Tyler Breeze to the Main Roster


According to a Nick Paglino Report on Wrestlezone, there is a chance that Tyler Breeze could be called up from NXT to the main roster very soon.

In my Internet browsing, I generally find people to like Breeze, often citing his ring work and consistency in owning his character. Personally, I respect his talents, but he wouldn't rank in the top 5 reasons why I'd watch NXT. This is less of a slight to Breeze than a praise of the product, but I do worry about how he'll transition from the NXT to the WWE field.

Diva's aside, there have been several NXT call ups this year. Owens is by far the standout, and Neville has had some success, while the Ascension has struggled a bit to find traction. I know I'm not touching on everyone, but it's just to show the range of what an NXT to WWE transition can look like.

Back to Breeze, I don't doubt his ability to have quality matches with a variety of talent on the main roster, but his gimmick could be dangerously close to Adam Rose/Fandango territory. If he doesn't connect, he can be put on a back burner very quickly.

So, my questions are thus: What do you make of Tyler Breeze if and when he gets a call up? How do you see him making his main roster debut? And, where do you see him 1 year later?

In the MOST urgent scenario, he could theoretically answer a John Cena US Open Challenge and win the title, thus assuring himself immediate relevance in some capacity. We know Cena is taking some time off, so he'll likely be dropping the belt, though this is the WWE and anything can happen. Also, all signs point to Ziggler/Cena right now, and I don't know how much stock the WWE have in Breeze to give him such a debut.
His current gimmick is a fortuitous one. He is an egotistical prick - a character he plays very well - but if and when he turns Babyface, all he really has to do is change some of his mannerisms and angle his selfie stick to take photos with fans; if they get posted on social media or even wwe.com, the fans will lap that up.

Breeze has a similar look and move set to Dolph Ziggler, and both could seemlessly feud and even tag up, and neither would look out of place. I wouldn't see a tag team happening right away though, as Breeze needs to debut as a heel.

He's been in NXT a while, and seems to be someone Triple H is very proud of (watch the NXT on E documentary to see what I mean), so I do feel he will be given a fair chance in the main roster. He has certainly earned his shot
It all depends on how WWE brings him in. If they actually give him a chance and introduce him to the roster the way he deserves to be, I have no doubt that Breeze will excel. We'll most definitely hear the "gimmick argument" in this thread with Breeze... you know, the one where people argue his gimmick won't "connect" with the main roster audience, but I just don't buy that. NXT is the most popular wrestling show in the world at this point and Tyler Breeze is a big reason for that. He's already proven that he can connect with a large audience in Brooklyn and the guy has too much talent to fall to the wayside.

As for how I see him debuting, I could see him aligning with Ziggler. In a perfect world, he would interfere in a US title match between Ziggler and Cena and cost Cena the match, therefore aligning himself with Dolph. I don't really want to see Ziggler as US champion at all, but I would gladly accept it if it benefits Breeze in a huge way. Also, it would be hilarious to see how these two egos interact on a weekly basis.

A year after his debut, I could see him feuding with Ziggler. It's all hard to say though as a lot can happen in a year. He could be World Champ or he could be future endeavored. Literally.
Oh look, it's Rick Rude/The Model/Shawn Michaels/Johnny Nitro (Morrison)/Fandango

Tyler Breeze can't make it on the main roster with this gimmick, because like Fandango, he doesn't have the chops to play this type of role in fron of 25,000. He just isn't good enough yet.
Tyler Breeze strikes me as one of these 50/50 cases in that he has a good deal of talent and he has a fun gimmick, but he also has something of an "indie look" that might work against him in Vince's eyes and said gimmick could easily be used by Vince to turn him into the next Fandango. I mean, we all pretty much knew that Fandango was pretty much going nowhere after a while and while Breeze's gimmick does have more depth and more to work with, the arrogant, male model persona could wind up keeping him firmly planted in the lower card if Vince wants that to happen. After all, Rick Martel had a similar gimmick back in the day and he never rose anywhere above the lower mid-card and the same thing could easily happen to Breeze as it all just depends on Vince's unpredictable moods and changes of opinion.
Tyler Breeze strikes me as one of these 50/50 cases in that he has a good deal of talent and he has a fun gimmick, but he also has something of an "indie look"

This I agree with. I love Breeze and he is very talented but wondering how the "I Love Myself" gimmick will translate in a big arena. He can go in the ring, but can see a lot of people comparing him to Ziggler, just on looks alone. Depending on how they book him, if he comes up short then that might not be a good thing.

Didn't one of the Diva's have a gimmick where they walked to the ring holding a cell phone or mirror? That didn't work well either, because it was so bad I can't even remember who it was or if they are still on the roster.
i like Breeze's gimmick which is why i dont think he'll get fired after he goes to the main roster. my guess is he'll either main event, be a mid carder or join the tag team scene. personally, i feel that he and Miz or he and Ziggler would excel as a cocky heel tag team. they would be arrogant and obsessed with their looks and appearance, but can still go in the ring and would likely win by hook and crook ways. so, if it were me, i would try him out in a tag team, though my guess is he first debuts as a mid carder.
Didn't one of the Diva's have a gimmick where they walked to the ring holding a cell phone or mirror? That didn't work well either, because it was so bad I can't even remember who it was or if they are still on the roster.

