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Unscripted '12: Chris K.O - Open Invitational Discussion

I have no intention of replying to all of it since I thought a lot of it was blah, blah, blah.

I stopped reading at the part where you say your win over Ty was more important than JGlass' victory. If you honestly believe that then good on you but it's one of the more ridicolous things heard around here. You beat a guy who was leaving and had every intention of putting you over. JGlass on the other hand beat a guy who was at the top of his game, the guy was unbeatable and the rookie beat him. His victory means so much more because nobody gave him a chance, everyone with a brain new Ty wasn't walking out of Redemption with a victory.

So then what was Holmes vs. Chris? Nothing was on the line and there was nothing to gain or lose. It was implied behind the scenes that the winner would be shoved into the Main Event, but it was never publicly acknowledged.

You lost so why did KO get this open challenge and not someone else? You had a chance to get into the main event and you lost. You failed to beat Holmes so you should be at the back of the line. I don't see why losing a chance to get into the main event would lead to you feuding with Constantine.

I have lost to Holmes (who is in his prime), Titus (who could have the record of Ty Burna if he was consistent enough), and Steamboat Ricky. Jeez, pardon me for losing to three rookies and being a complete failure. Do you know many losing streaks people go through here, but are still some of the best RPers in the fed? If you didn't know that, a prime example is glaring at you. I can remember just a few months ago when Titus was half-assing RPs, and now he has a world title shot at Unscripted (and he deserves it). What does he have to lose from that? Oh, nothing. He already has a couple world titles under his belt, main-evented KC, and won the LL. See how pointless your trivial "what does he have to lose from this" argument is.

You didn't just compare KO to Titus. It's a completely different story because Titus is a legend while KO is just a guy. I laughed.
I have no intention of replying to all of it since I thought a lot of it was blah, blah, blah.
There's an awful lot of hot air coming out of this thread from you Prophet. It stinks.

I stopped reading at the part where you say your win over Ty was more important than JGlass' victory. If you honestly believe that then good on you but it's one of the more ridicolous things heard around here. You beat a guy who was leaving and had every intention of putting you over. JGlass on the other hand beat a guy who was at the top of his game, the guy was unbeatable and the rookie beat him. His victory means so much more because nobody gave him a chance, everyone with a brain new Ty wasn't walking out of Redemption with a victory.
Really? Did you know Ty was leaving? I put both wins on the same level.

You lost so why did KO get this open challenge and not someone else? You had a chance to get into the main event and you lost. You failed to beat Holmes so you should be at the back of the line. I don't see why losing a chance to get into the main event would lead to you feuding with Constantine.
He got this because we decided on it. Why people think it's such a bloody privilege I don't know. He is at the back of the line. Holmes, Drake and Titus are the ones in the main event! And I could name five or ten other people would get an ME push if they werent involved in other angles.

It made no sense to keep one of the most promising talents in the fed off the card. We could have booked in vs Constantine but people would have moaned about that too. We've done the open challenge thing with Constantine before as well.

Falkon and I have not booked ourselves into matches, if we had then they would have been more shoehorned onto the card than this. I'm getting fed up with the witch hunts that are going on in this thread and for the Chris KO character in general.

If you have a problem with him, approach me, Falkon or anyone else on crative. If you have a suggestion for the character, approach Kermit. I dont expect this bitching to continue because some of it stinks of jealousy.
To get right back on track, I fully expect KO's losing streak to continue at the hands of The King.
There's an awful lot of hot air coming out of this thread from you Prophet. It stinks.

I know I'm not the only one since several people have voiced their opinion on the subject and I've gotten reps from people for my comments in this thread.


Really? Did you know Ty was leaving? I put both wins on the same level.

Of course you're entitled to your opinion but I disagree. Beating Ty when he was unstoppable is a much bigger deal then beating Ty when it's set up for his career to come to an end.

He got this because we decided on it. Why people think it's such a bloody privilege I don't know. He is at the back of the line. Holmes, Drake and Titus are the ones in the main event! And I could name five or ten other people would get an ME push if they werent involved in other angles.

Is one of them Triple X?

