Two major predictions.... What are yours?


Dark Match Winner
I think this kind of thread could be fun, but you never know.

As I've been watching WWE lately, I keep waiting for some major plot line twists. Here is what I predict will be 2 major things in the near future.

1. AJ Lee and Punk will reveal they have been in cahoots together. Not sure when this will happen, but I wouldn't be surprised if it resulted in Punk beating Cena/Rock for the title on the Raw after WM or at WM. I can see AJ arranging the match and somehow insuring that Punk wins the title again.

2. I expect Ryback to make a huge heel turn at Night of Champions. Ryback and Punk haven't exchanged blows yet and I think there is a reason for it. I expect him to come down to the ring, somehow manages to enter the Cell, and give an appearance that he is there to save an injured Cena. That's when he destroys him and joins Heyman's crew.
Plus, while the fans have started getting behind Ryback, you can't deny the Goldberg references. He was WAY over last night on RAW which is why I can see him making the turn. People don't want to see another Goldberg streak. They would rather see it ended by a face. What better way to do this than to turn him heel, join Lesnar and Punk, dominate for awhile as an enforcer, and then lose to someone major at WM.

What are your thoughts?

And what are your 2 major predictions that will happen in the near future?

Don't forget a reason behind why you think your predicted events may happen, this is a non-spam area and you risk getting infracted if you spam.
um you dont watch wrestling too offten i bet because night of champions is over been 2 weeks i think and ryback is much better as a face character right now i like your first prediction and my second one will be because punk likes to demand respect i think hes gonna have a date with the deadman at wm 29
I think this kind of thread could be fun, but you never know.

As I've been watching WWE lately, I keep waiting for some major plot line twists. Here is what I predict will be 2 major things in the near future.

1. AJ Lee and Punk will reveal they have been in cahoots together. Not sure when this will happen, but I wouldn't be surprised if it resulted in Punk beating Cena/Rock for the title on the Raw after WM or at WM. I can see AJ arranging the match and somehow insuring that Punk wins the title again.

2. I expect Ryback to make a huge heel turn at Night of Champions. Ryback and Punk haven't exchanged blows yet and I think there is a reason for it. I expect him to come down to the ring, somehow manages to enter the Cell, and give an appearance that he is there to save an injured Cena. That's when he destroys him and joins Heyman's crew.
Plus, while the fans have started getting behind Ryback, you can't deny the Goldberg references. He was WAY over last night on RAW which is why I can see him making the turn. People don't want to see another Goldberg streak. They would rather see it ended by a face. What better way to do this than to turn him heel, join Lesnar and Punk, dominate for awhile as an enforcer, and then lose to someone major at WM.

What are your thoughts?

And what are your 2 major predictions that will happen in the near future?

Just want to let you know that NOC has already come and gone. You're talking about Hell In A Cell. I do like your first prediction and I was actually thinking about that last night. Ryback is waaaay too over to be turned this early. Let him get more established, then turn him.

MY first prediction would be that SCSA returns to confront Punk. There is a report on the main page where Austin fires back at Punk after last night.

MY second prediction is that Punk beats Rock at Rumble and goes over Austin at Mania.

2. I expect Ryback to make a huge heel turn at Night of Champions. Ryback and Punk haven't exchanged blows yet and I think there is a reason for it. I expect him to come down to the ring, somehow manages to enter the Cell, and give an appearance that he is there to save an injured Cena. That's when he destroys him and joins Heyman's crew.
Plus, while the fans have started getting behind Ryback, you can't deny the Goldberg references. He was WAY over last night on RAW which is why I can see him making the turn. People don't want to see another Goldberg streak. They would rather see it ended by a face. What better way to do this than to turn him heel, join Lesnar and Punk, dominate for awhile as an enforcer, and then lose to someone major at WM.

I said this last week immediately after the Ryback/Punk staredown. I envisage Ryback coming down to 'help' Cena, ripping off the door to the HIAC and entering. He will then turn on Cena gifting Punk the title.

