Upcoming Games to Look For (2011 onwards)

With the amount of games scheduled to be released in the next couple of years, it is very possible that the gaming community can easily overlook or even completely dismiss a certain game that might be a hit once released.

The purpose of this thread is to promote and discuss games that might go unnoticed to the average gamer.

Two games that I will keep an eye out for are Homefront & L.A. Noire.



Homefront is a first person shooter, takes place in Denver, Colorado in 2027 where the United States is at war with North Korea after the Koreans have seemingly contoured much of the world.

What makes this shooter different is that the developing studio, wanted to take a different approach for super-soldier stories like Halo and Call of Duty and they primarily did so in two ways. The first is the games setting; rather than take place in familiar areas like the White House or Empire State Building, where most gamers will have no emotional connection with, Homefront’s setting is one that anyone playing might be able to relate to - your regular suburbia neighborhood.

The second thing that separates Homefront from the collection of other shooters, both already on shelves and soon to be released is the main character development. Unlike most shooters where you play as an experienced soldier, in Homefront you are expected to feel the overwhelming uncertainty of a regular person who is not trained in military tactics or accustomed to holding a gun, nonetheless shooting one.

To add to the sense of panic of not being an experienced military combat machine forced to fight of the world’s largest and most powerful army in your backyard, the developers have added a sense of desperation to survive by choosing to give the player a constant lack of resources such as ammo.

Homefront is attempting to bring some humanity into a gaming genre that is seemingly overflowing with emotionless single player campaigns based on someone’s war fantasy.

Homefront is developed by Kaos Studios and published by THQ and is scheduled to be released in March 2011 for Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC.


L.A. Noire

L.A Noire is the next project by Rockstar Games, the makers of the Grand Theft Auto series and Red Dead Demption. Though L.A. Noire is an open-world game where you can explore Los Angeles and see the sights, admire the pedestrians, there are no mini-games to be played or side quests to complete. L.A. Noire is a far more linear game, that focuses more on the journey, than the destination.

In L.A. Noire, you play the young and seemingly incorruptible LA police officer Cole Phelps in the 1940s. Phelps is a decorated war hero from World War II hero who harbors a dark secret certain to come out during the course of L.A. Noire. Though young in his career as a cop, Phelps is the kind of media darling the LAPD can latch onto to improve its tainted image.

Phelps begins the game working as a cop on the beat but quickly rises through the ranks of the police department to traffic (investigating all cases involving cars. For example: when a woman mysteriously runs her car off an embankment. The case begins appearing like a normal accident, but it grows into a case about Hollywood corruption, rape and pornography.) Eventually you work your way up to homicide by solving a number of specific cases that are all based on real cases from the ‘40s.

Crime investigations begin at the crime scene where you search the scene for clues/evident. You aren’t required to collect every bit of evident, but the more you gather, the easier it will be to narrow your suspect list. Accusing someone isn’t as easy as just pointing a finger, you will have to back you’re your accusation by linking it to a piece of evidence.

Your next step in the investigation is what separates L.A. Noire from not only Rockstar Games of the past, but every other game on the market today. When you start talking to witnesses and suspect, L.A. Noire takes advantage of amazingly new motion-scanning technology. Every face in the game is the actual actor with zero touch-ups or animations added. If you talk to a woman with bruises on her face, then she had to have makeup applied before the shoot.

By using this technology, Rockstar has managed to capture every shift of the actor’s eye, the furrowing of a brow, the slight downturn of the mouth. What you see in the game is exactly how you would see it if watching a detective drama on television. The actors in the game, over 300 total, are conveying the reliability (or lack thereof) in the smallest facial gestures, with their posture, and the inflection of their voices.

Why does this matter to the game? In L.A. Noire, it is up to the player to pay attention to not only what people say, but their eyes, mouth, and body language and judge everyone you speak with to determine if they are telling the truth, hiding something or lying. How you judge the truth from the questions that you ask has an impact on the information you are given and how difficult it is to solve crimes.

L.A. Noire isn’t all talk and detective work, there will be plenty of action as you tail unreliable witnesses, chase down suspects, and get into GTA-like shootouts where you kill an inexplicably high number of enemies

L.A. Noire is set to be released during the second quarter of 2011 for both Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.
2011 looks to be an awesome year in gaming, that is if many good games don't get delayed into 2012 like many games were this year. It was ridiculous...

But here's my list for my most anticipated games for 2011, with my MOST anticipated in bold:

Dead Space 2: Limited Edition - The first Dead Space was a brilliant Survival-Horror game. It was suspenseful, atmospheric, and fun as hell to play. It's the next Resident Evil.

