United States Championship or Intercontinental Championship?


Australian Heavyweight Champion
My 1st edition of What Do You Think

What Championship would u consider:
more relevant today?
more presitige?
looks better?
better history?
If one was retired which belt would you rather stay?

The WWE's Intercontinental Championship or WCW based United States Championship?

*Please Dont have a go about spelling. I spell bad.

~For Me id have to say that both are equally relevant, BUT if WWE did retire one, i would want the IC Title to stay. It has a history based in WWWF/WWE/F.
~I think both Historys are strong and proud
~Both look good, but i prefer the US Title Look.

Over To You Guys.
I think today, the Intercontinental belt is more relivant! I think at one time, both were equally important in taking the next step to becoming world champion.

I think the Intercontinental belt from the 80s/90s was the most beautiful belt in Wrestling! (yeah even more beautiful than the Nwa/wcw title).

I think the US belt looks aweful! All these are my opinion. But I loved the Intercontinental Belt so much, especially when Ricky the dragon steamboat won it at wm3.
I think both titles looked better in their previous incarnations, they seem to both be smaller now with more colors covering the gold which I don't really care for. I also think that the US title was more prestigious in its heyday as guys who were very near the main event scene seemed to hold it in WCW . Best look I would say classic us title, now I really don't care for either.
For me, it's the United States title because of the prestige it had back in WCW (which, at times, when you won the title, you became number one contender for the WCW World title), but i take the US title though mainly due to it's look, but the IC title is great in its own right.
For me personally I feel that both belts are needed in the WWE right now. There's a huge and a very talented mid-card and they need something to fued over and to aspire to. If there was only 1 mid-card belt there would be so many people doing absolutely nothing.

In terms of which I think is worth more now, they've both gone downhill in terms of prestige. However probably the intercontinental title is the one I regard more. Both belts have an impressive history so you can't really choose which one is better from there.
There've been a fair number of these threads that've popped up over this year. When you think about the IC & US titles, you're talking about probably the two most recognized mid-card titles in the history of American wrestling.

Before the IC title, the WWF had never really had a legit mid-card title. Back in the days of the WWWF, the company did have its own United States Championship but it was never a bit deal apart from Pedro Morales. After he vacated it after winning the WWWF Championship, it just faded into obscurity so the IC title has a long history. For most of the first 10 years or so of its existence, the IC title was generally given to the guy that Vince felt was the overall most solid in-ring guy in the company. I personally don't believe that was always the case when you look at some of the initial champs, but most of them were pretty solid in the ring and did help establish the title's credibility. Probably the most celebrated run of the 80s was the year plus long reign of Macho Man Randy Savage, it's still hailed by the IWC to this day. I think that the IC title did go a bit downhill in terms of overall prestige during the Attitude Era as there were LOTS of brief title runs during that time. Another thing that hurt the title in my view was when the WWE allowed Chyna to win the title. It's hard to not roll your eyes when you have a woman winning a championship designed to be held and carried by men in my opinion. Over the course of this decade, I do think the title kind of languished to some degree but not nearly as much as it did during the height of the Attitude Era and I think it did start to slowly regain some juice by the middle of this decade. For most of the past 18-24 months, in my opinion, the title's prestige has grown as we've seen several strong reigns and feuds that've helped establish the title a bit more.

The WWE United States Championship was originally, technically, a regional title and the top singles title of Jim Crocket Jr.'s Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. It was an important title for the company and it's hard not to be impressed at many of the champs for the first 15 years or so of its existence. Harley Race, Johnny Valentine, Blackjack Mulligan, Ricky Steamboat, Ric Flair, Roddy Piper, Wahoo McDaniel, Magnum TA, Tully Blanchard, Nikita Koloff, Lex Luger, Barry Windham, etc. I think the title began to lose a lot of prestige, however, during the Monday Night Wars. Title changes became more frequent and there was just this long string of unremarkable champions and weak reigns. That became especially true after Vince Russo took creative control of WCW. When the title was adopted by the WWE, there were some dud champs as well. Overall, however, I think by mid to late 2006, things started to get back on track for the title.

In terms of overall prestige, I think I have to give the edge to the United States Champiosnhip. Just by looking at the lineage of the title, especially the first 15 years or so, there were a lot of very memorable stars that had a number of strong reigns. Before Crockett Promotions gained control of the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, the United States Championship was definitely booked to feel like it was the company's top title. After all, with how the NWA territory system was set up, each territory did have its own top title. The IC title never had that sort of distinction and has always been branded a mid-card title. It was never inteded to be more than that at any point in its history.

As for which I think simply looks better, I'm also going with the United States Championship. The IC title today just looks kind of plain to me. Nothing about its design pops out and says "Hey, look at me". The United States Championship also has something of a plain design, but I like the contrast between the gold and the patriotic red, white & blue pattern shown on the center plate. It's eye catching and I also just kind of like how the center plate is shaped.

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