Under-rated WrestleMania main-events

The Rob

Telling me I'm invincible..
Over the years, there have been several main event matches at WrestleMania's which were great but forgotten due to, say another main event at that WrestleMania being better. There have been some WrestleMania main events that deserve just as much reconistion as any other main event, but haven't. Which matches are these in your opinion?

I'll start with Triple H v.s Undertaker at WrestleMania X-Seven. It was overshadowed by The Rock v.s 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin's WWE Championship match but I believe this match dosen't get much of a mention at all these days. It featured two of the toughest SOB's in the WWE, who wanted to tear each other apart. It was no display of technical brilliance like Angle v.s Benoit was that night, it never tried to be. What it was, was an all out brawl. Taker was able to demonstrate why he was known as such a bad-ass but he was able to demonstrate that Triple H also had this quality and that he was able to hang with him in a slugfest. I reckon this match is highly under-rated, an all round very enjoyable fight and it was the closest Undertaker has come to losing at WrestleMania (untill he faced Shawn Michaels...).
I think whatever match you thought was the “Match of the Night” at WrestleMania XIX can be argued with another match in the same PPV. I thought this was the only Mania where every match could have gotten the “Match of the Year” for that year in their respective levels of importance. From the 4 Main Events (WWE Title – Angle / Lesner, World Title – HHH / Booker T., Hogan / McMahon, and Stone Cold / Rock) and the bonus 5th Main Event of HBK / Y2J, to the Undercard featuring a Triple Threat WWE Tag Team Title Match, a Triple Threat Women’s Match with 3 great “wrestling Divas”, an Undertaker Handicap Mania Match, to a great Cruiserweight Title Match to open the show, all the way down to a World Tag Team Title Dark Match, this Mania tops itself. You can’t forget the Nitro Girls vs. the Miller Light Catfight Girls. If that’s the “Low Point” at the PPV, then that has to be the highest low point in WM history.
I completely agree with king patrick, but if I had to choose a "main event" match from that card that has been underrated i would have to go with the booker t/hhh match. It was full of things that I hadn't seen either of them do in a while or ever, like booker t's houston hangover leg drop from the top rope and that indian leg lock that HHH used. I'm sure it would have been talked about more if booker t had won his first major wwe title that night.
What exactly is the definition of a "main event?" It seems like nowadays any fairly big match on PPV is called a main event. As good as WrestleMania XIX was just the concept of saying it had five main events is pretty silly.

I think Batista/Undertaker from Wrestlemania 23 is somewhat underrated but was it a main event? It went on fourth on a card with eight matches. Despite Undertaker winning the Royal Rumble he and Batista had to play third fiddle to the silly McMahon/Trump feud and the lackluster HBK/Cena main event.

The HHH/Undertaker match from x-seven is OVERrated in my opinion. People bring it up quite a bit and it still doesn't impress me. From the foam sledgehammer to the weak bump on a crashpad it all just fell really flat to me. On paper it was a match that I wanted to see but it just didn't do anything for me. Those guys have done much better with one another since that match.
What exactly is the definition of a "main event?" It seems like nowadays any fairly big match on PPV is called a main event. As good as WrestleMania XIX was just the concept of saying it had five main events is pretty silly.

Whoa, hold on. Are you telling me, that WWE’s ad saying “Four for the Ages”, with four Main Events is “silly”?? Are you telling me that aside from those four great Main Event / Attraction matches, that HBK / Y2J couldn’t have headlined that show?? WM XIX was, is and so far will be the best WM ever. I’m not sure what you mean, but what I meant was, if you pick a match from XIX as the Match of the Night, I can sit here and argue that one of the other 4 are therefore “underrated”. Any of those 5, plus a stacked undercard made this Mania the best ever. I, personally, thought the Angle / Lesnar match, minus the botched move by Brock, was the Match of the Night, therefore, I’m essentially underrating the other 3 (4, in my opinion) Main Event matches.
When I think main-event, I think of the matches that are THE reasons that people buy a show. For example, while Rey vs. Angle vs. Orton was a title match at WM 22, the MAIN-EVENT was HHH vs. Cena. So, with that being said, my most under-rated main-event:

Wrestlemania 14 - Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels

This is just a fantastic match in every sense of the word. From Austin's neck injury recovery, to HBK's back problems, to the superb in-ring work and the start of Austin's incredible run, this match has everything needed to be great. It's important in wrestling history, the in-ring work was great and entertaining, and both guys did it with problems to their body. And the crowd was hot...unfortunately, this seems to get looked over as the great match it was.
I see what you’re saying. In your view, you’re only looking at the last match of the night regardless of the other World Title match or any big name / marquee / Main Attraction Matches?? Am I right??
I see what you’re saying. In your view, you’re only looking at the last match of the night regardless of the other World Title match or any big name / marquee / Main Attraction Matches?? Am I right??
No, I'm looking at the match that is the major draw to the card. For example, if Batista vs. JBL had ended Summerslam 2005, I still would consider Hulk Hogan vs. Shawn Michaels to be the main-event. It just so happens that promoters will almost always put their main-event last on the card. It's just good business.

