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Unscripted: Blade vs. Viewer's Choice - EurAsian Championship (Ref: Scott Hammond)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

EurAsian Championship Match with Special Referee: Scott Hammond

WZCW Network to choose the opponent out of:
Chris Beckford, The Internet Warrior, Black Dragon

The EurAsian Championship is on the line, but where Blade knew his opponent with advanced warning at Apocalypse, this time he faces the unknown as the WZCW Network must decide who his challenger will be. Between the choices of Chris Beckford, The Internet Warrior and Black Dragon; Blade certainly has a tough selection to deal with. But he's also made the situation interesting by naming Scott Hammond the special referee for this match. Is Hammond going to play fair or will Blade's dominating reign in the EurAsian division see its end at Unscripted?

Deadline is Tuesday 18th October 23:59 EST
The scene fades into what appears to be a small zoo. A large tank stands alone in a room, a large light beaming down heat onto the surface below. The tank has been turned into a faux jungle with branches and greenery everywhere. From behind the largest branch, a king cobra can be seen slithering around, its neck and head held high, looking out at a man with his back to camera. He is wearing a large black trench coat and has his hands in his pockets. Scott Hammond looks up and sees Leon Kensworth at a far advancing towards him

Hey Leon, glad you could make it.

I was all up for the interview before Unscripted, but why here?

You'll see. Come and look.

He slowly advances to the tanks and stares down upon the king cobra.

Majestic creatures aren't they Leon?

How do you figure?

How? Look at it. They have the choice of allowing life or choosing death. Their skin is a natural camouflage for predators, and they have enough venom in them to kill 50 humans in a matter of seconds.

I get it but I kind of wanted to ask about everything that went down on Meltdown last week?

It all ties in Leon, you'll see. Last week on Meltdown, Blade proved not only to me, but to himself that we are not on the same page. This tirade that he has been on for the last month came to pass on Meltdown, and where was he when his partner needed him? Outside the ring licking his wounds, and I'm sure, just glad it wasn't him that got pinned. Let me just say one thing Blade, Wasabi Toyota you are most definitely not! Fair play to Mind Over Matter, I don't much like them but they proved they have the credentials to be a legitimate threat to those tag team titles.

A lot also went down after the match, would you care to comment?

What is there to say? He went on another bitch and moan session about how because of his lack of ability that he believes he is being kept down. The reason that guys like Saboteur are getting opportunities in front of guys like Blade and me is simply a matter of timing. Everybody gets their time to shine, and patience is a virtue that Blade is obviously not accustomed to.

Obviously the biggest thing that came out of that whole situation is that at Unscripted, you will be the special guest referee in his match against the winner of the Viewers Choice. What is your reaction to this?

Obviously I'm pretty pissed. I wanted my rightful shot at Blade's EurAsian title. I took him to the very limit in our last encounter and I know that given the opportunity one more time I can beat him. But alas, the powers that be deem that I am to be the man that will stand between Blade and his opponent at Unscripted. Which means that I and this king cobra have something in common. We have the fate of what happens next in our hands.

Hammond takes a large mouse by the tail and throws it into the tank. It squeaks around a little, attracting the attention of the king cobra. The cobra sits for a moment, eyeing the mouse, before taking one split second leap and biting the mouse in the side. The mouse turns limp and lifeless as the cobra begins to slowly eat it in one long go.

You see that Leon? That is the circle of life. Just as that cobra made the decision that it was to live by taking the life of the mouse, I am the man who has the power to take something very precious away from Blade. And it will only take three seconds.

So your not going to be unbiased?

Of course I am. But really, I mean, I am a great believer in karma, and after all of the mind games, the shoe is firmly on the other foot now isn't it Blade. Talk all you want about conspiracy theories, at Unscripted I am the man in charge.

Do you have any preference on who you want to face Blade at Unscripted?

All three men are worthy.

A lot of people are saying that Chris Beckford is a front runner, what would you say to that?

