Update On Rey Mysterio


Prowrestling.net is reporting that Mysterio is meeting with Dr. James Andrews to assess a potential knee injury. Mysterio wrote on Twitter:

"Things haven't been good since I stepped back in the ring, (possible) ACL tear again."

Mysterio has had so many knee surgeries and problems, especially over the past several years, that you have to wonder how much longer he can realistically wrestle. During much of his career, both in Mexico and in the United States, Mysterio, as expected, had the extremely high flying style of the Luchadores. While he's altered his style somewhat, it seems pretty obvious that the wear & tear is really starting to catch him. Mysterio has been wrestling since before he was legally old enough to drive, at least in this country, and his knee issues have generated questions among WWE officials in regards to Mysterio's dependability.

We've all read reports of past heat between WWE & Mysterio during contract negotiations. Mysterio is said to be among the highest paid members of the WWE roster and has been known for taking extensive time off in recent years. I highly doubt we'll see Mysterio future endeavored over this, but I think he's getting to the point in which he's just not going to be at all worth what WWE is paying him.
If it were up to me, he'd be gone in terms of participating as an active in ring competitor, it's as simple as that. In a business where the motto of "what have you done for me lately" is the status quo, and where loyalty (in either direction) generally means absolutely nothing, it would be a simple question of what do you provide for the good of the company in the ring, as opposed to what do you cost to maintain you. And in Mysterio's case, I would imagine he costs far more than he is worth.

Mysterio has not been participating regularly for ages now. Has he been missed, I would suggest no. I don't see him involved in any title belt scenarios on either show. ADR, especially since his successful face turn, has largely filled the void he has left behind, and Sin Cara is there now as well. With his reduced in ring abilities, which is only going to get worse, as well as his history regarding suspensions, I just don't see why they would possible be overly concerned about keeping him.

He would be very valuable as a backstage agent, a manager or something like that, but I think his in ring days should be behind him. And I would not maintain him just to prevent him from going to TNA. If he were to choose to head there, best of luck to him. He can sit on their sidelines rather than that of WWE.
Personally, I think it's time to stick a fork in the 619 because he's just about done. I've never been a fan of Rey's. I'll give you that he's impressive in the ring, but he's horrible on the mic and always has been.

I know the kids love him and the Latin community loves him, but the writings on the wall. The Del Rio face turn is a perfect example that WWE knows it too.

Rey won't be around much longer. And I'm OK with that.
I love Rey-Rey, but it's because of just that, that I want to see him retire. It's not worth fucking up your body like that just to squeeze out another year of wrestling. He probably has 20-30 years before he bites the big one and he'll need those legs of his.

While I don't see Rey as a manager or valet (mic skills), I thought that his tag team with Sin Cara was a perfect fit for him, with Cara carrying most of their offence an Rey helping them to get over. Then again, if 'Swoggle gets paid to cheer and to get beat up on sporadically, maybe they can hire Rey to do just that.
.... but I think he's getting to the point in which he's just not going to be at all worth what WWE is paying him.

Yes, the law of diminishing returns. The company has indulged him with win after win over much larger men for a long time now. It's been a symphony of the same-damn-moves over and over. I used to enjoy his routine but I've grown sick of it. (It's amusing/annoying to read the folks on this forum who hate John Cena because they think his act never varies.....yet they love Rey Mysterio)

One of the keys to making pro wrestling attractive is giving us people and situations that look real. That's the rule, but it's been broken so many times to accommodate Rey Mysterio and the kids who buy his masks that reality has been stretched past the point of believability and his act flies in the face of what the company is trying to do, imo.

Jeez, doesn't it bother anybody to see his opponents draped over the ropes, face-forward in every single match Rey wrestles..... often multiple times?

Yes, we feel sorry for Rey when he's out of action with one of his frequent injuries. Problem is, when a performer is on the sidelines, not strutting his stuff in the ring, he's doing the company no good at all. In fact, he's draining it since he's still collecting his salary. Plus, the bloated gut on a man so small is extremely unattractive; the fact he now wrestles wearing a shirt shows that he and his employers know it. And didn't we just read a week or so ago that he was off TV again in order to deal with a family situation?

