Unfairly Criticized & Universally Respected

The Brain

King Of The Ring
Even the most successful and popular wrestlers of all time have their critics here. I don’t agree with all the following, but these are some of the criticisms I’ve read about top stars.

Hulk Hogan: limited move set, backstage politics
Steve Austin: overrated, couldn’t wrestle, only brawl
John Cena: superman to the kids, 5 moves of doom, can’t wrestle
Rock: turned his back on wrestling for Hollywood
Randy Savage: had to practice his matches, couldn’t work on the fly
Bret Hart: bland personality, boring on the mic, couldn’t draw
Shawn Michaels: backstage politics in the 90s, couldn’t draw
Ric Flair: too repetitive, all matches were the same
Triple H: backstage politics, held others down
Eddie Guerrero: overrated because of early death
Andre The Giant: couldn’t wrestle, popular because of size
Ultimate Warrior: couldn’t wrestle, horrible attitude

There are others that seem to be universally respected here on the forums.

Mr. Perfect, Ted Dibiase, Ricky Steamboat, and Jake Roberts are a few examples. I don’t recall ever reading criticisms toward these guys. They are regarded as the greatest wrestlers to never win a world title in the WWF. People seem to like their work in the ring, their gimmick, their charisma, and their mic skills.

I have two questions. Who receives unfair criticism (doesn’t have to be listed above) and who are some more guys that seem to be universally respected on the forums? One thing I find interesting is the guys who get criticized are the ones at the top of the card. Maybe if those who are universally respected ever made it to the top their fans would turn to critics.
Who receives unfair criticism

Of those listed, Austin. His worth to WWE is invaluable. Without him the company would have died in 97 or 98. His matches weren't supposed to be mat classics. He was a rattlesnake remember? Rattlesnakes strike quickly and kill without question. That's what Austin did. Factor in also that his neck was destroyed for a good while he was pretty good. Also I could name off a good deal of excellent matches he's had over the years. Most criticisms he receives are unwarranted.
It's hard not to simply say all of them. Because even with all of these people calling them out on flaws that they had, they were still without a doubt popular like few others. They got over because of what they did, and overall it worked out for them all.

However, while some may very well disagree, I would like to place my vote of the guys on the list to Triple H. He has worked for many years with WWE, and has ever since his marriage gone on to have people screaming for him to take advantage of it. However, a lot of people doesn't look past it and see the fact that he is more than warranted everything he has accomplished. He is the total package in a wrestler, and one of the best things that the business have to offer. He is a surefire Hall of Famer without a doubt.
I'm gonna say The Rock gets the most unfair criticism. There was a thread on here a few weeks back about The Rock being a "sellout". HOW IN THE WORLD is he a sellout?! The man busted his ass for the WWE, accomplished everything in the business, and then he left. He didn't leave when the WWE needed him most, no, he left once they were the sole powerhouse around... due to him and a few other guys. Rocky was universally loved by the fans, and people eagerly await his return... even if he doesn't wrestle (which may NEVER happen), but the second a new movie of his comes out he's a "sellout" because he played a tooth fairy in a movie. It's called getting a paycheck and making a living, people.
Well whoever said Shawn Michaels couldnt draw is on some SERIOUS crack. Before the attitude era it was him and the undertaker that was keeping the wwe afloat. Whoever said austin couldnt wrestle is sharing a crack pipe with whoever said hbk couldnt draw...and to say the Rock sold out is ******ed. Would rather him unnecassarily stay in wrestling when he had done all there was to do, and give up on his own aspirations? Act like yall wouldnt have done the same. smh

But all and all, this thread is proof the people that are on this list are the greatest of all time. You cant be considered great without haters ;)
Stone Cold but Klunderblunker already stated why, I also go for Cena. Being Superman is his gimmick just like how Hulk Hogan is supposed to Superman, there's no need to kick the guy down because a part of his gimmick is supposed to be making comebacks & winning championships numerous times. If Vince wants to put someone else over, he will ask Cena if he wants to do it and Cena will have no problem doing it, so I dont know why a lot of people blame others not getting over on Cena. Cena can do a lot more than his so called "5 moves of doom". When he was a rookie & a mid carder, he did a lot more moves & could pull em off better than he does now but because he's a main eventer now, he has to limit down cause once again a part of his gimmick is being a brawler, he's supposed to a mix of Hulk Hogan & Stone Cold. Stone Cold could pull off Headlock Takedowns, Aerial Moves, Dropkicks before he became The Rattlesnake.

