MD34 - Scott Hammond vs. Chris Beckford (EurAsian League)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

These two men had very different weeks, while Beckford had a win against his opponent Rush, Hammond lost to Ace in a Two Pointer Match. With both men having lost their vital matches, who will go far enough to stop their opponent's EurAsian campaign completely?

Deadline is Monday 4th January 2010 23:59 EST
(The scene fades into a small village in rural London. The sky is clear and there is a very local feel to the area. The camera pans across to a bus stop where Scott Hammond can be seen sitting, with his head down staring at the pavement. In his hand he holds a small black book which is opened to the centre page. In his other hand he holds his mobile phone to his ear)

Scott Hammond: Come on, come on, pick up...DAMN VOICEMAIL!!! Hello, its me for the 50th time, could you please call me back as soon as you get this, we have much to discuss, I'm sick of everything!!!!

(Hammond slams down the phone, now noticing the camera in his face. An angered look comes over him)

Scott Hammond: This place, I used to call it home. This is Heston, a small but quaint village in west London, home to some lovely people. This is where my dream of becoming a pro wrestler started. My parents were quite forthcoming with my dream to be a wrestler, but I knew deep down my father loathed me. You see, he was a scamp, a nobody, a loser! I always promised myself that I would never end up like him.

(Hammond's tone turns very sombre now)

Scott Hammond: But here I am. No better than he. I came to WZCW with the dream of being the absolute greatest ever, and somewhere between politics and screwjobs I have lost my dream. You see, my two pointer match last week on Ascention was my ticket back to a rematch for the EurAsian Championship against that paper champion David Cougar. But alas, once again I was the victim of a cruel fate, the damn rWo. After the screwjob that was my match with Big Dave, I thought I had scouted that creten Ace David to a tee. All the hours of preparation, for nothing. I am quickly losing patience with these two pieces of trash, and I will take my revenge, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon.

(Hammond lets out a deflated smile before his phone begins to ring. He rushes to get it out of his pocket and looks relieved when he see's the caller ID. He picks up)

Scott Hammond: Hello...thank God you called I...yes I know, I screwed up but...what? Not until after the tournament? Well that's no help is it...uh huh...I suppose it will have to do. Whatever you think is best...ok...speak soon.

(Hammond puts down the phone as a small smirk falls onto his face)

Scott Hammond: In the depths of despair, people do one of two things. They shrivel up into a ball, waiting to die, or they call on some help. But enough about that right now, lets get down to the business of the coming week. My patience is wearing quite thin when it comes to this EurAsian tournament, everyone knows that I am the rightful number one contender for that title, I proved that at the Lethal Lottery. But, alas the powers that be are doing their damndest to make sure I fail. And now, after all that, I am put in the ring with yet another countryman in the form of Chris Beckford. Now Chris, I know that you came out on top in your last match, but really, who cares? You hail from a God Foresaken city in the north where quite frankly I wouldn't take my worst enemy. Leeds is a real dive and I really hope your not as thick as half of the inbreds that inhabit that awfuly town. Know this Beckford, I maybe down, but I am sure as hell not out of this one, I did not bring myself up on giving up, hell if I did I would be in some pub somewhere hurting someone. You are going to be the turn around that I need to get my quest for gold back on track, and there is nothing that anybody, especially not some loser like you, can do about it. I'll see you next week boy!

(With that Hammond gets up from the bus stop and calmly begins to walk away. As the camera fades out, he can be seen checking his phone again before the scene fades to black)
*Scene opens with a pixilated view of something, we realise we are looking through a fully zoomed in camera. The Camera slowly begins to zoom out and as it does it becomes apparent that what we were looking at is a name. The camera continues zooming out until we can fully see the name Chris Beckford written on the door. As the Camera fulls retracts the zoom we see we are in a hall way outside Beckfords locker room. The Camera pans to the right hand side, as it does we can see stage equipment, ladders, cables and random WZCW backstage employees. Towards the end of the hall way we see WZCW newboy Austin Reynolds walking down seemingly heading towards an exit. The camera pans back to the door and this time goes to the left. We can see Leon Kensworth and Stacey Madison discussing something walking towards Beckfords locker room. Stacey is paces ahead and Leon is doing his best to catch up to her. As they get closer we can hear them talking.*

Kensworth: And thats why its my job to interview him Stacey, I've done most of his interviews since he got into WZCW.

Madison: I don't care Leon, he might be your only friend here in WZCW but this is my interview today, now get out of here before I go to Myles and get your ass fired

Kensworth: Fired!!! for what doing my job, Myles can't fire me for this and you know it. Me and Beckford have a...sort of understanding. He comes to me for his interviews.