It made no sense to keep one of the most promising talents in the fed off the card. We could have booked in vs Constantine but people would have moaned about that too. We've done the open challenge thing with Constantine before as well.

I disagree, I think most people would not have a problem with this if KO vs. Constantine was just booked instead. An open challenge should allow you to gain something and with KO you have very little to gain. If this was a huge star or someone who is just returned (like Baller) then I'd like the idea.

Falkon and I have not booked ourselves into matches, if we had then they would have been more shoehorned onto the card than this. I'm getting fed up with the witch hunts that are going on in this thread and for the Chris KO character in general.

I don't think I mentioned you or FalKon.

Don't think I mentioned the amount of matches on the card. In fact I've been a supporter of leaving people off PPV cards since I joined. I hate when people are thrown onto the card in pointless matches. I think I've mentioned it in the past that top superstars who don't make it onto the card through a feud should not be placed onto the card at all. When Thriller was put onto the KC III card I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything. It wasn't a big deal or anything but I thought it was a little stupid that a feud be pushed to the side so that a main guy could be put onto the card and into a title match.

If you have a problem with him, approach me, Falkon or anyone else on crative. If you have a suggestion for the character, approach Kermit. I dont expect this bitching to continue because some of it stinks of jealousy.

I'm far from jealous, I enjoy writing for my character and letting him make pancakes. Kermit can do whatever he wants with his character. I stopped reading KO's stuff once Ty took off.

I did say before that I was totally happy with taking the time off. If I had any ounce of jealously you'd think I'd be RPing and trying to beat KO to prove something.

Hope that sorts some stuff out Numbers and it's time to get a drink of water while I watch television.
Really? Did you know Ty was leaving? I put both wins on the same level.

Fairly certain 90% of the people were predicting me to win and the AoC storyline to continue on.

The victories that Saboteur and K.O. achieved are equivalent in my books.

Saboteur shocked the world and defeated the World Champion that had been previously undefeated for an entire year. I don't make excuses when I lose and he beat me straight up. I've said that before, and I'll continue to say it. They could have went with a DQ finish or countout but I didn't want it that way. He got the win because he earned it.

Chris K.O. defeated Ty when his power was at it's absolute as the owner of WZCW. It ended a significant story that we had running for quite sometime. Whether you like Chris K.O. or not he did in fact put out a better RP then me that round and I will be the first to admit it. I did not lay off of him either and I did ask Creative to vote who they thought had the better RP and they voted unanimously for Chris in that match.

The fact remains both of them rightfully deserved the victory over me. Just as when Showtime's beaten me, just as Carmen Bratchny, just as Big Dave, just as Kurtesy, just as Barbosa. Anyone with a victory over me is well earned and I give kudos to anyone that's defeated me.
I was PM'ing Merk (or JGlass, can't remember) and between the two of us, we were pretty certain you'd lose and put KO over. I couldn't have imagined you winning that match. It's not a bad thing, I'm just saying.
I was PM'ing Merk (or JGlass, can't remember) and between the two of us, we were pretty certain you'd lose and put KO over. I couldn't have imagined you winning that match. It's not a bad thing, I'm just saying.

Fair enough I just know that the vibe I got from most is I was expected to win.
It had been built as Ty -- in a way -- passing the torch to KO, so it looked pretty clear cut to me. Then again, I might have just gotten lucky with a gut call.

A dark and evil leader of a ministry wrestles a casket match on PPV against the white knight ready to save the day. It was basically a fairytale.
If Kurtesy was still around, you'd be banking that he'd be coming up with a chip on his shoulders.

Logically, I'm thinking Constantine is going to be the man to face K.O and rightfully so. Constantine just turned his back on the fans and is coming off as an excellent heel whilst K.O is doing his best to remain face. Perfect combination to get K.O over and Constantine over as well. Should K.O win, that's great but there would be a lot riding on Chris for losing. There are a few things that Chris could do with the loss but I'm not entirely sure if its for the best.

I don't have any other outside choices really... Justin Cooper could be a challenge, I guess. I think we'll have to wait and see who is going to... "invite" themselves into the match and whether or not we'll see someone completely new challenge Chris. I have a hunch that he'll find one of his possible opponents a surprising one...

