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The other day I was going through my ipod and Vertigo came on. This got me wanting to hear some more U2, so I went through my old cds and pulled out the Joshua Tree, and for the first time in years I listened to it all the way through. It made me remember how great of a band these guys were before Bono decided he was a superhero in transparent sunglasses.

So what I want to know is what are your thoughts on their musical talents? Are they overrated, underrated, rated just right? To me, they're slightly underrated. It seems that with their change in priorities in the past years, their talent for music has been forgotten. These songs still stand up today, 21 years later. So your thoughts on these guys?
I think they are rated just right. They have sold millions of albums around the world, had numerous #1 song, and thanks to Bono's charity work they stay in the public eye even without a CD or new single. They also have one 20 something Grammy's, which is one of the most or the most grammy's for a band. U2 is also listed as one of the greatest bands of all time and The Joshua Tree is a top album pick by them. I think they are rated just find and countinue to stay revelant after so many years.
I've allways enjoyed U2, once upon a time they were my favourite group and i frequented their music quite alot. I think they are rated just fine. They are just a normal group, not to good but yet not to poor. In no way am i saying they are piss poor but theres groups out there that were better then them and that were more talented then them. All their songs are great, i just think they are rated just fine. Its a shame they are'nt around anymore as a group otherwise they could easily of given some of the bands of today a run for their money
I think they are over-rated. I myself have never liked their music. I like a few of their songs, but I would never go out of my way to listen to U2. That said, multiply it ten fold for all of their modern music. I cannot stand anything after The Joshua Tree came out. As for Bono, if he feels he is doing the world good, that is good for him, I will not comment on that. I think he should keep his band and his political ideology separate. Now if anyone would recommend me a song from the last 10 years by them that they feel will change my mind, I am more than up to it.
U2 are a great band, and I think they are rated just right. They have had numerous number 1's and some great songs, like Desire, Where The Streets Have No Name, With Or Without You, I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, just to name a few. The Joshua Tree is one of the greatest albums ever, I love all the songs on that album. They are always listed as one of the greatest bands ever. Hell, they are so great they only need one letter and one number for their band name. lol But U2's songs never get old, and are always good for a listen. Now I need to go back and listen to The Joshua Tree again.
Hm, slightly overrated for me. I consider them a great band, but really many of their songs sound very much alike, many follow the same structures and same principles (just compare "Pride (In The Name Of Love)" and "Sunday Bloody Sunday" for example). But they unquestionably had some absolute classics and really great songs, so most of the recognition they get is definitely earned.

Plus, Bono is a tremendous vocalist, which should not be forgotten next to his extracurricular activities, if you will.
But all in all, U2 are slightly overrated. A great band, but not as godlike as they are often made out to be.
I am a very emotional person when it comes to the arts, and if a song strikes a chord and makes me feel -- anger, empathy, passion, happy and even better or worse about me or my day -- then it has a universal quality to it, imo. It might not be "good," but taste in the arts is subjective to the nth degree, I am sure we can all agree on that.

With that said, I adore U2 and almost everything they have put out, put out now and will put out in the future. I do not follow Bono's humanitarian causes and social or political ideologies, even when they cannot be separated from the songs (Sunday Bloody Sunday comes to mind). But the band's musicality, impact and legacy as a band cannot be argued or questioned. Bono, Edge, Adam and Larry have contributed wonderfully to the genre of Rock-n-Roll and have remained great musicians.

And with that said, the reason I adore U2 is the aforementioned reason of my emotionality for the arts -- U2's songs have to them a quality that, I feel, cannot be matched by any other artist. At least not in the same way, if attempted. Their songs "speak" to me, and have meaning to me. I am almost positive I am not alone, and that they mean something to every U2 fan around the world. But hey, whatever -- I like their sound.
I think U2 is a vastly over-rated band. I'll give Bono credit for writing some all time great lyrics, but musically they don't do anything out of the box, or amazing. Basically, they're just a mainstream rock band that caters to soft-eared listeners that don't completely comprehend musical experimentation.
This is what Bill Bailey has to say about U2 and the effects they use

anyway onto the topic at hand, U2 have produced some good music in the past, they just have taken a turn for the worst in the years of this decade, however there are a number of U2 songs that I like a lot, one of these is "One Tree Hill", a song that was written about a kiwi that was a roadie for them and died, one of their best songs, IT is track 9 on The Joshua Tree for those with the album.


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