Unscripted: Stantime vs. Viewer's Choice - Tag Team Championship

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Tag Team Championship Match

WZCW Network to choose the opponents and stipulation out of:
Runn Reynolds Runn (Captain Elimination rules), Mind Over Matters (Normal rules), Mystery Team (Table rules)

Stantime has already broken the curse of the first time defence of the titles, but now they have the opportunity to prove their strength in the division as new challengers are beginning to the appear and threaten their reign. Stantime has given the WZCW Network the opportunity to award a team with a match against themselves at Unscripted, the question remains on which team and which stipulation. The options lie with previous challengers Runn Reynolds Runn and the Captain Elimination Tag Match, Newcomers Mind Over Matters and Tradition Team Team rules, or a Mystery Team and in a Tables Match. Who faces the champions? You decide.

Deadline is Tuesday 18th October 23:59 EST
The following is a press release from The Friends of Austin Reynolds

Want to meet one of WZCW’s biggest stars? Keen to get hold of the latest merchandise from WZCW and their hottest new tag team? Then you will want to visit the UIC Pavillions in Chicago as two of the Second City’s favourite sons, Austin Reynolds and Ricky Runn will be there to show off their contribution to WZCW’s massive range of merchandise, including Runn Reynolds Runn T-shirts and flags.

To celebrate Runn Reynolds Runn being featured as one of the options in the Unscripted Tag Team Championship match, one very lucky guest will win an exclusive Special Tag Team copy of WZCW’s Kingdom Come video game! This unique version of the game will feature Austin Reynolds and Showtime David Cougar on the cover as well as codes for exclusive downloadable content for characters and second attire to form WZCW’s great past teams.

Austin will also take part in a special live Q&A from those in attendance. He will take questions about his relationship with Ricky Runn, the blood feud with David Cougar and his desire to put Runn Reynolds Runn down in history as the best tag team ever. Unscripted is looking to be the craziest WZCW event in history so join the Ratings Winner as he builds up to this potentially historic event.

“This is a great spot Austin.”

“Yeah, Dom and Rob really pulled all the stops on this.”

We see the two members of Runn Reynolds Runn in front of a WZCW merchandise stall. Behind them are vast arrays of their individual merchandise as well as their newer items which take pride of place in the middle stall. Both Ricky and Austin are wearing the new team t-shirt, which is emblazoned with their faces and the team name.


Ricky had a big part in creating this new item and he was particularly impressed with his efforts.

“You know I’m really glad you like this.”

“Yeah I know, you keep telling me. I think it’ll go down a treat here. And this donation idea was top notch too.”

Austin gestures to a banner above the stall, which promises all monies will go to a breast cancer charity. A close friend of Ricky’s had recently been diagnosed with the disease and he had been terribly distracted since he found out the news.

“This will go down a treat.”

Chuck Myles approaches from behind the area that will stage the Q&A in a few moments.

“OK guys, are we ready to go?”

“Yeah I guess so.”

Myles walks away, but Ricky steps forward.

“Actually, Mr Myles can I have another moment with Austin please?”

Myles seems surprised by how respectful Ricky is. This is very different to the brash and ignorant lad that was punished for his birthday bash.

“Sure, just be where you need to be in five minutes.”

The UIC Pavillions were currently empty save for WZCW personnel milling around. The door were about to open and judging by the noise from outside, the atmosphere was building well.

Ricky and Austin head towards the stage. Ricky takes a seat on the edge.

“I just wanted to say sorry for what happened before.”

“OK...look, we’ve not really had a chance to talk about this. Here is what we going to do.” Austin steps away from the stage’s edge and stands next to Ricky. “Everything that has happened before, the title match, the bad tag, everything...we are going to draw a line under it.” Austin takes a big step and Ricky follows. “And we are going to get over it.”

They sit down again.

“Look you have my full support and I trust you completely. We will be going into the match at Unscripted and we will win the damn tag titles! Showtime wants out of the division? Lets’ throw him out with a boot up his ass.”

Ricky nods agreeing with Austin’s positive sentiment. They hear a voice from the outside the hall and the rumbling noise from outside quickly becomes loud as the hum of humanity becomes a tidal wave. Ricky and Austin say their goodbyes as Ricky is due to appear at the merchandise stall and Austin has to head backstage to prepare for the Q&A.

He sees Chuck Myles again.

“You ready for this Austin?”

“Course. Actually I’ve got something else on my mind. You see I saw you appear on Meltdown and say that we have a Captains Elimination match as our choice.....”

“Yet another first for you and WZCW.”

“That’s great and I’m delighted to be involved but what are the rules on this one?”

“Well have you chosen a captain?” Austin shakes his head. “Well that’s your first job. The rest of it is simple. When the captain gets pinned, the match is over. But it is still an elimination match so when the captain is pinned, it could be a two versus one or one on one at that point.”

Austin smiles, he is clearly intrigued by the possibilities and one thoughts dominates his mind. Him vs Showtime.

“Yes, it could end up being you against David Cougar.”

Austin chuckles out of surprise as his boss appears to have read his mind. Myles is given a mic by a member of staff and is ushered towards the stage curtain.

“You ready for this?”

“Of course.”

“OK, one minute.”

Austin psyches himself up as Chuck Myles exits to build up the crowd. The roar surprises Austin and interrupts his internal thoughts.

“And now let’s get to the reason why you are all here. I am delighted to introduce one of the most popular wrestlers to ever work for WZCW. He continues to be hard-working and get the some of the best reactions we have ever had. He was desperately close to winning the World Heavyweight Championship and now he has set his sights on World Tag Team title gold.”x

“But no matter what, he is and will always be the one and only Ratings Winner....AUSTIN REYNOLDS!!”

Austin hesitates a little before walking out. The noise to greet him is remarkable and as he looks out, the small crowd of 250 or so are making the noise of 10,000 and Austin is both impressed and taken aback.

“This is something else.....How you guys doing?....Wow, I thought I was at MSG for a second...that was epic.”

The loud cheers show that the crowd approve.

“I’m not humbled too often but you guys do it to me every time. You know the last time I something like this was just prior to Kingdom Come III, which was also the last time I won on pay-per-view. There’s something not right about that. I mean I can’t claim to be the Ratings Winner if I am not even guaranteed to be on the damn card can I?

“And that is the problem and the great draw of Unscripted is that anything can happen. We are going to everything in our power to win the vote and wrestle the best match that we can. The fact that it will be a Captain’s Elimination match means nothing. Another defeat will be nothing more than an excuse. It won’t be acceptable, just like it won’t be an excuse for Blade or Alex Bowen or any other champion”

A young lad raises his hand in the middle of the crowd. Austin pauses and then remembers it’s a Q&A so he gestures to the lad for him to speak.

“Do...er....do you think Unscripted is the second biggest show behind Kingdom Come?”

Austin nods. It’s a good question and something that the locker room had been split on when it’s was discussed last week.

“I guess, I mean I think so. If you had asked me after last years’ show, I probably wouldn’t have agreed with you. I didn’t know if I was going to face Blade, Phoenix or Beckford. As champ that puts a huge stress on you. The match types just add to that. I never thought I would be involved in WZCW’s first Inferno match. I wanted to leave that sort of thing to Ty and Bowen; the guys who would relish that kind of environment. Chris is a friend, even more so now. Looking back, it wasn’t a fun match to be a part of.”

“But that is the kind of unpredictability that Unscripted is built on. Between the match choices, the opponents choices and having Mr freaking Baller in the Hell in a Cell, this pay-per-view has everything. Last year Chris Beckford got his third shot at the Elite X championship because the fans wanted him to be the man to beat me. They didn’t want to see Showtime lick his wounds after losing in the main event and crawl his way into the Elite X Division.”

Austin pauses and suddenly a load of outstretched hands shoot up. He laughs because he doesn’t know where to begin. One of the organisers appears to point to another excitable youngster.

“Mr Reynolds, you haven’t beaten David Cougar...unfortunately....if you get picked, do you think you can do it this time?”

“Nothing would give me more pleasure. Cougar deserves to be in the main event of this company but while he isn’t, I don’t want to see him abandon the tag team division the way he abandoned the Elite X championship. He has the chance to reinvigorate the division in a way that hasn’t been done before. Now if he isn’t willing to do it, I will take the ball, show it to Ricky and watch us take the company by storm. Cougar has this tremendous ego that will not allow him to share the spotlight. How is that beneficial to Stan Rogers?”

Austin has been vocal in his support of Ricky Runn and his criticism of Showtime for how he treats his partner.

“Nonetheless, Stantime is a volatile combination and I want to be there where they implode. Because they will - it’s simply a matter of time. Just like the Showtime Power Trip and every other alliance that Showtime has formed because it was simply convenient for him. Cougar is a man who forms partnerships and then dismisses them at a moments’ notice. Stan Rogers is proving to be a phenomenal talent but he is confused enough without Showtime being in his life. Showtime needs Stan Rogers more than Rogers needs him.”

Austin begins to pace the stage, maybe showing his pent up energy and desire to get to Unscripted.

