Tyler Black to WWE, ROH Title with him?


Wrestling pro with JC Epick someday
As an interview on ROH with Tyler Black stated, he intends to take the ROH Heavyweight Title with him to Monday Night RAW(?) as he stated. Do you think this will happen, even temporarily? Would the WWE allow this, as it would be exposure for ROH? What would happen to the title if he were to actually follow through with this?

I'm not sure that ROH OR WWE would allow this, as ROH would lose a title, and WWE would expose the ROH to more of their fans. Doing this would be like Vince openly saying, "Hey, there's this other company on Spike TV too." in reference to TNA. I personally don't know what good it would do the WWE to have that title on him anyways, so I think it would just be like dead weight. Thoughts?

(Sorry if it's in the wrong Forum. I figured since he's going to the WWE, presumably...)
Indeed just a promo, a British wrestler by the name of Martin Stone or something like that was been doing the same thing, saying he was signed by WWE and taking his belt with him.

Black will probably win at Glory by Honor 9 to freak people out, then lose on his last night which will probably be the next night on HDNet.
That would never happen for two reasons a) ROH wouldn't want to lose their title and b) WWE won't want to advertise another wrestling promotion. If he did bring the title with him I think he would be like Dibiase never defending it having it to flaunt. But I'm almost positive it won't happen.
Black will probably win at Glory by Honor 9 to freak people out, then lose on his last night which will probably be the next night on HDNet.

Kinda what I was thinking, I'm pretty sure I just forgot to write that in. I was thinking since neither company would allow it, it would just be a way to gain heat.
What the others said, this is most likely not going to happen.

Roh probaly wouldnt want their belt to be drafted to another program, kinda like the ECW stuff was, its just useless.

And, yeah, WWE wouldnt want any attention to go to a brand that has better wrestling than them, obviously, why the never said TNA, other than that one time with Kaval, heh.
I was going to post this same thread earlier, but here are my thoughts:

I'm sure that this is simply a promo and storyline to get Black heat and drop the title, but I think ROH and WWE could use this. Why not have Black win and show up on a Raw as the ROH World Champion. This would show Black was the best somewhere else, and let the fans know he is for real. WWE could even establish and ROH stable. CM Punk, Black, Daniel Bryan, Kaval, Bourne and even throw in Striker if you want. Maybe you could have Danielson show up at GBH and cost Strong the match. WWE could use the footage. They could preach about WRESTLING and not being the biggest, etc etc. You get the idea...(This is just a freak idea, I dont think it WILL happen, but it would be fun to see)

Why are some people saying WWE wouldn't give another company exposure is beyond me. They did the same exact thing with ECW. ECW was brought in giving it proper exposure. Vince knew ECW was never a threat, and he developed a good relationship with them. ECW was around the same time as WCW was, Vince never actually mentioned WCW. This is the same situation. ROH is a very good, but still regional promotion. Most likely, it is going to take a miracle for ROH to compete with WWE. And with WWE signing several stars from there, it might be a good business idea. ROH can be mentioned and you will NEVER hear TNA mentioned because in Vince's eyes, they dont have to be. They are nowhere near his level.

I think WWE should bring Black in with the title and allow him to drop it somehow at an ROH event. It would build some nice fuel for Black as well as create a good storyline. I'd love to see the ROH stable in WWE.

But in all reality, I feel Black will win at GBH and then either hand the title back over, or the ROH locker room will TAKE it back. Maybe someone like Homicide shows up and saves ROH.
Yeah I would bank on this not happening. For one I doubt ROH would let it happen and Vince wouldn't want to give them free publicity anyways. There really is nothing for either company to gain from this, the only person who gains anything would be Black himself, he is just creating hype and garnering attention for himself. On the off chance it did happen, I'd expect there would be huge trouble for the WWE for letting it happen and ROH would make some money off of it, but it would have to happen first, which it won't. It's just a stunt to get his name out there even more.
This will NEVER EVER happen

