Two Predictions


1. Ryback will be Apollo Crews first feud. Vince loves to pair like physiques. I can see him getting his jollies seeing a muscled up Ebony versus Ivory.

2. Jericho will be Nakamura's first feud. No real stretch on my part here due to Jericho's Tweets. I see Jericho doing a run in through the crowd on an NXT show hitting Nakamura with the codebreaker as Nakamura's opponent gets the win. Nakamura will respond on Raw as his debut. His awesome music will hit during a Highlight Reel with Jericho in the ring. An individual will perform Nakamura's entrance but will be revealed to be Funaki as he hits the white lights towards the end of the ramp. The house lights will come up to show Nakamura in the ring behind Jericho. Jericho turns as Nakamura introduces left knee,right knee, 1 knee, 2 knee and many more to Jericho as the place goes ape shit.
It's entirely possible. Ryback could be seen as a stepping stone feud for Crews, especially since he's the big powerhouse meathead. It's also kind of fun to see someone built like Crews facing another powerhouse while being able to pull out some types of offense more common for a wrestler a good 30 pounds or more heavier.

Jericho vs. Nakamura is also possible and the groundwork was laid a little while back as Jericho & Nakamura had some sort of brief Twitter "feud" not long after Nakamura was signed. Jericho is also someone that WWE has come to count on for being able to help put over younger talent in quality programs and if they want to guarantee Nakamura makes a strong first impression on the main roster, Jericho is essentially a sure and safe bet.
1. Very possible. Although it seemed Ryback was due for more than this, at one point not long ago. To be fed to Crews as his first main roster feud seems a bit of a drop for him.

2. If you are talking main roster feud, then possibly but I think that'll be down the line. I fully expect Nakamura and Ballor to have a battle before Ballor's move up to the main roster and then Nakamura have a run with the NXT belt.
1. Ryback will be Apollo Crews first feud. Vince loves to pair like physiques. I can see him getting his jollies seeing a muscled up Ebony versus Ivory.

2. Jericho will be Nakamura's first feud. No real stretch on my part here due to Jericho's Tweets. I see Jericho doing a run in through the crowd on an NXT show hitting Nakamura with the codebreaker as Nakamura's opponent gets the win. Nakamura will respond on Raw as his debut. His awesome music will hit during a Highlight Reel with Jericho in the ring. An individual will perform Nakamura's entrance but will be revealed to be Funaki as he hits the white lights towards the end of the ramp. The house lights will come up to show Nakamura in the ring behind Jericho. Jericho turns as Nakamura introduces left knee,right knee, 1 knee, 2 knee and many more to Jericho as the place goes ape shit.

I think Crews will probably feud with somebody less credible like Stardust.

I could see him facing Nakamura. Jericho seems to love him some young talent.

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