton. Two men who are great wrestlers and are twice Rey's size and weight (probably). I could understand why they did it, as Rey did it as a tribute for Eddie Guerrero but it just seemed stupid. Someone twice Rey's size and weight getting beaten with a 619? Even though they did it plenty before it always just annoyed me.
Randy Orton beating Chris Benoit was a serious shock to the system. A close 2nd would be John Cena over Shawn Michaels at Wrestle Mania 23. Cena didn't need the win and in a way made Michaels look a little weak just in the sense that Cena always has this dominating type of win.

Its pretty upsetting how many times Triple H has won a World Title. It was an upset when he didn't drop the belt to Booker T, it was an upset when he didn't drop it to Jeff Hardy last year. So many great opportunities have come up where other wrestlers who were way more Over with the fans should of beating him for the title but got the shaft, because of who he's married to.

Batista beating Orton in that cage match earlier this year, only to have Orton with the title back two weeks later, because Batista is injury prone and a piece of shit. This was a waste of time, and what made it worse was it brought back Triple H, ugh.

I also agree that HBK should of beat Cena for the title at WM. I mean HBK is one of the best in the business, and could of really done something while holding a World Title again
i would add goldberg winning over hugh morrus on nitro for his first win. at first, it looked like a normal nitro match where hugh morrus was gonna win, but instead, it set off the streak and helped create arguably the biggest home-grown wcw wrestler.

honorable mention:
ric flair beating triple h in a steel cage match at taboo tuesday 2005
benoit beating triple h/hbk at wrestlemania XX
A huge upset would be The Hurricane beating the rock on raw in a no dq match stone cold didnt even interfere the rock got distracted by the music and hurricane got a roll up. Definatley made Hurricanes career right there.
I see no one is saying Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H for the Intercontinental Title back in 2001. I mean this was back when Jeff was still a skinny twig Hardy Boy, against the former World Champion and current IC Champion. Did you actually think at the start of the show, that Jeff could win the title? Especially after he gave the Twist of Fate to Stephanie. I marked out just seeing him hit it on Steph, and saw Triple H so pissed, I didn't think Jeff had a snowballs chance in hell. Then Matt comes out and hits Hunter with the chair, and Jeff hit the Swanton, I marked out so hard, jumping up and down on my couch.
The 123 Kid is probably my tops but also Owne Hart beating Brett. This really took Owen to another level. At the time he was a glorified jobber in WWE and when he snapped on Brett then beat the multiple time world champ it took him to another level. Also I would have to throw in Andre the Giant beating Hogan on Saturday Nights Main Event. Back then you didnt see many title changes on t.v. and no one saw that coming. Plus using the twin refs and one being paid off was just genius at the time we didnt get storylines that deep back then.
One of the biggest upsests ever was Barry Horrowitz over Skip. This looked like just another ordinary match. After seeing Horrowitz loose about 1000 times I never expected him to get a win. Especially over a new star that I thought had potential. I guess it was nice for Horrowitz to get a win and a real feud after serving WWF for so many years as a jobber. Too bad they had to kill Candido's WWF career before it ever got started.
The biggest upsets are any match the Rey wins, he is way smaller than anyone and it is pure bullshit anytime he wins a match againest a non cruiser weight. him winning the title at Mania was the most pathetic sad time, there was no real way for him to win that match but he did, and its just such bullshit.
The biggest upset that I've seen was Eddie Guerrero defeating Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship. Like you, I didn't know that Brock Lesnar was planning to leave and I was shocked to see him pull off the win. I remember the 15-man battle royal that Eddie Guerrero won to become the #1 contender. I was so shocked to see Eddie win that match and I thought he had absolutely no chance of winning. I was glad to see Eddie Guerrero get the win and the title.

As for matches that made me upset. One would be at Unforgiven 2008 when Chris Jericho won the World Heavyweight Championship. I don't hate Jericho, but he really should not have won. Earlier in the night he was simply destroyed by Shawn Michaels, so why would Mike Adamle just put him in the match as C.M. Punk's replacement? That was dumb! And he won too. I really didn't get that.

