UK Fans; Would BBC/ITV/C4/5 Benefit from WWE Programs?


Pre-Show Stalwart
This is aimed at the fans from the UK. But input from all over the place is welcome, outside perspective is always good.

I just wondered if you thought it would be worth the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 or 5 benefit from having WWE on their respective networks?

I remember YEAAARS ago Heat was on Channel 4 on Sundays. That was originally how I discovered my passion for the product.

I think that the same would happen with others if it was to be on the BBC especially. They could have RAW live at 2am like they do on Sky Sports, people will Sky + it or get up/stay up to watch it. Smackdown on Saturday mornings or later on Friday nights, 10pm but that MIGHT be too prime time. They could get exclusive on Superstars as well, ECW on Wednesdays about 5pm maybe? I don't know what are you're thoughts.

When do you think WWE would be aired if it was on these channels, which do you think would most likely take the product? Do you think that the ratings would increase, or would there be more complaints from angry parents?
WWE should and will stay on Sky Sports where it belongs.

Its not the right sort of programme to be but on the BBC/ITV/Channel 4/Channel 5 although like you said they used to have Heat on Channel 4 and the odd PPV.

It also wouldn't be broadcast in HD which isnt a problem for those who don't have HD boxes but for those who do can see that it is a HUGE difference in quality.

It would subject the programme to a different audience who would most likely not enjoy the product so to put it bluntly, any of those channels would not benefit from the WWE. Its fine how it is on Sky Sports.
Well back then, in addition to Heat, they showed a PPV every four months. Channel 4 showed (in 2001) The Royal Rumble, Backlash, InVasion, possibly No Mercy and Vengeance. Pretty much key PPVs of that year and one of the big four, so it was a big hit then.

I think the only likely network to do it would be either ITV or Five. But ITV is getting so near dead and buriedness, I don't think WWE would go for it, ITV might take a plunge with it, but remember they have to pay for the shows as WWE gets nothing out of the ads, only what the deal with the network is. ITV couldn't afford them, Five wouldn't, at best they could show old shows, Channel 4 are having trouble themselves. The BBC wouldn't touch WWE, partly because they don't show commercials and they're owned by the government. Sky are the only people who a. can afford WWE b. will provide WWE.

But if it was a case of if they had it and showed it. I think ITV would benefit the most from it. BBC is kicking arse with what they provide and ITV would need a boost, but then they can't even make full use of their FA Cup license which is a joke alone.

I think they would show the programmes in their right time of airing, but at like a minute delay so they could book their adverts in the spots. I couldn't really see them pushing WWE TV any earlier in the day. Smackdown at 10pm might work, the guys in New Zealand, etc get it before anyone else, Friday night is going out night and they rarely show anything watchable, so it would give something to add. But I think they would drop Superstars and maybe have Five showing ECW (or Superstars as well), so ITV don't become the sole WWE channel of the UK.
Yo, ITV2 seems to be the place to put WWE programs, being that they focus more on the American stuff anyway. But if any of those broadcasts create a sports channel, then it'll probably be best for there. BBC Sports, 4Sports, y'know, something like that.
No, I think WWE programs are best suited to Sky Sports where they are now. Sky Sports has all the WWE programs there collectively and if I want to watch them all, I know I'll get it on Sky (except for Superstars obviously). In addition, if WWE were to make the jump to channels like BBC, Channel 4, ITV and so on...chances are we would still have to pay for the majority of PPVs on Sky Box Office, so I think it would just be easier to keep it all on Sky Sports.

Of course, that's not to say that WWE programs on any of those channels couldn't be successful...but WWE has been established for long enough now on Sky that people know where to go if they want to see it.
I'll make this quick.

The only reason that the WWE was on terrestrial television before this was that Channel 4 worked out a deal with Sky Sports to run it in conjunction with them. Sky Sports still kept the rights to the best shows and all the terrestrial channel got was Heat. The point being that WWE and Sky Sports are happy with the deal that they have got going with each other. WWE are happy because they are getting paid enough for their product and Sky Sports are getting decent viewers every week.

The only way that I can see it coming back to terrestrial TV is if Sky Sports decide that it's not worth the price that they are paying for it and drop the contract once it expires. That way a terrestrial TV channel could pick up the rights. However, WWE are more likely to drop the price to Sky Sports only after all the faith they have shown the WWE.