I was also gonna point out that Hulk Hogan is also critcized for not putting people over but he actually did put Ultimate Warrior, Brock Lesnar, Rock, HHH & Kurt Angle over but then again HHH, Rock & Kurt Angle were already over when Hulk allowed them to beat him, so the only ones who he really allowed to get over that needed it were Lesnar & Warrior although he refused to lose to Lesnar in a rematch at Survivor Series 2002, it's Hulk putting over the young guys that need it that matters not putting over guys already over, so yeah I wont bother going there.
I'll echo Austin. The trivialization of Austin's success to t-shirt sales is one of the dumbest ideas that many in the IWC seem to swear by. To overlook all the hard work he put into keeping his gimmick fresh and interesting is a borderline travesty.

I'd also say that Mick Foley tends to get bashed for "only being a glorified stuntman." To me that is a joke. It overlooks his personality which is one of the best ever and his in-ring work was better than he gets credit for.

Sting is interesting in that I would say he comes pretty close to universal respect even though he was quite successful.
All the top guys are going to have their critics, and nobody is perfect so some of the criticisms may be warranted. However, these were the top guys in their respected eras for a reason. All of them have their flaws but they were all GREAT superstars. Take Cena and Hogan for example. They have very similar styles. They both get their asses kicked most of the match but hit their string of moves and win most of the time. This isn't that they can't wrestle, it's how their matches are booked and it's not really their choice. Hogan was a much different wrestler as a heel and showed some more of his moveset and Cena showed more moves earlier in his career. Bottom line if these guys couldn't wrestle they wouldn't be the top stars in the business for their eras.

With Mr. Perfect, DiBiase, Roberts, etc. they all have the moniker of underrated. People love the underdog. With them not having the title they didn't have to carry the company load on their shoulders so they didn't get ridiculed for everything the fans didn't like. The top guy at the time took that burden. If they had won the title there would be just as many haters for these guys as there are for the others.
Eddie Guerrero overrated?! Bullshit. Without a doubt Eddie Guerrero is receiving the unfair criticism. If anything, he was underrated. The guy was one of, if not thee, most popular wrestler in 04-05. I would even say he was the most popular wrestler on Smackdown, next too Cena, Mysterio, and the Undertaker. He could wrestle, had the perfect mic skills, and he connected best with the crowd since the Rock and Austin. How, when having all of those attributes, can you say he's Overrated?
Well whoever said Shawn Michaels couldnt draw is on some SERIOUS crack. Before the attitude era it was him and the undertaker that was keeping the wwe afloat. Whoever said austin couldnt wrestle is sharing a crack pipe with whoever said hbk couldnt draw...and to say the Rock sold out is ******ed. Would rather him unnecassarily stay in wrestling when he had done all there was to do, and give up on his own aspirations? Act like yall wouldnt have done the same. smh

But all and all, this thread is proof the people that are on this list are the greatest of all time. You cant be considered great without haters ;)

Ikr... Shawn Michaels can't draw is probably the stupidest statement I've ever heard, it doesn't even make sense. For example; with Austin you could argue he can't wrestle, but he could entertain which is why WWE is so big now. Furthermore The Rock, yeh I get why people called him a sell out but the truth is fans didn't want him to go away from wrestling they wanted him to quite literally stay for "ever and ever and ever and ever". But Shawn Michaels can't draw... who-ever-said-this-is-a-complete-******...
Some good responses here, but any other names that are universally respected? Kurt Angle is another that comes to mind. He's a guy who's always on top, but I haven't read too many cirtisisms about him. I may be way off here because I never visit the TNA sections, but the WWE fans seem to have a universal respect for him.
Steve Austin: overrated, couldn’t wrestle, only brawl
Eddie Guerrero: overrated because of early death

Horrible. Eddue was overrated because of an early death? He was great when he was alive, just like Owen Hart. People may respect them more after they passed, but people absolutely respected them when they were alive.

Steve Austin could wrestle, just like John Cena can. They just don't. John Cena is a good basic grappler, and Austin has had some great technical matches with Eddy, Dean and Steamboat before he was a brawler.

Hogan is #1 the most overrated wrestling character of all time.

What about Randy Orton, King of the Restspots?
I would agree to the Rock being unfairly criticized. He was both a good wrestler and the best mic worker of all time, and dont go saying oh ric fla- No, the rock was the best mic worker ever period. He was in the business for at least 6 years continually (excluding film role(s)) and when he arrived there he got genuine boos from people that didn't like his attitude and he could have just as well walked away and gone down another path. He stuck with it and three or so years later was THE biggest thing in sports entertainment. He was on top for 3 years and this is what I think is maybe the rock got out at the right time, nobody stays fresh forever, not even him so he may well of made the right descision and the same people who told him who sucked and didnt want him to stay were begging him to when he finally did leave. And to compound all of this in a recent interview that Kurt Angle did he said that Dwayne calls him all the time becua he misses the industry and he tries to give kurt advise and things. Now that to me is somebody who doesn't care.

