Unifactions at Capitol Punishment??

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Savior with faith 101

Occasional Pre-Show
So following Sheamus's supplemental draft trade to Smackdown and with Alberto Del Rio being drafted to Raw while in the WHC match at Extreme Rules, there is the possibility that we could see the following titles on the following brands:

World Heavyweight Champion - Alberto Del Rio
WWE Champion - John Cena/The Miz/R-Truth

United States Champion - Sheamus
Intercontinental Champion - Wade Barrett

So this could potentially lead to a scenario where we see the Over The Limit having the usual "rematches" for the titles, but then we could see the Champions go head to head with Unification matches for the titles built up to the next PPV Capitol Punishment.

So my question are, if this is the case:

Who would you like to see as the Champions going into these unification matches???

Who would you have win???

and How would you build this???

I would have Alberto Del Rio face off in a rematch against Christian at Over the Limit where he would retain the title he wins at Extreme Rules. Have him come out on Raw the next night and call out John Cena who wins the title at Extreme Rules. The two agree to face each other in a Unification match only to be interrupted by The Miz who wants to exercize his rematch clause. Cue the General Manager who announces that there will be a Triple Threat Unification match to crown the Undisputed Heavyweight Champion.

The following friday after Extreme Rules will be opened with Teddy Long announcing that there will be an Elimination Style Fourway Unification match at Capitol Punishment. The US Champion Sheamus will face off against Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett and two other opponents chosen from Superstars who will face off in a series of matches to be held over the course of the next month culminating at Over the Limit. I would have Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton progress through to the match at Capitol Punishment defeating the likes of Chody Rhodes, Christian, Kane, Mark Henry, Sin Cara and Brodus Clay to reach the Unification Match.

At Capitol Punishment i would have Daniel Bryan eliminate Wade Barrett before Randy Orton is eliminated by Sheamus, have these two battle it out before Daniel Bryan locks in the Labelle Lock and forces Sheamus to tap out.

In the title match i would have Alberto Del Rio lock in the Cross Arm Breaker on Cena, as he is about to tap have The Miz break up the submission and hit the Skull Crushing Finale on Del Rio for the win.

The following night on Raw i would have Chris Jericho return to present the old Unified Championship belt which he won to the Champion, The Miz and have them face off at Summerslam (just because they could have a great feud)
I think Christian wins the world title at Extreme rules, and that ends the feud with Del Rio. He isn't the champ so he doesn't have a rematch clause. Unifying the world titles would be pointless unless Smackdown made a new world title. WWE has 2 brands and they need 2 world titles.

As for the I.C. and U.S. titles, I think they will be unified at the next PPV. I think Sheamus will beat Barrett with interference from Corre.
I don't think unification matches will happen. I see Christian winning the World Heavyweight Championship and maybe Sin Cara beats Sheamus for the US title at Over the Limit and the Anonymous GM beeps that he wants the US title back on Raw. That would lead to Swagger coming out and winning the US title.

I just don't see unifications happening when WWE is in desperate need to get as many people over as possible.

But to answer your question, if they do happen, I see Alberto Del Rio winning the unification match by beating either WWE Champion John Morrison or John Cena. I would also see Sin Cara winning the Unified US and IC titles.
no, i hate the idea of unifications, the whole point of the two shows is to have more champions and more pushes. if you only have 2 singles titles, what's the point of two shows and with a number of wreslters, what the point of keeping all of them around. My hope is that soon, perhaps on RAW even, have Wade Barrett lose the IC title to Kofi Kingston or Sheamus lose the US title to Kingston and let him hold that title on RAW and build Sheamus or Barrett up as top heels to Christian for his World title.
I highly doubt that this scenario is going to come to fruition. Right now, we have only 5 matches on the Extreme Rules card, so there is always time to add in something like Kofi vs Sheamus or Kofi vs Wade for the IC title. Even though unifying titles would be a good thing short term, it actually ends up hurting the brands. This isn't the old days of WWF where you had one "brand" and 6 singles titles. You have 2 brands with 5 singles titles, 1 of which is not brand exclusive.

