Underrated Matches in Wrestlemania History


The Cerebral Assasin
I think HHH VS. Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania 18 was one of the most underrated matches in Wrestlemania history as it was overshadowed by Hulk Hogan and The Rock.

Which matches in your opinion are the Most Underrated Matches in Wrestlemania History ?
I have to agree on Jericho vs HHH, I mean it was for the Undisputed Championship and it was the main event yet it was overshadowed. Now ofcourse Rock vs Hogan would be the biggest of the night and in all honesty it should have been after Trips and Jericho's match but because it was for the title it was set last. Jericho and HHH had a magnificent match and I think everyone knows that, it's just that all the focus was on the match before theirs and after that everyone was done. But that match was a damn classic and it should go down in history as one of the better Mania matches and the better main events technically speaking.

Another one I feel needs bringing up is Randy Orton vs Triple H vs John Cena for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 24. This one always gets criticized for some reason but I thought that it was a very good match, it was entertaining and doesn't deserve any kind of flack.
Isn't being underrated and being overshadowed two different things?. Sure Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock was the centre piece but it was a good match that people still talk about as pointed out in the above mentioned comments.

But onto the topic at hand: I'd go with X - Pac vs. Shane Mcmahon. I dug this feud a lot and even though it wasn't the best match, I feel as though it has been all but forgotten.
Here's one on top of my head ...

Ken Shamrock vs. The Rock at Wrestlemania XIV - Granted WMXIV was a stacked card but this 5 min squash was booked to perfection to get both Shamrock and The Rock over.

Conventional booking would be Shamrock (after 3 1/2 months chasing the title and 6 months feuding with NOD) finally gets his revenge and beats The Rock to win the IC Title.

WWE did it the other way, have Shamrock squash The Rock. Beat up the rest of NOD and get so enraged he continues to beat up The Rock and ending up being stripped of the title.

This did 3 things:
- Keep the match short but action packed
- Let The Rock keep the IC Title to continue his heat but while ...
- letting Shamrock finally beating The Rock while looking like a complete bad@$$
In my opinion one of the most underated matches in wrestlemania is kurt angle vs chris benoit vs chris jericho at wrestlemania 16 both the intercontinental and european titles were in line,it is a match that is never talked about it gave us an early glimpse of the talent that angle and jericho had it was their first mania and they were midcarders
Christian def. Chris Jericho w/ Trish Stratus, wm 20 def underrated one of the best matches story lines and a heel turn for trish n Chrstian absoulty loved it
In my opinion one of the most underated matches in wrestlemania is kurt angle vs chris benoit vs chris jericho at wrestlemania 16 both the intercontinental and european titles were in line,it is a match that is never talked about it gave us an early glimpse of the talent that angle and jericho had it was their first mania and they were midcarders

It was a good match but there were three things that I brought the match a grade down:
- The 2 Fall concept for the IC and EURO title. You watch a match to find out who the clear cut winner is. Having the possibility of two winners devalues the competative nature of the match

- the IC title was decided before the European Title. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