And now by the same token I really have to hand a prize to John cena. he is never going to be a great technician (you don't say) or worker but vince gave him some whopping huge shoes to fill and despite the most heinous adversity he has stuck with it for what seven going on eight years now. He gave a speech at ric flair's HOF induction and I was proud because you could tell right there he is one passionate individual who really does care about what hes doing and he follows his heart right out for example to the tribute fopr the troops show every year, he believes in it more than anybody. But to stick there with all of these people who hate him and won't watch a show if he's there I have to give him the hugest stack of KUDOS for being possibly the most caring and passionate guy in the industry today....and this is coming from just another guy who will,on the day,criticize as much as anybody else. Truth is you have to see through the wrestling sometimes and look at the individual and hes a hell of a guy.

Now for Hogan, all I have to say is that he could most probably make more money doing films but for some reason he is in wrestling still despite all of his surgery...does he really care as much about money and little about the people as is set up to?? your call

As for shawn and bret well I think back then and i've said this before that there was a locker room with two huge ego's in it and adding to that the one that vince had. Well backstage politics was inevitable at that point and something had to give, and that thing in the end was bret, unfortunate but everybody older and wiser got the chance to make ammends finally so no harm no foul.

I personally think that Undertaker deserves all of the praise that he gets and will get when he retires, one guy who always lives up to his image.

I do think there was a bit of legends effect when eddie guerrero died. Sure a lot of people liked the guy and I have absolutely no doubt that backstage and in real life he was indeed one of the funiest and nicest guys you could meet. but when he died well i think more people cried for him than watched him wrestle and that says it all, and thats not his fault of course he was a very good wrestler but I personally don't think he would have been elevated to that level had he not died whilst he was working at the height of his career, my opinion

And conversely and I know a lot of you people are gonna shoot me down for this but for god's sakes chris benoit had a mental condition because he was allowed to be struck in the head with a solid metal object too much, he really does not deserve what names people push onto him. I mean is a schitsophrenic guy burns a house down do you say you bastard what did you do that for, no, you say he wasnt mentally all there.

Ultimate warrior probably is true except that you have to include that he could read a crowd well just like hogan. And andre well he was more athletic when he was younger, and that by no means he was athletic so lets make that distinction now.

i wouldn't say that stone cold was overrated because we all know what he could do well and its not like he never wrestled before, he became a name before he was ever 3:16! so he had to be able to wrestle to get to that point? And as for bret well i'll always believe that what he lacked for in mic ability he made for by being the best in the ring so to me it cancels out.

If I left anybody out I'm sorry I'm ina hurry bye
I'd agree The Rock is unfairly criticised.

Jericho and Owen Hart are another two that escape without any criticism.

Personally, I feel Austin doesn't get criticised as much as he should. His politicking was rampant and he never put anyone over in a meaningful match or angle. I wouldn't complain about his wrestling, he was a very good wrestler, that did his best after a broken neck. That said Angle won a gold medal with a broken neck and went on to have a career of brilliant matches. But yeah if you want to cite Hogan's politics, by all means jump on Austin's backs too.

Angle is probably the most consistent performer in North America.

For the record, I wouldn't say HBK couldn't draw, but he didn't draw anywhere near as much as people want to think. He was the Cena of his day, in the mid 90's, as a face he was booed constantly. To the point where heels had to have cheers edited out of broadcasts when attacking him. He didn't draw much, nor did Diesel. The person that said HBK and Undertaker kept WWF afloat is misinformed, it was more like Bret and The Undertaker. Bret was a phenomenal draw outside of the US and a decent draw inside.
I wouldn't say Bret and Shawn couldn't draw. When Bret was the top face in his prime, his fans were the main contingent of the paying audience. The people who watched loved him. Michaels was one of the main reasons they WWF started getting back on top in the fall of 1997. He also kept the company afloat when he was champ in 1996 cus there was no other legit main eventer at the time on the roster besides Undertaker. Austin and Mankind were on the rise, but no where near what they'd become. Hogan could wrestle, watch some Japan matches, but his character didn't have to have technical matches to get over (I'm not defending Hulk cus he's not one of my favorites, but its true).
Some good responses here, but any other names that are universally respected? Kurt Angle is another that comes to mind. He's a guy who's always on top, but I haven't read too many cirtisisms about him. I may be way off here because I never visit the TNA sections, but the WWE fans seem to have a universal respect for him.