People might think "hey, that will make the guys work even harder for their spot", but in the end, you will have guys that could actually benefit from a title run (Zack Ryder, Cody Rhodes) not get it because there isn't that opportunity that there used to be.

In closing, unifying all titles = bad
Allowing underrated stars a chance to eventually shine = good
I would like to see the Heavy weight belts unified. But I don't think they are going to do it anytime soon. I think Christin will come out on top at Extreme Rules seeing he will proablly be getting Edge's push now.

But they need to combined the Heavy weight belts because there is a limited pool of talent that they pull from for those belts so we end up having the same feuds over and over again. Where if we had one champion that would go from show to show we would not have the same fueds all the time.

Now with the US and IC belts, I would like to keep the the way they are. There is alot more people in the mid card to go for those belts. They can help give pushes and see how well a wrestler will beable to hold a title. They could still have a match between Sheamus and someone from Raw and have Sheamus drop the belt to them and then put Sheamus in the Heavy weight title picture as a top Heel.

On another note I think they need to bring back some kind of light weight belt. That way people like Kofi, Bryan, Evan, Cara, Kidd, JTG and Yoshi among others have a title to go for and shine. Also we get some high flying matches again to break up the match styles.
I don't think it is time to unify both World titles. Each show needs its respective titles. At the time being, I would like to see no titles unified. As mentioned above, I do see Kofi bringing the Intercontinental title to RAW beating Wade Barrett with the U.S. title staying on Smackdown and Christian winning the World Championship ending the feud with Alberto Del Rio.

On another note I think they need to bring back some kind of light weight belt. That way people like Kofi, Bryan, Evan, Cara, Kidd, JTG and Yoshi among others have a title to go for and shine. Also we get some high flying matches again to break up the match styles.

Very good idea. I always loved seeing matches for the Cruiserweight championship. WWE needs to use unused talent to create tag teams, and having a sort of cruiserweight division, gives the smaller guys as mentioned something to do and even pull off great high flying matches. It may not work though because of the lack of lightweights, but WWE absolutely needs to fix the tag team division to give the lightweights a chance to shine and pull off crowd loving high flying maneuvers.
Who would you like to see as the Champions going into these unification matches???
Firstly I'd keep the World/WWE title match for Summer Slam (Cena/Del Rio)
The IC/US could happen @ CP or WWE could save them for Summer Slam as well, give both time to mature as champions and build up tention so fans would buy TWO heels going at it.

Who would you have win???

I'd say Del Rio but we know Cena would go over and the IC/US I'd go with Barret nothing against Sheamus but I believe Wade could do with the belt more.

and How would you build this???
The usual, but looking at 2010-2011 it's safe to say Undertaker/Edge/HHH are on the retirement road so the belts being mergered up I could see happening but known WWE we won't be given this until god knows when..
no no no no no no no the last thing wwe needs is unification right now raw has two title belts and we don't even know the topic of capitol punishment:wtf:
I don't think the WWE will unify the titles anytime soon. As long as they have two brands they will keep the title separate. I don't see the point of having the draft if they are planing on ending the brand extension. Either the US or IC title will be back on Raw soon maybe even at the PPV Sunday. It would make the most sense to have Kofi beat Barrett for the IC title since they've been somewhat feuding for the title lately.

If Christan doesn't win the title Sunday I think they will find a way to send the WWE champion to Smackdown. It wouldn't be the first time both champions are on the same brand after the draft. They found a way to send one title to the other brand in the past. They will do it again if they even need to.
I doubted this going into last night and I still doubt it now. There's no need to have one midcard title as it would hurt the rosters badly. There are FAR too many people in the midcard to only have one title to fight over so in this case the split titles are the best answer. As for the world title....yeah they still need two of them. Things are too wide open to unify them at this point given how big the rosters are. Also this allows them to do two house show tours with world title matches in the main events, which is crucial for business. No need to unify them.
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