- The crowd ... they were pretty silent but I guess it was because it was a match or two after the crazy Triangle Ladder Match or maybe because the event basically sucked so far. Maybe this should have been the opening match with Jericho making an opening promo to hype up the crowd.
The New Age Outlaws vs Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie - dumpster match at Wrestlemania XIV. this in my opinion really started to kick off the hardcore era in WWE this match was badass. and Cactus and Charlie got their revenge after the NAO pushed them off the stage in the dumpster :)
Piper vs Bret Hart at Wrestlemania VIII is an underrated match that doesn't get talked about too much. This was a beautiful feud with personal stories, great promos and an awesome wrestling match. Face vs face is hard to pull off and both guys showed bits and pieces of their heel sides. I believe Piper said that was the first time he was ever pinned in the ring. I loved this match.
Cena V HBK WM 23. Underrated So Much its untrue! Cena isnt Exactly a ring Technician or a God but they both put on a Quality Match. Possibly Overshadowed by the Hour+ Raw Match they put on a Few weeks Later. One of Cenas Best Matches Ever. Made me Like him just a Teeny bit and the Guy gained my Respect. Top Notch Match IMO.
I will go with John Cena vs Shawn Micheals for the WWE championship at Wrestlemania 23. I freaking loved this match when I first saw it. The announce table spot was brilliant, as was the pile driver onto the steel ring steps. Shawn and John kept me on my feet with every near fall submission, finisher, and other parts of the match. Every time I see this match in context I always see this following it "did not live up Batista vs The Undertaker' which I think is one of the most overrated matches in Wrestlemania history. I mean when you compare a match that Batista and Undertaker do nothing special but the announce table power-slam and a kick out from the Batista bomb to a match full of near falls, suspense, and great spots you know which one is better. I have never gotten why this match is always ranked below the SD's main event and why critics refer to it as mediocre when it was one of the best matches on the card. The Raw match that would follow I agree was better but this match should at least be somewhat recognized for being great. These 2 will never go at it again you know.
I always liked Undertaker vs. Jake Roberts, at Mania 8. It was the second match of the night and not really seen as a big deal on that PPV. I personally loved the build up to this match, with Undertaker turning face on Jake for the first time in his WWE career. Then Jake giving the Phenom a DDT on the FUNERAL PARLOR. I like the feel of the match where the Undertaker took everything Jake through at him and kept coming after him. It was a match with 2 dark characters which was cool, and having the Undertaker get his revenge on Jake, once and for all, was fun to watch.
Jericho vs Shawn Michaels at WM19.

All the way from the great set up to the ending where Jericho does the low blow was all brilliantly done. There were plenty of great moves and counters, good timing and near falls, along with an innovative pin for the win. The commentating was spot on too.


How is that match "Underrated"?? nearly everybody regards that match as one of the best of 2003, and the MOTN of Wrestlemania 19 :p

As for me...I would have to choose Eddie guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio at Wrestlemania 21. I know if they had more time the match could of been better, but I still think it's one of the best wrestlemania opener's of all-time.

Piper vs Bret Hart at Wrestlemania VIII is an underrated match that doesn't get talked about too much. This was a beautiful feud with personal stories, great promos and an awesome wrestling match. Face vs face is hard to pull off and both guys showed bits and pieces of their heel sides. I believe Piper said that was the first time he was ever pinned in the ring. I loved this match.

that was such a great match, one of the best of that years Mania... I thought it was done perfectly even though the storyline seemed to be put together rather quickly.

A couple matches I think are underrated but were very entertaining were the Rockers matches at Mania 5 and 6 against the Twin Towers and then the Orient Express. Both were great matches, and very different styles. Another one I loved was Demolition against the Powers of Pain. I think a lot of WM 3 -8 had some great undercard matches.
I enjoyed the HHH vs Booker T match at Wrestlemania 19. It was great to see both guys going all out and pulling off some moves that they had not been doing on a regular basis. Hunter's Indian Deathlock was sick, and the Houston Hangover from Booker T looked like it crushed HHH's face. The Nature Boy was channeling his inner Bobby Heenan on the outside and the commentary from the King and JR just added to the match. It's a damn shame that the match was on the same card as Angle/Lesnar, Austin/Rock, and Michaels/Y2J because it never gets enough attention.
WrestleMania VIII - Roddy Piper vs Bret "The Hitman" Hart for the WWF Intercontinental Championship, in my mind this should have been one of the matches featured on the poster for the event. It's definitely a match that folks I think should watch to truly get the idea of what I mean when I state that Bret Hart and of course Roddy Piper as well are GREAT storytellers in the ring.

For months Bret Hart has been on a path to get back his WWF IC strap, The Mountie had garnered the upset win while Bret was under the weather (in kayfabe). Two days later at the Royal Rumble 1992, The Mountie drops the title to "The Hot Rod". Afterwards The Mountie had gotten his rematch and challenged Piper on Saturday Night's Main Event for the championship but Piper would successfully defend the title and go on to meet Bret at the "Showcase Of The Immortals".

The tension between the two friends was played off for weeks and it carried over into the ring, Bret was all no-nonsense and Piper was his typical and unpredictable wily self, how could this match go wrong? It couldn't, if you want the simple answer and boy did I love every moment.