Mortal Kombat - With this MK going back to it's roots, there's no reason to be excited for this one and say "It's just another MK game...". It looks beautiful, violent, and the way Mortal Kombat always should have been after all these years.

Rage - This game stole the show at E3 this year. The graphics look amazing and the game itself should be great. You got the makers of Doom and Quake making this game; That, you can't beat.

Killzone 3 - Killzone 3 should be good but to me, it just looks like it wouldn't be any different than Killzone 2. It's just set in a different setting..

Yakuza 4 - If you like GTA, you gotta try the Yakuza games. They're very Japanese, but it's fun and keeps you entertained FOR HOURS. This one has more playable characters, but the game itself shouldn't be any different than the 3rd one.

inFAMOUS 2 - The first inFAMOUS was a good and fun action game. This one looks to be even better with a better engine, new powers and enemies, and a new New Orleans-like setting.

Resistance 3 - The Resistance games are awesome FPSs. The weapons are phenomenal and I cannot wait for this one. One my biggest games for 2011 to get. Gotta check that one out.

F.E.A.R. 3 - I loved the F.E.A.R. games, especially the first one. I'm not a big fan of having Paxton Fettel as a playable character as it'll feel like F.E.A.R. is going Resident Evil (Wesker).

Max Payne 3 - I'm not even sure if this game will come out next year since it keeps getting delayed but I'm hoping that Rockstar won't fuck up the Max Payne series even more. I'm keeping my eyes on this one.

Twisted Metal - I grew up playing Twisted Metal and it's cool that they're bringing it back. The online multiplayer looks to be something that you gotta try out. Imagine the fun you can get out of blasting anyone in the world to be the best!

Hitman 5 - There isn't that many details on this game, but if Hitman 5 is coming out next year, I CANNOT WAIT. If you're into Stealth games like me, you gotta play the Hitman games. Looking forward for more news on this game right here..
I hadn't heard about L.A. Noire but it sounds awesome.

I'll throw in:

April 8, 2011
Portal 2: Obviously the original Portal was a surprise breakout and I've read that there are new "tools", for a lack of better vocabulary that is escaping me right now, at your disposal. such as a blue gel like material that make the surfaces it coats bouncy and the scenery has changed a lot which in my opinion is great as the laboratory setting can get a little old. You're still in a lab but I guess there's floral overgrowth's growing all through it. I expect it to be great as they took 2 1/2 years to develop and refine it so, here's hoping.


December 2011
Gears of War 3: While I haven't even played through the first two I know a lot of my friends are looking forward to this. I played part of the first one and plan on finishing it and playing through the second one before the third gets released which is admittedly a ways away.
I'm looking forward to L.A. Noire next year, can't beat a good Rockstar game.

However, there's been alot of speculation about a 5th Elder Scrolls installment recently, alot more than usual aswell. Elder Scrolls fans normally rant about a 5th installment being released just out of pure hope, but this time it seems different.

Bethesda have allegedly been talking about a new project other than Fallout (which for once is nice, because Fallout is horrible in comparison.) and have mentioned a 5th Elder Scrolls. That was last year though and they said not to look out for it in the near future. Meaning a later release other than 2011, I'm assuming.

Alas, Eurogamer also released talk about a 5th Elder Scrolls installment aswell. Apparently, one of their Danish journalists overheard 2 Bethesda employees discussing voice-actors during a plane flight for an upcoming Elder Scrolls installment. One would assume that it would be an Elder Scrolls 5, but what are the odds? It just doesn't add up.

You're a journalist for a gaming forum when you happen to hear 2 guys talking about voice-actors for games who you identify to be Bethesda employees out of the blue, and realise they're talking about an Elder Scrolls 5? It doesn't sounds likely.

However, if there is an Elder Scrolls 5 being released, then you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll be the first in line to buy it.

2011 should be a good year for gaming, as was 2009 and 2010.
I'm looking forward to Brink.


It takes place on a giant boat that is used as a city for criminals and others. It adds a little Mirror's Edge (which I loved) with some decent weapon-play. Your character has full customization with lots of choices for every aspect from their look to their personality. I didn't like the character models at first and still kind of don't, but if the gameplay lives up to what the developers are bragging about, the character models will be the last thing on my mind. It's release date is Spring 2011.

Another one is Pokemon Black and White


The game will introduce 156 new pokemon as well as improved graphics. The battles are now fully animated with the camera moving to show off big moves and shit. There is the Pokemon Dream World website, still don't know what the fuck that is but it sounds cool. I've played the shit out of every pokemon game and will definitely do the same with this one. It comes out Spring 2011 in Europe and North America.