Rey is long past the point of useful production. I don't begrudge him the success and popularity he's enjoyed, but enough is enough. Time to cut the cord and have him back for legends functions. He can toss a few 619s and thrill the kiddies to pieces.
I find Rey matches to be very boring and repetitive, and the 619 to have one of the worst, less believable set-ups of all finishers. Don't hate me for it, but I actually believe that the 619 being used as main-finisher that is used on every match makes it as ridiculous as the cobra - and at least the cobra is ridiculous on purpose.

Anyway, now I'm just ranting. What I mean is that I, personally, wouldn't miss Rey at all, and actually hope that he's just going to silently go away from WWE.
i'm just glad we don't have to watch Rey Mysterio VS Sin Cara at Mania couple of years ago was looking forward to seeing the match..but watching them as a tag team didnt impress me and i dont think a singles match would either..Mysterio has been injured/ taking time off for quite a while now back in 2002 i found him the most entertaining wrestler because of the way he moved round the ring nd performed his moves..as of right now he should box up his mask and leave with the respect hes earned and with a working body..
Wow so much for the family matter he had to attend too! And i actually commented on this saying i hope everything works out for him. I respect Rey Rey always have always will. But for the past what 4 years or so he has missed more time than i care to remember. It has become quite apparent,that age and injuries have caught up to mysterio..

I agree and dont agree with hatehabsforever! I dont wanna see him cut but,at the same time,with the amount of money there paying him,it just is not worth it anymore. The saying is quite true,what have you done for me lately. The answer in reys case is a visit to james andrews office. He has wrestled for well over 25 years probably its time for him to call it a career.

If i were WWE i give him a couple of options. One of them would be to terminate his contract effective immediately,basically saying he just isnt worth it anymore and wish him well in his future endeavors.. Other option would be terminate him as a wrestler but offer him a job behind the scenes as an agent and occasional special appearance to give a few 619'ers once in awhile. Rey cant wrestle anymore and really no one has missed him at all.

Sad to say but its true. The 619 was always a corny move,never believed anyone especially someone two to three times his size would just lay through the ropes and await the 619. But Rey has always been for the kiddies so the WWE probably will keep him around just for that. Im not saying terminate him but with the money the E is paying him,time to rethink the terms of the contract!!
You know, I'm not a Rey Misterio fan, but all I will say is that I hope the Rey-Bashers who want him to retire are not UNDERTAKER marks.

I may not be a fan of Rey, but hell, at least the guy wrestles more than once a year (oh sorry, I forgot about that untelevised Waco show, LOL). When Rey comes back, he's also willing to put someone over. All I see with UT is a guy who comes out once a year to work, shows up a few weeks beforehand to cut a few promos (complete with a 45 minute entrance), and then leaves for a year as the marks worship him for "all he has given" and how his poor body can't hold up.

Uh-huh, yet Rey gets ripped.

Again, not a Rey hater, or even an Undertaker hater for that matter. But, just sayin.
You know, I'm not a Rey Misterio fan, but all I will say is that I hope the Rey-Bashers who want him to retire are not UNDERTAKER marks.

I may not be a fan of Rey, but hell, at least the guy wrestles more than once a year (oh sorry, I forgot about that untelevised Waco show, LOL). When Rey comes back, he's also willing to put someone over. All I see with UT is a guy who comes out once a year to work, shows up a few weeks beforehand to cut a few promos (complete with a 45 minute entrance), and then leaves for a year as the marks worship him for "all he has given" and how his poor body can't hold up.

Uh-huh, yet Rey gets ripped.

Again, not a Rey hater, or even an Undertaker hater for that matter. But, just sayin.
You don't understand context at all. Undertaker is a HUUUUGE draw. Especially at mania. "Willing to put people over"? Taker is willing, but as soon as he losing, you lose a draw in he streak match. I don't care that taker only wrestles once a year. It's adding to his mystique and ensuring he has a mania match and that it's a draw and that it's awesome. Mysterious is a draw but not at all on the saw level.

I think Rey is done physically. So much damage to those knees.
Pound for pound one of the best but I think the fat Lady is warming up. I'd like to see him actually set a date to retire and work a good farewell program, some heel could get a lot of heat as the guy who retires Rey.
Update: Rey Mysterio injured! In other news, water is still wet!

