Unscripted: Jack Harris vs. Mystery Opponent

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I used to be a big deal
Sunday, August 26th, 2007


Mystery Challenge!
Jack Harris vs. Mystery Opponent

A new man has been signed by WZCW. Not much is known about this man, other than the fact that he will debut at Unscripted, and has requested to keep his identity secret until then. While Chuck Myles was looking for someone to take on the challenge of facing someone they had never even seen, he came across Jack Harris. Harris hesitated when asked to take part in the match, but quickly signed on when he realized the bonuses that would be available to him for participating in a pay-per-view. And so we have this match. How will Jack Harris respond when he finally meets this mysterious man at Unscripted? Will he be able to defeat him? Who is this mystery man? Stay tuned to find out!

Keep all RPs in here

RP deadline is Friday, August 24th 2007 at Midnight Eastern Standard Time

The scene fades in with Chuck Myles walking through the corridors of the Las Vegas Headquarters of WZCW, looking sharp in his black Armani suit and shades. He’s smiling and in mid-strut, obviously on the way to something he’s looking forward to when his cell rings. Not one for stopping, he answers the phone in mid stride.

“Hey there, Chuck Myles speaking, you’ll need to make it quick I’m in the middle of some important news for Unscripted.”

Chuck’s smile turns to laughter moments later and he finally stops moving, instead leaning back against the walls, the grin creeping up and taking over his weathered face.

“Now there is a coincidence, you’re the important news I was on my way to discuss, I believe I’ve found an opponent for Unscripted. He’s exactly the kind of man you’d want in the ring. Jack Harris he’s called, now he is a bit of a brute and isn’t exactly known for his technical skills in the ring so it should suit you down to the ground.”

A few moments later the look on Myles face changes to confusion, before becoming realisation as he obviously interrupts whomever he’s speaking to.

“No no, I’m not implying anything like that, I mean that it’ll be refreshing to see two contrasting styles and that it’ll be great for the byrate of the PPV. Just imagine, the smash mouth no nonsense destructive machine of Harris against...”

His arm rose in the air, acting as if the names are already on the billboard, Chuck is obviously cut off mere seconds before revealing the opponent of Harris. Chuck listens for a few moments before laughing again.

“Well, it’s good to see you have faith in that ability, but don’t get too cocky yet, you still have to win the match. Anyways, I have a late lunch I really need to make, but hey you’re already over here why don’t we continue this later next week, I’m sure we’ll have a lot to discuss?”

Chucks statement obviously pleased whoever was on the other end of the line, as Myles begins to nod his head approvingly and begins walking down the corridor once again.

“That sounds brilliant, next week it is then. Take care fella.”

Chuck hangs up the cell and returns it to his pocket. Looking extremely pleased with himself, he turns the corner, now walking away form the camera, his confident walk returning as he walks down and out of shot whilst the screen fades to black.
Jack Harris can is walking around backstage asking people if they know the identity of the mystery opponent. After a few no's and a couple of "What are you talking about?'s" Jack Harris marches down to Chuck Myles office. Without knocking on the door, Jack Harris storms into his office. Chuck Myles gives him an angry look before speaking.
Chuck Myles:What in THE HELL do you think you're doing? Do you really just think that you can run into my office like that?
Jack Harris:Does it really matter? I want to know, no, I DEMAND to know who my oppononent is at Unscripted!
Chuck Myles looks at him in disbelief.
Myles:Are you serious? You accepted the match knowing that you won't know who you are going up against.
Jack Harris begins to get fustrated. He paces around the office trying to find a way to get the identity of his opponent out of Chuck Myles.
Harris:How do you expect me to prepare when I have know idea what to expect? I could prepare for a brawler, and then be put up against a technical genius! I could prepare for a monster like Strife, but then I could be pitted against a high flyer. I am one of the biggest stars of WZCW, how can you treat me like this?
After that last statement, Chuck Myles begins to chuckle, much to the dismay of Jack Harris.
Myles:One of WZCW's biggest stars? If you are one of the biggest stars, how come you barely made the PPV? If you are one of the biggest stars, how come you are not in the Pinnacle Pursuit Tournament?
Jack Harris gets really mad at that last question. He yells
Chuck Myles gets up out of his seat and slams his fists onto his desk.
Jack Harris gives him a menacing look, but eventually turns around and heads for the door. While the closing the door, Jack says' "This is bullshit.", but thankfully for Harris, Chuck Myles doesn't hear him. Chuck sits back down with an angry look on his face and says, "Who does he think he is? The biggest star? Ha! Thinking he can just come in here... As Chuck Myles is talking, the scene fades to black.