Some channels could broadcast it and it would benefit all of them because as we know, WWE has a good WWE fan base. BBC could broadcast in HD too. I don't see it happening in the near future though.
No, we don't need wrestling on those channels. Sky Sports is always where it should stay. Channel 4 continued using ad breaks during the PPVs for fuck sake. I specifically remember Big Show's surprise return in the '01 RR and the cut to adverts. ******s!

Anyway, the BBC wouldn't put that kind of thing on. They waste enough tv time with shit sports like cricket/tennis/golf anyway and don't get me started on the Olympics.

Plus they'd probably edit out all the weapons shots and cursing, despite being after the watershed. I've seen a number of films on BBC where they edited out swearing when the film is being shown at 10pm.

Channel 5 is the only channel that could possibly make it work, but the reception for 5 is all over the place, so i'd say stick with Sky.
I'm from the UK Myself, theres a lot of programming on thats fresh so I think it would be to much of a conflict, but I'd love to see either shows, hell even if its WWE Experience or the Bottom Line, shown on a channel like Five. Out of the 4 basic channels, BBC1, BBC2, ITV1 and C4 however I think C4 would be the best place for it but doubtful given the programming they show, at the moment you have Big Brother, and you have the documentaries and the occasional comedy panel shows. I don't have Sky Sports but I always watch the programming the day after via youtube, clearly not as good quality as watching it on TV but I don't mind
NOOOOO it should stay on sky sports they dont mess about with anything.i still remember that night when channel 4 show the royal rumble it was suppose 2 be live and no adverts not only did it have a delay and adverts its just made me think sky is the best place for it.still sky should get rid of experience and replace it with superstars
I agree with the majority that sky should stick to having the all the shows and pay per views but move them to either ss1 or ss2 as I only ever watched wrestling and very little other sports I think its a con that I have to pay for 2 premium channels which you can get individually just to get ss3 (btw ss=sky sports).
WWE couldn't be shown on the BBC. It's publicly funded. Can you imagine the Director General defending the decision to show Randy Orton DDTing Stephanie McMahon when they come to renegotiate the licence fee? And this is WWE PG, imagine what programming the BBC would be provided with if/when WWE raises it's rating. That's not to say I wouldn't like to see ad-free WWE programming on the BBC; Smackdown would be a hell of a lot better than some of the stuff that passes for prime-time programming.

ITV can't afford WWE. ITV are in financial difficulty. They're having to axe much of their programming at the moment. It would be unwise to despatch proven draws and replace them with Raw, ECW and Smackdown and the like, when there's no guarantee of success. They can't afford to gamble at the moment.

Channel Four was a reasonable home for WWE programming a couple of years ago. However, as said by The Mark of Zur-En-Arrh above Channel Four used to put add breaks in PPVs when they showed them. I remember distinctly the Triple H-Rock Iron-man match where the feed would be cut off every so often so that Heinz could sell me beans. However, if memory serves, InVasion was shown with adds replacing the backstage angles. That way UK viewers didn't miss any actual matches. That's still not ideal though, but perhaps a compromise could be worked out where the PPV is shown and the feed delayed during the ads, so that the PPV would last longer than in the USA, but we'd actually get to see it all.

Channel Five could work. WCW programming was shown on Five for a while before WCW's demise. Plus, Five likes to import American programming like CSI and NCIS. WWE would fit in would fit right in along-side the Worlds Strongest Man competition which they already show. The addition of WWE programming could definately help Channel Five. It seems likely that more people in the UK will tune in to Raw (or even ECW) than offerings like the 1994 film: It Could Happen to You.
My thought is that sky will always be WWE's uk home. After recently losing sky in a temporary cut back, i wish they would at least put experience, bottom line or afterburn on terrestrial tv just so i could watch it. Maybe C4 could be the home for WWE Superstars.

However, I think think that TNA would have a good run on C4 or C5. I don't mind being an internet fan but I prefer watching on TV.
If they put WWE Experience on one of those channels, then it would work. That show just shows the matches and skips out all the entrances & such, which would make it more watchable for the casual fan.

Plus, if they have no interest in the product to begin with, I doubt they'd watch 2 hours of RAW or SD!