One example that I can think of is the 2006 Royal Rumble PPV. Cena vs. Edge and Angle vs. Henry both went after the Rumble match, but the Royal Rumble match is what sold that card. Thus, the Royal Rumble was the main-event.

It's the MAIN reason you buy the card.
So what do you think the Main Event was for WM XIX?? Look, whatever your answer is, I’m going to tell you that the other 4 were, in this case, underrated.
The Main Event for Wrestlemania X was Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna but it was clearly remembered for the first ladder match at Wrestlemania with Shawn vs. Razor Ramon. Another semi main event that took a back seat to the ladder match was Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart. These two had a great rivalry and a great match together, and doesn't get as much credit as the ladder match IMO.
Okay, aside from my never ending love for WM XIX, another underrated “Main Event” in my opinion was WM VIII WWE Title Match between Macho Man vs. Nature Boy. That was a classic bout that not only featured the World Title, but also a side Love Triangle between Savage, Flair and who most people will call the First Lady / Greatest Female ever in Pro Wrestling history, Elizabeth. (I still feel she’s not the “Best Ever”, but that’s for the other thread.) I feel this match was overshadowed by Hulk Hogan vs. Sid. Go figure.

Another would be the following year’s Main Event World Title Match between Bret and Yokozuna. I don’t want to go into detail, because this was also overshadowed by Hulk, this time with Yoko.

Yet another match would be, WM XI Diesel vs. Shawn Michaels. How this was overlooked by LT and Bam Bam is beyond me. Not even Pam and Jenny could have helped BDC and HBK, and it didn’t.

From WM XIX on, whatever World Title isn’t the last match on the card, to me, almost automatically makes it underrated. Examples are, as someone has said, HHH vs. Booker at XIX, Eddie vs. Kurt at XX, Cena vs. JBL at 21, Rey vs. Kurt vs. Randy at 22, Taker vs. Batista at 23 (Vince vs. Donald didn’t do anything for me at all.), Orton vs. HHH vs. Cena at XXIV, and finally, Cena vs. Show vs. Edge at XXV (thought HHH vs. Orton was also overshadowed by Taker vs. HBK, but again, that’s for another thread). Being a World title match and not being the last match on the card, makes it a tad bit difficult to be memorable. Let’s face it, the last image we see is usually the one that is supposed to stand out.
Whoa, hold on. Are you telling me, that WWE’s ad saying “Four for the Ages”, with four Main Events is “silly”?? Are you telling me that aside from those four great Main Event / Attraction matches, that HBK / Y2J couldn’t have headlined that show?? WM XIX was, is and so far will be the best WM ever. I’m not sure what you mean, but what I meant was, if you pick a match from XIX as the Match of the Night, I can sit here and argue that one of the other 4 are therefore “underrated”. Any of those 5, plus a stacked undercard made this Mania the best ever. I, personally, thought the Angle / Lesnar match, minus the botched move by Brock, was the Match of the Night, therefore, I’m essentially underrating the other 3 (4, in my opinion) Main Event matches.

I'm just looking for a clear definition of what a main event is. It seems like back in the day you could only have one main event. When it came time for the last match of the card the announcer would over sell it as the "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN EVENT!"

No matter how good the matches actually are it seems a tad silly to say that a PPV has five main events. It sort of tarnishes the label of a main event.

Since the WWE has two main brands with two main World Champions I can at least buy the logic of two main events. I absolutely love it when the brands' announcers try to sell their World title match as better than the other World title match. There should be healthy competition even if it's all the same company.