At this point in his career, perhaps the 619 should be renamed to the 911, because it seems like every time he performs it his knees need some attention.

Its time to call it quits, i hear taco stands are quite profitable....
Please stop with all this crap with Rey Mysterio when it comes to criticizing him in terms of believability. There have been a plethora of instances in the WWE where it "suspends" our disbelief and shit like that and we never gave it more grief than we do with Mysterio. I'm sick of it. I don't care if you bitch and moan that he seems to beat the big guys and how that is not "believable". I can flip that the other way around so many times it wouldn't even be funny. I don't give a flying fuck about his mic skills because he's been one of the best in-ring workers in the past decade and I dare anyone to prove me wrong.

Rant over.

I'm not going to say it's time for him to hang it up. It's time for him to slide into that part-time role. I still think he can do a lot in terms of putting guys over as he has done in the past. I would rather see him lose and still have a good showing against guys like Cesaro and Barrett instead of them jobbing all the damn time as champions.

Just get him away from Sin Cara. Please.
You don't understand context at all. Undertaker is a HUUUUGE draw. Especially at mania. "Willing to put people over"? Taker is willing, but as soon as he losing, you lose a draw in he streak match. I don't care that taker only wrestles once a year. It's adding to his mystique and ensuring he has a mania match and that it's a draw and that it's awesome. Mysterious is a draw but not at all on the saw level.

I think Rey is done physically. So much damage to those knees.

To be honest though both need to retire and stop wrestling (I have my reason but that's another story). Mysterio's injury has caught up with him severely though but I still he needs one more match as a farewell bout. I can't help but feel having Del Rio and Mysterio is a great way to close the book of Mysterio's wrestling career and open a new one for Del Rio.

Last I checked Del Rio and Mysterio have not yet gone one on one on PPV. Maybe a simple angle where Mysterio is Inducted to the HOF and Del Rio challenges Mysterio at WM30 will be a great Send off.
Triple H, Undertaker, Rock, Jericho, Brock... Mysterio. admittedly, Mysterio is not the biggest draw of the bunch, but he certainly has a large fan base in his own right. and he's been wrestling for nearly 30 years. age and injuries are just a natural part of life for a pro wrestler.

don't future endeavor him or force retirement. just lighten the load. part-time schedule. he's earned it.

i think let him work the big 4 ppv's for the next few years. then set up a big farewell angle. maybe even with Sin Cara. after a few years, maybe Cara will be over enough to warrant a feud and the ultimate rub from Mysterio.
i think WWE is gonna have to reduce him to part time.. He could jump to TNA and do great in the X division but I think WWE would keep him going because the kids like him, Spanish speakers watch him, and his mask sells well. If they let him go they might not be able to sell those masks.

His matches are boring, his 619 doesn't look real, and the size gap is too noticeable. I didn't notice that in WCW or when he first came to WWE but I notice it now and I don't really watch him anymore. If hes teaming with Sin Cara I will watch him teach the newer guy a few lessons but other then that nothing is intriguing about him. His last interesting bout was when he lost his WWE title to Cena..

His best bet might be to go to TNA for a lighter schedule and for opponents more his size..
The 619 isn't real enough? it's pro wrestling you ignoramuses.

rey is a hall of famer. his career is coming to an end. wwe is changing and rey doesn't quite fit into the new model. he was excellent when they needed heroes to take the wwe out of the post-attitude era and bring in the next generation of wwe fans.
with his knees, it is likely he only has a couple more feuds before retiring. wwe has plenty of new mid card heels that good use a good push and need a signature moment.

he has never won the US title. when he comes back, he deserves one last push. he will win that and then give it to a young heel who needs a push. i just hope he can walk after he retires.
He should take time off and come back for WM 30. It would be great for Rey's last opponent to be someone like Chris Jericho. Sin Cara can suck it as far as I'm concerned.
The 619 isn't real enough? it's pro wrestling you ignoramuses.

he has never won the US title. when he comes back, he deserves one last push. he will win that and then give it to a young heel who needs a push. i just hope he can walk after he retires.
The build up to the 619 is ridiculous and the opponents he has in it look like they could just back hand him and be on their way. The 619 could had worked in like 1999 when he was so fast and agile his match against Kevin Nash in WCW actually looked good and believable.