Santino has a better chance of unifying the belt at Wrestlemania than this happening and it has nothing to do with WWE. ROH would never let their belt go away. The only reason it happened with ECW/ and Mike Awesome was people were on handshake agreements with Heyman at the end and he took advantage of it. ROH woudl get nothing out of it look what happened when Taz appeared with belt and got squashed by HHH. I expect Tyler will go to FCW instead of a direct debut nd might even have to go through Tough Enough...I mean Nexus 3
No that will never happen, it was just a promo to gain him some extra heat and maybe put some doubt into the fans minds at to wether or not he will lose it in his next defence. Neither company would let that happen, ROH wouldnt want to lose their world championship and Vince wouldnt want to acknowledge the competition.
This is just a way to draw heat. The Dudleys did the same thimg back in '99 with the ECW tag titles. They said they were gonna take the tag tag titles up I-95 and place them on the desk of Vince McMahon but ended up loosing the belts to Raven and Dreamer.
And for those of you who forgot, CM Punk did the exact same thing with the ROH title five years ago. ROH isn't ECW of the 90's, when no one watched it but at least the mainstream knew what it was. (Thanks, Vince.) ROH is still a small organization with little buzz in the widespread wrestling world. There's no value in appearing on WWE television with the ROH title; you might as well walk in with the Ambrosia County Fair Championship title for all the recognition it will get with that audience.
This won't happen. ROH values the belt way too much, and WWE wouldn't allow another company to gain that much exposure. It's simple really: Would you allow your champion to leave your company with your belt? Hell no. Vince is an egotist anyway, in his eyes there is no competition just WWE, that belt would mean jack to him.
I can't believe that no-one so far has mentioned the fact that the ROH belt is LEGALLY ROH PROPERTY, THEREFORE IF WWE USE IT ON A BROADCAST THEY CAN BE SUED!!!!!

I don't think Vince would be against promoting ROH, because that coud take attention away from TNA, more so than it would from WWE anyway. Don't forget, Vince promoted ECW to build relations and take attention from WCW.......

I still think it's very unlikely that Black will leave ROH as champ anyway
Why are people saying it will never happen. IT HAS HAPPENED. ECW had matches on RAW. Have people forgot about this?


So it is not like WWE has never worked with smaller companies before. So could Black show up on RAW or Smackdown with the ROH title and maybe even lose it on a WWE show to another ROH wrestler? It could happen. Will it? I am 99.99999% sure it won't. ROH doesn't have a "home base" like ECW had. So if Black had a match even in a big ROH town very few people would know who he was. Plus back then they were in a smaller building so if the handful of people in the building were ECW fans it seemed like a lot.

For it to work at all there would almost have to be some kind of ROH invasion. With the Nexus story line going on right now that is not going to happen. Or they could run vignettes with Black showing off the title while showing clips of his ROH matches. You could run them for a month to get people to know him. While still working shows for ROH. When he debuts Black can have some challenges. This can go on for a few weeks beating jobbers. Then have Strong or Aries show up. The announcers could put him over saying he is from ROH. In his early debut vignettes a few of the matches could have been with Strong/Aries. So the fans kinda know them. They pin Black for the belt. Black can come out the next week saying he doesn't need that title anymore and start going after the IC/Us title.

Overall WWE giving ROH some TV time and making a interesting story line won't hurt WWE at all. Very few people get HDnet so it is not like people will be able to get a ton of exposure to ROH.

But I think he will be thrown in FCW then show up on NXT if it is still going. If not I hope some kind of tag team or they give him an ok gimmick and let him wrestle on Smackdown.
Point is WWE has no reason to showcase ROH. WWE has no competition like they did when they brought in ECW in the late 90's. And I honestly think the average WWE/Wrestling fan is oblivious to most indy wrestling including ROH that isnt local to them.

I just don't see them giving ROH any acknowledgement what so ever. Its good for ROH to mention Black is going to WWE to build up momentum.

This will NEVER EVER happen

Santino has a better chance of unifying the belt at Wrestlemania than this happening and it has nothing to do with WWE. ROH would never let their belt go away. The only reason it happened with ECW/ and Mike Awesome was people were on handshake agreements with Heyman at the end and he took advantage of it. ROH woudl get nothing out of it look what happened when Taz appeared with belt and got squashed by HHH. I expect Tyler will go to FCW instead of a direct debut nd might even have to go through Tough Enough...I mean Nexus 3

This only happened because as we know Vince had been supplying ECW for a while and had let them appeared before. Plus he probably felt a bit sorry (Guarentee I'm wrong) for taking Taz and the Dudleys.
Clearly, none of you ever worked in an Indy promotion like ROH (and yes, it IS still Indy). The champion does not travel with the belts, the promoter does. The promoter brings the belts to the shows and distributes them to the champion. They're a prop piece like anything else.