Like I said, I just want a clearly defined meaning of main event. Is every brand's top match a main event? Is any good/great match a main event? I need to understand the parameters before I can craft a fully informed reply.
yeah for sure Flair and Savage was underrated as it was one of Flairs best matches. Hogan always overshadowed all matches when he was there. he always was given the light and the top match. how do you put that shit above a tittle match that was top 20 ever. then Hogan ruined Hart and Yoka match and made sure he won and was not even in the dam match to begin with. then in 2002 he came back again and tryed to rule Smackdown. he shocked me by laying down for the Rock at WM. another WM match underrated was Beniot vs HBK vs HHH as it was the best triple threat tittle match ever in my books to this day still. another would be Eddie vs Angle or taker vs Batista. you could go on and on. the thing that gets me is Taker has ruled all mania matches for the last 6 years at least. hell he even made Henry look good in a casket match at mania. the shame that people under estimate so many matches.
WrestleMania 22.
Kurt Angle v. Randy Orton v. Rey Mysterio in a Triple Threat for the World Heavyweight Championship.
Rather than the traditional match: wrestlers starting slow with grapples and holds and working there way towards big spots and finishers, this match from the get-go had one large spot after another. I don't think there was a slow moment in the match. And although Rey-Rey won the title, a great performance was given by all involved. Definitely a match for the ages.
I'm just looking for a clear definition of what a main event is. It seems like back in the day you could only have one main event. When it came time for the last match of the card the announcer would over sell it as the "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN EVENT!"

No matter how good the matches actually are it seems a tad silly to say that a PPV has five main events. It sort of tarnishes the label of a main event.

Since the WWE has two main brands with two main World Champions I can at least buy the logic of two main events. I absolutely love it when the brands' announcers try to sell their World title match as better than the other World title match. There should be healthy competition even if it's all the same company.

Like I said, I just want a clearly defined meaning of main event. Is every brand's top match a main event? Is any good/great match a main event? I need to understand the parameters before I can craft a fully informed reply.

Well stated. I think what a Main Event is originally is your idea which transformed into my idea. I believe originally, using the WWE for example, was Hulk Hogan and the WWF Championship. Later on, when Hulk was no longer Champion, the “Main Event” became the WWE Title Match and the Hulk Hogan Match. After Hogan left, it became the WWE Title Match and the Celebrity Match. Then for a while it was mostly about the WWF Title, and then we all know what happen, blah, blah, blah, the Undisputed Title is Disputed again. From that point on, I believe is when Double Main Events became regular occurrences, with the addition of Main Attraction Matches that were not for a World Title, for example is Undertaker’s Mania Matches or the Money in the Bank (It started out with a few Main Eventers, but you know what I mean). I want to say this started at WM X8 with Austin vs. Hall w/ Nash, Rock vs. Hogan, and Jericho vs. Triple H for the Undisputed Title. The next year, they did 4 (5!!).

So to answer your question, it's up to you how you want to interpret what he means.
I've always thought Hogan vs. Savage from WM5 was an underrated main event. Honestly, I would say it's probably the 2nd best WM main event of all time, behind Hogan/Warrior. The match just simply had everything a main event could wish for, including an incredible build-up that started a year before. They told an amazing story during the match, there was a great flow, great transitions, and Hogan's comeback was timed to perfection.

Another one would be Hogan vs. Slaughter from WM7, for similar reasons as above. Both of these matches shit all over any of the WM main events since Austin/Rock.
King Patrick I thought i was the only one who loved WM 19 all i hear is WM 17 is the best WM but i compared the two and WM 19 was better and for me the match tat i knew would be the best match on the card was the best match on the card im talking about Hogan Vs Vince this was when i actually liked Hogan man i loved everything about this match Vinces leg drop of the ladder and Piper attacking Hogan to Hogans 3 leg drops and when Hogan hit the annoncer wit a chair this match is totally underrated no one considers this a great match in Hogans career and as 9 year wrestling fan i have to say after The Rock Vs Hogan Match at WM X8 This match is the second best match in his career and the most overated match in Hogans career was Hogan Vs Andre that Match sucked SHIT it was so overated i watched it on his anthology set and it didnt live up to it hype
I think every card has 1 Main Event and that is the last match, the one that closes the show. I think the most under rated Wrestelmania main event is HBK/Cena at Mania 23. Everybody always talks about the 5 star classic they had in England a couple weeks later and over look this one. This was the best match on the card and the crowd was really into it and behind HBK. If HBK had won it probably would be my favorite match ever.
King Patrick I thought i was the only one who loved WM 19 all i hear is WM 17 is the best WM but i compared the two and WM 19 was better and for me the match tat i knew would be the best match on the card was the best match on the card im talking about Hogan Vs Vince this was when i actually liked Hogan man i loved everything about this match Vinces leg drop of the ladder and Piper attacking Hogan to Hogans 3 leg drops and when Hogan hit the annoncer wit a chair this match is totally underrated no one considers this a great match in Hogans career and as 9 year wrestling fan i have to say after The Rock Vs Hogan Match at WM X8 This match is the second best match in his career and the most overated match in Hogans career was Hogan Vs Andre that Match sucked SHIT it was so overated i watched it on his anthology set and it didnt live up to it hype