The ring action was furious you had these two going back and forth Piper using his fisticuffs and his tenacity while Bret relied on his tried and true methodical nature of making every move mean something against Piper. Piper had a pretty good gust of momentum as the match progressed and the most poignant part of that match would lead to one of the most dramatic. Piper with a prone referee had Bret Hart ready to totally lay out in defeat, as Bret was busted open, Piper grabbed the ring bell and it looked as if he was going to resort to his old ways. The fans in attendance were left guessing, the announcing team of "The Brain" and Gorilla Monsoon were left guessing and of course the fans watching at home were feeling the same thing. It was magical. Piper refused to go back to his heel ways and instead looked to put Bret away with the sleeperhold..as Piper had the hold locked in Bret used his wiles in the ring to reach the turnbuckle and kick himself up and used his momentum against Piper to pin him for his second IC Title win.

Afterwards the match ended with a reconciliation as Piper put the belt back around Bret's waist and the two embraced. Face vs Face matches can be done and can be done well..especially when you have a storyteller like Roddy Piper who has always had a checkered past in regards to his character. Great stuff and if there was ever a match to nominate as WrestleMania's hidden gem, it's this one. Plain and simple.
First off I think the entire wrestlemania 4 was underrated and I wish that year savage got to go on his own with out hogan by his side for the entire year.

but as for matches i have a couple.... luger vs yokozuna with Mr Perfect as Special ref. I liked the end, when Mr Perfect swirves luger.

I also like owen and mystery partner vs the smoking gunns......and the mystery partner is YOKOZUNA!!!!! gaaadd the internet has killed any suprises that wrestling can produce now lol i would have never guessed yoko was his partner but they worked great together.

more recently would have been rock and sock vs evolution (rko,batista and woooooo NATCHA BOY) what i like about this match is that they put over the young guns in rko and batista.
Just a few matches come to mind from 2 of my favorite 'Manias, 18 and 19.

- Rob Van Dam vs William Regal for the Intercontinental Title at Wrestlemania X8.
Nice back-and-forth match, and RVD's 'Mania debut. I especially remember Van Dam took a particularly-nasty half-nelson suplex from Regal about halfway through the match.

- Kurt Angle vs Kane at Wrestlemania X8.
Like RVD vs Regal, this was a nice back-and-forth match. The whole PPV was overshadowed by Rock/Hogan, but it had a fair share of good bouts. Angle was just slithering his way through this bout, doing every underhanded trick in the book to keep Kane down. Kane looked strong, but Angle looked smart.

- Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas vs Eddie and Chavo Guerrero vs Chris Benoit and Rhyno for the WWE Tag Team Titles at Wrestlemania 19.
Wrestlemania 19 had a lot going for it in terms of high-profile matches, and all of them got advertised to death. Angle/Lesnar, HBK/Jericho, Rock/Austin III, the Hogan/McMahon Street Fight, etc. A lot of matches got swept under the rug in terms of recognition.
I remember this match because they used the Triple Threat stipulation well. I remember at the end Rhyno hit a Gore on Chavo, but Benjamin jumped him, leaving Chavo to get pinned by Haas. It was a fun match with a quick pace.

- Triple H vs Booker T for the World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania 19.
Again, doesn't stand out against the rest of 19's stacked card. Booker got the title push since everyone else on RAW was already booked, and I think he really delivered.
I remember these two men did things you didn't see them do often in this match. Booker hit his old Houston Hangover maneuver from WCW for the first time in a while. Triple H used a traditional Indian Death Lock, which he'd use a bit more often after this match.
It's funny, because this was the pinnacle in terms of Booker's WWE run before King of the Ring. His next 3 'Manias were a 4-way tag bout, a pre-show battle royal, and losing to the Boogeyman.
I'm going to go with The Undertaker vs Deisel from WM12. Talk about a match being overshadowed by another, well this is the match that went on before the Iron Man Match. How can anything possibly top the effort that Bret and Shawn put out on that nigh? Well, this match came pretty damn close. It was an epic big man match between two of the best big men ever, IN THEIR PRIMES!!! And other than Batista, this was by far Takers biggest challenge for the streak. And I firmly believe that had Kevin Nash not been in the process of jumping ship, maybe... just maybe the match would have played out differently as Nash was set to feud with shawn over the strap.