“I guess that’s part of Cougar’s “charm” though. It’s not enough that he is one of the best, that he is the most successful men in company history. But he wants to focus on the World Title and only defend the tag belts once a month on pay-per-view? Don’t get me wrong, there would be financial benefits to that but it only robs the fans of the value for money. Why would any wrestler who claims to be the embodiment of entertainment make such a ridiculous claim?”

The organiser points to a young lady this time. She smiles shyly. Austin stops pacing across the stage and looks her dead in the eye. Apparently encouraged, she begins to speak.

“You could have chosen anyone in the company to be your tag partner. I don’t mean this to be a dig but why choose a rookie like Ricky Runn?”

“That’s a great question. Why do you think I picked him?”

“Because you see a lot of yourself in him?”

“Absolutely right. He is crazy talented. And he is more precocious than I was at his age and he has an earnest nature about him. When he asked me to be at Ascension 36, I couldn’t help but say yes because he was just so sincere. Since then I learned that he is eager to impress and quick to learn. He reminded me of what I wasn’t at that age. And at least he is honest about what he wants to mean to this business.”

“I had nothing to lose by helping him and creating Runn Reynolds Runn was the best career decision I’ve ever made. Not only can I help a remarkable young talent, but I can revive this flagging division. Stantime have had no opposition, after all Cougar is not going to revive the division by himself. And at Ascension 37, the RRR Express was one moment away from winning the tag team titles in our first match.”

Austin stands firm in his belief that Stantime and RRR were not too far apart but that Stantime were ones with the win from their match-up and still had the tag titles over their shoulders.

“And there is no one I would rather team with. The funny thing is I’ve often heard it muted that Cougar and I are two of a kind. That myself & Showtime could form a team that would dominate this company, the same experts said Ty & Vengeance would do the same and look what happened there. Now I’m not the smartest card in the pack but I do know that when Cougar and I share the same, the fallout is on a massive scale. It cannot end well for either of us. If I was going to form a team, it was going to be with someone who doesn’t share the narcissism and vain, insane nature of a David Cougar. I couldn’t think of teaming with someone who would so readily abandon and disrespect the fans like he does so readily.”

“Now as I’ve said Ricky is extremely talented but his youth means he is likely to make rash choices and we have already seen how that can be so influential. I’ve spoken to Ricky and he understands that he shouldn’t write cheques that his ass can’t cash. He won’t make that mistake again. So at Unscripted, I am going to tell Ricky to focus on his own actions. He doesn’t need to worry about the match type or tagging in. He just has to focus on hitting his moves and being in the right place at the right time. It’s the simple things, he doesn’t have the experience that we do and he doesn’t have the strength of Stan Rogers. His X Factor is his speed and energy – he tops us all in that regard. I am going to encourage him to use every drop of it.”

Despite another flurry of hand, the young girl puts her hand up again and this time, she doesn’t wait to be asked.

“What makes you sure that you could beat them this time around?”

“I know Showtime has taken all the credit for how the match ended but he needs to rewatch the tape. Instead of working how to be a big movie star, maybe he should consider how close we were to winning the match, we outwrestled them throughout the whole match, I had him beat and Rogers got involved as the illegal man!”

Austin begins to pace again as he talks through gritted teeth about the Stantime defeat.

“Looking at it, a Captains’ Elimination match could favour us but you can be damn sure it doesn’t favour Cougar & Rogers. Now this match is more than just me versus Showtime and Ricky versus Stanno. If it was that simple, then you would have to bet the house on them. But this business is far from straightforward.

It’s now clear that Austin’s feisty behaviour and attitude isn’t just because it’s a pay-per-view – he is getting antsy because he could be getting another chance to face David Cougar. The significance of that was not lost on him.

"What I have against Showtime is far from simple because he is a complicated character. We have an intricate history because we are two of the best and our mutual ambition is the only trait that I am happy to share with him. I can’t help but think of how Showtime has a great record against me but it’s not the be-all – and -end-all. John Constantine thought he had my number and I showed him up on the biggest stage of them all. For all I care, Unscripted may as well be Kingdom Come. It’s a huge stage and I have to step it up because of what is at risk. I would love to pin Showtime and end his sham of a tag title run.”

“And even then, I don’t think we would be through. Cougar seems to be attracted to me like a slimy magnet. Plus WZCW know they are onto a winner when we face off and they may be in a much worse state without us. That is in no small part because of how and what we do when we cross paths. We enter the mainstream and we set standards for the entire business. That’s what we are all about. It’s part of our DNA to be the most entertaining members of the roster, even if we mix like oil & water. That’s why I am teaming with Ricky, because I believe he has the potential to go to that level, to the standard that has only been exclusive to myself and Showtime, yet he will never try and end my career.”

The young girl tries to ask another question but she is shouted down by several voices and a hundred more hands. A large guy at the back is picked out. He is wearing an out of date David Cougar t-shirt that doesn’t stretch quite over his belly and he clumsily bumps forward through the crowd to get closer to the stage.

“So think you are guaranteed a slot in the match? You have that much confidence? There are much better options! Mind Over Matter are future stars. And even the mystery team have got to be better than you and Ricky!”

Austin notices the rumblings of discontent at this somewhat negative question.

“Should we worry about the potential for Mind Over Matter to be a sustained threat? Why on earth not. They’re talented, have all the right attributes. Stantime should be worried too especially as they and the mystery team are truly unknown quantities. It’s just a shame that Mind Over Matter send me to sleep. As good as they seem to be, I’m confident that if Ricky and I ever came across them in the ring then we could stay out of their grasp and show them how entertaining true wrestling can be.”

“WZCW needs real tag teams, teams who are brothers in the ring. Mind Over Matter are just like Showtime, they seem willing to use each other, a means to an end. I don’t understand that. What’s the point in not liking the person who relies on you for success? Tag teaming requires a special relationship. Stark & Susumu need to figure out if they have anything in common before they can touch me and Ricky.”

Austin pauses, hesitant to talk much further about opponents he may not need to worry about for a while.

“But I can’t think about them. I have to focus on Showtime and Rogers and I have to trust that the WZCW Network will vote us into the match. You know, I will be delighted if just one more time, this match comes down to Showtime and I because for everything he has done to me in the past, he has it coming back tenfold!”

For the first time, the crowd erupts into loud and whooping applause. Austin smiles as he knows that these happy faces are delighted by his typically upbeat and positive response. This time he points to another happy fan. The camera fades away with The Ratings Winner happy amongst his fans once more with one thought dominant in his mind:

“I have to get in the match for these guys.”
The scene takes place at the WZCW fan event before Unscripted. Austin Reynolds was just called on by Chuck Myles to do his Q&A as part of the event for the fans so it left Ricky alone at the merchandise stand. The majority of the fans at the event were at Austin’s press event. So that allowed Ricky to have some time to be trapped in his head, his friend was in the hospital and is currently undergoing chemotherapy for her cancer. Ricky’s hand was pressed against his face as his elbow rested against the table. His mind was drifting off as he tried his best to keep his mind at the matter at hand. He had to try and convince the fans to vote for him and Austin for the tag match at Unscripted, he knew that the majority of the fans wouldn’t even bother hearing their case but the most he could do was try.

“Hey Ricky, Ricky Runn, you there?”

Ricky was snapped back to reality from a rather small, sickly child looking up from in front of the stand. His hands had a $20 bill and his eyes on Ricky and Austin’s new T-Shirt. The sick child was wearing an old Austin Reynolds shirt smiling up at Ricky as he threw on a grin and says happily.

“Oh snap, oh hey their dude, you looking to buy our new shirt?”

The child smiled happily and nodded impatiently as Ricky went and pulled out a small child shirt. While Ricky was grabbing the shirt, the kid said happily.

“Ricky I hope you know that me and my family are rooting for you. We are all voting for Runn Reynolds Runn at Unscripted.”

Ricky couldn’t help but grin as he pulled out the shirt and laid out the shirt and said happily.

“Thanks little dude, I am happy to hear that. I think we have a very good chance to win this week.”

Ricky smiled and pulled out a sharpie marker and quickly signed his name on the back of the shirt in red ink. The kids’ eyes sparkled in excitement when he saw the shirt signed and Ricky said happily.

“Here you are little kid, I hope you enjoy the show.”

The kid then frowned as he looked down and said sadly.

“I don’t think I will be able to watch the show…”

Ricky turned his head and then asked.

“Why is that, little dude?”

“I have to spend the night at the hospital… I have something called leukaemia and I have to stay at the hospital that night."

Ricky was touched by the child’s words; he took a deep breath and then said smiling.

“Know what little dude, I will make sure you and your family will be able to watch the pay-per-view.”

The kid smiled happily and said excitedly.

“Ohh really Mr.Runn! You’re so awesome! I hope you beat StanTime, they suck!”

Ricky smiled and gave the kid a high-five and said happily.

“Couldn’t have said it any better myself, get along little dude. I hope you enjoy the show.”

Then just like that, the child left and continued on with the event. Ricky couldn’t help but have a smile on his face, knowing that he has the opportunity to entertain millions of people with his work in WZCW. An opportunity he is not going to waste. In the distance, Austin Reynolds could be heard from the stage as he proclaimed boldly.