I'd say we will have to wait and see. As referee, I have to be completely neutral. Chris Beckford has been here in WZCW just as long as I have, and I guess if you want to go on loyalty, then Chris Beckford is your man. Also being a fellow countryman does make me believe that he can go on and win the EurAsian title.

Hammond watches intently as the cobra finishes digesting its prey

Then we have one of the guys in the back that I love. The Internet Warrior. Great name for a great guy. A true wrestling nerd. That;s not a bad thing here either, although I do think that spending that much time on your home PC and NOT looking at porn is a little weird. On a serious note, he is a student of the game and if at the end of the night I am holding his arm high I would consider it a great honour to do so. Then there is the unknown enigma of the Black Dragon, another masked warrior who to be honest, little is still known about. He is proven in ring though and I am excited to see what kind of offence the guy brings to the table.

He turns and stares into the camera

But I want all four men to know this. No matter what happens at Unscripted, no matter who walks out champion, I still have my eyes on the prize and ultimately, I expect to be the first in line for a championship match, and I hope that is understood men. Blade, the time for talking is over. I have had enough if your crazy stories and so has everyone else. You see this cobra, this is an analogy of what is going to happen at Unscripted. Make the most of that title around your waist, because right not, your odds are looking a little, shit. There is a poison spreading in WZCW, but luckily for all, I am the antidote. So Blade, gentlemen, there is nothing left to say but, see you in the ring.

Hammond stares back towards the snake tank as Kensworth and the camera crew slowly take their leave. The scene fades to black
The scene begins with Blade pacing back and forth in his locker room. He stops to glance at the EurAsian title, which is rested on the arm of his couch, every few moments. Conflicts dart through his mind as he paces. There’s a knock at the door.

Blade: Come in...

Rebecca Serra opens the door and lets herself in. She looks at Blade for a few moments, even seeming slightly worried before she sits down on the couch beside the title belt. She notices the three upside down cups on the table and goes to touch them before Blade stops her.

Blade: Don’t.

He continues paces as she leans back into the couch. No words need be said, she knows Blade will talk when he’s ready. Finally he stops, his back turned to Rebecca and he takes out a cigarette.

Blade: Have you ever felt your priorities are a bit... Misplaced? I’ll walk down the ramp at Unscripted and get into the ring. My heartbeat will have doubled and I will be worried. Yes, I of all people will be worried. One out of three huge threats to my title will come down to the ring and will try to take my title from me. But all my thoughts, all my worries... Will be because of Scott Hammond.

Rebecca stays silent, knowing it’s best to just let Blade vent.

Blade: Have I made a mistake putting my destiny in the hands of a man who, for all I know, still despises me? I know for a fact that Beckford and Hammond are friends and Beckford will be like the angel on Hammond’s shoulder, giving him every reason not to ally himself with me. I have put my future in the hands of that man. I’m good at manipulation, but even I can’t compete with Beckford and all the little posterboy friends buzzing in Hammond’s ear over the last few weeks. They could drown out all his considerations of joining me. This is the biggest risk of my career and I’ve taken it with Scott Hammond of all people?

There’s a look of disbelief as the realisation of what he’s done over the last month slowly sinks in. He takes a long deep drag as he sees his own stunned reflection in the mirror.

Rebecca: I know Hammond well and I know it’s likely he won’t join you. And, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but think of what you’re aiming for. Think of why you wanted to join Hammond, think of your struggle you think you’re facing.

Blade finally turns to her, his face looking more confident. He organises his thoughts as he takes a drag.

Blade: And I can’t believe I’m saying this but you’re right. Hammond isn’t stupid. He knows that those that are scared of him have purposefully limited his options. Neither him nor I got into the Unscripted World Title tournament but The Internet Warrior and Action Saxton did? Who the hell have they ever beaten? No, Hammond wants justice and I know he’s realised that over the last week. He must surely know by now that this has to happen.... This will happen. Ty Burna thinks he’s so original with his little group of misfits, but what he has in mind is nothing compared to what I am going to do when Hammond is alongside me. How can Ty want to help the deserving get opportunities when he is the greatest offender for making sure they don’t get opportunities? It’s a clever little ruse he’s got going on but I see right through him. Alas, I will deal with him when I get there. I have more important things to think about right now.