Hopefully they finish Mass Effect 3 by next year as I am dying to see what happens next and the new Zelda looks sick enough to make me buy a Wii. Should be a good year for gaming.

Edit: Heard a little about Homefront before, but that vid makes me have to play it. And L.A. Noire should be amazing, it's Rockstar.
I'm looking forward to Brink.

It takes place on a giant boat that is used as a city for criminals and others. It adds a little Mirror's Edge (which I loved) with some decent weapon-play. Your character has full customization with lots of choices for every aspect from their look to their personality. I didn't like the character models at first and still kind of don't, but if the gameplay lives up to what the developers are bragging about, the character models will be the last thing on my mind. It's release date is Spring 2011.

I want to see what the actual game play looks like. The cinematic looked great but then again, it was a cinematic. I doubt the game play looks anything like that. Looks like it'd be a great online game.
I want to see what the actual game play looks like. The cinematic looked great but then again, it was a cinematic. I doubt the game play looks anything like that. Looks like it'd be a great online game.



The game play kind of seems like Mirror's Edge/ Prince of Persia mixed with a strong teamwork FPS style. I agree it should be a sick online game if done well.
I'll put one which hasn't been mentioned yet: Alice: Madness Returns

The original American McGee's Alice was kind of a sleeper hit back in 2000 and depicted an extremely creepy and twisted version of Alice in Wonderland. It was an action-adventure where a clearly crazy Alice went around and hacked things with the Vorpal blade, which was really more like a machete than anything else, which made her seem even more mentally unbalanced than walking around with a Master Sword-looking piece of weaponry would.

Anyway, fast-forward 11 years from the ending of the first game and Alice has been let out of the asylum and is returning to normal life. Unfortunately, she is still haunted by the deaths of her parents, who died in a fire shortly after the events in Through the Looking Glass. So, Alice has to go back to Wonderland, which is being corrupted again thanks to Alice's insanity.

Not much else is known about the game at this point, though previews have shown some extremely nice artwork and, um, unique weapons. The original game was really, really interesting in the way it depicts Wonderland's being directly influenced by Alice's madness. I have high hopes for this one, though I know it will garner very little attention in the public sphere. I'll be satisfied if it's another classic in the vein of Eternal Darkness/Beyond Good and Evil/Psychonauts/Okami.

Here's a trailer that came out in September.

I'm extremely excited for LA Noire. I read about it in a magazine a few months ago and it intrigued me. I really like the style of film noir and hard-boiled detectives, and I'm fascinated in how well this new face-mapping technology is going to work. From the trailer, it doesn't look creepy at all, which is something I was worried about. Sometimes if you make something digital a bit too realistic, it becomes horrifying. Looks like this game might avert this.

It's definitely on my "To Buy" list, if the game lives up to the hype.

Now, I want to talk about an upcoming game for the 3DS. It is the third in a series I hold near and dear to my heart. I never thought this day would come, but it's actually getting made. That game is Mega Man Legends 3.

As a pet project of Keiji Inafune, it looks like Capcom's really going balls-to-the-wall with this one. They're asking actual fans to help design the game and give them their ideas, in order to make a game they know the fans who have been waiting for the final chapter will love. I'm excited, and I'll probably snatch it up on the day of release if I have a 3DS by then. I can't wait. It looks like we'll be getting more of the Legends gameplay we know and love, but with polished graphics, and that's totally fine with me.


I've been waiting for this one for ages. It's finally here. And as you can see from the trailer, there's a major plot. Which gives the crossover thing a major new twist. The previous installments all did have a plot, but they were all pretty vague. As a big fan of both Marvel and Capcom, I'm pretty excited to see actual major interactions among the characters. And of course the 3 on 3 tagging MVC2 was so famous for in 3D graphics.



How can you not look forward to a Zelda game anyway? From what's been shown, this game is gonna take full advantage of the Wii's motion controls and make it so you control the sword and other of Links weapons. As usual with console Zelda's, this seems like a major overhaul.
How has nobody mentioned;

Batman: Arkham City

I have been anticipating this game for the past two months and it doesn't even come out for another year. There han't been too much revealed yet, but the overview so far is that all the inmates from Arkham Asylum have been transfered to one of the slums in Gotham. The asylum is still messed up from the events of the first game so they built a wall around a section of the city and everyone was free to do what they want within. As long as they don't try to escape.