“Now everyone, feel free to stop by Ricky and I’s Merchandise stand and buy our new merch! A hundred percent of your money goes to Breast Cancer research. Help us fight Stantime and help us fight for a great cause!”

The fans go in up roar as Austin takes a bow and leaves the stage. Suddenly a flood of fans rush the merchandise stand. If Ricky wasn’t wearing his aviators, fans would have saw how wide his eyes shot from the swarm as they began swamping Ricky at the stand. Surely enough, they began yelling questions to Ricky as he quickly began pulling out shirts, signing them, and then putting the money in the lock box. Once all the fans have grabbed their shirts, several sharpie markers thrown around the table, completely used out from his signature. Ricky looked back and was unable to find any more shirts. The Daredevil climbed up upon the table and stood up and said loudly.

“Sorry fans, but I am all out of shirts, however I will still accept donations to Breast Cancer research and I will gladly accept any questions you want. Do not pull any questions dudes!”

Fans began all yelling and trying to shout over each other. Ricky began scanning the crowd and pointed at the rather large, and obese man with the Showtime shirt that did not quite fit him. Displeased with the question answered by Reynolds, he shows up and Ricky points him out and asks him his question. The man responds with the nasally voice.

“So Ricky, since you have shown up to WZCW you have only won one match with a future number one contender Saboteur in a handicap match against Johnny Scumm. What is your future without Austin Reynolds carrying your ass?”

Ricky shook his head and shouted loudly.

“You know what dude, ever since my loss to Stan Rogers I have been asking myself what would I do without Reynolds. The guy has saved me on more than one occasion when both Stan and Showtime tried to end my career here in WZCW. Want to know my answer dude? Reynolds and I are going to stay around for a long, long time. It doesn’t matter if we are a team, fighting in different matches, or fighting each other. We are going to put on the greatest matches we can, week in, week out. Austin has taught me that, it doesn’t matter how great of a match you can wrestle, if you don’t entertain the fans, the fans won’t care what happens to you. And he is right, I am wrestling for the fans, every match I am willing to put my body on the line and all I need are the cheers from the fans at every show.”

The large fan is once again disgruntled and grumbles away to the funnel cake stand as more fans began to shout and asks Ricky for more questions. Ricky gladly points out to a rather young lady who has just put on the new Runn Reynolds Runn T-Shirt in the area as she asks in a shrill voice.

“Rickkkkkyyyy! When do you think you and Austin will win the tag titles!?”

Ricky smiles and nods as he clearly like her question better than the last one. He says happily.

“You know what? If you and your friends vote for us at Unscripted, Austin and I are going to return your vote with a win. We will beat Stantime and remove Showtime from the tag division like how he removed his love for the fans from his mind.”

Ricky than moves his glasses over his head and gives the girl a wink and then turns back to the fans and tries to find another question over the scream of the girl. He finds a rather snarky and scrawny man, his thick glasses give off a glare from the city sunlight as he asks.

“Ricky Runn, this is a simple question for you dude. Why should we vote for you over Mind over Matter or the mystery team?”

Ricky shrugged his shoulders and said boldly.

“Why should you not vote for us? Mind over Matter don’t care about you guys, they don’t care about entertaining the fans are being proud that you guys have chosen them over us or the mystery team. What happens when they win? They will drag down what Austin and I are trying to rebuild in the tag-team. I wish I could say something about the Mystery team, but I have no clue on who is in the team. It could be anybody really, so instead of worrying about maybes, worry about Stantime, because after you vote for the RRR Express, Stantime are done!”

The crowd cheers loudly as Ricky begins to look around for another question to answer. Ricky then points out to another fan, an average looking man in a business suit as he asks.

“Ricky! After you first singles match against Stan Rogers, do you now have harsh feelings for the Strongman?”

Ricky takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh and says loudly.

“I tried cutting the guy a break, I don’t know how many more excuses in the backstage on why Stan is acting the way he is now. But what he did to me after the match on Meltdown is just not right dude. I thought he already had a few screws loose when he came in saying he had wrestled the likes of Lou Thez. But now, he’s crossed the line. He has lost what really matters in professional wrestling somewhere along the line. He lost the idea of entertaining the fans, but I am willing to teach him what it means to give back to the fans, even if it means I have to toss him over the barricade and let the fans watch us up close as I entertain you guys with my boot on his face!”

The man nods his head in approval and begans cheering as the fans continued cheering as he then looked down and saw another fan waving, a bald girl with the new shirt gripped in her hand. Ricky points at her as she asks.

“Ricky Runn! I was never really a fan of wrestling, but when I saw you wearing pink in support of breast cancer and your fundraiser you’re doing here now, as a breast cancer survivor, I want you to know I will now tune in every week to cheer you on! But why are you supporting this cause?”

Before Ricky could answer her question, the crowd cheers loudly for the girl. Ricky was clearly stunned from that question, he looked down and then back up to the fans and said happily.

“A close child-hood friend of mine has recently been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She and I grew up together and had always had our backs and have done everything together…In fact, I have her to thank for my opportunity to wrestle here by daring me to try-out at a House-Show. I owe her more than anything for everything I have now! Honestly I wish I can do more than this fund-raiser! Every week, I will do everything I can for my friend, cancer survivors, and of course, you the fans!”

Ricky’s question was so moving the girl let out a single tear as the fans continued to cheer. Then at one point, the fans let out a chant, chanting Ricky’s name loudly. Ricky smiled brightly as he hushed the fans and said loudly.

“You know what dudes!? I know a little kid who’s going to be unable to watch Unscripted because he is stuck in the hospital. Let me call my agent and do something about that!”

The fans cheered loudly while Ricky reaches into his pocket to pull out his cellphone, he quickly calls his agent, Rob and puts him on speaker, as the phone dials, Ricky turns and hushes the fans. Rob answers the phone nonchalantly as he sits in his office. His tone is rather grim as he asks.

“Why are you calling me now Rick? What did you break at the event?”

“Nothing yet…How much cash do I have in my account dude?”

“Depends, what do you need to buy?”

“Call up every major hospital in Chicago and Miami, I want you to make sure that all the sick fans will be able to watch Unscripted! Make it happen!”

The fans abrupt into another flurry of chants from Ricky’s proclamation! Rob can hear the chanting in the background and asks.

“Ricky! Did you put me on speaker!?”

“Yeah dude! “

“Hey listen, I need to talk to you in private. Once you’re done with the fans in the call me….It’s important.”

Ricky nodded, then hung up and turned back to the fans. He then asked the fans to calm down again as he proclaims.

“Alright guys! Thank you all for your time, I hope you all vote for the Runn Reynolds Runn Express at Unscripted! Win or lose, or if I don’t even get a vote. we will be selling more merchandise and once again, all the revenues will go to breast cancer research! Thank you again, for everything!”

Ricky smiled as the fans were close to rioting as Ricky climbed off and made his way through the fans. Stopping and taking pictures with the fans as he did his best to find somewhere he could call Rob. Ricky then finds his car and jumps into the driver seat. He calls up Rob again as he says smiling.

“Yeah Rob, what happened that is so vital for me to know?”

Rob sighed and replied.

“It’s Rachel... Her body reacted to the radiation…”

Ricky’s eyes open in shock as his mind went into disbelief. He started up the engine to his 2009 red Corvette and said coldly.

“Where is she Rob?

“I don’t think you have time~”

“Where is she Rob!?”

“Miami General Hospital… Want me to get a flight ready for you.”

Ricky dropped his phone and hung up as he quickly sped his way to the International airport. The scene ends with the camera watching Ricky peel out of the fan event in quick haste.​
The WZCW cameras arrive at Susumu's gym slightly early. Neither Alexander Stark nor Hiraku Susumu acknowledge them, refusing to take their eyes off each other. Standing across the ring of Susumu's gym and breathing heavily, they stand with their muscles tense but still as if they're waiting for something. "Five minutes... and start" a tall blonde woman calls. As soon as she does both men move instantly.

They lock up, but not for long as Stark swiftly kicks his tag team partner in the midsection and throws on a double underhook and delivers three stiff knees to Susumu's face. He transitions to a front face lock. Not giving him a chance to continue his offence, Susumu quickly escapes and wrenches on the arm that had trapped his head mere moments before. Acting quickly, Stark stamps on Susumu's foot and scoops him up and delivers a perfect backbreaker delivering a stiff elbow to Susumu's nose, drawing blood.

With a roar of anguish Susumu raises a knee to Stark's temple dazing him enough to release the hold. Susumu quickly gets to his feet and with cold fury grabs Stark's arm and applies a textbook cross arm breaker, but instead of locking in an armbar he shifts his body position and instead attempts a kimura. Taking advantage of the lack of pressure Stark interlaces his fingers preventing Susumu from completing the manoeuvre. After a few moments of struggling to break the grip Susumu releases the hold and stands immediately stamping on Stark's chest driving the wind from him. Surprised, Stark breaks his grip and Susumu quickly moves to his head and kicks Starks nose in return for the elbow. Smiling he crosses over Stark's arms.

