Undertaker & Big Show feud


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How many times have we seen this two feud?Many,times I seen this feud but, could it be better that Big Show and Vickie are a power couple?Can,,this lead to Big Show's WWE title break or will just lead to a dead end?Undertaker is knowing for putting people over,how can he put over someone like The Big Show?
It could be pretty damn good. Taker can work a good program with pretty much everyone, and Big Show can work very well if he's put in a program with another good guy. I'm definitely looking forward to it, but I don't see it doing anything for Taker or Big Show, career-wise.
Ugh, I couldn't stomach Edge and Vickie being a couple, I really hope we aren't going to see Big Show and Vickie make out. :blink:

k back to being serious.

We've seen this feud a lot in the past and it's really getting old. It could be more interesting now that Vickie is involved. Her power trips and Big Show's sheer size would be a huge obstacle for Undertaker to overcome. Show is one of the few people that makes Undertaker look small, and unlike Khali, he is decent in the ring.

This may be unrelated, but I recall that Undertaker said that he thinks Big Show has all the potential for success, except he never tries (from TSN Off The Record). Now that Show has lost a lot of weight, I think Taker may put Show over. However, Undertaker just got off one of the best feuds of the year with Edge, and that involved Vickie stripping Taker of his title. I think Big Show may get a title shot after Vickie screws Taker out of some #1 Contender match, and that'll most likely conclude the feud with Big Show. They can't possibly drag it on for months because that would be dull. In the end, Taker will end up getting a title shot since he never lost it in the first place.
I think this feud can be pretty good. Both guys can have really good matches, especially when they are working with someone even half decent. Yea, we've seen this feud alot but I'm kind of anxious to see what Big Show can really do. Other than the Mayweather feud, he has done nothing of note since his return. With all the weight he lost, I'd imagine he might be able to put on some pretty good matches if given the chance, so we'll have to see.

One thing I'd be really disappointed in is if this feud doesn't somewhere along the line having Taker taking out Vickie and getting her off of television. I don't care if she's drawing good heat or anything, she is god awful. I was excited that it looked like Taker was gonna do it at Unforgiven, but hopefully he does before too long. I suspect this one will end with Taker somehow being screwed out of a #1 contender match that Show wins and goes on to a program with HHH. We won't see Taker in the title picture until at least the Royal Rumble and Show could use a high profile win.
The funny thing with this, is anytime the Big Show sides himself as a 'hired monster', he typically wins the Heavyweight Championship. I don't know if that's what we can expect in the future, but it's definately something to keep an eye on.

Looking back in history, Brock Lesnar's undefeated streak (and his Championship) were both taken by the Big Show, when Show sided with Heyman, turning on Lesnar. Now Big Show is siding with the Smackdown General Manager..

I fully expect the Big Show, win or lose against the Undertaker at what I assume will be a No Mercy match.. to end up facing Triple H. at Survivor Series, where he'll be likely involved in the annual "conspiracy" of the night.

As far as Taker v. Show goes, I doubt it'll be anything that goes beyond No Mercy, unless it comes to involve Edge returning, which is possible, but since Big Show was basically "promised" a Championship match.. my guess is it's a one month feud, just long enough for Show to pass time until his turn as another transitional Champion.
This feud actually makes sense for now. It keeps undertaker and big show temporarily out of the title picture and gives them both something to do in the meantime.
I agree with the above, its to keep them both busy whilst MVP, Hardy, Shelton and Kendrick are involved in WWE title picture. I fully expect Taker to get a long title run soon, so im just sitting back and enjoying others get a chance til my favourite suoerstar gets the strap again.
i think these two will fight at no mercy and the winner will face the winner of the triple h-hardy match. honostley i want big show to win because he makes a good heel that i think we need in the title picture. anyway i wouldnt mind seeing this feud go on for a few more ppvs because this feud has a lot of potential. anyway that is what i think, whoever wins fights the wwe champion. although the feud could continue. i like both ideas
Big Show vs. the Undertaker...again. They've tried this feud multiple times over multiple years. It's an okay feud, but I'm not sure what else you can expect from it.

There will be a match at No Mercy, and likewise again at Cyber Sunday. I'm amongst the general consensus, this is going to lead to Show vs. Triple H at Survivor Series, and the inevitable (pwease let it go) Screwjob angle.

I think the ultimate ending of this feud, or end result will be a way to keep Undertaker out of the title scene, and get the Big Show back as a champion. Also, I honestly think with the pending release of the Edge DVD, this is a way for Edge to come back as, prepare for it, face. I just see that the WWE sees more money in Edge as face with a DVD coming out then as a heel. With Show with Vickie, it just makes sense to have a returning Face Edge.
I am personally looking forward to this feud. Sure, its been done many times before. But for some reason the feud seems relatively fresh to me. This is the only main event feud the Big Show has had all year (excluding to Maywheather feud). Sure he wrestled the Great Khali, but that feud and match sucked in my opinion, and it was fairly short. A No Mercy match would be great, but I also see this feud lasting through to Cyber Sunday. It would be stupid to have a one off match as the match isn't "huge" and doesn't scream out Wrestlemania or SummerSlam to me.

I'm hoping after this feud, the Big Show can challenge Triple H for the WWE Championship. He could even possibly win the title. I guess putting Show against the Undertaker is the best way to turn him heel due to the Deadman being way over as a face. But I still think it's a little too early as he has only been a babyface for 5 or 6 months. The match itself should be average but nothing more. As far as I can remember, their matches with each other in the past weren't 5 star classics but they were decent and passable.

I hope this isn't a filler feud just to keep Taker away from the WWE Title as I feel this feud has potential especially since Vickie Guerrero is involved. Hopefully it accomplishes what it needs to do, and that is get the Big Show over as a mega heel. As Shocky mentioned, a possible Edge face turn could happen when he returns, but I doubt it will as Edge is arguably the top heel superstar in the entire WWE. Edge could also feud with the Big Show if he turns face and he certainly has more feud possibilities as being a face rather than a heel.
"Ugh, I couldn't stomach Edge and Vickie being a couple, I really hope we aren't going to see Big Show and Vickie make out. :blink:"

i thought edge was desperate, but now i know it's vickie...hehe

anw, i don't think undertaker will get on top of this feud easily because vickie will use her power to do bad stuff to taker and big show isn't a small guy to handle...from what i've seen at unforgiven, the taker/show feud might take a while to reach a conclusion

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