The action in the ring was very methodical, as you may have guessed. It was very back and fourth in the beginning, with deisel taking the upper hand, and pretty much beating takers ass throughout the middle of the match. The turning point in this match comes when deisel hits not one, but TWO... maybe three... its been a while... jacknife powerbombs on the deadman, and stands over him triumphantly. Deisel slowly but surely walks over, gets on his knees to pin taker, when just like everyones favorite horror movie the killer IS NOT DEAD YET!!! Taker grabs Deisel by the throat! Deisel, now in full on panic mode, does what any normal human being would do. FIST IN FACE. Deisel repeatedly punches taker in the face until he let's go of the deathgrip. Eventually taker grabs ahold of him again, chokeslam, tombstone, END. EPIC. But the whole story leading up to the match with deisel costing taker the title, and the mindgames that insued were really the first time we'd seen taker do that, with the fake corpse and whatnot. And the whole middle of the match that I explained is probably my favorite sequence I've ever seen in a match. I just think deisel did a great job in taking the undertaker to that next level. And it was a very noble thing for him to lay down on the grandest stage, when we all know he didn't have to. Great match. Great.
I will go with John Cena vs Shawn Micheals for the WWE championship at Wrestlemania 23. I freaking loved this match when I first saw it. The announce table spot was brilliant, as was the pile driver onto the steel ring steps. Shawn and John kept me on my feet with every near fall submission, finisher, and other parts of the match. Every time I see this match in context I always see this following it "did not live up Batista vs The Undertaker' which I think is one of the most overrated matches in Wrestlemania history. I mean when you compare a match that Batista and Undertaker do nothing special but the announce table power-slam and a kick out from the Batista bomb to a match full of near falls, suspense, and great spots you know which one is better. I have never gotten why this match is always ranked below the SD's main event and why critics refer to it as mediocre when it was one of the best matches on the card. The Raw match that would follow I agree was better but this match should at least be somewhat recognized for being great. These 2 will never go at it again you know.

The crowd was crazy during the entirety of Taker vs Batista, the pace of the match was rapid, the commentary was amazing, the in-ring psychology was astonishing, how is it overrated? If anything, it's HBK vs Cena that was overrated, cause so many people wouldn't admit a match featuring Batista could steal the show. Taker vs Batista was by far not only the best match of Wrestlemania 23, but also of the year 2007.

But we all know PWI are huge HBK & Flair marks. :shrug:

I'm going to go with The Undertaker vs Deisel from WM12. Talk about a match being overshadowed by another, well this is the match that went on before the Iron Man Match. How can anything possibly top the effort that Bret and Shawn put out on that nigh? Well, this match came pretty damn close. It was an epic big man match between two of the best big men ever, IN THEIR PRIMES!!! And other than Batista, this was by far Takers biggest challenge for the streak. And I firmly believe that had Kevin Nash not been in the process of jumping ship, maybe... just maybe the match would have played out differently as Nash was set to feud with shawn over the strap.

The action in the ring was very methodical, as you may have guessed. It was very back and fourth in the beginning, with deisel taking the upper hand, and pretty much beating takers ass throughout the middle of the match. The turning point in this match comes when deisel hits not one, but TWO... maybe three... its been a while... jacknife powerbombs on the deadman, and stands over him triumphantly. Deisel slowly but surely walks over, gets on his knees to pin taker, when just like everyones favorite horror movie the killer IS NOT DEAD YET!!! Taker grabs Deisel by the throat! Deisel, now in full on panic mode, does what any normal human being would do. FIST IN FACE. Deisel repeatedly punches taker in the face until he let's go of the deathgrip. Eventually taker grabs ahold of him again, chokeslam, tombstone, END. EPIC. But the whole story leading up to the match with deisel costing taker the title, and the mindgames that insued were really the first time we'd seen taker do that, with the fake corpse and whatnot. And the whole middle of the match that I explained is probably my favorite sequence I've ever seen in a match. I just think deisel did a great job in taking the undertaker to that next level. And it was a very noble thing for him to lay down on the grandest stage, when we all know he didn't have to. Great match. Great.

This, Taker vs Diesel at WM 12 was an outright classic.