"I think it's about time for you to begin the path to enlightenment, Stark" He completes the Tengoku no Nikkō submission hold and Stark responds audibly before gritting his teeth and starting to straighten his back, hauling Susumu off the canvas. Immediately realising what's happening Susumu releases the hold causing Stark to almost over balance as he stumbles backwards into the corner and grabs his injured arm. Susumu gets up quickly and charges at Stark who steps forward and smoothly delivers a lifting reverse STO into the top turnbuckle. Stunned, Susumu staggers back a few paces giving Stark the opening he needed.

Not allowing his friend and foe recuperate for a moment Stark delivers a European uppercut driving Susumu closer to the centre of the ring and kicks him in the midsection. Stark hoists him vertical and maintains it for a moment, before connecting with the Brasenose Driver. He shoots the half but Susumu quickly kicks out. Sascha shakes her head when Stark look inquisitively at her.

Stark pulls Susumu back to his feet and charges at him before falling victim to Susumu's drop toe hold. He gets to his knees quick enough to see Susumu running towards him. Thinking fast he covers his face with his arms and uses the momentum delivered by Susumu's sliding kick to roll backwards onto his feet. He returns fire with a savate kick to a rising Susumu but instead of arriving on target it's caught and used against him as Susumu stands and unbalances Stark. He is quickly shoved away however and Stark returns to his vertical base.

Susumu is quicker to attack as he grabs Stark's painful left arm and twists it before bringing it down hard on his shoulder. Stark rotates and forcefully breaks the hold but before he can mount any offence Susumu lifts him over his shoulders, going for a Death Valley Driver. Stark intercepts the move by ramming his just wrenched elbow into the Japanese man's head. Stark's feet hit the ground safely and he grabs his painful elbow Susumu shakes his head to clear his head and charges at the ropes bouncing off and dives into a forward roll to avoid Stark's heel kick and then ducks, anticipating Stark's oncoming gamengiri. Stark manages to land on his feet but regrets it when Susumu's boots embed themselves in his Kidney and injured arm.

Stark watches Susumu retreat to the ropes. There can't be much time left. He must be looking to end the drill with his spear, rather than the Tengoku no Nikkō, which failed him earlier. Stark feels a plan emerge in his head as he slowly gets to his feet. As he finally does he takes a step towards the ropes behind him and braces himself. He sees Susumu charge and lower his shoulder for the final blow Stark smirks and springs his trap.

It takes a lot to surprise an enlightened man. When Alexander Stark bent low enough to avoid the Kami no Tettsui and used the momentum of a charging messiah to pick him up, Susumu was definitely surprised. An instant later when his throat bounces off the top rope courtesy of a Stun Gun he becomes a surprised messiah grasping his throat in pain.

Stark smiles; to quote Hannibal Smith, I love it when a plan comes together. Seeing Susumu clutching his throat he pounces and wraps his legs around Susumu and applies a vice like leg scissors. Susumu tries pounding and clawing at Stark and takes a step forward before Stark finishes locking in the Guillotine. Susumu stays upright long enough to take another step towards the ropes before lack of air forces him to the ground. He reaches the ropes with one foot, however Stark cannot see and does not relinquish the hold until he feels Susumu tap him lightly twice signalling his surrender.

Stark feels a sense of satisfaction at his victory even if it was only a training drill. "Time, Sascha!" he barks pausing to take a deep breath between words.

"Four minutes, fifty five seconds, sir" she responds while he rolls out of the ring. "What the hell was that Alex? You're tag partners, not enemies!"

Of course she doesn't understand, not that she needs to. He walks to his bag paying no need to Schwartz's words and withdraws a bottle of water. "Sascha, could you pass Hiraku and I paper towels? You are closest to the dispenser" he responds calmly. Judging by her expression she's not going to let the subject drop.

Sascha doesn't move. "No, Alex!" she says angrily "And don't change the subject. What the hell were you doing training like that. You're training for your potential match at Unscripted, but all you're doing is making StanTime's job easier."

Stark walks past her and grabs a paper towel and wipes his face, still not answering. "You answered your own question Sascha. We are training like this precisely because we have our biggest match to date in WZCW at Unscripted. This..." he points to the ring "Allows us to keep refining our skills in a match environment. Neither of us pull our punches against our opponents, so why sabotage our training by doing so?" By now Susumu has rolled out of the ring. Sascha hands him a paper towel too, which he accepts and uses to wipe off the blood.

"Training like this strengthens our mind, body and soul more than any other method I know." Little do you know Stark, but with our training you have taken the first step to enlightenment. he takes a breath and continues. "By fighting one another we gain insight into each other’s strengths and weaknesses which are invaluable in the ring. For instance, Alexander's strikes were as predictable as the average romance novel."

"Exactly, Hiraku. Furthermore it allows us to learn from our mistakes. I doubt Hiraku-san will make the mistake of trying to spear anybody who stands so close to the ropes in future. Sascha, StanTime will be our toughest foes to date and we will not be able to work together as efficiently if we hold back in training. Broken noses are a small price to pay for victory."

Sascha still looks mutinous but accepts the explanation. "So, what do you think of the stipulation for the tag team match at Unscripted."

"It is an insult for any team but us to be considered worthy of title contention. Neither of the other teams have proven themselves equal to Mind Over Matter." and to leave the voting up to those unenlightened fools that make up the audience is as foolish as it is insulting. I wouldn't trust them to open my book without getting a paper cut, let alone book a show.

"I think it plays into the hands of the challengers. The champions have to prepare for three matches with three different rule sets against three different opponents, one of whom they will not know until their names are announced. This gives the challengers a huge psychological advantage. Against any of the teams up for voting, this will most likely lead to their defeat. Even if none of them is in our league they are all capable of taking advantage of the situation they have been placed in." And even if we aren't in the match, I have no intention of allowing the victors keep the spoils for long.

"And what of your opponents "Showtime" David Cougar and "Strongman" Stan Rogers?"

"Excuse me one moment." Stark walks over to his bag and looks through it, clearly searching for something.

In Stark's absence, Susumu answers her question. "They are both talented and experienced competitors. Rogers' career speaks for itself but he is a fool that has passed his prime so long ago it's in another continent. Meanwhile, Cougar is a narcissist who thinks the sun shines merely so people can see him better. He is talented, but his ego blinds him to the truths of this world." Stark has found what he was looking for and quickly rejoins the group "But the weaknesses of StanTime are greater than the sum of its parts. Neither man can stand to look at the other. With no respect to hold them together they will crumble like a sandcastle against us."

"And what about you, Alex?"

"Before I talk about my opponents I'd like to show you something" he holds up an old photo to the camera. It zooms in to show a younger looking Stan Rogers and a nine or ten year old child, the words 'to Alex' and Stan Rogers' signature both written in a thick black pen. He looks at it briefly before lowering it again. "That photo was taken on my ninth birthday, signed 18 months later and for years it was my most treasured possession. Now, I have the chance to meet Stan Rogers for third time, but this time I'm not a small child looking in awe and terror at my hero, the legendary "Strongman" Stan Rogers and begging for his autograph. I'm Alexander Stark, the most gifted wrestler to ever set foot in WZCW and I'm going to take what I want by force. I am your worst nightmare Stan; a man who knows you like the back of his hand; a man who has watched your physical decline year after year; a man who knows your failings better than the latest gold digging ring rat you call a wife." Stark smirks at the last one before continuing. "If we meet for a third time at Unscripted, I guarantee that your winning streak will come to a decisive end. Familiarity breeds contempt Stan and I am very familiar with your work." Stark lets the picture drop to the ground and places his foot on it.

"But let’s not forget the 'Time' of StanTime, "Showtime" David Cougar. David and I have no history together but we share distinct similarities. Both of us know how talented we are and aren't afraid to let people know it. But unlike me you are unable to look past your own greatness, that this is your show and everyone else is just basking in your spotlight. Yet when the time came for you to prove your greatness Ty Burna definitively showed you the difference between great and merely good. You are not great as you believe yourself to be. Hiraku and I will prove that to the world when we meet, be it at Unscripted or Ascension." Stark pauses for a moment before continuing. "But that is ignoring the elephant in the ring. Your partner hates you Cougar, and your blatant disrespect for a man who has faced off against foes that would give Ty Burna nightmares is a greater mistake than your mother made when she forgot to take her pill." Admittedly, there's no love lost between Hiraku and I, but unlike StanTime we respect one another enough to put that aside. For now, at least. Stark looks to his partner, hiding any outward signs of his doubts about the team's stability and then smirks once again at the camera.

"Stan, Cougar you should drop to your knees, pray to God and hope he exists that the fans vote against us. Even the small chance you have at beating Runn and Reynolds or the Mystery Team is better than the absolute certainty of defeat that we will bring you."

A few moments of awkward silence follow Stark's speech until Sascha asks one last question "Umm do either of you have any final words?"