The scene fades in to the sound of a gentle yet loud humming, and it becomes apparent we are on a luxury aircraft. The camera pans across the shining interior with its gold trimmed mahogany wood border that runs across the side of the plane. The waiter at the private bar is mixing drinks for the passengers when a stewardess cross the shot, the camera following her as she walks down the aisle towards the seating area. We see that there are three men sitting on the deep, thick black leather sofas that adorn the tiger skin rugs lying on the plane floor. The man nearest the window in the sofa facing the camera is obviously old, dressed in simple clothes with white hair and goatee withered and thin, his head rolled back and his eyes closed, deep in his own thoughts. The man to his left is a sharp contrast, wearing an outrageously expensive suit, his hair and beard well kept and groomed, sitting and watching whoever sits opposite him. As the waitress moves forward with a tray, the well dressed man leaps to his feet, advancing on her and stopping the camera from revealing whoever has their back to us, only the very top of his head visable over the huge sofa he sits upon.

Unknown: “What do you think you are doing Carol?”

Carol: “I’m sorry Magnus, I was just coming to offer you and your guests a drink, and …”

Magnus: “Magnus? You want to call me Magnus? My wife doesn’t call me Magnus, I’m Mr Maximillian to you and everyone else. You see this jet? The floor, the bar, the barman, you, everything else? I own it. I have travelled the world over and brought some of the greatest talents in any organisation to the top of their field. Jamie Drakeweld, Mt. Everest, Jack Dawn, all mine and all greats. Remember that and show some …”

It seems that no-one on the plan can finish a sentence before being interupted, as the elderly man, head still slumped back and eyes still closes, raises his thick voice to the conversation.

Elderly Man: “I’m sure she meant no disrespect Maximillian.”

His tone is soft yet firm, and Magnus stops mid sentence, breathes and lets the anger seemingly drift away, before continuing.

Magnus: “Yes, I’m sure you didn’t Carol. Anyway, we’re quite alright thank you, now run along and look after the cabin crew.”

Carol nods and before turning away, smiles at the other elderly man before turning and leaving. Magnus returns to his seat and takes a double scotch off the side table, sipping it slowly, before turning to the elderly man.

Magnus: “You know the kind of reaction you’ll get once we set down right? I’m wealthy beyond most peoples wildest dreams, but even I can’t buy an entire audience,” He nods his head to whoever is opposite, still out of site as the camera is focusesd over the sofa he’s sitting on, “He might not get what he wants over here.”

Elderly Man: “Mr. Maximillian, I know how you have always operated, but that not our way. We have travelled world for greatest battles. He has won over every crowd. Skill and achievements change perspective. They will cheer him onward. A frog in a well does not know the great sea.”

Magnus thinks on this for a moment before responding in kind.

Magnus: “Yes, but the nail that sticks out gets hammered down my good friend.”

For the first time, the elderly man sits up and opens his eyes. They are sky blue and even from this distance they seem overflowing with wisdom and age. He nods his apprication at Magnus, and opens his arm forward towards the still obscured man opposite.

Elderly Man: “He is great champion. Fought many many great men. If there is hammer enough to hit this nail, I have yet to find it."

Magnus smiles and lets loose a full hearty laugh, full of life yet chilling at the same time.

Magnus: “You may be right old man, you may very well be right. WZCW should be great fun. Great fun indeed.”

He laughs again as the camera begins to pan around to the front of the obscured sofa but unfortunately for us all, the screen fades to black before any details can be revealed.
The scene opens up and Jack Harris is seen pacing bath and forth in the locker room. The crowd boos loudly, but Harris doesn’t seem to hear them. He looks to be deep in thought, obviously worried about his mystery opponent at Unscripted. As he is pacing he gets a tap on the shoulder. Jack jumps a little and turns around quickly.

Jack: What the hell?