That's one of the Funkadactyles I reckon but sorry I couldn't remember her name either. But ever since she broke with Naomi she had disappeared from the TV.

Coming to the topic about Tyler Breeze, I might probably not agree with you completely on this because I feel like he's popular so he might connect with the fans easily. But the only concern in my verdict is, his "Beauty Shot" might not be enough as a finisher in the Main Roster.

Tyler Breeze strikes me as one of these 50/50 cases in that he has a good deal of talent and he has a fun gimmick, but he also has something of an "indie look" that might work against him in Vince's eyes and said gimmick could easily be used by Vince to turn him into the next Fandango. I mean, we all pretty much knew that Fandango was pretty much going nowhere after a while and while Breeze's gimmick does have more depth and more to work with, the arrogant, male model persona could wind up keeping him firmly planted in the lower card if Vince wants that to happen. After all, Rick Martel had a similar gimmick back in the day and he never rose anywhere above the lower mid-card and the same thing could easily happen to Breeze as it all just depends on Vince's unpredictable moods and changes of opinion.

I agree with this.

Breeze reminds me of 2 guys in particular: Dolph Ziggler and the Miz. Both have the cocky heel persona and have played it to success at points in their careers. Both have won multiple titles and have tweaked their characters over time. Ziggler got over on ring work, while the Miz did it on the mic. 10 years from now, if Breeze can look back and have a comparable career to either of those guys, I'd say he was more than successful.

However, both Ziggler and Miz have struggled quite a bit as well. It's easier to see it with Miz, as he went from main eventing Wrestlemania to falling off the face of the Earth, but Ziggler has also had periods where not much was going on.

I don't think Breeze will have much of a problem on debut. Usually, an initial feud or storyline is planned out reasonably well. But afterward, I have doubts.
I think his best bet is as part of a tag team rather than them going the usual singles route. Barrett recently said he wanted a partner, he and Breeze could be an interesting pairing for a mid term run in the division as their styles would kind of compliment each other and they're both pretty narcissistic gimmicks.

Before his concussion, Adam Rose would also have been a good choice for this - they tried out a new team for him but he and Breeze would be another good combination of "pretty boy" gimmicks.

The other option of course is to go "Beauty & The Beast", and the obvious choice is to bring Rhyno up with Breeze as his partner/bodyguard. Rhyno being on the roster again would be good to see and it'd give Breeze a boost at the start to have someone to back him up but also to turn face on him when he insults them once too often, maybe in the Rumble.
While I like Breeze I don't see much success for him on the main roster. He's been putting over other guys in NXT for quite a while now and I can't help but think that he'll have a very similar role on the main roster. His best bet is being in a tag team where he can make a decent heel team and get a run at the titles, but that's not really a high ceiling. Again I like the guy and tbh I wish he was doing more in NXT but if similarly talented or better guys like Bo and Neville aren't doing much on the main roster I don't see a better outcome for him.
They could put a turd in a singlet, have it wrestle in NXT for a month and I'd beam like a proud father when it got called up to the main roster. On the whole, NXT doesn't produce turds in singlets, they produce very good wrestlers with strong characters. Tyler Breeze joins that list along with Big E, Bray Wyatt, Charlotte, Rusev, Bo Dallas, The Boss, Kevin Owens and Neville.

There's one name I left off that list, despite my feeling that he's a very good wrestler with a strong character: Adam Rose. That's my fear for Tyler Breeze - he becomes another Adam Rose. When a wrestler's so intrinsically linked with his character, that's always the possibility. On the other hand, you could be Bray Wyatt, which is arguably a different kind of cautionary tale.

In the business where people found success emulating Tony Montana and The Crow, there's no reason that Derek Zoolander would be off-limits, and that's how Tyler Breeze was born. I originally thought Breeze was little more than a solid hand but he went up in my estimation after a spectacular match with Sami Zayn at NXT Takeover. He has what it takes, I wish him the best of luck and, for once, I'm envious of the people who watch three hours of that Raw shite.

Edit: If anybody wants to see Tyler Breeze at his absolute best, refer to the aforementioned Sami Zayn match and also the August 14th NXT from last year in which he faces Adrian Neville for the NXT title, which is phenomenal.
Tyler Breeze is a poor man's Dolph Ziggler. We already have one and we do not need another. Mr Breeze will join such legends as Zack Ryder, Adam Rose and Brad Maddox in the jobber pool.
If he get called up with this gimmick, he's going to be pretty much stuck with the fandango & adam rose of the WWE within five month. The guy is a great worker but outside of rick martel, the model gimmick as never work well for WWE. And in this day and age when wrestling fans want more real character and less cartoony character, it won't help him at all since all the NXT wrestlers that got called up with an cartoony character have all fail on the main roster.
I love me some Breeze, but on the main roster, as as solo guy, he's a mid-card high flyer and basically and an enhancement talent. The way I see it, he's a bound to mid-card and tag-team kinda guy. No matter how much you think the NXT crowd loves him it won't help on the main roster. Just ask Kevin Owens and the other plethora of talent that has come from NXT that are all now stuck in limbo doing jack shit. So, dont think I'm shitting on Breeze, please ( wow ), but at this point you have to see it from the Vince and the bookers point of view really. Unless he gets over like DB, he ain't going nowhere near the top.

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