Tyler Reks - Corre Material?


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I've got to admit I do not watch Smackdown. I've got better things to do on Friday nights. But I do keep up with the results. To me it seems that I'm not alone in feeling like I have no idea who Tyler Reks is. I've only seen him in action a few times. Once at Bragging Rights, and once last night at the rumble. He went up against 4 members of the New Nexus and obviously didn't last very long, but then it hit me... The Corre needs a 5th member, they need a #2, a David Otunga if you will. So here's my question.

Do you think Tyler Reks would make a good #2 in the Corre next to Wade?

Think about it, He is still a mystery to pretty much everyone in the WWE Universe, hasn't had any Mic time to speak of. What better way to introduce him? He could say stuff like he has admired Wade's initiative to band together and be a dominant force in the WWE. To take what they wanted because they could. He could say he would be honored to fight alongside Wade and the rest of the Corre. This would give him some great Mic time, get us familiar with him, and really push his career. Possibly even start a feud with Kofi for the IC title who knows.

Let's hear what you guys have to say.
I'll be honest. I love T-Reks. I love his look,his finisher, and his gimmick. which is "the wild card" or "the X-factor'. and not to mention he looks like my favorite singer(rob zombie). I'm a little iffy about this on one hand the guy is brutal and would benefiet corre alot. on the other hand like i said above his gimmick is that of the wild card he doesnt really match with corrre's values so to speak. But all-in-all i say yes, just because i love T-reks and the corre and that would be cool to see them matched up
Hey, i couldnt agree with you more, CORRE definately need a number 2, even though they claim there is no leader its quite clear thats its Barrett.

I dunno bout Reks, as they already have a meathead in Zeek, I think that they need someone who can hold his own on the mic, maybe someone with a bit of character because at the moment I really cannot connect with CORRE. It feels awkward. It just doesnt seem right.
They dont even look right together, just a bunch of randooms that got thrown together so I think they need someone that Barrett can interact with a bit more, like he had with Otunga in Nexus.

Reks as stated is a bit of a Wild Card, and would make a good edition if not for Zeek, but I think they need someone with a bit of charisma.
Im not saying that will happen, but that is what I would love to see because I really like Barrett and think Nexus and CORRE could have a good beef, but CORRE is very much inferior to Nexus as we speak.
I would say no, just because the Corre already has Ezekiel Jackson to man handle guys like Big Show. Ezekiel Jackson and Tyler Rekks use a lot of brawling techniques such as clubs to the back and clothelines. Both are very powerful and having two men in the same group that are alike, they would just rub together. Neither would stand out from the other and eventually be barried by one another. Besides, Rekks cannot be a number two guy in the Corre. Rekks is all business and no talk, not exactly what the Corre is all about. I don't quite think Tyler Rekks' gimmick fits that of the Corre. The Corre members are very cocky and like to hold their head up high, while Rekks, holds his head down low and sheilds his face by his hair. I don't have a problem with Rekks, he's just not Corre material.
Nah, I think Reks is doing just fine. He's blazing a path of destruction over on Superstars and is getting pretty over as a heel. Besides, with Husky out of Nexus now, the teams are evenly matched.
I've got to admit I do not watch Smackdown. I've got better things to do on Friday nights. But I do keep up with the results.

If you don't watch Smackdown, don't fucking talk about it. the results miss out key things that you can only pick up by actually watching.

To me it seems that I'm not alone in feeling like I have no idea who Tyler Reks is. I've only seen him in action a few times. Once at Bragging Rights, and once last night at the rumble.

So because he's irrelevent he should join the Corre? Truely a great idea from one of the foremost wrestling minds on the board :rolleyes:.

He went up against 4 members of the New Nexus and obviously didn't last very long, but then it hit me... The Corre needs a 5th member,

No they don't.

they need a #2, a David Otunga if you will. So here's my question.

The Corre needs a Starscream?

Do you think Tyler Reks would make a good #2 in the Corre next to Wade?


Think about it, He is still a mystery to pretty much everyone in the WWE Universe, hasn't had any Mic time to speak of.

There's a reason for this. Chances are it's because he's shit on the stick.