Undertaker and Kane are both universally respected. Two of the best big men of all time and their longevity speaks for itself. I'd have to throw the Big Show in there too...usually the big oddity types last a couple years then go away but he's stuck around and he's still entertaining as hell. Jericho has alot of respect because of his career and ability. AJ Styles is someone that everybody seems to like too. THE MIZ!!! jk jk but I like him and he seems like a worker which people seem to respect in time.
John Cena.

He busts his ass for the company, it is his life. When was the last time he took a hiatus? A while ago.
Anyway, this '5 moves of doom' is rubbish. I recall watching his debut match with Kurt Angle. He and Angle put on a great match there to put Cena over. As Mr. Amazing said, it's his 'superhero' gimmick that he is often criticized for. I don't particularly enjoy watching him, but he can Wrestle. He is simply doing his job.
Stone Cold but Klunderblunker already stated why, I also go for Cena. Being Superman is his gimmick just like how Hulk Hogan is supposed to Superman, there's no need to kick the guy down because a part of his gimmick is supposed to be making comebacks & winning championships numerous times. If Vince wants to put someone else over, he will ask Cena if he wants to do it and Cena will have no problem doing it, so I dont know why a lot of people blame others not getting over on Cena. Cena can do a lot more than his so called "5 moves of doom". When he was a rookie & a mid carder, he did a lot more moves & could pull em off better than he does now but because he's a main eventer now, he has to limit down cause once again a part of his gimmick is being a brawler, he's supposed to a mix of Hulk Hogan & Stone Cold. Stone Cold could pull off Headlock Takedowns, Aerial Moves, Dropkicks before he became The Rattlesnake.

I was also gonna point out that Hulk Hogan is also critcized for not putting people over but he actually did put Ultimate Warrior, Brock Lesnar, Rock, HHH & Kurt Angle over but then again HHH, Rock & Kurt Angle were already over when Hulk allowed them to beat him, so the only ones who he really allowed to get over that needed it were Lesnar & Warrior although he refused to lose to Lesnar in a rematch at Survivor Series 2002, it's Hulk putting over the young guys that need it that matters not putting over guys already over, so yeah I wont bother going there.

I'll second your opinion of John Cena. I don't enjoy his matches and I usually don't care for his promos, but he really seems to be a genuinely nice guy and a loyal company man willing to do whatever management asks of him. I mean, look at how much he puts into the Make-a-Wish Foundation when he could just say, "Hey, it's my freakin' day off."

I think it's very rare that you have a top level superstar like that. And, really, it's Vince and company who are pushing him the way he is. Guys like Hogan, Triple H, Warrior, etc. think they're God's gift to wrestling and acted like divas most of the time, doing whatever they needed to stay on top. I don't think you'll ever hear some leak on the Internet about how John Cena was overheard complaining that he's too good to lose to anyone - if Vince wanted him to job to Evan Bourne, he'd do it in a second.

I'm not a fan of the character he plays, but I have nothing but respect for him.
Even the most successful and popular wrestlers of all time have their critics here. I don’t agree with all the following, but these are some of the criticisms I’ve read about top stars.

Hulk Hogan: limited move set, backstage politics
Steve Austin: overrated, couldn’t wrestle, only brawl
John Cena: superman to the kids, 5 moves of doom, can’t wrestle
Rock: turned his back on wrestling for Hollywood
Randy Savage: had to practice his matches, couldn’t work on the fly
Bret Hart: bland personality, boring on the mic, couldn’t draw
Shawn Michaels: backstage politics in the 90s, couldn’t draw
Ric Flair: too repetitive, all matches were the same
Triple H: backstage politics, held others down
Eddie Guerrero: overrated because of early death
Andre The Giant: couldn’t wrestle, popular because of size
Ultimate Warrior: couldn’t wrestle, horrible attitude

There are others that seem to be universally respected here on the forums.

Mr. Perfect, Ted Dibiase, Ricky Steamboat, and Jake Roberts are a few examples. I don’t recall ever reading criticisms toward these guys. They are regarded as the greatest wrestlers to never win a world title in the WWF. People seem to like their work in the ring, their gimmick, their charisma, and their mic skills.

