Undertakers new character


The lord of darkness
I wasn't sure under which forum to place this and I didn't see a thread about this yet.

Last night when the Undertaker came out...did anyone notice that he MIGHT have a new character? I didn't notice it until he came out but it looks like he may be going with kind of a DEAD COWBOY type gimmick.

The promos of 2/21/11 helped and his entrace last night starting with the Johnny Cash song. Then I saw this morning on facebook an advertisement for his new shirt... http://www.wweshop.com/item/underta...dertaker/01-12063?cid=bn_2011utakeroutlawt-13

This isn't the first time he has done this. When he came back as the American Badass he started out with the promos of the little girls in white dresses saying the prayer.

So Im curious...did anyone else notice that it MAY be a new Undertaker character or am I just looking too far into this?
I noticed that he started where pants instead of just the one piece. Who knows maybe you're right. Undertaker has needed to tweak his character for a while in my opinion.
Personally his look keeps changing and by his look last night he looked very 2004-2005 style of Undertaker, maybe if he's going for a more dead-cowboy/outlaw look WWE should tweak his theme song or even use the Johnny Cash song into his old school song.
I actually hope they go back to the original UT. I'm sure everyone won't agree with that and there's nothing wrong with anyone who doesn't agree but it just seems like the change that followed were more like WWE fixing something that wasn't broken. It was like the brief period of time when they decided to change SCSA's entrance music. Nothing ever worked like hearing that glass break - it was SCSA's stamp. The same holds true for UT - the funeral march, the darkened area, etc. is what made UT.
I would say don't hold your horses on a new UT gimmick... Let time tell what happens. You have to remember he just came back, and he wasn't wrestling, so he may have not been in his wrestling gear. Second off, we won't know of any character change until he hits the ring again, whether it's before WM XXVII or not. I personally hoped for a gimmick change for him, but all they did was the Johnny Cash song for his return and then went back to the normal theme. He came out as the WM XX outlaw-ish UT, just with his trademark longer hair. To me, nothing really has changed
I ddint notice the gimmick change for Undertaker but I do know something didn't feel right about him when watching him. It feels like his shoulder he had surgery on is still not healthy enough just yet plus I noticed both of his hands being wrapped in a ace bandage under his gloves.
i thnk its more along the lines of 'american bad ass' funeral caretaker in the early 1900's in texas.

although the johnny cash song did sound a bit spooky

maybe taker wants to be able to express himself a bit more

notice tht he was smiling at hhh during the segment. now tht is somethng i havent seen in a loooooooooooooooooooooong time
Looking too far into it I'm afraid, Undertaker has had about 4 different costumes I've noticed since last Wrestlemania. Besides whatever costume change there was, was pretty subtle so It'd hardly be indicating a gimmick change of all things.
I noticed it myself. Could be wrong but he definitely seemed like a more "human" version of The Undertaker. Like Basser mentioned I haven't seen Taker smile since his Big Evil days. Add that to the costume, and even the way he moved once he got in the ring (the quick way he did the throat slicing gesture, putting his hat back on), he's looking a bit more like the ABA. I'm curious to see where WWE will take this.
In no way, shape, or form is the Undertaker in any kind of new character at all whatsoever. So Taker looked at HHH and gave him kind of a "bitch please" look and gave a bit of a sly smile he's suddenly in the midst of a character change? Wow.

Every small change doesn't result in a change in character. Taker would quit before he changed his character. His career is ending and there was much talk this year would be his last match and this run would be his final run. However, I believe this will be his 2nd to last Mania, give him his usual time off, come back, more time off, and come back for Mania 28 to possibly have a match with Cena and go 20-0. You won't see Taker around enough for a character change. Just because Taker smiled doesn't mean his character is changing. Good lord.
It's basically the same Undertaker to me, except he's wearing original pants like from 2004 when he returned from Wrestlemania XX.

He hasn't changed his gimmick from then, and I don't think he'll change his gimmick like from last night. Apart from looking more smug from Triple H, he's still the same.
Think for a minute he was wearing pants because he wasn't wrestling that night, he's not going back to the american badass or his old orginal costume, Undertaker looks like a dark cowboy whenever he comes out so maybe the pants added more of a western cowboy look to him and I dunno if they do this but Taker is from Texas. And him laughing at Triple H means nothing, it meant Taker was alughing because he knew what Hunter meant, he knew that HHH wanted revenge for what Taker did to HBK. Basically he was saying that is a pathetic reason to challenge me. Since Undertaker will probably only be in WWE for another year he wouldn't change so suddenly, maybe 4-5 years ago but not now, it's too late in his career. This thing he has going at the moment is fun and spooky and now that Taker & HHH are back WWE are starting to get their game together + at the moment without HHH & Taker in WWE, the company would be fucked for mania. Taker won't change, it's just too late and pointless.
I personally think it's the same Taker we've seen the past 5 years or so. Granted, he was recently coming out in this tight, weird, sleeveless trench coat thing, but before that he wore practically the same exact thing he wore on RAW.