If the U.S. champions are built like Cesaro and R Truth it doesn't look good for Rey Rey.. He's not gonna do any heels any favors because his slaying can't be top news when hes not even a dragon (anymore..).. The best way for him to help others his through the tag team division like with Sin Cara. Him leading them to the tag title would build him up as the new top luchador and he could actually use some of Rey's moves after they use them together.
I know that it's hard for him to give up that juicy paycheck, but Rey needs to just retire already. Every year for the past couple years he returns, does a short program with somebody, and then gets injured or takes a break. I know that he is one of the top draws for children and Hispanics, but WWE will just need to find another Mexican-American masked superstar to take his place who will be able to work for the next 10 years. (And God no don't make it Sin Cara)
The build up to the 619 is ridiculous and the opponents he has in it look like they could just back hand him and be on their way. The 619 could had worked in like 1999 when he was so fast and agile his match against Kevin Nash in WCW actually looked good and believable.

If the U.S. champions are built like Cesaro and R Truth it doesn't look good for Rey Rey.. He's not gonna do any heels any favors because his slaying can't be top news when hes not even a dragon (anymore..).. The best way for him to help others his through the tag team division like with Sin Cara. Him leading them to the tag title would build him up as the new top luchador and he could actually use some of Rey's moves after they use them together.

The problem is no one lays on the second rope like that in any other match. He also has to take a long pause. when the crowd sees the set up, everyone stands. rey has to give everyone time to see it. people hate missing a finisher live.

rey and sin cara was a terrible tag team. they never had any flow. both of them are much better singles competitors. just because they both wear masks, doesn't mean they have to team up. sin cara beat cesaro last week, it looks like he might be getting a singles push. 619 will get a big pop after returning from injury. i think a transition title run to give his last wm match a little meaning would be a good send off. us title makes sense because he would then have held every current title in the company.
Well the verdict is in, most people on here are oozing with cynical observations and negative vibes. All it takes is a vibe dictated by the op.

So Rey's finisher is flawed in that it doesn't parallel something we can imagine happening in real life? Does that mean that his opponents are flawed for selling it? When two wrestlers exchange punches like drunk chimpanzees, you imagine that happening?

Good fucking grief people. Rey adds a different kind of wrestling to the dynamic, some of you are bored of it already because you're just malcontent sacks of shit with crass sympathies for whatever the fuck attempted to entertain you.

When Rey takes down a bigger opponent, they grant Rey spots that involve his speed and agility overcoming size and strength. Is it convincing enough for you? Hell no, but then you're fucking stupid for expecting something that looks more like a shoot fight and less like a pro-wrestling match.

Rey has capital with the fan base, if he appears for any reason people will buy tickets just for that. He is worth every penny they pay him because he's a perennial favorite in a business that at it's core is a massive popularity contest.

I understand believing that with medical bills being what they are today, it might cost more to heal him than he brings in. Let's not micromanage the shit out of his wrestling ability just to float our supposedly high brow insights.

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I think its time for Rey to hang up the boots, gracefully might I add, before WWE management is forced to cut him off. Lets face it, the product has moved far beyond Rey Mysterio. Coming off of Eddie's death, WWE never gave much thought to giving Rey the boot during his first series of injuries. However, its evident that the WWE Universe doesnt hold Rey to the same regard it once did. Before his last injury he was slated to be WWE Champion, but now he's teaming with Sin Cara and barely getting a reaction with that. Thats how much his stock has fallen. Its not worth WWE's time and money to keep Rey around. What he physically had to offer has come to an end. Storyline wise I can see him managing Sin Cara or something but then again that would have to lead somewhere. And theres still the money factor. Give him his last Mania match and let him go his way. Rey has had a storied career but he is not worth what he is being paid.
I pretty much stopped carrying. I don’t like to see him anymore. The 610 has gotten lazy with that weird looking splash. Don’t get me wrong I don’t wish him harm or happy that he is hurt. Just not interested in watching him no more.

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