What better way to introduce him? He could say stuff like he has admired Wade's initiative to band together and be a dominant force in the WWE. To take what they wanted because they could. He could say he would be honored to fight alongside Wade and the rest of the Corre. This would give him some great Mic time, get us familiar with him, and really push his career. Possibly even start a feud with Kofi for the IC title who knows.

So essentially he should get face time over members of the Corre who are quite frankly better than he is? Tyler Reks has a decent look and should be keps separate from the Corre who have no need nor want for him. Mostly because at it stands all members of the Corre are able to get adiquate time to go out and do their things. With a fifth member that would require either more time to be devoted to the Corre or for each emember to recieve a smaller portion of the limelight. Neither of which is a good thing in the long run.

Let's hear what you guys have to say.

This is a bad idea. End of story.

Nah, I think Reks is doing just fine. He's blazing a path of destruction over on Superstars and is getting pretty over as a heel. Besides, with Husky out of Nexus now, the teams are evenly matched.

:lmao::lmao::lmao: If you think ANYONE gets over on Superstars I want some of what you're smoking. Superstars is where wrestlers who WWE don't care enough about to push and the fans don't care enough about to persuade WWE to push them. The crowd responce is invariably piped in during post production. Which is why the likes of Zack Ryder, Tyler Reks and DH Smith appear to be incredably over, inspite of them showing no signs of life during their matches and entrances that would correspond to the noise they're making.
The Corre doesn't need a 5th member at all and they certainly don't need a new number 2, that place belongs to Ezekiel Jackson. JBL's cabinet consist of only 4 members and Orlando Jordan is their number '2' and Zeke is head and shoulders above him. Zeke can go for the Intercontinental Championship while Gabriel & Slater target the Tag Team Gold. Barrett of course has the World Title in his sights so where will it leave the 5th member? Nexus now only consist of 4 and that should be the maximum number of members in a group that proclaims themselves as 4 'Equals'
I think placing Tyler Reks as the 5th Corre member is a good idea. His persona is much like Mason Ryan's: Tyler is a wrecking machine with a fierce look and no ring personality of his own. He'd make a good follower, which is necessary if he's going to work in Corre.

He needs a way to break permanently onto the Smackdown roster, and joining Barrett's group would do it nicely.
I will admit never seen him in action but hearing about him he sounds so intimidating. As a group member? No thanks. Sounds like a very effective singles competitor and would love to see him step up to Smackdown and start destroying competition on the path to a championship reign.
If Jackson wasn't already a Corre member then I think this would work. The faction needed a big strong musclehead (like Batista in Evolution) and now they have one in Big Zeke.

Tyler Reks could have maybe pulled off this role, he has the look certainly and it would have given him some valuable experience higher up the card and probably some decent mic time too. However, with Zeke there already, Corre do not need him right now.
I don't watch much Smackdown either I've only seen him on Superstars beatin on jobbers. Speaking of Superstars they actually had a halfway decent match last night Daniel Bryan v DiBiase, I was suprised to see the US champ on that show. Anyway I was wondering if they were going to make anything of Reks, they spent 3 months building this guy up to be a badass(granted he was runnin through jobbers every week) but now they've had him lose two in a row to Chris Masters. Either they're trying to get Masters back over after all those injuries and make Reks and Masters into legit mid carders, or Reks is about to go the way of Mark Jindrak Sean O'Haire and Garrison Cade. Don't see him ever joining the Corre
I actually agree with the OP. For some weird reason, Reks fits into Corre to me.

What I would like to see happen is Reks jumping Jackson, somewhere, somehow and The Corre acting surprised. Then, when it comes confrontation time, The Corre turns on Jackson and kicks him out of the group. Thus, Tyler Reks joins The Corre.

It could be a good situation having Gabriel & Slater be the primary Tag Team of the group, but also have Barrett and Reks team here and there. Right away, Reks takes over as the #2 in the group and helps Barrett left and right.

Reks helps in numerous situations, Barrett wins a World Title and after his run is complete, have Barrett and Reks feud. It almost seems like a sure fire route for Reks to take to build up some steam. His name would also being growing and it would be making him ready to take on a bigger role in WWE and receive a major push.

First thing is first, though. Get Jackson out of there and have The Corre feud with him. But inevitably have Reks be the one to land that final blow on Jackson to end the feud with him and go from there.

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