"I think Alexander summed up the situation nicely. We will continue our training after lunch." He grabs his bag and walks off camera

"I agree. Sascha, assist the cameramen." while the crew and Schwartz are distracted Stark picks up the two decade old photo, looks at it reverently for a moment before placing it carefully in his pocket before grabbing his own bag and following his partner.
The scene opens in Hiraku’s private study. It seems to be early morning, as the faint sunlight is filtering into the room. The study is oddly not quite as organized as it once was. The bonsai tree seems to have gone untended for a few days. The desk is slightly unorganized. Hiraku’s book lies slightly askew on the desk. Hiraku himself sits in the center of the room, from which he has cleared the furniture. He looks tired as he speaks to the empty room.

“Things have not gone according to plan.”

He sits in silence for another few moments, as if expecting an answer from the air.

“I have had success, I suppose. But success was not my goal. What should I care of titles or of victory, if pain has not been dealt accordingly? And I find myself with a partner. I am forced to call one an equal who is just another dog. It has only been a month. How have things gotten so far off track, so quickly?”

He continues to contemplate.

“I am capable of mistakes. It stings to admit to this, but it is true. If the enlightened mind could be free of the human body, there would be no mistakes. But I am trapped. I am subject to the limitations of the flesh, of the perception of my eyes and ears. What exists in the mind is pure, but what is wrought with my hands may not be.”

He grunts.

“These tag team titles. What do I care of them? Little. Pathetic pieces of metal, representing a concept without meaning. They are useless. And yet…they are of value to the rest of them, are they not?”

He strokes his chin, considering.

“Yes. They are sought after, prized…they are valued as precious diamonds to the men here. I see my path, now. To hold these titles is to wound my enemies. It will cause them anguish. They will hurt. Of course. To hold a championship is to hurt the one who does not have it. I will make them suffer, by taking their golden idols and wearing them myself.”

He smiles, though it is quickly wiped off his face as he considers another problem.

“Stark. Why does the thought of the man bother me so? He defeated me. I know why he was able to do so, and it will never happen again. But even so, as we trained in the gym, did he not have the upper hand? He most certainly did not defeat me, despite what his insipid woman said. By the rules of the contest, I had broken his hold. But could he have defeated me again? He came too close for my liking. What does that mean? I should be able to defeat him. I should be able to defeat anyone.”

He strokes his chin with a look of consternation on his face, before he grins.

“Of course. I’ve already answered my own question. Stark has defeated me – or come near to defeating me – only through treachery. So I must be the more treacherous, if…no. When we meet again. He is like Kojiro. Talented, incredibly so…but he is only the second greatest. I am Musashi. Perhaps equally talented, but I have the mind to best him. I need only approach him with these facts in mind, and he cannot help but fall before me. It is so. And is it not the ultimate treachery to use one such as this to accomplish my own goals, and discard him when I am through? So it must be my deviousness that will make up for the limitations of the human flesh.”

He rises.

“The time comes again that we must meet. I think I am beginning to enjoy this.”

A smile comes across his face as he exits the study.


The scene returns to the gym, where Susumu stands alone, waiting. Stark arrives, alone. He takes off his jacket and shirt almost immediately, preparing to enter the ring.

“Ready to spar again?”

Hiraku gestures behind him, where he has prepared tea.

“Not today. Or at least, not in the ring. Please, sit and drink.”

Stark eyes him suspiciously, but puts his shirt back on and comes over the table set up behind Hiraku. Hiraku gestures and Stark pulls out a chair and sits. Hiraku takes a seat opposite him and pours the tea.

“Do you know of Kissa Yōjōki?”

Stark thinks for a moment.

“I can translate it, but if you’re referring to something specific…no. Sounds like a book.”

“Indeed. An “Exposition on How to Stay Healthy by Drinking Tea.” A discourse by a Zen Buddhist priest in the 12th century. I have always been fond of his first words in the book. “Tea is the ultimate mental and medical remedy and has the ability to make one's life more full and complete.”

Stark scoffs.

“You sound like a hippie. Green tea’s healthy enough but it’s no miracle cure. Most of it’s so called benefits are just a lot of unproven hocus pocus.”

Susumu smiles, though with a slight tension in it.

“I speak of something more…metaphysical, my friend. Do you not find that drinking tea fills your soul with something…grand? Fulfilling? Wholesome?”

“I find it quenches my thirst. No more.”

Susumu sighs.

“Then that is where we differ.”

“You’re too concerned with your philosophy, and your mission, or whatever you call it. You need to focus on what’s concrete.”

Susumu raises an eyebrow.

“Oh? Do I?”

“I need to know I can rely you not to have your head in the clouds and pull your own weight around here.”

Susumu sets down the tea. His face is devoid of emotion. Stark presses on.

“I’ve beaten you twice. It’s obvious who’s been anchoring this team. Maybe it was enough for beating the tripe we’ve faced so far, but we might be facing champions here. Frankly, you need to be better.”


Susumu’s eye twitches almost imperceptibly.

“Yes. Enough of this metaphysical garbage. You know why I’ve beaten you twice? Because you’re too concerned with making everyone learn a lesson, with teaching everyone some philosophy. When I’m in the ring, it’s just a matter of wins and losses. End of story.”

You are an insolent fool. One day I will bring ruin down on you and everything you love. But not before I have used you for everything you’re worth. Hiraku only smiles.

“I am sorry you feel this way, my friend. I will try harder. Though I might remind you that you only defeated me once. When I was forced to submit for my own health in our sparring match, I had already taken hold of the ropes.”

Stark waves off the complaint derisively.

“Meaningless. I would beaten you anyway. Let’s just get in the ring and work on what we need to work on, alright? I’ve had enough of your enlightenment for one day.”

Stark gets up and heads to the ring, his back to Hiraku. In that moment, Hiraku’s face twists with rage and his fists clench tight.

“One day, I will teach you the meaning of pain, you worm.”

Stark turns around. Hiraku’s face has become a mask again.

“You said something about a worm?”

“I’m afraid not.”

“Sounded like you were muttering something.”

“The wind, perhaps?”

Stark looks at him harshly for a moment.

“Irrelevant. Let’s begin.”

“Very well. Though I had hoped to discuss our potential opponents first.”

Stark nods.

“Fair enough. At least it’s something productive.”

Stark returns to the table and sits.

“It’s obvious to me. They don’t like each other, and they let it divide them. No different than Blade and Hammond last week. Similar to Titus and Baez, though less extreme.”

“Though the difference, of course, is that they have found a working relationship. One strong enough to win titles, at any rate.”

Stark smiles grimly.

“Yes, but we’re better. We might differ, but we know what has to be done out there. There’s not going to be any one upsmanship. No games. We might not like each other, but we know what needs to done…we do, don’t we?”

“You wound me, my friend. I had thought we had become such good friends.”

“Spare me. We’re facing the most cohesive unit we’ve seen yet – they’re not perfect, but as you say, they’ve been good enough to become champions. We need to be absolutely certain of this before we continue – can I trust you?”

“I am in this for the long run, my dear friend. You may trust me. Have I given you any reason to think otherwise?”

“No. No, you haven’t. And we’ve yet to fail together. We can do this. I know we can.”

“Your faith inspires me.”

Stark rolls his eyes.

“Alright then. Let’s carry on, shall we?”


They get up and head to the ring together, preparing to spar. Trust me? Of course you can trust me, Stark. You can trust me to carry you to greatness. Trust me to take you to heights you could only dream of. But when I no longer have use of you…then you may trust me, too. Trust me to end you. Trust me to cast you down from the height of the mountain, and for me to rule…alone.
The Future Is Unscripted - Runn Reynolds Runn

The scene opens in the staging area at the 63rd episode of WZCW Meltdown. Stan Rogers – dressed in his ring gear and sweating profusely having just been under the arena lights – meets his agent, Alex Brigstocke. Their greetings are partially drowned-out by the hustle and bustle of the backstage of a touring professional wrestling promotion. The duo begins to make their way out of the staging area and into the anonymous corridors of the arena.

“Hey, Stan, great work out there. The fans loved you - you’re really getting over now. You didn’t seem too bothered about the announcement, either.”

“What announcement?”

“The announcement made by Chuck Myles.”

“About what?”

“About your match at Unscripted.”

“Oh, what did he say?”

“You didn’t listen at all?”

“Well, I kinda just faded out.”

“Why did you look like you knew what was happening?”

“It’s polite, son.”

The two men enter an empty locker room, taking their seats on two folding metal chairs that conveniently happened to be lying around.

“Stan, you’re going to have to be more observant.”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. What did Vance actually say? Anything interesting?”

“Chuck Myles said that your opponents at Unscripted on Sunday will be Runn Reynolds Runn.”

“I guess that’s not too bad, but who...”

“Wait, there’s more. It’s going to have a stipulation.”

“Ah, stipulations: the problem with modern wrestlin’.”

“Well, I wouldn’t go that far.”

“Listen, son, I’ve never been in a stipulation match. You wanna know why? Because I never needed to – I could get over on my talent and talent alone. I’ve never been in a gimmick match, and I don’t plan to start now.”

“But you fought a bear once.”

“That don’t mean nothin’, son. It wasn’t a gimmick match – it was straight up wrestlin’. In fact, he was a better worker than the vanilla midgets that this promotion insists on bringing in. So change it. Change it now.”

“Stan, you know it can’t be changed. The announcement was made by Chuck Myles on live TV.”