The main protagonist so far seems to be Two-Face. He has some plot to publically execute Catwoman and Batman goes in to try and save her. The screen shots released thus far are fucking awesome:





It is set to be released on fall of 2011. If you aren't looking forward to this game, I will never see eye to eye with you in life.
Portal 2 and Pokemon Black/White are all I care about for now. I hope Valve don't delay Portal 2 any further then the current delay of 2 months. Valve please announce HLE3 or HL3 what ever next year, its been 4 years. No more L4D, Portal 2 is nice but it won't answer our questions about HL. I should of imported a Japanese Black/White in September, oh well.


I never saw anything in any of the trailers for Square Enix's Mindjack which was first announced at E3 2010. It wasn't until I recently read a preview about the the game that my interest was slightly peaked.

Mindjack is a futuristic third-person shooter with a very generic shooter story. You play as Jim Corbijn who is attempting to fight the evil corporation & the corrupt governments that are in control in the year 2031.

Dispite the generic story & average graphic displayed within the trailer, it is the gameplay concept that makes the game unique. In this world, technology has been developed that allows users to take control of other people on the battlefield with mind control.

As you play, you can choose to a host or a hacker. As the host, you will directly be playing Mindjack's story and will control the game's main character, Jim. As a hacker, you will be joining a host's game in order to control an enemy soldier or an ally.

As you play through the story, other players around the world can "hack" into your game and take control of the forces that stand in your way, or they can fight alongside you in battle.

In combat, hackers start out as clouds of digital information that fly around the level in search for a target that can be hacked into. Once the hackers find a target, they gain control of that target and contribute to the fight, either with you or against you. The host also has the ability to hack in and out of combatants as well as has access to an exclusive ability: the mind slave, which allows the host to enslave a fallen enemy soldier and force him to fight with him.

I don't think that the interesting gameplay idea alone is enough to make me play this game, but it is nice to see a refreshing idea brought into an otherwise typical shooter.

Mindjack is set to be released on both Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 on January 18, 2011.


I never saw anything in any of the trailers for Square Enix's Mindjack which was first announced at E3 2010. It wasn't until I recently read a preview about the the game that my interest was slightly peaked.

Mindjack is a futuristic third-person shooter with a very generic shooter story. You play as Jim Corbijn who is attempting to fight the evil corporation & the corrupt governments that are in control in the year 2031.

Dispite the generic story & average graphic displayed within the trailer, it is the gameplay concept that makes the game unique. In this world, technology has been developed that allows users to take control of other people on the battlefield with mind control.

As you play, you can choose to a host or a hacker. As the host, you will directly be playing Mindjack's story and will control the game's main character, Jim. As a hacker, you will be joining a host's game in order to control an enemy soldier or an ally.

As you play through the story, other players around the world can "hack" into your game and take control of the forces that stand in your way, or they can fight alongside you in battle.

In combat, hackers start out as clouds of digital information that fly around the level in search for a target that can be hacked into. Once the hackers find a target, they gain control of that target and contribute to the fight, either with you or against you. The host also has the ability to hack in and out of combatants as well as has access to an exclusive ability: the mind slave, which allows the host to enslave a fallen enemy soldier and force him to fight with him.

I don't think that the interesting gameplay idea alone is enough to make me play this game, but it is nice to see a refreshing idea brought into an otherwise typical shooter.

Mindjack is set to be released on both Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 on January 18, 2011.

This "Mindjack" game looks like an interesting concept, but it looks and feels like a generic shooter like Kane & Lynch. I'm not putting my hopes after playing Kane & Lynch 2, believe me...
I can't wait for a Borderlands sequel.

The sequel to my favorite game of 2009 has yet to even be announced, but a sequel to a game that sells that well is inevetable. I hope expand on character development this time around, not just skills and colors. I would also like to see even more guns, perhaps with some customization. Another thing is the comedic moments in this game, keep them coming, it is one of the things that make this game unique. So please Gearbox, start working on Borderlands 2!!!
I am personally looking forward to inFamous 2 and a game called I Am Alive. From what i've read about it, it sounds quite unique in the story and what you have to do in the game, was meant to be released this year but was delayed making me look forward to it more.
Team Ico's been working on The Last Guardian for a while now, but I'm sure it'll be worth the wait. Their past work is unbelievably great, so I've been anticipating this for a few years.

I loved inFamous. It's my favorite game of this console generation, so you can imagine how I feel about inFamous 2. Sucker Punch seems intent on making this game better than the first in every way.

Uncharted 3 was just officially announced. I've seen the trailer and a little bit of gameplay footage, and it looks great. This franchise seems to keep getting better. 11/1/11 can't come fast enough.