Blade sits down beside Rebecca and puts out his cigarette in the ash tray. He looks down at the upside down cups on the table.

Blade: Three cups. Three opponents.

Rebecca: One for each opponent.

Blade: Wow, you’re right. How did I miss that?

Rebecca shoots Blade an annoyed look before he continues.

Blade: Rebecca, I want you to pick up one of the cups. Whatever name is under the cup you pick is the one who I will have to face at Unscripted. The one who will be the threat and the influence on my title reign. You see, I’m looking at my destiny in a much more literal sense for this match because well, why would it lie to me?

Rebecca leans forward to lift up a cup but Blade again stops her.

Blade: Not yet. I’ll tell you when.

He gets up and starts pacing the room again as he lists off his potential opponents on his fingers.

Blade: Black Dragon. Seen by many as an enigma, see by me as the guy who wants to be me. He smokes and he broods and he is mysterious. He’s just like me except the difference is I have balls. I do not use words to get what I want, I take what I want. That is where Black Dragon fails, he has too much faith in his intellect and assumes that every thought that goes through is so awesome he must share it with the world. It’s been proven that he can be beaten soundly though he did do well in the Unscripted tournament not to mention he is the one I am most unfamiliar with. But he’s equally unfamiliar with me. And I’ve shown that when I share the same advantage with one person, I’m the one who uses it properly and comes out on top.

He sticks out his second finger.

Blade: I encountered the Internet Warrior in the halls not long ago. If you had told me then that I might have to face him for my EurAsian title, I would’ve laughed in your face. But injustice strikes again and this nerd gets to be a potential opponent for me? If it wasn’t for my reign, stuff like that would be making this title a joke. But hey, I agreed to take on all comers, and that includes weedy little nobodies who crap themselves when Titus walks past. But I can’t be blamed for embarrassing or harming him.

Blade grits his teeth as he extends his third finger.

Blade: Chris.... Beckford.

Rebecca shifts uncomfortably in her seat as the mention of Blade’s greatest rival hits her ears.

Blade: The back and forth between me and him started nearly eighteen months ago, the EurAsian league... And since then we have crossed paths so many times that we could wrestle for hours and not get anywhere other than getting exhausted. I defeated him at our last encounter at Kingdom Come but then I made a mistake. I tried to end his career. My actions weren’t the mistake, he needed to get out of this company simply because I knew he would never leave me alone, and with the death of his mother, he needed to leave, so I did it for him too. My mistake was not finishing the job. As hard as it is to believe, I actually held back. And that has come back to haunt me. Beckford played the game well, he didn’t ask straight up for a match against me because he knew management would be worried that he’d hurt me like I hurt him five months ago. No, he worked his way here and now he has the chance to get the revenge he thinks he deserves. But I beat him decisively at Kingdom Come and I know that I can do it again at Unscripted.

Blade lets out a heavy sigh as he picks up his EurAsian title.

Blade: So once again I am walking the tightrope with the hungry sharks under me. I have been fighting since I first got into this company, and I don’t just mean in the matches. So I will face who I have to face and I will defeat them because I am better than all of them. But then, once the match is over, Hammond should join me and we will begin the revolution that has been bubbling under for oh so long.

Blade starts walking towards the door but stands in the doorway for a moment.

Blade: I just hope that Hammond doesn’t let me down.

He glares down at his title.

Blade: Because I can’t afford to make that sacrifice.... Becky, now is the time to pick a cup.