Yes, Vince came through big and played his part surprisingly well at XIX. That whole swerve with Piper was well done and Hogan was still able to put it all together. I’m not really sure where I would place that as far as the WM XIX Matches goes. It has to be either 2nd or 3rd. As a matter of fact, among the matches, I would place to two World Title Matches at 4th and 5th of the Night below Austin / Rock and HBK / Y2J.
as much as Bret/Owen opened Mania X, that in my eyes was the main event of that show along with the ladder match, but heading into Mania Bret/Owen was the top feud leading into the show, so I guess that and had Bret not faced Yoko IMO the Harts match would of probably been high up on the card.
King Patrick I thought i was the only one who loved WM 19 all i hear is WM 17 is the best WM but i compared the two and WM 19 was better and for me the match tat i knew would be the best match on the card was the best match on the card im talking about Hogan Vs Vince this was when i actually liked Hogan man i loved everything about this match Vinces leg drop of the ladder and Piper attacking Hogan to Hogans 3 leg drops and when Hogan hit the annoncer wit a chair this match is totally underrated no one considers this a great match in Hogans career and as 9 year wrestling fan i have to say after The Rock Vs Hogan Match at WM X8 This match is the second best match in his career and the most overated match in Hogans career was Hogan Vs Andre that Match sucked SHIT it was so overated i watched it on his anthology set and it didnt live up to it hype

I definitely think that when you talk about the greatest 'Manias of all time it all comes down to x-seven and XIX. On one hand, x-seven was a better card top to bottom. There was only one or two matches that was actively bad or just lame. XIX had a great top five matches but everything that came before those "five main events" was very lackluster including a Benoit/Rhyno vs. Guerrero vs. TWGTT match which on paper you'd think would be great. Because of the so-called five main events everything else on the card was only given about 5-8 minutes so the main events could get plenty of time.

So it's really a matter of preference. Do you prefer a card that keeps you pretty much entertained from start to finish or do you just want a card with the most great matches total?

I don't know if this counts but out of the five big matches at 'Mania XIX I'd say that Rock/Austin is surprisingly the most underrated. Everyone talks about Jericho/HBK stealing the show. They mention the obvious main event for the WWE title because it was amazing even thought Angle could barely move and Lesnar almost killed himself. Vince/Hogan is given a lot of credit for being creative and better than most anyone would have expected. Booker/HHH is notorious for the insanely long amount of time between the Pedigree and the pin. Because Rock/Austin had already happened twice before at 'Mania for the WWE title the third match is always the least talked about.

I loved the third match because it told a great story. Rock sold every move like there was so much emotion in them. He played both a comedic and aggressive heel. The icing on the cake was that Rock won since I always supported him in the many Rock/Austin wars over the years.
One that hasn't been mentioned that I feel is a shame is the WM VII Main Event of Hogan/Slaughter. You had an Iraqi sympathizer who burned an american flag going against the greatest american wrestling hero of all time. There was so much heat and tension going into this match that McMahon even changed venues to avoid someone taking aim at the wrestlers.
Edge vs mick foley hardcore match at wm 22. It was overshadowed completley by HHH vs Cena and HBK vs Mr. Mcmahon. and it was freaking awesome.
Shawn Michaels vs Diesel-Wrestlemania 11-1995. It was a great much, some call it the best match of Nash's career.

Vince was the one who wanted Diesel to kick out on a strong 1 count after the superkick which resulted in boo's and HBK turning face the next night. In Bret's book he claims it was Shawn's idea and Shawn had scammed Kevin into becoming a top face. Thats BS. Thats another example of Bret being biased.

Both HBK and Nash told Vince they thought it was a horrible idea for Kevin to kick out of Shawn's finisher so early, but Vince wanted his face champ to look strong. This is from HBK's book. Afterwards Vince realized it was a bad idea when the boos happened. HBK wanted nothing to do with a face turn, but Bret wasn't in any creative or production meetings to hear what really happened so he formed his own opinion.
Shawn Michaels vs Diesel-Wrestlemania 11-1995. It was a great much, some call it the best match of Nash's career.

I totally agree. Diesel was the shit back in '95. Looking back now, I wish he'd had a decent run in WWE as a heel. I've been watching some of his matches with HBK, Undertaker and Bret Hart before he left, and he was a great heel, much better than his first time around when HBK was his mouthpiece. I'm getting off topic again. I've secretly loved this match for years, I didn't want to admit to being a Diesel fan, it's nice to see some other people coming out and voting for this one.

Another choice [assuming it is underrated is Triple H vs Undertaker at 'Mania X-Seven, but I never really thought that was underrated. It's my favorite Undertaker/Mania performance, except for maybe his match with HBK from this year.]

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