Little Big Planet 2 looks pretty awesome. Enabling players to make games is a huge step forward for the franchise. Keep up the innovation, guys.
I'm very excited for L.A. Noire. Rockstar improves with each game they put out, both in game play and story. Red Dead Redemption is probably my favorite game of all time, and Niko Bellic is without a doubt the most interesting video game protagonist I've ever played. Furthermore, L.A. Noire looks like it has elements of great Noir films of both past and present. From the trailer alone I've seen references to both L.A. Confidential (one of my all time favorite films) and Chinatown.

Additionally, I'm very excited for Marvel vs. Capcom 3. I never really got the chance to enjoy Marvel vs. Capcom 2, but the arcade style game play is very appealing to me. Furthermore, it looks like they actually put together a real plot and some serious development. Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the past versions of this game, they kind of just say, "This is what's happening, now you have to fight everyone," where in this one, they'll actually show you why you're righting Juggernaut and C. Viper.

It's the follow up to the critically acclaimed, but poorly sold, Okami. It transfers over from the PS2/Wii to the DS where it should be a brilliant addition to anybody's collection. Personally yet to play Okami myself but that's what Christmas is for gift wise. Needless to say it should be a great addition and hopefully this time more people go out and buy it!

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Like Okamiden this will use cel-shade graphics which is not a first for the console games of Zelda. While it's been more successful on the DS, it was also in The Wind-Waker where it was one of the best games on the Gamecube. While Twilight Princess was also on the Wii, it was also on the Gamecube at the same time, so Skyward Sword will effectively be the Wii's incarnation for the Zelda Franchise.

The motion controls promise to dazzle as much as the graphics do and with any Zelda game you can pretty much bet your house that it will tell a great tale. Many Zelda fans will know of the Zelda timeline and of it's importance to the series. The Ocarina of Time was decided as the first game in the timeline - however, this game takes place before OoT which makes it kind of important to the long standing Zelda fans like myself.


thatgamecompany, the makers of such downloadable hits as Flow & Flower has a history of developing simple, yet beautiful games filled with emotion that never follow the accepted standard of gaming. Journey is the next and biggest game set to be released from thatgamecompany.

You wake up in a desert with no idea who, where, or when you are. As you climb the dunes, the harsh desert sun blinds you for a moment. The scorching winds throw waves of sand across a vast emptiness stretched before you. You pull your cloak tighter around you, the only thing you have to protect you from the elements. In the distance you see an incredible mountain, a bright light shines into the sky from the mountain’s peak. In journey, your only goal is to get to that mountain.

You take a step and then slowly slide down the other side of the dune to begin your long and lonely trek. Off in the distance you spot something, another figure on the horizon. Perhaps this journey isn't one you have to walk alone.

Journey is an online multiplayer game with a very unique concept. As you wander towards the mountain, you will encounter other players making their own way towards the mountain. You can choose to ignore the other players, or travel together with them to make quick work of some of the time-consuming traversal puzzles.

There aren’t any enemies in Journey. As you work your way closer towards the mountain, you will encounter obstacles presented by nature that require thinking and puzzle solving skills to overcome. Some problems will be easier to solve with a partner, but you'll have to find non-verbal ways of communicating because there is no voice chat within the game and interactions between players will remain anonymous.

Despite the limitation of the desert setting, there will be a wide variety in the games environments. The game is being designed like a museum and players won't see everything on their first play through. One incentive for exploration is to discover shrines and statues of a strange birdlike race of creature spread throughout the environment. These statues will summon a presence of the old race of beings that once lived in the ruins and each will tell you a small piece of history about your setting.

Every game thatgamecompany has been developed has been defined by a simple mechanical concept, given a few minor variations and then set loose in an environment whose artistic beauty are meant to directly affect back into the core mechanic. Journey looks to continue this tradition.
Journey will be published by Sony Computer Entertainment and will be available for download on the PlayStation Network sometime this year.
Yes i also am very excited for brink, the team aspect of it mainly online is meant to be awesome. I also disagree about the look of the characters i think they r something new and innovative which should be good. The endless customisation should be awesome. So yes brink is the game 4 me and when i get online i shall look forward to it that much more.
Trash Panic™ on Playstation 3 Gameplay Video

I know it say from 2011 on but this game deserves to be posted. It's a game kind of like tetris but with garbage. The point of the game is break down as much trash before it fills up and falls out of the bin. I know it sounds rather stupid but atleast your cleaning up the environment one trash at a time lol :shrug:


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