Undertakers Undefeated Streak Ends!


Dark Match Jobber
If Kane beat the undertaker at WM, Kane could Kill the Undertaker.
That would start the count down till Kane Retires.... but Then he would easily Be an Undefeatable heel! As if His "Brother" Kept him down, and without Taker around anymore Kane is free to shine!

HBK... I might stop watching WWE if HBK ends the Undertakers WM streak...
There is no point to it!

Cena.... I don't like Cena, But it would be huge! although in my opinion Cena doesn't need the huge push!

Cm Punk... Needs the win sooooo badly! CM Punk could be the greatest! He has the it factor! unfortunatly CM Punk is a small guy.... And unless creative made him a MMA style wrestler and had him knock people out often, The win would be wasted!

Mike Knox, Koslov, Jackson, The Miz, John Morrison, Dibesi, Sheamus....
They would all be great choices! with proper build up and followthru, ALL of them could take off and have great hall of fame worthy careers!

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