Also, I was upset to see Triple H win the World Heavyweight Championship at Armageddon 2002. Shawn Michaels had just won the title at Survivor Series and I hate the fact that he lost that "Three Stages of Hell" match. Also, I was upset when Triple H won the title in the Elimination Chamber match at New Year's Revolution 2005. He was the champion, the title then became vacant, just for HHH to win it back? Stupid!

Also, it made me upset when Vickie Guerrero stripped The Undertaker of the World Heavyweight Championship last year. That might have been the last time we would see Undertaker as the champion and the title was just taken away from his like that? Horrible! Let's hope to see The Undertaker win the World Title tonight at Breaking Point. I doubt it though.
jeff hardy vs triple h in 2001 for the ic title. but for real whats an upset i geuss it when the underdog wins but since when did underdogs winning upset people i think that every jeff hardy match with hhh in 08 which was the best time to give hardy the title but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. but now jeffs over rated to the fullest extent i think cena is almost more entertaining than him.
back to topic my biggest upset match came from my first ppv i ever paid for (back in the day i was to young and could not pay for back in the attitude era which i wish i could been more apart of) at wrestlmania 24 john cena vs triple h vs randy orton for me at the time i was a typical fan i cheered for the good guys hated the bad ones but at wm 24 my heart was pounding cause i thought felt i knew cena or trips would win that match and at the end of the match i was sweating cause of shocked and pissed randy won (edge vs taker made that up)until the next night when randy cut his promo on raw was gold and i just sat there and laughed at how upset i got over it and then after that i joined the iwc and i have not been a fan of hhh since cause i saw how atleast 5 of his world titles he did not deserve i see that as upsetting
This isn't really the biggest one ever but remember Stevie Richards he was facing Kevin Thorn in a match. My first thought was squash match but out of nowhere he won. It was unexpected and i still remember it.
The biggest upsets are any match the Rey wins, he is way smaller than anyone and it is pure bullshit anytime he wins a match againest a non cruiser weight. him winning the title at Mania was the most pathetic sad time, there was no real way for him to win that match but he did, and its just such bullshit.

So many things are wrong with that statement but I'll save embarrassing you for another day.

The biggest upset I've watched was Jericho/HHH in 2000. Yes I know Earl Hebner gave a fast count but still I didn't think Jericho would beat HHH in their match especially with the McMahon/Helmsley regime going strong. That was one of the few times I was excited at the end of a match and I will never forget it.
Oh my how could I forget ... Hulk Hogan versus Shawn Michaels? I don't think there's a single person that would not agree that even though HBK was heel back then, he should've won. Personally, the Hogan feud he had was the best HBK I've seen after the injury. Maybe because that WAS..the old HBK. But nonetheless, Hogan beating HBK was a HUGE upset for me.
I think Superman has already mentioned my favorite one in which Hurricane defeated The Rock. Okay, so distraction was involved, but this is often the case with upset victories. I agree that many of Rey Mysterio's "giant-killer" victories were upsets and it's difficult for many fans to see them as possible, but let us not forget that size is not the all-determining factor. Anybody of any size can win a fight if they know how to use what they've got. Anybody remember the name Floyd Mayweather? I rest my case.

All that being said, I have to say that almost any victory that Santino (or his cross-dressing persona Santina) got is an upset, not because Santino isn't good when allowed to be, but because of the way his character is usually portrayed. He exists to lose and to be funny.

One last I'd like to mention is Jamie Noble picking up a win against William Regal. That roll-up came out of absolutely nowhere.
Chris Jericho beating both the Rock and Stone Cold on the same night to become the first undisputed champion. I didn't see the pay per view, but I completely expected Austin and Rock to face off, or at the very least one of the two would walk away with the title. At the time, I did not view Jericho in the same light as Austin and Rock. He didn't come of as heavyweight championship material.

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