A small clip show could get them interested, and then they may get Sky Sports and watch it properly.
I think wrestling would benifit as a whole if one of the 5 main channels got wrestling broadcast as wwe/tna ect would build up a far bigger fanbase if wrestling was available free to all instead of only being able to follow it if you can afford sky tv so many miss out or are unaware because they have no access to it .
Always remember when i was younger being jelous of the other people with sky as they were able to follow it and i couldnt, and always remember the joy i felt when i heard wcw was on tnt and was hooked when i started seing it as all my favorites from the then wwf were there it was just like going back in time i was like a little kid again and couldnt get enough.
Think tna should look into getting there second rate show broadcast on terestial as they could take over as the main wrestling promotion watched in the uk if they tap into the fanbase that have no access to wrestling and are there for the taking.
There arent any big channels that would support it. The only one that i would want to see is on Dave! Right after Top Gear :p

But in all seriousness, it's fine on Sky Sports. Although the occaisional live Tennis that overruns 5 hours once a month pisses me off.
Channel four destroyed the WWE product on national television, they kept airing commercials between the best part of WWE PPVS, (they cut off the rock in mid promo!) they cut off blood and action and basically nearly ruined the whole product and overall enjoyment, due to the numerous complaints and various angry callers channel 4 chose not to air anymore WWE ppv's and eventually stopped airing heat, if it wasnt for sentanta sports we would have lost the rest of the wwe ppvs here in the uk for over a year until Sky was able to renegotiate.

No tv station should air WWE programming, it should stay on sky where it belongs, if you cant afford sky there are always other means which i will not promote on this forum but they are available.
if i remmeber correctly wwe ppv's used to be shown on live channel 4 but it stopped after a lot of people complained about channel 4 kept cutting to commericals even though the show was live lol

i would like it to be shown live on bbc because then things like raw would be totally commerical free and show the whole matches without the 'we be right back' crap that always happens

skysports is 'ok' apart from the fact that even though the show is live they try and censor certain words.
i know now its PG they havent used any bad language at all but before it stopped the people at sky sports would have the finger on the button ready.

i remember 2 things that happend, once hhh said 'lets get ready to.....' then sky pressed the 'beep' button

and another time they pressed the beep button thinking someone was going to sware and it was a mistake because they said something like 'come to the ring and ill whoop 'beeeep' but what the person accually said is 'come to the ring and ill whoop you' lol another case of the stupid skysports

ever since then i will admit ive never ever watched wwe on sky sports, i download the torrents the next day of the american version.
which is ok since i dont read these website till i watched it,and also u get to see friday night smackdown before its shown here in uk or shown in america, because people put it up from aus which is 12 hours ahead of uk

even though we still get it here on skysports before people see it in america (which ive never heard of us getting something first) lol cause when its 10pm here its 5pm 2pm 4pm in america depending on what time zone your in

ok this gone a bit off topic, but yea id like to see them shown live on bbc i think it would make it better to see the whole show of raw rather than all the commericals
Nah...I think it would be better if sky kept the rights to WWE. It just wouldn't feel right to have it on anything else. And besides it wouldn't matter anyhow as you would most likley have to still use Sky Box office for PPVs anyway.
well i would think that the wwe should stay on sky sports, for reasons being that they will most likley advertise everything way better than itv would ever think of, and the fact that sky sports can also advertise ppvs on sky box office too, which also helps.

although i would like to see something like wwe superstars on itv or bbc or whatever. with the digital switchover coming soon more people may downgrade to freeview with the credit crunch and all, so having wwe's 4th show on terrestrial tv would help get more, not loads but a reasonable amount of new viewers in. heat being on channel 4 was how i got into wrestling as i didnt have sky and i think that this might be the case for lots of younger fans too
Sky give us a great deal with wwe. We get all the major shows, (bar superstars, but no-one cares) at decent times, which probably wouldn't happen on the BBC. Don't forget about Half the PPVs being free on sky sports 3. I mean sure, Raw doesn't get repeated at a decent time for none sky-plusers till Thursday, and Smackdowns Friday broadcast always seems to have been interupted for a tennis tournament (AGAIN). But apart from that, I couldn't be happier with WWE on Sky.

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