I'm not a massive fan of the KO character (specifically the route of the face turn, but I think that's more to do with the couldn't-be-helped rushedness of the end of the AoC angle), but it's hard to argue the quality of Kermit's RP's when he's in full swing. Doesn't matter if it was Ty in his prime or Ty in his swansong; he beat him fair and square, and THAT is a huge achievement. And a win over KO here would be a big deal for anyone, and a HUGE deal if someone on the lower card could gain a big scalp here.

Put it like this; if I didn't have a match, I would RP in this in a heartbeat.

As for the opponent, it's either gonna be Constantine or a surprise return. Of who? No fucking clue, and I could be VERY wrong. And the result? Not a clue, either.
Rev. Cooper has just put his name forward for this thing.

I guess if people wanted to shut me up then voting for Cooper would be the best thing to do. After everything I said you'd think Kermit would want to get a victory to put me in my place. People seemed to get heated over my comments so go ahead a vote me in for the match instead of Constantine. The PPV is called Unscripted, why not go the opposite way that is being pushed?

EDIT: This is not an attempt to get myself on the card. I did not do all this to get a place on the card by getting an anger vote. I did not attempt to get votes for Cooper because people want to see me lose. That was never my intention. Never.

I understand that, and perhaps I did come on a little strong. In a similar retrospect, I have always been fine with you and actually consider you one of the more light-hearted posters. I seem to take a special liking to those who don't post an awful lot in the discussion thread, but yet are still good active posters.

I think this just all stems from the fact that I am frustrated with the losses as well and the constant nitpicking of my character from several people have just made him seem unappealing to me and the concept of writing for him as a chore. Which is frustrating for me whenever I know that I have been trying to create something, but it just isn't working out. I honestly feel like some have low-balled the character a little too much in analyzing him. It is good to get a general response about what people think of your character, but I just felt like it was put on a little too strong.

Finals will be over this week and I'll get a good Christmas break to clear my head. Possible remedies for Chris' roll in the company will be examined further post-Unscripted.
I understand that, and perhaps I did come on a little strong. In a similar retrospect, I have always been fine with you and actually consider you one of the more light-hearted posters. I seem to take a special liking to those who don't post an awful lot in the discussion thread, but yet are still good active posters.

I think this just all stems from the fact that I am frustrated with the losses as well and the constant nitpicking of my character from several people have just made him seem unappealing to me and the concept of writing for him as a chore. Which is frustrating for me whenever I know that I have been trying to create something, but it just isn't working out. I honestly feel like some have low-balled the character a little too much in analyzing him. It is good to get a general response about what people think of your character, but I just felt like it was put on a little too strong.

Finals will be over this week and I'll get a good Christmas break to clear my head. Possible remedies for Chris' roll in the company will be examined further post-Unscripted.

Just remember to vote for Cooper. At least that way one losing streak comes to an end.
Well this is an interesting one to predict. Chris KO vs Constantine in a strap match is clearly the direction Creative had planned, but the shitstorm that went down in this thread may have influenced enough WZCW posters to vote for Cooper. Meanwhile I probably wrote my best Wunderbar RP ever for my entry to the contest. I severely doubt that Benjamin Hoss won't get enough votes to win he may split the "not Constantine" votes a little allowing him to take it. Sandy and Capone also submitted RPs, but like Hoss I doubt that enough people want to see them face KO to get a look in when it comes for the vote.

Prediction: John Constantine wins the Four Corners match.
I had a really hard time picking who I wanted to face K.O, I wanted to vote for more than one person but didnt, now I wish I had. We all know the backlash K.O has recieved recently, could it be incorporated into this some how? It'd be interesting. Before all this Constantine was the heavy favourite, but Prophet has done a really good job promoting Cooper. Plus surprise additions from other characters, tough to predict.

There is plenty of room in the future for a Constantine/K.O feud, provided K.O stays face. There is stock to be gained from beating K.O still (if that sort of thing matters to you), for that reason I'd like to see one of the other entrants given a chance. Who? Dunno, for better or worse this match is made and hopefully someone can gain something from it.

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