Underrated Musicians

Freedom 35

Kyle Orton Legend Killer
This thread is or the musicians that you think are amazingly talented and dont get enough credit for their abilities, Ill start it off right

my choice would be Omar Rodriguez-Lopez the guitar player from The Mars Volta/At The Drive-in. this man is pure musical genius, I hardly ever see him showing up on top guitar players lists but IMO hes one of the better guitar players around and basically has his own style of playing which is great and puts him apart from many other guitar players and could most likely hold his own against plenty of old time guitar players. while being a great guitar player he can also play most every instrument and writes all the instruments parts for the Mars Volta, he also Produced their most recent CD.

that is all

now you try it
Frank Fontsere.

For those who do not know this man, he was the drummer for Fozzy from 1999 - 2005, or basically their useful lives. His crisp adaptations of difficult heavy metal drum lines (such as Live Wire, Riding on the Wind, The Prisoner, etc) helped launch Fozzy along side Ryan Mallam's guitar and of course CHris Jericho's vocals.

Aside from being an awesome drummer, Fontsere is also an extremely cool guy. I have met him a few times at Fozzy shows, and have a signed 8x10 with him, that he seemed truly honored to sign. He's not an egotistical rocker - he's a music fan as much as a performer. Next time you rock out to Fozzy, pay attention to the drums. It's Frank talking to ya!
I find that marcy playground music is generally just looked over because of their hidden meanings in all thier music...people like the "sex and candy" music...but they were over looked because at the time all people wanted to listen to was britney spears. All they wanted was a the pop music where they didn't have to see artistic expressions. The public just wanted here i am lets "get together".
Im going to say Tim Armstrong and Joe Strummer. Joe Strummer because he is so influential in bring the Ska into Punk as well as creating one of the most interesting songs lyrically in London Calling which is also a great album. One that everyone should listen to at least once. Tim Armstrong I am only starting to listen to having been introduced to him by one of my Mates. I have started to listen to The Transplants and his solo stuff. He has got that ability to bring all different Genres of Music together and create good music.
Here, here on the Joe Strummer front. Most people (especially the younger generation) don't understand shit when it comes to just how important bands like The Clash are in the pantheon of great all-time musical acts. Long before most of the ********s I went to high school with spun their first Blink 182 disc, these guys and their predecessors The Ramones were kicking ass and rewriting the rules of what was cool in pop music.
Omar...what an EXCELLENT choice...the man is the epitome of a musical genius. Composing a majority of a bands complete discography is one thing, but when you have a band like Mars Volta, it takes composing to an entirely new level.

And Common. A true lyrical poet. Im not a huge rap/hip hop guy, but common is incredibly gifted, at writing and producing.

and i might get some shit for this one butttt...Claudio Sanchez from Coheed and Cambria and The Prize Fighter Inferno. As is with Omar, he writes almost all of Coheeds music. People complain about his whiny voice, but he has an amazing lower range as well as his notorious higher range. Not to mention the man can fucking shred.

Just look up Alphabetical Slaughter's lyrics and you'll see why. It's just insane the alliteration he used in the song.

good choice right here

Papoose is a great rapper but alphabetical slaughter takes rap to a whole new level. for those of you who dont know the song he goes throught the whole alphabet and spits about 20-30 consecutive words starting with that letter and makes them all rhyme flow and make sense its one of the more excellent displays of musical talent youll ever see

Papoose-Alphabetical Slaughter

You are a rare breed, a breed that knows of Papoose's existance. I think I've only encountered maybe 3 or 4 people that actually know him.

And on a side note while we're on Papoose, how much longer must we wait for his album to drop. It's been delayed for like a year.
Another two that are so Underrated that it is Criminal, despite what people usually will say when it comes to Alternative Rock from the 90's. I will very rarely hear the name of Mike Patton. He is such an underrated musician that it is great hearing people when they first listen to Faith No More or Peeping Tom or even Tomahawk as well as others. All are so different from each other in many respects, With Tomahawk being far and away his most experimental project. You could say that he is the Tim Armstrong of Alternative Rock.

The Other Person who I feel is Underrated by the majority of the world, New Zealand appears to a very Bizarre exception. Is Maynard James Keenan, His work in Tool, A Perfect Circle and his other work is all great, combine with it his unique vocal ability you have a package that is what it is, a Great talent who is underrated. The Reason I exempt New Zealand from the Underrating of Maynard and the Rest of Tool is because you cannot go a Day on one National radio Station without hearing at least one Tool song, or Perfect Circle(not so much here). It is on a least one Music TV channel at least once a day. Tool sold out the Big Day out last year. Tool is loved so much that some people have said that Kiwis have some weird love for Tool, These guys are From New Zealand as well so it is weird. But Tool and Maynard are awesome.
The Other Person who I feel is Underrated by the majority of the world, New Zealand appears to a very Bizarre exception. Is Maynard James Keenan, His work in Tool, A Perfect Circle and his other work is all great, combine with it his unique vocal ability you have a package that is what it is, a Great talent who is underrated. The Reason I exempt New Zealand from the Underrating of Maynard and the Rest of Tool is because you cannot go a Day on one National radio Station without hearing at least one Tool song, or Perfect Circle(not so much here). It is on a least one Music TV channel at least once a day. Tool sold out the Big Day out last year. Tool is loved so much that some people have said that Kiwis have some weird love for Tool, These guys are From New Zealand as well so it is weird. But Tool and Maynard are awesome.

I have to disagree, I think Maynard gets plenty of credit, Tool and APC are two of the few good bands that get regularly played on our local rock station, you can't go more than a couple hours with out hearing something the Maynard has done, I've seen Tool twice and both shows sold out, and I've never seen anything like it, you could hear the crowd sing every single song along with Maynard, I've never been to a show where that has happened, the second time I saw Tool was in the town where I live, which is not a big hot bed for metal, but Tool still sold out, most rock/metal bands can't sell out our arena (I think it's mainly due to the major religious atmosphere there is around here, that tend to frown on metal acts coming to my town), I do agree with you that Tool and Maynard are awesome though!!!

Have you by chance heard any of the stuff he's done with his new project Pusicifer, it's very different than Tool and APC, alot more techno/industrial sounding, not really my thing
Another two that are so Underrated that it is Criminal, despite what people usually will say when it comes to Alternative Rock from the 90's. I will very rarely hear the name of Mike Patton. He is such an underrated musician that it is great hearing people when they first listen to Faith No More or Peeping Tom or even Tomahawk as well as others. All are so different from each other in many respects, With Tomahawk being far and away his most experimental project. You could say that he is the Tim Armstrong of Alternative Rock.

great choice here with Mike Patton, when I was told to listen to Faith No More Im not gonna lie I didnt expect much, shit was I wrong. I listened to the album the real thing and I was literally blown away, I was sure they had two singers and when I found out that it was just one guy I didnt believe it. This man has range he can go from singing extra high to almost rapping and just about anywhere else with his voice. great choice here this man defenitely doesnt get enough appreciation for his vocal abilities.
I have to say Fear Factory.

Their sound is imitated by SO many metal bands and they never get the respect that they deserve. The drumming, the intense riffs, even lyrically their in a class of their own.

I see them as being almost as influential to metal bands of the 2000's next to pantera.
I'm gonna have to go with Mark Tremonti, or pretty much Alter Bridge as a whole. I'm sure anybody who listens to them would go out of their way to tell everyone how good they are, but to the mainstream, they're nothing. Tremonti is a great guitarist and deserves to not be overlooked, but sadly, he and that entire band are nobody's to a lot of people. But as long as they continue to write and record kick ass music, it doesn't matter too much to me.

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