Jack’s sudden movement scared Leon Kensworth senseless. He lets out a scream and jumps back.

Jack: Oh Leon. It’s just you. I thought you were…

Jack’s voice trails off at the end of the sentence.

Leon: You thought I was who?

Jack: That’s the thing. I don’t know who I thought you were, dawg.

Leon gives Jack a confused look.

Leon: What do you mean?

Jack: Ever since Chucky put me in the match at Unscripted with a “Mystery Opponent,” I’ve become paranoid. I don’t know who I can talk to, because they could be that mystery opponent. If I tell them something, they could use that and take advantage of my weaknesses. This person could be watching us right now, and we would never know. That doesn’t scare you, dawg?

Both Jack Harris and Leon Kensworth look around as if searching for a hidden camera.

Leon: Why don’t you ask Mr. Myles for some info on this guy?

Jack: I already tried; he just kicked me out of his office.

Leon: Then why don’t you ju-

Jack Harris interrupts Leon and shouts with excitement.

Jack: He’s scared of me! That’s it! He’s scared of me!

Harris is talking as if he was trying to convince himself that this was true. Leon just looked on, bewildered.

Leon: But what makes-

Jack Harris interrupts him again.

Jack: By not showing me anything, I don’t know what to expect. If he showed his face, and talk to me like a man, I would know what to expect. He scared to let me prepare for him because he knows I can kick his ass!

Leon: That still doesn’t explain how you’re going to prepare for him, or her.

Jack: I have to expect the unexpected. I have to think of everything and get ready for it, dawg. I will have to train harder than I’ve ever trained before. It doesn’t matter who it is, or what it is, there is one thing for sure dawg. There will be no distraction, just destruction!

Jack smiles as if he has a new lease on life. The smile is met by a chorus of boos.

Jack: Now Leon, go get me some chicken.

Leon hurries out of the locker room as Jack sits down on a chair a looks completely relieved. “I got this. He don’t stand chance,” he says to himself as the scene fades to black.

The scene fades to the infamous Las Vegas strip, alive with the hustle and bustle of the city that never sleeps. The camera pans around to the entrance of the Wynn Las Vegas, literally the world’s most expensive casino hotel. Even as the building exudes luxury and wealth, a black limousine pulls up outside and Chuck Myles, Owner of WZCW, exits the vehicle. He stares up at the towering 60 story tall building and lets out a long, high whistle.

Chuck: “Well … I wonder if he feels it’s big enough…”

Allowing himself a second to take in the size once again, Chuck picks up a confident pace and matches straight into the hotel. Once inside Chuck heads straight to the restaurant Red 8 where he would meet the man who had made this meeting possible. Turning another corner he came to the Asian Bistro and the Maitre’D, dressed in a red Asian-inspired suit.

Maitre’D: “Are you expected sir?”

Chuck: “Yes, I’m here to see a Mr Maximilli…”

Maitre’D: “Ah, you must be Mr Myles, yes yes Maximillian is expecting you of course, please this way.”

The Maitre’D leads Chuck across the room to a table booth in the corner, where there sits Magnus Maximillian, dressed in a emerald green silk suit, glistening in the light.

Maitre’D: “Mr Myles, may I introduce Mr Maximillian.”

Maximillian stands and smiles, his white teeth shining and he grips Myles firmly by the hand.

Magnus: “Please, sit down and enjoy! The food here is incredible.”

The scene fades out as Chuck takes a seat and the Maitre’D returns with a couple of menus.


As the second scene fades back into the sounds of laughing, Chuck and Magnus seem to be getting along well and the drink is certainly flowing freely as the row of Scotch glasses to the side of the table show quite clearly. Empty plates are being cleared aware and chairs are being stacked on tables indicate that the restaurant is closing.

Chuck: “You think we should maybe make a move?”

Magnus: “No need, I own roughly twenty three percent of the complex. Advantage of wealth my dear Mr Myles. You should look into property, there’s always money in land.”

Chuck: “Very probably Maximillian, but my love will always be for wrestling. Speaking of which, shouldn’t we perhaps talk about it a little? You are after all importing someone for my very first PPV, are you not?”

