Underrated bands?


Shawn Michaels ❤
It's come to my attention that many bands are severely underrated when it comes to people listing their favourite bands. I know everyone has different tastes in music, but still different bands aren't being acknowledged for reasons unknown to me. Here you should post a band you think is underrated, and why people should check them out. From the top of my head, 2 bands come to mind.

Snow Patrol - Many people hadn't heard of Snow Patrol up until recently, and I know many people only became 'fans' or at least aware of them after they released the song Chasing Cars, which was a hit and stayed in the charts for a long time when the downloads became involved in the charts. However Chasing Cars isn't the height of their talent, and looking back into their history they have many albums which I consider to be great albums, with great songs on them. Snow Patrol never seem to be listed as a good band which confuses me. Some of Snow Patrols best songs are:

Chasing Cars

Open your Eyes


Athlete - I've found this band to also be underrated due to the fact that that many people have heard there best songs, so I've been told. I personally think this is a great band, and one that should really have a lot more credit. I think the main song people know from Athlete is Wires, however that is only the beginning. They have shown with a variety of songs they are talented in lots of areas, and deserve to be recognised as such. Some good songs from athlete:



Neither of those bands are truly Underrated, as ah well, they get radio play. Therefore making them non Underrated. Simple really. Both of these bands have had significant Radio Airplay all over the world. Thereby nullifying and Negating the ability to call them Underrated.
They may not be underrated in terms of aire-time or whatever, but they are underrated in the way they are thought of by a lot of people I know and have spoke to. They're both very good bands, but are being bypassed by the 'commercial' artists which I don't think is fair.

People may enjoy their music, but they don't get the recognition they deserve, which untilmately was what I made the thread for; so you could share why you thought other bands weren't treated fairly and were often overlooked. If that wasn't clear I apologise.
I dont think snow patrol are underrated either. There first album was sick and got quite alot of deserved recognition.

I dont know how to post videos but atm I'm a big fan of get cape, wear cape, fly. A band whoes leadsinger is from Southend and is really into fair trade and all that jazz... noteable songs are war of the worlds and I spy.
I dont think snow patrol are underrated either. There first album was sick and got quite alot of deserved recognition.

That's a joke right? Their first album you're correct was 'sick' but got absolutely no recognition whatsoever, either in the mainstream or in indie charts.

I think though that they do get the recognition now that they deserve. As a band that can make decent melodic sounds, a band i tend to see as one to listen to the girlfriend with.
Wow. Snow Patrol? Yeah. Nothing screams "talented musicians" to me like listening to some good ol' Snow Patrol.

I'd say the Kinks are always going to be an underrated band by most of the American masses, which just isn't fair considering both the commercial and critical success they achieved. It's a shame that the Kinks aren't held in the same "Classic Rock God" trinity of The Doors, the Beatles, and the Who, because they certainly deserve to be.
Breaking Benjamin
Not many people have heard them becuse they dont get much radio play but they are an awsome band and ben burnley is great on vocals there best songs are Diary of jane, Shallow bay and so sold

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