Ultimate Warrior's Best Match

Ultimate Warrior's Best Match

  • WrestleMania VI vs Hulk Hogan

  • WrestleMania VII vs Randy Savage

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The Mania 7 match was his best ever. Told a great story from his slow walk to the ring, the iconagraphy on his trunks, his comeback from certain defeat then all of the aftermath - it was one of wrestlings greatets moments frankly, from an entertainment point of view. There was no way they were beating that the following Summer...
Not that Warrior/Savage wasn't a great match, but what made that match so epic was what happened after the match. It's not to often where you get tears out of a live crowd. Hell even Bobby Heenan acknowledged what a moment it was. I will never forget him saying "this is sick' as the Savage and Liz kissed. What I remember more is The Brain selling the fact that they must have really loved each other. The point I am trying to make is the match was great, but ask anyone what they remember and they will tell you Savage and Liz reuniting. Hogan/Warrior to me is the no brainer. It may not have been a technical master piece, but come on, who here can tell me those two didn't have us hanging on every move they made. I was 10 and a Hogan fanatic, and I don't think I sat down the whole time. My parents who weren't even wrestling fan were barely able to keep still. It was just one of those special matches. My cousin, who watched it with us, was a lifelong Hogan fan who converted to Warriors side. That was a trend happening a lot as Warrior popularity was rivaling that of Hogan's. It was something that we had never seen before, and that just added to the epicness of the whole match. The match it self told a great story in that Warrior just matched everything Hogan tried to do to him, and when Hogan Hulked up the fan in me was begging for Hogan to finished him off, and when Warrior got out of the way of the leg drop and splashed Hogan for the pin it was just an unreal moment. As a kid I don't think I ever saw Hogan get pinned clean. I am not saying Warrior/Savage wasn't a great match, but as far as total packages go it has to be Warrior/Hogan.
Well I think the one match that hasn't been mentioned yet was the rematch between Macho Man Randy Savage and the Ultimate Warrior at Summerslam 92. That match is largely forgotten thanks to that same ppv featuring probably one of the top 5 greatest matches in WWE history between Bret Hart and the British Bulldog. But the 2nd Warrior/Savage match was a great match too. IT wasn't as good as the first one because it didn't have as much on the line, didn't feel as epic, and it didn't tell as good a story (the who will Flair side with angle was kind of messed up).

But nonetheless, the Brain definitely picked the only real two contenders of what was truly the Warrior's greatest WWE matches, that being against Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania VI and against Macho Man at Wrestlemania VII. To me nothing else in his career comes close. Sure the Rick Rude matches were good and beneficial to both, but they just didn't have near the epic feel of the Wrestlemania matches. Heck the Summerslam 90 match was about half as long as the two Wrestlemania matches.

But anywho's, picking between the two, I have to go with Savage/Warrior. I've read all the defenses of Warrior/Hogan, and I completely agree with them. I won't fault anyone for picking Hogan/Warrior at all. I won't argue with you. But for me, personally, I just feel Savage/Warrior was an absolute masterpiece of a pro wrestling match.

From the beginning to end, there was a story being told. The opening moments where Warrior walks out instead of doing his usual running set the stage for one of the most masterfully told stories in wrestling history. Yes, Warrior walking out signified that this was the most important match in Warrior's career. He took this so serious that he was cautiously walking. That was the whole point of it. I can't believe that anyone doesn't get that. Then as the match builds and builds. Everyone points out Savage's five elbow drops and Warrior kicking out, but remember there was a moment in the match where Warrior did one of his finishers on Randy Savage, and Savage kicked out. That's the moment when Warrior almost walks out on the match (kayfabe) questioning whether he could defeat him. This was a vulnerable moment for the Warrior character which was brilliant to see. To me that made Savage look like a million bucks. Then in return, we get the memorable spot of Savage hitting his five elbow drops with Warrior kicking out, in return making Warrior look like a million bucks. This scenario was meant to portray that Warrior and Savage will put everything on the line for their careers.

It amazes me that people are criticizing this part of the match, when most likely those are the same people that praise the recent Undertaker Wrestlemania matches, as that's the exact same thing that happens in those matches. HBK and Triple H kicking out of the tombstone, Taker kicking out of the Pedigree and Sweet Chin Music. Heck, throughout the Attitude Era, every main event match featured guys hitting their finishers on each other and kicking out repeatedly (from Stone Cold, the Rock, Triple H, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Taker, Big Show, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, etc.) This spot of kicking out of each other's finishers was groundbreaking and paved the way for the later WWE main event style of working a match. Making the matches more epic in the process. So the Warrior/Savage match not only told a great story, was technically sound, was an epic match, etc. But it was also groundbreaking and influential on the style of working in the coming years (just as Savage/Steamboat was).

Then we finally get Warrior coming back and ultimately defeating Savage with the one foot on the chest. This was maybe the one flaw of the match. I think it would've been better for Warrior to his his running splash maybe 2-3 times just as Savage had hit his best move multiple times, and then have Warrior put away Savage. That moment plus the match not being for the title along with the career is probably what prevents me from giving the match 5 stars (I gave 4 and 3/4 stars when I made my 50 Greatest Wrestlemania matches list awhile back). But it's still an amazing match.

Then we get the memorable, emotional ending with Randy and Liz reuniting. This match had everything, psychology, a great story, good wrestling, drama, and emotion of the highest order. It was close to a perfect match as you can get.

Hogan and Warrior was great and was done perfectly too. For the people that say the match wasn't technical enough, then you don't get the point of Hogan and Warrior. Hogan and Warrior weren't HBK and Bret Hart. They were the two most dominant powerhouses and forces in the WWE. They should've done double clotheslines and epic tests of strength rather than armdrags and dropkicks. And I definitely agree that for Warrior's career, the Hogan match was more important and beneficial. Hogan's match put Warrior on top. The Savage match was gonna result in Warrior having mid card feuds (Taker, and then Jake Roberts had he not left).

So for what mattered for Warrior's career the most, then it's definitely the Hogan match. It was peak moment of his wrestling career. But as far as just a flat out wrestling match goes, his match with Savage at Wrestlemania VII is his finest moment.
Steamboat Ricky : Dude the "not doing things according to plan" phase was during the 1996 stint he had. Until Summerslam of 1991 Warrior was on good terms with Vince. Its then he started being a d**k because he felt he was owed more money. So again, your point is rendered invalid. And for the record, Warrior always looked pissed and intense coming to the ring. I've never seen him with a smile on his face.

To quote dd23beatlesfan1 : Yes, Warrior walking out signified that this was the most important match in Warrior's career. He took this so serious that he was cautiously walking. That was the whole point of it. I can't believe that anyone doesn't get that.

Especially you Steamboat. Especially you.

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