He strides out of the room, leaving Rebecca sitting on the couch. She stares blankly at the doorway for several moments before shrugging and placing her hand on the middle cup. She picks it up, revealing the name ‘Scott Hammond’ underneath it. She looks at it, confused and glances back and forth at the other two cups. She lifts them both at the same time, showing Scott Hammond’s name under those two as well. She leans back in the couch and shakes her head.

Rebecca: “the one who I will have to face at Unscripted. The one who will be the threat and the influence on my title reign....”
*The scene opens with the familiar sound of Meltdown commentators Sebastian Copeland and Jack Cohen's voices. The camera pans round to reveal Chris Beckford sat on a chair looking towards a TV. Beckford is wearing a Leeds United shirt and pair of his wrestling shorts and boots. On the TV that Beckford is watching is a match up between himself and Steven Holmes. We can see it's the match before Beckford suffered his horrific injury at the hands of Blade and he seems antsy, he grabs his leg, knowing what will happen in a few moments on the TV. The match ends with Steven Holmes the victor due to Blades interference but before it gets to the aftermath of the match up there is a knock at the door. Beckford pauses the DVD he's watching the match on and opens the door to see Leon Kensworth stood there. He invites Leon into the room.*

Leon, it's good to see you, how are you?

Kensworth: Thanks Chris I'm good, how are you feeling?

Beckford: I'm feeling good. I’m bummed about my loss last week, but confident about the week ahead.

*Beckford motions to offer Leon a seat, Leon sees the paused images on the screen.*

Kensworth: Is this the Meltdown before Redemption? Meltdown 57?

Beckford: Yep. I've been watching it back a few times today, reminding myself of the situation. Reminding myself of the pain and suffering that Blade has caused me. Not just with the leg break but everything before that. Ever since Lethal Lottery III he has caused nothing but problems for me. I suppose you could say that I was the EurAsian Champion and should have expected it, but to take it as far as he did and make it as personal as he did was uncalled for, it was unnecessary and shows you what kind of person he is. It seems to have worked out well for him though hasn't it? Now he's the longest reigning EurAsian Champion in history. It's quite an impressive feat considering that there have been some great champions in the past.

*Leon looks at Beckford with a puzzled expression but stays silent. He notices that Beckford seems very angry and upset but there is a focus and fire that he hasn't seen in him since his return.*

Beckford: He calls himself the greatest EurAsian Champion ever but his actions since he won the belt from me have been far from great. On the road to Redemption and a re-match for the title was announced, this time in a ladder match, how good did that sound? Chris Beckford vs. Blade in a Ladder match for the EurAsian Championship, just thinking about it now gets me as excited now as I was then. It was his idea as well and I think he realized the mistake he made because just 1 week later he took me out. He knew I was going to beat him and regain my belt in an environment that I was extremely comfortable in and he didn't let that happen.

*Beckford presses play on the DVD and the actions from that night on Meltdown play through in front of his eyes. Beckford doesn't even flinch as he watches himself get decimated at the hands of the champion. Leon however cannot look and stands away from the TV as Blade grabs Beckford's leg and wedges it in the chair before grabbing the second chair and climbing to the second turnbuckle. He holds the chair vertically and jumps off, slamming the edge of the chair right into the other one. The next shot is of Beckford’s leg bent awkwardly and Leon looks back at the screen just as that shot happens and turns as white as a ghost.*

Kensworth: Please stop...Pause it please... I feel sick. How can you stand there and not even flinch at that?

Because I've come to accept it. He tried to end my career and failed. Truth be told I am grateful for the time off. It gave me a chance to grieve about my mother’s death. It gave me the chance to get over it. I miss her like crazy but I've accepted it. I can now focus solely on my career, the career Blade failed to take away from me. Since I've returned I've lost all the matches I have competed in, maybe that's my mind telling me that I'm not past this issue with Blade yet. Maybe my mind's telling me that until I gain my revenge I cannot go forward in my career. When I returned I was gunning for him but I was thrown a WZCW World Championship opportunity to keep me distracted, keep me away from my revenge. Now it seems like the higher ups have decided that the time is right for us to resume our rivalry and I'm grateful for the opportunity at Unscripted.