WWE and probably, TNA champions travel with the belts because of all the personal appearances they do. Independents like ROH, CZW, WXW and even FCW don't allow champions to carry the belts outside of events.
A situation like this does have it's pros and cons. Obviously, taking the ROH World Title and showing it on WWE television would definitely give ROH publicity. They basically would be plugging Ring Of Honor and make a big deal out if, which would help ROH gain more fans.

The bad thing about this obviously is that ROH would be losing their world title and everything it stood for. That would be the ultimate disrespect to a company that cherishes their belts and especially for someone who ROH helped build. But to me, this storyline is interesting.
Also, I think if there was going to be some kind of story line with Black bringing the title to WWE it would have already been worked out. I think they would have came out and said WWE and not dancing around using words like Raw or WWE. There was none of that last night. So he will drop it sometime before leaving.
Like someone already stated, CM Punk did this exact same thing with the ROH world title. He played the "I'm better than all of you 'cause I'm going to WWE...AND TAKING YOUR BELT WITH ME!!" So then everyone wanted to see him lose the title...so when he finally lost the title it was a huge moment! :D Its a cool thing to do, I'm surprised not many people remember CM Punk doing the same thing though. I remember sooo many people believing he really was going to bring the ROH world title onto WWE tv, it was funny.

Anyway, yeah no doubt Tyler Black is doing the same thing. He is helping to put over the guy who takes the title from him which is the best thing to do.

"This is just a way to draw heat. The Dudleys did the same thimg back in '99 with the ECW tag titles. They said they were gonna take the tag tag titles up I-95 and place them on the desk of Vince McMahon but ended up loosing the belts to Raven and Dreamer." ---I was there when this happened and everyone was shocked as shit when the Dudleys beat Balls and Spike I believe. The Dudleys came out at the end of the show, gave a speech called out Dreamer, as the Dudleys beat on Dreamer, Raven who returned from WCW that night, (earlier in the show the crowd chanted "We want Raven" during a Paul Heyman promo, to which Heyman replied "You can see him in 90 days"). The reason why I am adding on to this, is cause I could see a similar situation play out next Saturday night. GBH is where everyone expects Black to drop the strap at. What ROH can do, is have the Black match about mid card, and have Black retain. The crowd will have a "Holy Shit" now what reaction moment, at the end of the night Black comes out cuts his farewell promo, saying how he beat this one and that one and there's no one left blah blah blah, and then HOMICIDE comes out, returns to ROH and takes the belt off Black and thats that. There is ZERO chance that belt goes with him to WWE, espially if he debuts on NXT tonite, which I am expecting.
Black aint going to RAW anyway. He has to learn how to wrestle and start from the bottom like everyone else. FCW for at least 8 months for him I am afraid.

So this isn't happening, because he wont be on RAW for a LONG time.
ECW was only allowed on RAW because a lot of the WWF guys were doing an overseas tour and Vince figured it would be less money to pay ECW guys for a bit, then bring their whole production crew, setup etc. overseas. He did it to save money first and foremost. He didn't give two shits about ECW.

As everyone has said, this won't happen. Mainly because Black is going to FCW first, he's not ready at all for Raw. His promos are shit at best and he has no personality. He's good in the ring but that means shit in WWE. The best chance for this happening was when CM Punk was going to do it. The main difference between Punk doing it and Black doing it; is that CM Punk had the promo ability to actually pull it off in a good way. Tyler on the other hand doesn't.
Although it would be pretty cool to see Black take the belt with him to WWE, it just wouldn't happen. Niether party would gain anything from this. WWE would just be promoting another company, which IMO would not be much and ROH would have lost their top belt. I just do not see this happening, but if it does it would be pretty cool. So, do not get your hopes up.
No way will they allow him to bring his title. He will lose it and probably show up with a wack name like "Jeeves Mckenzie" and never make it past dark matches.
I don't think this will happen, its just a storyline to increase the interest in Blacks final days in ROH.

I would love to see it actually happen though, as WWE did give ECW some TV time in the early days of Raw (as a sort of thank you for taking all their talent), and Tazz defended the ECW title on SD against HHH, but I dont think it will happen again.

Vince seems more against mentioning other wrestling companies now than he used to be, which is why Christian and R-Truth are not put forward as former NWA world champions.

For this reason, I don't think Tyler Black will bring the ROH belt to WWE with him

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