Undertaker vs Stone Cold Wrestlemania 2000


The voice of Michael Cole's headset
This is my first thread, hopefully you like it.
Both these guys missed Mania due to injury.
Stone Cold was supposed to be in the main event in a triple threat match against Rock and HHH.
I don't know what Taker was supposed to be in (and also keep in mind that the streak didn't matter yet) but my guess (and since I cant remember a lot from this time I could be way off about this) is he would have faced Big Show or been in a tag match with Big Show since I'm pretty sure they were tag team partners around that time.
My questions are
1. Which one of them would have made mania better?
2. What match would Taker have been in (since we know what match Stone Cold was supposed to be in)?
3. Would Taker still be Undefeated?
4. Would HHH still have won the main event?

Sorry if this is in the wrong place.
well im gonnna stay on topic i think taker would have faced big show...and i think he would have kept his streak or started it. as for austin i think he was meant to win that the triple threat match. i wish we could find out somehow
Even if we had Undertaker vs Stone Cold, Taker would still have maintained the streak. The streak was not that big, but it was big enough. Remember that in his matches against Kane and perhaps Big Bossman as well, his undefeated record at Mania was talked about by the commentators. In fact he himself wanted Kane to end the streak in 1998 when the streak was not that big, but then Kane felt he did not deserve to end it. After that, the rest is history and the streak would've never broken. Moreover, Taker had HUGE respect backstage and was generally known as the locker room leader, so there is no way in hell that he was losing at Mania, especially since he was always screwed in other matches due to interference and cheating.

I was personally sick of the Taker vs Austin matches because in all fairness and unbiasedness, we know that Taker was the superior athlete and more skilled wrestler capable of delivering fantastic matches due to his athletic ability despite his big size, his strength and power-moves, and with great storytelling. However, he always had to job to Austin because Taker himself was the measuring stick and the only way to make Austin look like the main star was to beat Taker. Taker had already established himself as the most dominant force since 1990 whereas Austin was new & upcoming in 1996 and 1997. I remember seeing Taker vs Austin in 1996 where the crowd booed Austin and cheered for Taker with "rest in peace", because he was still the more popular superstar back then. Austin won the match after Taker got counted out due to Mankind's interference. Taker defeated Austin in a title defence in 1997 in which the Hart family interfered. Then Taker lost to Austin at Summerslam 1998 when Austin low-blowed Taker and the referee was blind. In a "passing the torch" kind of moment, Taker nodded and handed the belt to Austin. I hated that, since Austin had low-blowed him. But Taker still pushed him and continued to do that. After that Taker turned heel when he started the ministry and Austin was the hero so obviously Taker either lost the matches or he won them only through interference/ cheating. Sometimes even when he was a heel, he lost due to interference like I guess Kane had interfered in one of the buried alive matches. When Taker was the bad-a**, he faced Austin again but lost due to interference from HHH/ McMahon. Taker did so much to promote and push Austin all the while. He finally beat Austin at No Way Out when he was the Big Evil but again he was the heel, so he beat Austin while Austin's leg was on the rope. In my estimation, Austin owed Taker one clean defeat for sure. Look at Taker's longevity and respect in the business, and look at the quality of matches he still delivers, like he did with Batista, Edge and Shawn Michaels in recent years.

Taker continues to push guys now like Orton/ Kennedy/ Khali/ Batista/ Edge in recent years the way he pushed Mankind/ Kane/ Austin/ Lesnar/ Angle earlier. Austin, in my estimation, never pushed anyone as much, and he walked out the company when they wanted him to push Lesnar by losing to him. That sucks.
1. Which one of them would have made mania better?

Undoubtedly Stone Cold he was far more popular at this stage of his career than the Undertaker ever was.

2. What match would Taker have been in (since we know what match Stone Cold was supposed to be in)?

It probably would have been The Big Show but I'm gonna say Mankind since he probably wouldn't have been in the main event that night and the reason they brought him back for one last match was that he wanted to ME WM so put him in a match against Taker and he gets his wish. It is really a shame these two never made it to 'Mania

3. Would Taker still be Undefeated?

Either way yes he would still be undefeated.

4. Would HHH still have won the main event?

Yes I dont think that Stone Colds presence would have changed things all that much so I think hunter would have still won.
1. Which one of them would have made mania better?
Neither, I actually think WM2000 was quite good..I didn't really miss Austin or Taker..I used to think about what they could have done..but now looking back..I'm happy with the Mania I saw...

2. What match would Taker have been in (since we know what match Stone Cold was supposed to be in)?
Maybe a tag, which was planned!

3. Would Taker still be Undefeated?
If it was a tag match, then who knows...but him losing here would have amde a big difference to what WrestleMania is today!

4. Would HHH still have won the main event?
Quite possibly, he was on a roll with the mcmahon/helmsly faction...I think he would have gotten the edge!!
Weren't they building to a face Big Show vs heel Undertaker match for the title at Wrestlemania? I thought the plans were that Undertaker would reappear at the 2000 Royal Rumble and be revealed to be behind Boss Man committing all those travesties against Big Show's dead daddy. I'm not sure where I got this from now because it's so long ago, but I heard something like Big Show was gonna go after Boss Man when he stole his father's casket and it would end up with Undertaker coming out of it to attack him. I figured that's why Big Show got the belt, to build up to a Wrestlemania blow off.
Either that or I guess 'Taker would have cost Show the belt at No Way Out and then had a grudge match for Wrestlemania.

1. I think Austin would definitely have made Wrestlemania better, I can't imagine Big Show vs Undertaker being a spectacular match up and I don't recall Show being that over as a face.

2. vs Big Show, as above

3. Can't imagine Undertaker jobbing to Show at the biggest event of the year really

4. If Austin was on the card it's hard to tell whether Triple H would have been in the main event, depends where the booking was going had he still been active.
1. Which one of them would have made mania better?
That WM had far deeper problems than the fact that Austin and Taker weren't around. Getting off topic, but it's a lame show all-round apart from a couple of great moments. Austin's presence in the main event might have made it more exciting than the clusterfuck we actually got.

2. What match would Taker have been in (since we know what match Stone Cold was supposed to be in)?
Hard to say. Big Show seems to be the most obvious answer considering they were team-mates around the time of Taker's injury. But hell, there's a lot of guys they could have paired Taker with. Imagine if they could have pushed the Taker/Angle feud they did early, could have been a great match.

3. Would Taker still be Undefeated?
Yeah. The streak was still important even back then. Unless he was against someone like Austin or Rock, I doubt Taker would have lost.

4. Would HHH still have won the main event?
Yes. He still went over Rock, who would arguably still have been the biggest face in the company even if Austin stayed around. It's also true that Austin's famous ego might have had a problem with Trips winning though.
This match would have been fun to watch, but there is no way SCSA would've ended the streak. The streak is untouchable, and it won't end. I imagine that this would have been a great match and that it would have been all over the arena. It would have honestly been a brutal match, these two put on great matches together and I always liked them. I would have wanted to see it.

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