Kensworth: There does seem to be a couple of things you’re forgetting about Chris. Its fan choice and last time you where in a fan vote you finished second bottom. Surely you're concerned that the same could happen this time?

*Beckford looks surprised that Leon has asked him that question and takes a moment before he responds, he takes a seat while doing so and motions for Leon to take a seat too.*

Beckford: Leon, when it comes to our fans, you have got to understand and respect their decisions. Yes I was voted out of the World Championship scenario. The fans rightfully decided that I wasn't ready yet and who am I to question them? I just have to prove myself and show them that I am the right man to challenge for the main prize in WZCW and step one of doing that is taking my EurAsian Championship back from Blade. Take a look at the other guys in the running for the match at Unscripted. The Internet Warrior was voted out before me and Black Dragon was voted out the week after. All in all it doesn't matter. The fans are smart. Yes some may want to see Black Dragon or The Internet Warrior have their first proper shot at championship gold but I think it's more likely that the majority will want to see Chris Beckford resume his rivalry with Blade. They know how personal this got before and know what the two of us together can bring to the table. I'm confident they will vote me in this time.

Ok that's one variable down what about the other? Scott Hammond will be the special referee in the match and given the questionable few weeks that Blade and Hammond have had you have got to be concerned at what impact this could have in your match up should you get voted in?

*A wry smile appears on Beckford’s face.*

Beckford: Scott Hammond? I don't quite know what to think about Scott. For weeks now Blade has been itching and pestering him to join his side. I know Scotty quite well and know that he wouldn't drop to Blades level. He knows full well that Blade is scared of facing him again and is terrified of losing his EurAsian Championship to him. So I'm not concerned with Blade's little plan for himself and Scott. What I am concerned about is Scott's own agenda. Will he want me to beat Blade for the belt and take away his moment of pleasure in beating Blade for himself? I don't know. I respect Scott and know that he is a hell of an athlete so I'm sure he will call this match down the middle and when I beat Blade, I will have no problem having my first title defense against him. But having said all that, there is this part of me that doesn't trust a thing about this whole situation. So if I see anybody trying to screw me, Blade, Hammond, The Internet Warrior, Black Dragon, it doesn't matter. I'll have no problems in sorting that situation out immediately.

*Beckford stands and begins pacing around the room. Leon notices how impatient Beckford seems and decides to ask another question to get Beckford’s mind away from Blade.*

Kensworth: Ok all this talk of Blade is doing you no good. So what about the other guys who could get in ahead of you? Black Dragon has had all the dirt sheets and internet site going crazy about him. The Internet Warrior certainly looks like one for the future. What do you think?

Beckford: They are both talented guys, I've said before and I'll say again, you don't get to be in WZCW without having the talent. It’s not like you can just go online, fill out an application form and sign up, there has to be some talent to make you get here and I can see that in both those guys. Black Dragon seems very competent here, I’ve been in the ring with him and he already has a pin fall victory over me so I know how tough he is. I expect big things for him in the future. The same can be said for The Internet Warrior. Yes he’s only been here a few weeks but to be already considered for matches involving the EurAsian and World Heavyweight Championships just shows how much faith the management has in him. Both guys will definitely be major players if they’re around long enough.

*Leon nods in agreement but notices that his deflection question hasn’t worked and Beckford is still pacing around the room. Leon then decides to stand up and he motions to leave.*

Kensworth: I think I’ll get out of your hair. It’s obvious to me that you’re clearly focused on your potential match at Unscripted and I’m feeling a little uncomfortable here at the moment. So I’ll leave you to it. I hope you do get picked by the fans Chris, I’d love to see you and Blade go at it one more time.

*Leon leaves the room, the cameraman goes to follow but Beckford stops him and looks directly into the camera*

Beckford: Blade, I'm not just coming to Unscripted to take MY EurAsian championship back...I'm coming to end your career.