"So it's set in stone?"

"Unfortunately so."

“Well what match have we got?”

“A Captain’s Elimination match.”

“A what now?”

“A Captain’s Elimination match is a match where each team assigns a captain. The only way you can win is to pin or submit the other team’s captain.”

“OK, so let me get this straight. One of the guys in Runn Something Runn would have to pin me?”

“Well, they’d have to pin the captain.”

“Which would be me, right?”

“I think they would have to pin me, actually. You see, Rogers, you’re still the rookie – no matter how much you want to be me.”

Rogers turns around to see his tag team partner Showtime Cougar – also still in his ring gear - standing behind him. Rogers tries to put on a stern a voice as he can muster.

“Listen, David...”

“No, you listen. I’m the veteran here. I’m the one who should be holding the World Heavyweight Championship. I’m the one who should be in the cell at Unscripted. But instead, I’m stuck with you.”

“You don’t want to team with me, son? Fine. The door is there. You're free to use it at any time. And if you can’t leave by yourself, I’d be more than happy to than to kick your ass and throw you out.”

“What is wrong with you, Rogers? Didn’t you hear Myles out there?”

“Um, yeah... of course I did...”

“Well then you’d know why I can’t leave the team. You’d know why I’m stuck with you until we drop these belts – which isn’t going to be any time soon.”

Rogers nods his head in agreement at that point.

“Look Rogers, I’m the leader here. I’m the one to beat.”

Rogers gets up out of his chair and stands next to Cougar, putting his arm around his shoulder. The old school veteran begins to speak quietly and calmly in his distinctive Midwest accent.

“Cougar, you are the one to beat.”

“I’m glad you see it that way old-timer.”

“Hold up, son. I’m not finished. You’re the one I want to beat. If we drop the titles to Runn Reynolds Runn at Unscripted, I’m coming for you, champ.”

Showtime slowly removes his partner’s arm from around his shoulder and begins to back away.

“That’s a big “if”, granddad. But if we do, I guarantee you I’ll be there first to take you to a ‘Commercial Break’.”

Cougar backs away and out of the door, leaving an extremely focused Rogers staring at the space where Cougar was a matter of seconds ago.

“So this Runn Reynolds Runn: who are they?” asks Rogers as he returns to his seat.

“Stan, how can you go from that to, well... this.”

“When you’ve been in this business as long as I have, you can’t take things too seriously. You have to separate business from reality. If you don't, you end up like that guy.”

Rogers gestures to the door which Cougar just exited through.

“So, Runn Reynolds Runn. Who are they and what do I need to know to beat these kids.”

“You’re kidding me?”

“What have I done now, son?”

“You know who Runn Reynolds Runn are: Austin Reynolds and Ricky Runn.”

“The names ring a bell. But not much more than that.”

“You faced them last week. You faced Ricky Runn about forty minutes ago!”

“Oh yeah. So let me get this straight, we beat that Ricky Runn one week, beat both of them the week after, and then I beat Runn again this week and they still get a title shot?”

“Um, yes. I guess so.”

“What happened to earning title shots? You lose and get another match? Is that how it works?

“It would appear so.”

“Then why isn’t Ewan Kampa in the main event?”

“Actually, Ewan Kampa was just released.”

“Really? Shame. He... well... well he had heart.”

“He was awful.”

“Yeah. Anyway, shouldn’t I be doing something to promote this joke of a match? A promo? A talkie? Maybe I should go on the wireless.”

“You know, I think they should film one of our chats one of these days.”

“That wouldn’t be interesting for anyone, son. I’m starting to fade out myself here.”

"Fine, how about we find a pen and some paper and start writing a promo?"

"For what?"

"Well, in case you’re pulled up for an interview. We can’t have a repeat of what happened last time."

"What happened last time?"

"As I recall, Becky Serra asked you about teaming with Cougar, and you went on a rant about how 8 Simple Rules shouldn’t have continued after John Ritter’s untimely death."

"It wasn’t a rant, son."

"You started smashing things up."

"Well someone had to say it. I mean, I like David Spade as much as the next man, but no one could replace John Ritter. He was one in a million for that role. I then they brought in the Grandpa, which was a nice idea, but there was still a John Ritter-shaped hole in that show."

"You done?"


They began to write that promo there and then, and they continued to write late into the night, taking in all manner of points and using all manner of clichés. And when it was finished, Rogers repeated it verbatim to every interviewer, reporter and journalist who spoke to him in the build-up to Unscripted. While that may seem uncreative to some - to Rogers, it didn’t matter. Stan Rogers has never been man for promos, or gratuitously hyping a match. He’s never been one for building himself up, or knocking others down. For the strongman, it’s always been about one thing: the wrestling – nothing more, nothing less.​
The Future Is Unscripted - Mind Over Matter

The scene opens in the staging area at the 63rd episode of WZCW Meltdown. Stan Rogers – dressed in his ring gear and sweating profusely having just been under the arena lights – meets his agent, Alex Brigstocke. Their greetings are partially drowned-out by the hustle and bustle of the backstage of a touring professional wrestling promotion. The duo begins to make their way out of the staging area and into the anonymous corridors of the arena.

“Hey, Stan, great work out there. The fans loved you - you’re really getting over now. You didn’t seem too bothered about the announcement, either.”

“What announcement?”

“The announcement made by Chuck Myles.”

“About what?”

“About your match at Unscripted.”

“Oh, what did he say?”

“You didn’t listen at all?”

“Well, I kinda just faded out.”

“Why did you look like you knew what was happening?”

“It’s polite, son.”

The two men enter an empty locker room, taking their seats on two folding metal chairs that conveniently happened to be lying around.

“Stan, you’re going to have to be more observant.”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. What did Vance say?”

“Chuck Myles said that your opponents will be Mind Over Matter.”

“Um OK, but who are they?”

“Stan, you’re going to have to learn about this company on those in it one day.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just tell me who they are.”

“They’re a young team: Hiraku Susumu and Alexander Stark.”

“Foreigners, eh?”

“You can’t really say that in, y’know... modern society.”

“I’ll say what I damn well please, son.”

“Just because I can’t be bothered to get into a conversation about the sociological implications of casual prejudice, I’m just going to move on. They are foreign, as it goes. Stark is British and Susumu is from... erm... Japan.”

Brigstocke mutters the latter nation almost to the point of inaudibility.


“Um, J-Japan.”

“WHAT?! JAPAN?! Don’t you remember Pearl Harbour and what they did to us?”

“No. It happened thirty-five years before I was born.”

“Oh, excuses, excuses. And this is going to be a normal match, right?”

“Stan, do you even have to ask?”

“So what are these kids like? Any good?”

“They’ve picked up a couple of big victories. One against Titus and Baez and one against Blade and Scott Hammond.”

“So they’ve beat two rivals, and a couple of average-to-good guys? Have they done anything to actually earn a title shot?”

“They’ve done more than you ever did to earn your match. How did you do it again? Oh yeah, I remember – you got lucky.”

Rogers turns around to see his tag team partner Showtime Cougar – also still in his ring gear - standing behind him. Rogers tries to put on a stern a voice as he can muster.

“Listen, David...”

“No, you listen. I’m the veteran here. I’m the one who should be holding the World Heavyweight Championship. I’m the one who should be in the cell at Unscripted. But instead, I’m stuck with you.”

“You don’t want to team with me, son? Fine. The door is there. You're free to use it at any time. And if you can’t leave by yourself, I’d be more than happy to than to kick your ass and throw you out.”

“What is wrong with you, Rogers? Didn’t you hear Myles out there?”

“Um, yeah... of course I did...”

“Well then you’d know why I can’t leave the team. You’d know why I’m stuck with you until we drop these belts – which isn’t going to be any time soon.”

Rogers nods his head in agreement at this point.

“Look Rogers, I’ve said this from day one: allow me to do all the heavy-lifting. Allow me to beat these rookies single-handedly. Because if I can’t get my hands on Ty’s gold at the moment, I’ll settle for this belt.”

Cougar taps the Tag Team Championship draped over his shoulder as Rogers gets up out of his chair and stands next to his partner, putting his arm around his shoulder. The old school veteran begins to speak quietly and calmly in his distinctive Midwest accent.

“Cougar, there’s a reason they call me “Strongman” Stan Rogers. I could dead-lift you right now and leave you lying where you stand. And hell, if we drop the titles to these kids at Unscripted, I might just do that.”

Showtime slowly removes his partner’s arm from around his shoulder and begins to back away from Rogers and his agent.

“That’s a big “if”, granddad. But if we do, I guarantee you I’ll be there first to take you to a ‘Commercial Break’.”

Cougar backs away and out of the door, leaving an extremely focused Rogers staring at the space where Cougar was a matter of seconds ago.

“So where were we?”

“Stan, how can you go from that to, well... this.”

“When you’ve been in this business as long as I have, you can’t take things too seriously. Otherwise you end up like that guy.

Rogers gestures to the door which Cougar just exited through.

“So, what do I need to know to beat these rookies?”

”Well, you have to understand that these guys are volatile human beings.”


“They’re angry as hell.”