The other two Wrestlemania underrated match from Undertaker would be Undertaker vs Ric Flair at Wrestlemania 18 and Undertaker vs Edge at Wrestlemania 24. The former is a classic brawl everyone ignored and the latter was a great wrestling clinic everyone seemed to not care. What a pity.
"the legend killer" randy orton vs. "the undertaker" this was the first time the built randy up in a way that made me believe he could be at the top. but they ruined it for me by having the dead man win. but anyway, i felt this was a big match for him and havent seen a mania match that has been bigger for him.
The crowd was crazy during the entirety of Taker vs Batista, the pace of the match was rapid, the commentary was amazing, the in-ring psychology was astonishing, how is it overrated? If anything, it's HBK vs Cena that was overrated, cause so many people wouldn't admit a match featuring Batista could steal the show. Taker vs Batista was by far not only the best match of Wrestlemania 23, but also of the year 2007.

But we all know PWI are huge HBK & Flair marks.:shrug:

I just think think that Dave and Undertaker had an average match. Nothing they did was something that was too good or TV. Cena/Micheals was a much longer encounter, with more nearfalls, OMG moments, and a great finsh. Not to say that Batista can not have great maches, with the exception of his match at CYber sunday, every other match with Underaker in 2007 was better than the WWM23 and better than Cena/HBK believe it or not. Batista has stolen the show on many occasions, just notthat night.

overrated by who?

I think Trish Stratus vs Mickie James is overrated by both smarks and by the normal people. Amazing match. In my opinion, it was the BEST match on the card. Which might say something about the show itself, but it was an amazing women's match and an amazing women's feud.

Also, nobody bring up japanese wrestling. I don't think those matches are better. Screaming and throwing a 12 year old boy on their head at a fraction of the speed other 12 year old boys (japanese juniors) do it doesn't make you a good wrestler. It's entertainment about creating an emotional response.

Sorry to go off on a tangent but I had to hedge the response I was going to likely get.
I think HHH VS. Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania 18 was one of the most underrated matches in Wrestlemania history as it was overshadowed by Hulk Hogan and The Rock.

Which matches in your opinion are the Most Underrated Matches in Wrestlemania History ?

I have to agree on Jericho vs HHH, I mean it was for the Undisputed Championship and it was the main event yet it was overshadowed. Now ofcourse Rock vs Hogan would be the biggest of the night and in all honesty it should have been after Trips and Jericho's match but because it was for the title it was set last. Jericho and HHH had a magnificent match and I think everyone knows that, it's just that all the focus was on the match before theirs and after that everyone was done. But that match was a damn classic and it should go down in history as one of the better Mania matches and the better main events technically speaking.

Another one I feel needs bringing up is Randy Orton vs Triple H vs John Cena for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 24. This one always gets criticized for some reason but I thought that it was a very good match, it was entertaining and doesn't deserve any kind of flack.

I agree here that the Main Event of WM X8 was underrated and overshadowed by the Icon vs. Icon match.

The buildup was great From Vengeance to WrestleMania, Jericho had me believing he was the Best In The World at what he does, and that’s play the role of the Heel to perfection. When Stephanie sided with Y2J, I thought this was the ultimate weapon against Triple H. He had two great matches against The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin at Vengeance, Royal Rumble and No Way Out. Jericho was definitely living up to his “King Of The World” moniker in these 98 days.

Triple H carried his share of the load with a great return at the Royal Rumble, a great match against Angle at No Way Out, and the promos in-between were classic. In my opinion, the end of this match is the exact point where Triple H was crowned “The King Of Kings”.

I loved this match so much that I have a Jericho figure in his WM X8 attire, complete with WWE and WCW Title Belts. HAHA!!

It was a good match but there were three things that I brought the match a grade down:
- The 2 Fall concept for the IC and EURO title. You watch a match to find out who the clear cut winner is. Having the possibility of two winners devalues the competative nature of the match

- the IC title was decided before the European Title. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

- The crowd ... they were pretty silent but I guess it was because it was a match or two after the crazy Triangle Ladder Match or maybe because the event basically sucked so far. Maybe this should have been the opening match with Jericho making an opening promo to hype up the crowd.

Initially, I felt the same way about the WM X-Seven match between Angle, Benoit, and Jericho and the order of which Title was defended first, but after thinking about it, I think they did it right. The Intercontinental Title was the number 2 Title in the WWE at the time and the European Title was number 3. The winner of the first fall deserved the higher ranking Title. It sort of makes sense if you think about it.

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