Did anyone else think that segment was stupid??? I'm all for silent moments, and the one with Triple H and Taker could've worked, but since there was absolutely no reason or explanation for it, didn't it seem a little forced for this upcoming WM??

It almost seemed to me like - if this is going to be Triple H's last match and he's putting his career on the line - almost like a cop out to have one final match to go work backstage...
nobodys saying its a gimmick change

maybe more along the lines of tweaking the character a bit... making him more how wud u say... realistic
I made a thread on this not too long ago. Anyhoo I believe Taker's gimmick is having a little tweak in character. I too noticed his pants from last pants & I don't believe it was because he wasn't wrestling that night. Maybe he's going back to wearing that 2004-2005 style pants.

As for his gimmick I believe the creative team is thinking of bringing it closer to a more texas style form. I remember that smirk he gave to The Game. I think for that moment thet gave him a some-what out of character moment but may still mean change to his character. I don't think it's too big of a thing but at least it isn't same old, same old.

Overall, I interested in where the tweaking of his character is going
the thing is, undertaker is a western undead cowboy dead man . thats his gimmick, or that was the gimmick for the original undertaker character, also american badass taker needs atleast 1 return before taker retires, same with kane with the mask(the long mask not the short crappy one).
When he went from American BadAss to Big Evil, that was a gimmick change. Last night they used Johnny Cash before he made his entrance and the song references what happened to him with Kane and the Nexus. Not a gimmick change.
oh i forgot to write that shit stare down had no talk due to more time needed for the rest of the show, or thats what i think but that stare down despite how crap it was said it all...Wrestlemania rematch from their match they had 10 years ago at Wrestlemania 17/xvii.
I don't think Undertaker had a character change... he just wore different pants ¬.¬

BUT If he did have a slight character change where he was a little bit more crazy and had more of a cowboy look, I'm all up for it. It would suit the guy, admit it. lol

EDIT I personally enjoyed the staredown, they didn't need to say anything to sell their fast approaching match at WM. There mere presence was/is enough for the crowd to buy into it. Having said that I think they, WWE, need to give more time to build a Undertaker vs HHH to avenge HBK fued but if they were to do this next year it would mean Cena vs Undertaker is post poned or will never happen. With Undertaker's career drawing to a close I think he only has one Wrestlemania after this which has just GOT TO BE AGAINST CENA. *IMO -.-*
If he did change character, it was only slightly. He acted a bit different too when Triple H got into the ring. When was the last time Undertaker smirked? 2003?
I imagine that it's just a reverse evolution thing. It seemed like he's trying to blend Badass and Deadman. But one smirk, and an old outfit aren't really enough to to say anything. We'll find out more in the coming weeks.
Some of you obviously didn't look at the link that I posted in the original post. Takers NEW shirt has him looking like he did last night only he is riding what looks to be an undead horse on a hill with the words "THE OUTLAW" behind him. The back is his symbol like a crack in the ground with light and a skeleton hand coming out of it.
I noticed the return of pants too ! lol
But it's just the clothes that are changing, not the character.
Undertaker has most likely one year left in the business so i don't see him starting a new gimmick right now.
but I can't wait to see him in action to know what he's able to do in the ring after his surgery but I'm pretty sure it's gonna be good stuff.
I wish Taker would go back to his mortician gimmick he had from 1990-1997. The purple gloves and the rest of that outfit. But this is no gimmick change its the same deadman gimmick since Taker's return in 2004.
Some of you obviously didn't look at the link that I posted in the original post. Takers NEW shirt has him looking like he did last night only he is riding what looks to be an undead horse on a hill with the words "THE OUTLAW" behind him. The back is his symbol like a crack in the ground with light and a skeleton hand coming out of it.

I think you're reading a bit too much into it as far as a gimmick change goes. He's coming to the end of his career and is a well known figure, so it makes sense for WWE to cash in on his popularity while they can and potentially increase their merchandising takings leading up to Mania.
I know the undead cowboy is his gimmick, but it made me laugh when you pointed out the dead horse coupled with the rarity of Taker having a t-shirt design; what's the expression, flogging a dead horse?

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