*The Scene Fades*
Book of the Dragon

~ Chapter 11 – On the Edge of a Knife ~​

Like a spiral within a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel. One can travel forward as fast or as far as one desires, but sooner or later one shall end up in the same place.

In the rich pantheon of existence all forces are set in opposition: Love and Hate, Life and Death, War and Peace, Good and Evil. However; across the grand spectrum of existence there is perhaps no animosity greater than that between Fate and the nameless force that we shall simply call The Lady. Good and Evil, War and Peace all have their followers, but only Fate and The Lady will lay claim to the same man at the same moment.

As the world turns about its axis; as mountains rise and kingdoms fall, as lives are extinguished and burn aflame anew people will always declare “It must have been Fate”. Yet when the rock slips underfoot, when the barbarians cross the border torching all in their path, when a child is born or a loved one dies, it is to the Lady that people secretly look.

Observant readers will note the familiarity of my words from pages long since turned, but today we find ourselves balanced almost exactly where we were eight chapters ago. Once again you find my stalking the black feathered Blade, a man whose fate is sealed and who lives his life on time borrowed from Dame Fortune. Blade confirmed his destiny many moons ago when he took a weapon and used it to hammer away at a wounded, unarmed opponent. Blade seized on a man’s crippled limb and used the advantage to try and cripple him for all eternity. Then the black bird threw back its head and laughed. Such acts are not easily forgiven, and Blade is too far steeped in sin to consider asking for redemption.

Unfortunately for the vulture, picking over a carcass, it was being watched. A Dragon lurked in the shadows, a Dragon watched, a Dragon judged. Blade’s soul has been weighed on the scales of Anubis and has been found wanting. The Egyptians believed a heart must weigh less than a feather for the body to escape punishment, and in the case of Blade, a thousand feathers would not be enough.

Blade has been condemned to my list of the damned. Though his name may be marked down in paper and ink, his fate is carved deep into stone. There can be no last minute appeal, no emergency reprieve, no escaping your destiny. Justice must be seen to be done, and done to you with full force.

The only question that remains is one of timing. Blade shall be baptised in a pool of his own blood, but shall punishment come today or tomorrow? Two months prior Blade escaped pursuit through random chance, a quirk of Fortune, but fortune is not his benefactor and sooner or later she shall present her bill. Last time it was names drawn out of a hat, tonight Chance manifests in the form of a poll of the people. On the whole I think that names drawn from a hat was easier to predict. People are by nature fickle, two weeks ago they championed my cause, seven days later they forgot my name. When dealing with two-hundred-thousand unknown souls the one thing to be certain of is uncertainty.

But therein, reader; lays the glory of the situation. Tonight may be truly unscripted, but the future of Blade is not. The Lady conspired for him to dodge justice two months ago, and The Lady may bestow the same favour on him tonight, but a man cannot keep dodging his destiny. I am the Sword of Damocles hanging high above Blade’s head, swinging to and fro, every osculation bringing the razor’s edge closer to his flesh. Blade can ignore the sword as it spirals towards him, closer and closer with every swing. He can pray to whatever he believes in that the sword’s thread down not snap. He can continue to revel in pretty evil, enjoying what time he has left… but sooner or later cold steel is going to come into contact with flesh and bone, and at that point Chance offers no prospect of escape.

Be it today, tomorrow or ten years from now Blade, I am going to catch you. But when I do, rest assured that the gaudy trinket you seem to treasure so, is safe from me. I deal in justice and revenge, and the prospect of a shiny belt buckle holds little appeal. Perhaps I shall take it in passing, since to a soul like yours humiliation is a far worse fate than pain. Perhaps it can serve as a flame to draw in other foolish moths, but rest assured that your title is not my motivation. We shall not being having a contest, and I shall not being trying to “defeat” you. What I shall be doing is bringing down the wrath of millions upon you. I will take your limbs and twist them until I hear the tearing of exposed cartilage. I will rain blows down upon your unresisting body until all motion ceases. I will pick at your living carcass until it becomes your corpse, until your future is extinguished. I will leave you crippled, lying in a pool of your own blood… I will do everything that I set out to do all those weeks ago.