“Look, I had a heated rivalry with a guy who called himself “the Strangler”. I think I can handle these kids, no matter what they do.”

“OK, well Stark thinks he’s better than everyone else. He’s highly intelligent and will try to cheat at every opportunity.”

“That's it? I meet people like that in Starbucks. What about Kendo Nagasaki?”

”It’s Hiraku Susumu, and he makes Stark look sane.”

“What did I say? Anyway, that’s not the point. What’s so crazy about him?”

“Well, he believes that suffering is the pathway to enlightenment.”

“I don’t understand a word you just said, son.”

“Basically, he wants to beat you down to make you a better person.”

"Remember, in 1943, I had a feud with a guy who called himself “the Butcher”. Now that guy was ruthless. This Tokyo Kamikaze sounds like one of those Goth kids you see downtown outside record shops."

"I wouldn't write them off so quickly, Stan."

"I would and I will. Shouldn't I be doing something to promote this match anyway? A promo? A talkie? Maybe I should go on the wireless.”

“You know, I think they should film one of our chats one of these days.”

“That wouldn’t be interesting for anyone, son. I’m starting to fade out myself here.”

"Fine, how about we find a pen and some paper and start writing a promo?"

"For what?"

"Well, in case you’re pulled up for an interview. We can’t have a repeat of what happened last time."

"What happened last time?

"As I recall, Leon Kensworth asked you about Ricky Runn and you went on a rant about how Two And A Half Men should never have fired Charlie Sheen.

"It wasn’t a rant, son."

"You started smashing things up."

"Well yeah. But anyway, it started to go downhill when the chubby kid began to look like a normal human being. Then they fired Sheen and got that hippy kid in - that’s when it hit rock bottom. I mean, come on, have you seen Platoon? That guy could act circles around that long-haired jackass!

"You done?"


They began to write that promo there and then, and they continued to write late into the night, taking in all manner of points and using all manner of clichés. And when it was finished, Rogers repeated it verbatim to every interviewer, reporter and journalist who spoke to him in the build-up to Unscripted. While that may seem uncreative to some - to Rogers, it didn’t matter. Stan Rogers has never been man for promos, or gratuitously hyping a match. He’s never been one for building himself up, or knocking others down. For the strongman, it’s always been about one thing: the wrestling – nothing more, nothing less.​
The Future Is Unscripted - It's A Mystery

The scene opens in the staging area at the 63rd episode of WZCW Meltdown. Stan Rogers – dressed in his ring gear and sweating profusely having just been under the arena lights – meets his agent, Alex Brigstocke. Their greetings are partially drowned-out by the hustle and bustle of the backstage of a touring professional wrestling promotion. The duo begins to make their way out of the staging area and into the anonymous corridors of the arena.

“Hey, Stan, great work out there. The fans loved you - you’re really getting over now. You didn’t seem too bothered about the announcement, either.”

“What announcement?”

“The announcement made by Chuck Myles.”

“About what?”

“About your match at Unscripted.”

“Oh, what did he say?”

“You didn’t listen at all?”

“Well, I kinda just faded out.”

“Why did you look like you knew what was happening?”

“It’s polite, son.”

The two men enter an empty locker room, taking their seats on two folding metal chairs that conveniently happened to be lying around.

“Stan, you’re going to have to be more observant.”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. What did Vance say?”

“Chuck Myles said that your match at Unscripted will be against a mystery team!”

“Who’s that then?”

“If I knew that it wouldn’t be a mystery now would it?”

“Well who could it be?”

“Anyone. There’s a ton of people not currently booked for the pay-per-view, not to mention past talent.”

“Past talent? Like who?”

“Joseph Rios?”


Max Karzai?


Hunter Kravinoff?


You don’t know anyone?

Who? I mean, no. Why should I? Does it matter? Does me holding my title depend on whether I know the name of some vanilla midget?

No, it depends on how well I carry you, Rogers.

Rogers turns around to see his tag team partner Showtime Cougar – also still in his ring gear - standing behind him. Rogers tries to put on a stern a voice as he can muster.

“Listen, David...”

“No, you listen. I’m the veteran here. I’m the one who should be holding the World Heavyweight Championship, I’m the one who should be in the cell at Unscripted. But instead I’m stuck here teaming with you, being forced to defend my championships against a team I don’t even know.”

“You don’t want to team with me, son? Fine. The door is there. You're free to use it at any time. And if you can’t leave by yourself, I’d be more than happy to than to kick your ass and throw you out.”

“What is wrong with you, Rogers? Didn’t you hear Myles out there?”

“Um, yeah... of course I did...”

“Well then you’d know why I can’t leave the team. You’d know why I’m stuck with you until we drop these belts – which isn’t going to be any time soon, whoever the mystery team is.”

Rogers nods his head in agreement at that point.

“ Look Rogers, I’ve said this from day one: allow me to do all the heavy-lifting. Allow me to put one of our opponents through a table. Because if I can’t get my hands on Ty’s gold at the moment, I’ll settle for this belt.”

Cougar taps the Tag Team Championship draped over his shoulder as Rogers gets up out of his chair and stands next to his partner, putting his arm around his shoulder. The old school veteran begins to speak quietly and calmly in his distinctive Midwest accent.

“Cougar, there’s a reason they call me “Strongman” Stan Rogers. I could dead-lift you right now and leave you lying where you stand. And hell, if we drop the titles to this team at Unscripted, I might just do that.”

Showtime slowly removes his partner’s arm from around his shoulder and begins to back away from Rogers and his agent.

“That’s a big “if”, granddad. But if we do, I guarantee you I’ll be there first to take you to a ‘Commercial Break’.”

Cougar backs away and out of the door, leaving an extremely focused Rogers staring at the space where Cougar was a matter of seconds ago.


“Stan, how can you go from that to, well... this.”

No, no, NO! I don’t think you heard me properly, son. So I’ll repeat: TABLES?!

It’s a tables match. I know you don’t like stipulations, but is it a big problem?

“it’s not that I don’t like stipulations, it’s that I hate them. They’re the problem with modern wrestlin’. You’re gonna have to change it.”

“Change it?”

“Listen, son, I’ve never been in a stipulation match. You wanna know why? Because I never needed to – I could get over on my talent and talent alone. I’ve never been in a gimmick match, and I don’t plan to start now.”

“But you fought a bear once.”

“That don’t mean nothin’, son. It wasn’t a gimmick match – it was straight up wrestlin’. In fact, he was a better worker than the vanilla midgets that this promotion insists on bringing in. So change it. Change it now.”

“Stan, you know it can’t be changed. The announcement was made by Chuck Myles on live TV.”

“Well this is great. Really, really great. I guess I should be doing something to promote this joke of a match, shouldn't I? A promo? A talkie? Maybe I should go on the wireless.”

Fine, how about we find a pen and some paper and start writing a promo?

"But what use is a promo, if I don't have an interview for it?"

"Well, you might be pulled up for an interview, and we can’t have a repeat of what happened last time."

"What happened last time?"

"As I recall, Stacey Madison asked you about your career in WZCW and you went on a rant about how Todd Bridges should have been the breakout actor on Diff’rent Strokes, not Gary Coleman."

"It wasn't a rant, son."

"You started smashing things up."

"Well someone had to say something. The problem was Gary Coleman only got over with the public because of his height, Bridges was the real deal. He could run rings around Coleman any time he wanted to when it came to acting, and Coleman knew that. You could see it in his eyes any time he said his little catchphrase."

"You done?"


They began to write that promo there and then, and they continued to write late into the night, taking in all manner of points and using all manner of clichés. And when it was finished, Rogers repeated it verbatim to every interviewer, reporter and journalist who spoke to him in the build-up to Unscripted. While that may seem uncreative to some - to Rogers, it didn’t matter. Stan Rogers has never been man for promos, or gratuitously hyping a match. He’s never been one for building himself up, or knocking others down. For the strongman, it’s always been about one thing: the wrestling – nothing more, nothing less.​
Scene opens in a large well furnished dressing room. It is the dressing room of Showtime David Cougar. Showtime is pacing a little around his dressing room, while his assistant Allen Lewicki is sitting hunched over in front of a laptop.

Cougar: Useless. That poll was completely useless in figuring out who the Mystery Team will be.

Allen: I told ya they would’ve preferred you to use teams of WZCW’s past.

No Allen, wrong. Write that down. None of that would be of any use. I mean a guy like Ace isn’t going to suddenly stand up on his wheel chair? It’s not like Lights is going to suddenly stop drinking or Karzai’s ever going to finish his next tour. The Crashin Movement all hate each other now. And Hunter S.-


Exactly. No one knows where he’s disappeared off to. Therefore none of these teams pose any legitimate threat if selected.

What if Second Coming make a return?

The second coming of Second Coming will be more laughable than the first. Those two couldn’t even successfully defend it in their first defense. The pure logic of this must be that the mystery team is two wrestlers about to make a return. While a list of recent inactive stars would’ve been more direct, I didn’t want it to seem like I was scouting for who the team could be, and chose a few older and bigger stars of the past, to give the fans memories of the past. And have assigned more current wrestlers with many of the older ones.