Madison: Yeah I'm sure you two have a (Stacey air quotes) understanding. I knew you would go that way but didn't think Beckford would.

*They get to Beckfords door and continue arguing*

Kensworth: What are you on about Stacey... Wait, what do you mean you knew I go (Leon air quotes this time) that way.

Madison: Well look at you, with your camp hair and your little glasses, I'm not suprised you chose men.

Kensworth:What are you talking about? oh never mind we are here now how about we both interview him?

Madison: Fine but I ask the questions.

*Stacey Knocks on Beckfords door*

Kensworth: I think you mis-understood the whole we both interview him business.

*Stacey puts her hand to his face as Beckford opens the door*

Beckford: You know I could hear you halfway down the hallway, its a bit unprofessional dont you think?

*Stacey barges past, Leon follows her, the camera follows him*

Beckford: OaaaKay come on in.

Madison: Chris, I'm here to ask you questions (she looks at Leon) He decided to follow and learn how a real interviewer handles business

*Leon Scoffs*

Maddison: Last week Chris you got a lucky win over Rush to go 1-1 in the EurAsian league, now you have Scott Hammond who had alot of harsh things to say about you and your hometown earlier this week. What are your thoughts?

Beckford: Well Stacey, I'll get to that in a minute, first I would like to address a couple of things I've noticed in WZCW recently. First I'd like to say Congratulations to John Smith, Hunter Kravinoff, Doug Crashin and Killjoy for earning a WZCW contract. I know personally how hard it is to get a contract here and you should all be proud of your achievements. I would also like to address the news of Austin Reynolds getting a debut match with Frankie Smith for the Elite X championship. How did this happen? I had to earn my contract though a battle royal and he can just walk into a championship match with Smith. I guess I'm just a little annoyed at Bateman for making this happen, when and I mean no disrespect to Reynolds here, there are more deserving members of the roster who should have been given the oppertunity.

Madison: You mean you?

Beckford: no not me, I mean people like Payne, Steel, Bratchny, Royale, Baker. all these men deserve a shot before a debutant. But hell maybe I'm just a little jealous. Now to answer your question Stacey, I'd like to say thank you to Rush. We put on a hell of a match last week and took each other to our limits, I hope we can get together in the ring again sometime soon and go at it. I had your number this time but it could have gone either way and again I thank you for the great showing you put on.

Kensworth: It was a fantastic hard-fought match

Beckford: Thanks Leon but It will be just as hard this week against my fellow countryman Scott Hammond. Scott I saw what you had to say this past week about me and while your entitled to your opinion, I think you're full of crap. You wanna run your mouth about my city, the place I call home, and call it a dive, a ''place you wouldn't take your worst enemy'' when you come from our capital city, a city known for its ridiculous congestion and dirty underground system? You see Scott I was fine with facing you, it was just another EurAsian league match where I would do my all to win the match and take the point, but now you had to go and make it personal. Why? what did I do to you? You seem to be another one of those ''I'm the best there ever will be guys'' with the arrogant chip on the shoulder but come Meltdown you will find out that you're nothing new to what I have faced before in WZCW and come the end of Meltdown, when you're looking up after being pinned 1,2,3 in the middle of the ring, think about all you have said and then realise how you could have avoided all the pain I have caused you by keeping your cockney mouth shut.

Kensworth: What are your thoughts on the rest of your competitors in the EurAsian League?

Beckford: Well Leon, I look at the league and its still wide open. Anybody can win it and go on to face Showtime for the belt. Big Dave is solid and picking up victorys even though things seem shakey in the RWO with the whole Titus situation, he sits top of the league with his two pointer match coming up which could be a big problem to me. Hopefully he will lose that match and I can capitalize. Rush is second and a tremendous competitor I beat him last week but is still a threat due to his Two pointer match. Blade seems to be in a rut at the wrong time which is a good thing for me but he is a great athlete and will come out of this strong and still be a threat in the league and if Scott Hammond beats me and other results go his way it brings him into play. I know one thing though. I dont think I can afford to lose another match in the league if I want to go on and become EurAsian champion.

Madison: Right thats all I wanted to know I'm out of here.

*Stacey goes to leave Beckford grabs her arm gentley causing her to stop and whispers to her*

Beckford: By the way, My (Beckford air quotes) understanding with Leon is strictly business. Dont jump to conculsions Stace, its shows the signs of a bad reporter.

*She leaves, Leon thanks Chris for his time before leaving as well, the camera fades to black.*
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