I have two questions. Who receives unfair criticism (doesn’t have to be listed above) and who are some more guys that seem to be universally respected on the forums? One thing I find interesting is the guys who get criticized are the ones at the top of the card. Maybe if those who are universally respected ever made it to the top their fans would turn to critics.

a) I'd say that "superman to the kids" applies to Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior as much as if not more than John Cena.

b) Anyone who says that Steve Austin couldn't wrestle has no idea what they're talking about. It's true that he relied much more on a brawling style with the "Stone Cold" Steve Austin gimmick, but he was one of the best technical wrestlers in WCW as "Stunning" Steve Austin and as one half of The Hollywood Blondes. I never actually saw him wrestle in ECW as "Superstar" Steve Austin so I have no idea whether he put on any good technical displays there.

c) Eddie Guerrero was considered one of the best in-ring performers in the business long before he died. He gets a lot of respect nowadays from competitors who worked with him, but it's not like he's constantly being praised and mentioned on television. Even when I see Vicki's ugly mug on my TV screen, I don't automatically think of Eddie anymore.

d) I wouldn't agree that "unfair criticism" applies to all or even most of the wrestlers on the list. And, really, whose to say that just because someone is talented, well respected and/or popular that any criticism against them is unfair?

e) Being at the top of a card doesn't mean that you're anywhere near perfect. There are plenty of top-level guys who weren't great in one aspect but people were willing to overlook their flaws. I'd say Shawn Michaels, as much as I don't like watching him, is probably one of the only truly well-rounded performers of all time. And if Ricky Steamboat had come along a decade later, he probably would be near Shawn Michaels' level as well... he just had the misfortune of coming along to the business when the WWF behemoth still thought that only roided giants were worth backing.
The one thing that amazes me is that it seems everybody seems to forget any of the wrestling Steve Austin did BEFORE the Stone Cold gimmick. Yes, the character Stone Cold had a limited move set - because that's what the character required. I believe he addressed that issue on one of his dvd's.

Back when he first wrestled in Texas at the Sportatorium, and when he moved to WCW as "Stunning Steve Austin", he could chain wrestle with the best of them. When I had a chance to purchase some old Texas Wrestling dvd's, there he was putting on some very impressive work.

Once Vince gave Steve his shot in the spotlight and allowed him to win the King of the Ring (other than the scheduled HHH - due to the curtain call MSG incident), Steve took the ball and ran with it - finding out that the fans only wanted to see middle fingers, stomping a mudhole, and stunners. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that to get over is to give the fans exactly what they want.

... and it made Vince billions.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Eddie Guerrero.

He always found a way to get over with fans, you never heard of any backstage/publicity issues with Eddie outside of his early alcohol/drug issues, and he was a good worker in the ring.

I've been given the impersonation Eddie was well-liked in the locker room, and a lot of the younger guys looked to him for advice.

He had the Titanic full of charisma, and was willing to risk his life in order to keep a match going, remember the match against JBL?

Eddie could of easily stopped the match early and went for treatment, but he kept the match going despite the risk.

I see a lot of people complaining because (insert name here) doesn't seem to give their all to the business, (insert name here) doesn't have charisma, (insert name here) can't wrestle, Eddie had all of those rolled into one.
I guess I'll go with John Cena. Cena has had a some very good matches, and the stuff he did with Shawn Michales was spectacular. Cena can be very entertaining. He can cut a good or great promo every now and then, he's an incredible worker, and you can just feel this guy's passion for the business every time he explodes through the curtain.

The stupid five moves of doom shit never ceases to anger me. People seriously try to use as a legit argument when it comes to Cena's in ring work. Cena has become one of WWE's main guys, and this drives a good majority of the IWC crazy. He sells merchandise, tons of fans love the guy, and he's been involved in some damn good feuds over the years. He's at the top for many reasons, but some wrestling fans just love to hate the guy.
Stone Cold is the shittiest one that i can see.as stunning steve austin he was one of the few guys who could have a five star match with anyone.even as stone cold yeah he might have lost a step after his neck injury but to say that he couldnt wrestle is like saying paris hilton is a great actress.so "a guy who cant wrestle" can have matches like he had with hhh at nwo 2001,kurt angle at summerslam 2001,chris beniot on smackdown on 31/5/01 smackdown,rock at wrestlemania 17 etc etc etc.the list goes on but i think youll get the point.

and i think brain that THE ROCK isnt criticized that much.very very few people criticize him and some overrate his wrestling abilities a bit.no way was he better than austin even after austin's injury.he might be one of your universally respected guys

even eddie guerrero's criticism is shit.i think the reason he is crriticized is because of his early death.that limited his achievements somewhat as far as winning titles is concerned.had he not died i believe the sky was the limit.why??? because apart from being a great wrestler he was the last guy whose charisma was equal to that of austin or rock

also it might be a bit early to say so but unless something drastic happens cm punk will end up on the universally respected list in a few years
The one man who's universally praised, and for good reason is "The Living Legend" Bruno Sammartino. Just the nicest and most respected man in the history of the businesss.

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