Oh cool. So who’s... Joseph Rios suppose to be?


Showtime takes a sip from his liquor.

. . . . . Ok Allen I lied. I had no part of this. I asked a techie to make one and he took care of everything. I was preoccupied with three presumptuous and sexy ladies who would...

Showtime... it’s called Unscripted for a reason.

Oh right right. The virgin thing. So who do you think it could be?

Well I think there’s a good possibility it could be some pairing of superstars that are already on the card.

Go on.

I mean, Ty’s new group... the Apostles of Chaos... maybe they or their match with Everest and Bomb could be for that spot. Constantine could be returning soon. Maybe if Holmes doesn’t win he and Constantine will be the Mystery Team. Baez and Titus teamed once before and could be forced to team again.

Well Allen if that’s the case, then I don’t have to worry about them being voted at all.

Not a bit.

Not at all. Yes I don’t know who they are, but I also don’t know who my opponents are going to be. Could be Reynolds and Runn. Could be Stark and his assistant Kato played by Bruce Lee. Could be the great unknown. So it doesn’t matter who the mystery team is. Make’s me worry about them less though because if they happen to be some team already competing at Unscripted, then they got other things on their mind. They are going to be beaten down and tired and we be of little or no challenge in a high stakes title match against the star of WZCW.

Showtime throws on the suit jacket and starts buttoning it up.

Come along Allen, and grab my title belt for me. I got a show to do.


Scene reopens on the set of Behind the Show. Showtime David Cougar is seated facing the camera, dressed in a dark blue suit with the WZCW Tag Team Championship over his shoulder.

Cougar: Tonight on Behind the Show we are doing an exclusive look at the WZCW Tag Team Championships. Behind the Tag Team Glory as I would like to call it. The WZCW Tag Team Championships as we know them today first began after a great explosion occurred in a galaxy far, far away, between Norcal and his tag team partner Anthony Michaels. True there were so called ‘Tag Team Champions’ prior to this time, but they were from a distant devolved era, far below the heights which WZCW has now risen to, an era where every star that originated from has become forgotten or irrelevant, save a few hanger ons.

At Unscripted two years ago, Bateman put together a 5 way tag team contest to crown a new WZCW Tag Team Champion. It was my first PPV with the company. It also happened to be Big Dave’s first PPV as well. What a long way we’ve come Dave. Of course this is so last year Unscripted for me, I wish you luck. We’ll get back to this in just a while.

So 5 teams. I was paired with my inept partner Trademark. Never once had any offense in that match, but that didn’t stop me as I knew I could overcome the odds against two men. Unfortunately it wasn’t every team for themselves, they all left Dave and Ace Dave, the Full House of Daves, and Phoenix and Garth Black, Second Coming, have their way with me. Not once did either team step in and try to get their team back in it. They watched, they all watched cause none of them wanted me in the tag team division. In the end, despite getting back up after numerous moves, the curtain fell on that nights show. FHD won the tag team gold and Second Coming now stood alone as the only threat.

I left my team and went to singles. The tag division then essentially became a 2 team league with FHD and Second Coming battling for two straight PPV’s, the second one in the first ever tag team ladder match, with Second Coming finally prevailing. Since that title change the tag team division has undergone a unique revolving door of flavour of the months with their tag champions, most holding it for a span of one PPV cycle or less. Second Coming didn’t make it to the next PPV and lost the titles to a rookie team of William Teach and newcomer Steven Kurtesy. After Teach N’ Kurtesy lost the titles to Jordan Lights and Max Karzai after Kingdom Come the team called Heavy Artillery only made it to the next PPV where James Baker and Mr. Baller, The Ghetto Stars won the tag gold. After that they lost at the next PPV. So did Pride of Toyota, so did Reckless Youth, so The Crashin Movement, anyone noticing a pattern yet. The team of Brothers in Arms, Wasabi Toyota and Scott Hammond, were only able to break the pattern because they followed the same idea Teach N’ Kurtesy did at the previous Kingdom Come, facing a new team as well as the former tag champions in a three way contest. Distract the new competition, but when it came down to a 2 on 2 match, the champions fell. The team that beat BIA, The Forgotten Powers, resumed the trend and lost at their next PPV to me, the current WZCW Tag Team Champion.

So here I am from two Unscripted’s ago. Not fighting for the Tag Team Titles, but defending them. Not being apart of their destruction like Norcal and Anthony Michaels did, but teaming with my partner, working with him to achieve Tag Team Glory. There are those who said I would wreck it... I’ve brought life back to it, and after this Sunday I will achieve immortality among Tag team Champions when I successfully defend it for a second time at Unscripted. Challengers. Big Dave, Steven Kurtesy, Mr. Baller, all men in the main event, all who achieved great feats in the tag division, they will pale to what my accomplishments will be and if successful in their match will only serve as a placeholder for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship that is written in the script that one day I will win. And the writers have clearly made their intentions that I remain champion of tag teams so that I may one day unify Singles and Tag Team World Championships and declare myself, indisputably, the greatest wrestler in the world. One day.....

Showtime looks off into the distance. Dreams of winning the only title that has eluded him, while holding the Tag Team Titles on the grand stage of Kingdom Come or even Lethal Lottery.

But for now I have a destiny. To break the Tag Title pattern and successfully defend my Tag Team Championship. And as with the tradition that comes with the Unscripted PPV, history will be made when you the fans will decide who it is I.... with my tag team partner Stan Rogers by my side.... will defeat. The fans could decide that we defend our titles against Runn Reynolds Runn again in a Captains Elimination Match. Please... please don’t vote for this match, not out of fear that Runn, Reynolds, or even Runn will defeat me, but for the mere simple fact to not destroy Austin’s promising career. We have seen our differences over the past year, but the fact is he will always be a successful player in our upper middle card of our cast and if you the fans chose Runn Reynolds Runn we will eliminate Ricky Runn so fast Austin will wish he put his ego down and chose Runn to be captain. Once alone me and the Strong Man Stan will wear and tear down Austin, forcing than the beating I laid on him after our match at Ascension. No... if Runn Reynolds Runn is voted to face us I promise you that Austin will never walk again... he will never work in this business again... and he will just be another name on my list of wrestlers I have made famous by laying off. Please... please, for his sake, don’t do that to Austin.

Or I could fight some new guys, Alexander Stark Hiraku Susumu and, Mind over Matter or some variation of that acronym. Wow, first I fire jokes about Ricky Runn’s mom being on his team, now we have an actual tag team with the acronym Mom. It really is quite entertaining from my perspective, but let’s not judge a team by it’s name. Our teams called ‘Stantime’ and there’s hardly any time for Stan on our team. We could be fighting these guys in a normal rules tag team match. Boring... just like the name and the people. Bunch of smart strategic folk. They probably think they have some sort of psychological advantage. They are undefeated in two matches and have fought teams that could be compared to my and Stan Rogers, dysfunctional, argumentative, untrustworthy. What the difference is though is these two teams weren’t fighting for anything. They were put in an awkward place and Mind over Matter happened to be in the right place right time. No mind in the matter, and their victories certainly didn’t matter, at least in my mind. They were against rookie teams. Fighting each other. Showtime and Rogers have teamed in matches, we are fighting to keep these belts and if we meet in the ring you will see that difference and know what it’s like to fight a cohesive team, and competitive team, a winning team. Really though, I’m giving you guys far too much credit. There isn’t a chance on earth you guys will be voted to face me. You’re too new... too green... too boring.

As for the Mystery Team, it could be anyone from Spaceman Frank to Bob Hope Jr. I mean there’s a chance it’s someone already on the card. Someone who’s wrestled already or has had someone else on his mind for months. They won’t be physically or mentally fit to face me. I’ve heard rumors about a second coming of Second Coming. I will ensure that they never get renewed and never find work in the business again. Heavy Artillery making a comeback, more like will be empty on ammunition and in need of training if they step into the ring verse the me. No team from WZCW’s past or present has the experience and skill level to compete with me and Stan Rogers, nobody. And not any pairing of recently inactive stars, from Constantine to Chris Jones, Dr Alhazred to The Agony, has the time or talent to compete against us. The way I see it, the mystery team is the joke of this poll. Whoever they’ll be will get squashed by me and my giant.

So who you are all now wondering who it is you should vote for? Who do I endorse as my next opponent? Well the answer is in front of you, it’s been there to vote for. It’s..... Stantime. You’re not voting on my next opponent. It doesn’t matter who it will because the ending in all three scripts will be Showtime is victorious. That’s no joke or opinion. It’s straight up fact. This is my show and contrary to name of the PPV there will be no surprises. My fate has been written and whoever the opponent will be will be the loser. When you got to the polls tomorrow, don’t waste your time checking off a box. Circle the name right at the top, Stantime. When you go online, right click on Stantime and click on the box that reads winner. Don’t text A, B, or C, to 66399. Text Show to 66399. You already know what the outcome will be. Save the staff some time and counting. Let it be knwo you wish to witness history being made at Unscripted. Let it be known you are behind Stantime, The Greatest Tag Team in WZCW History. See you all at Unscripted. Goodnight everybody.
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