Magnus: “Yes, yes indeed I am. Myles, I’ve been in this business a long time, firstly as a hobby but it’s grown over the years to something I love. I’ve always relished competition and I sent millions finding the best competition and bringing them to the masses. You must have heard of Avarice INC?” he said expectantly.

Myles: “Yes, I have. I make a point to research everyone I meet Maximillian and you’re no exception. You bought half the organisation, half the talent, and all the titles. You used your money and contacts to make the entire federation into your own image of greed. Yes, I’ve heard of Avarice Inc.

Magnus: “Now now, my Superstars won those titles fair and square because I bought the BETTER half of that organisation. Tank ended up being a World Champion, Jamie Drakeweld and Mt. Everest were the most dominant tag champions the federation ever saw. Jack Dawn was undefeated until he decided to go elsewhere and then blows his big chance and why? He left me. I make superstars Myles.

Myles: “Yes, in the worst way possible. I personally can’t believe that you’re newest prospect knows your history.”

Magnus: “On the contary, they know everything about me, it is they who convinced me to change my ways. I no longer practice underhand tactics and techniques, now all I want to do is introduce talent. More importantly, I want to introduce talent from around the world. You know what Drakeweld, Tank and Dawn all had in common? Americans. Every one of them. And well, I love America don’t get me wrong, I’m no Mohammed Hasheem. But this great Country of ours deserves to see the best from around the world, and that’s why I’m here Myles, in your city and bringing people to your federation. Hell, I’m not even managing this man, I’m simply helping him get over here and establish himself as a real athelete. You can appricate that surely?”

Myles looks long and hard at Magnus. The mans past speaks for itself, but if he spoke the truth he was certainly a good man to keep in contact with. At the very least, his money was certainly good to keep in contact with. A world-wide organisation on show for his fans was certainly something he dreamed would be a reality.

Myles: “I do appriciate it Maximillian, but it doesn’t mean I instinctivly trust you. Still, I’ve seen my new superstar in action and I hae to admit he was very, very impressive. I would not of thought he would be what I’d consider ideal talent, but he’s certainly proved me wrong.”

Magnus smiled and laughed again, the same chillingly hearty laugh that we last saw on board his own private jet.

Magnus: “And that’s what I’m about now; bringing international talent to the world stage. You’ll see, he’ll beat Harris at Unscripted and then he’ll go on to become one of the biggest names in the WZCW.”

Myles laughed,

Myles: “Biggest is something I’d definitly consider him already Maximillian.”

Both men laughed, and the screen fades to black as they both toast another drink.

The scene opens to a Las Vegas street outside of a red stone building. The camera pans up to the sign above the door which reads “The Golden Sun Gym”. The camera fades through to the next shot at height inside the dimly lit gym itself, which is well maintained with equipment, weights and heavy bags. However, the most prominent feature is the ring, set up in the middle of the floor. The camera pans down to the corner ring post, where the door to the locker room can be seen clearly. The door opens, and the small old man from Magnus Maximillian's plane walks over to the ring. Dressed in black he smiles as he looks at the camera, his eyes brown and warm.

Elderly Man: “Hello great fans of WZCW. I am from lands across the sea, and I bring to you great Champion, worthy of great respect. He is coming to train now in gym. Mr Maximillian has departed, finding more international talent for great WZCW. You all see what he can do soon, but only at pay per view. But I must address comments made by Mr Harris.”

The elderly man frowns now, looking a lot meaner, all the warmth and soft features replaced with a scowl or disgust.

Elderly Man: “Mr Harris, you are honourless dog,” The elderly man spits on the floor, “You show no respect for great sport you fight in, and show no respect for great foe you will fight. Great champion is not afraid of you little dog. You do not know champion because you are uncultured swine, and because Mr Maximillian say would make great impact to stay away until match. You say you are not scared, but Wanafuji Tinaka knows you scared. Great champion lost one match, entire professional wrestling career. You are not that man, you are weak, honourless dog who shall be crushed at great pay per view match. You be careful what you say on WZCW Mr Harris, you anger your challenger, you will be hurt.”

Wanafuji Tinaka smiles once again, his clenched fists relaxing. He bows low, and turns away from the camera and claps his hands twice. A shadow starts to creep through the brightly lit door, but the camera fades out before any real detaisl can be gained.
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