It’s just a matter of time.

Futility, thy name is The Internet Warrior. His debut in the triple threat match with Baller and Black Dragon resulted in a good showing, but a loss. The next week was a 6-man tag, which Warrior’s team lost, and he was eliminated from the World Title Tourney. Finally, there was a one-on-one loss against Steven Holmes where Warrior had a decent showing, but Holmes was never really in danger, especially after Warrior was distracted.

Despite these struggles, The Internet Warrior could have his pay-per-view debut if the WZCW fans vote him into the EurAsian Title match at Unscripted. As he knows very well, however, wrestling are as opinionated as they are fickle. The only way to gauge his chances of being in the match is to go to the people. And that, Warrior shall do.


The viewer is greeted with a black screen. After a moment, a voice escapes from the darkness.

The established veteran.

The screen cuts to a line of fans outside of a WZCW live event, waiting to enter the arena for a thrilling night of wrestling. The camera is focused on one fan, a young girl, who begins speaking almost instantly, as if to answer a question just before the camera began recording.

Chris Beckford is my favorite! He does a bunch of cool moves and I hope he gets to face Blade at Unscripted because I know he’ll be the new champion!

The camera cuts again to a young man, probably in his mid-20s, that seems to be answering the same question.

I like Beckford. He can put on a good match with pretty much anyone. Him and Blade could have a great match at Unscripted.

The camera returns to the black screen and the voice can be heard again.

The mysterious man.

The camera cuts back to the crowd, this time focusing on a small boy wearing an Austin Reynolds t-shirt answering a question.

Black Dragon is kind of weird. I don’t know what to think about him.

The camera cuts to another part of the line, with a middle-aged woman answering this time.

Dragon is kind of cool, I guess, but I wish we know something, anything about him. That’s why he isn’t in the tourney anymore.

Once more, we return to the black screen and the disembodied voice.

The relatable rookie.

We return to the line of fans and a little boy holding hands with his father, answering a question.

Internet Warrior is pretty cool. He likes wrestling, just like me!

We cut to another man in his 20s answering the same question.

I can definitely relate to The Internet Warrior. His passion for pro wrestling is second to none. He just hasn’t shown that his passion can translate to victories.

The camera cuts back to the black screen, but after a moment, a single light turns on, revealing The Internet Warrior sitting alone in the center of the room. He is wearing a red version of his mask, with a St. Louis Cardinals t-shirt and jeans.

A EurAsian Title match on the line. The only thing separating one man’s opportunity at the title and disappointment for two others are the votes of the WZCW fans. Some would say the concept is unfair. Others say that the fans aren’t qualified to make these decisions. Quite a few of those people can be found in the company’s locker room.

I could not disagree with those people more. I was one of those people obsessively voting on WZCW.com. I tuned in every year to see if my choices won and no matter what, loved seeing the one night a year where WZCW is completely unpredictable.

Once again, I now find myself on the other side from which I am accustomed. My fate lies in the hands of those same people who were my peers when I was voting on stipulations and opponents. I’m not going to sit here and campaign, as I know that most people will know who they are voting for before these words finish getting out of my mouth.

No matter the results of the votes, I know I’m at a turning point in my career already. I’ve had some good showings in WZCW, but I’ve yet to score a victory. I know I can perform better than I have shown thus far. And my next match, I will prove it. I don’t know if it will be against Blade, a man who I made a fool of myself in front of on my first night in this company, for his EurAsian Title at Unscripted, or against someone else on one of the weekly shows a couple nights later.

You guys have seen my real personality during my first 3 weeks in WZCW, it is now time for you to see the real me inside the ring.

The screen cuts back to black.
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