Ryback is getting over, but he doesn't have a mouth piece to reach that next level. Putting him with Paul Heyman (and Punk) would be a stroke of genius at this present time. Heyman can do for Ryback what he did for Brock Lesnar. Punk can do for Ryback what he didnt do for Mason Ryan. CM Punk (WWE Champ), Ryback (IC Champ) and Paul Heyman would be a fantastic trio. Even Punk would benefit from having a monster like Ryback at his side.

WWE are pushing Sheamus as the 'number two guy' to Cena. They also have Randy Orton to fall back on. WWE really lacks those killer heels at the moment. When Ryback has reached the level they want him at, then turn him face and see his popularity explode. Turning on Heyman always draws cheers.

I back you on this.
I strongly agree with the first part of this. But the second part I would put a twist. Now I know WWE has said they wont pursue any "other" wrestlers, but my prediction for late this year or early next year would be to have Flair manage Ryback. That duo right there would get Ryback way over IMO.
I agree with you that Ryback doesn't have a "voice" in the WWE. He intimidates with his look, but if he was with Heyman, he can work on his mic skills behind the scenes.

Not only could I see both of them holding belts, but if is determined that AJ has been with Punk all along, I could see them letting her be the next Divas Champion and creating a DX-type stable where they held most of the major belts.

Turning Ryback just makes sense to me though because like you said, they need some other strong heels. They have plenty of popular faces, but they need someone just as strong as a heel to help matches become worthy of their hype for PPVs.

I said this last week immediately after the Ryback/Punk staredown. I envisage Ryback coming down to 'help' Cena, ripping off the door to the HIAC and entering. He will then turn on Cena gifting Punk the title.

Ryback is getting over, but he doesn't have a mouth piece to reach that next level. Putting him with Paul Heyman (and Punk) would be a stroke of genius at this present time. Heyman can do for Ryback what he did for Brock Lesnar. Punk can do for Ryback what he didnt do for Mason Ryan. CM Punk (WWE Champ), Ryback (IC Champ) and Paul Heyman would be a fantastic trio. Even Punk would benefit from having a monster like Ryback at his side.

WWE are pushing Sheamus as the 'number two guy' to Cena. They also have Randy Orton to fall back on. WWE really lacks those killer heels at the moment. When Ryback has reached the level they want him at, then turn him face and see his popularity explode. Turning on Heyman always draws cheers.

I back you on this.
Whenever Ziggler cashes in the briefcse he will lose to Sheamus. Sheamus is on a huge roll and I don't see it stopping anytime soon. There has been alot of talk lately about who the WWE will try to make into the next Cena and I really think Sheamus is their guy. Being their guy, they are going to want to make him look as strong as possible and what better way then to have him do what no other wrestler has by beating a guy cashing in the briefcase right after a grueling match. the idea of Ryback turning heel...but it is honestly way too early...he shouldnt even be in this punk/cena angle in the first place either...

But if he does turn heel during this punk cena angle this is how i see it going down...well a very far fetched but still rather cool idea for how it could happen...
  • runs in at HIAC and rips off the door...attacks cena
  • pulls punk over him and heyman raises both their hands after the 3 count...
  • survivor series is Team WWE (HHH & Cena+others) V.S. Team HEYMAN (punk, ryback,lesner+others)
  • punk and lesner argue and lesner F-5's punk...then he walks out
  • cena locks in STF on punk
  • ryback watches punk then looks back at lesner...they nod at each other then lesner runs back in & they start to demolish everyone
  • next night on raw heyman cuts a promo kicking punk out of the group and praising ryback & lesner's teamwork...
  • AT TLC we get a fatal four way TLC match (rybackl w./lesner&heyman v.s punk v.s cena)
  • ryback's about to climb the ladder and get the belt when lesner pushes the ladder down and then he climbs up to get the belt himself...
  • then we watch the drama of there not being a WWE champion for rock to face at the rumble... Lesner says he wont wrestle until Wrestlemania so the rocks gonna have to wait till then...but then Rock says thats ok but he still needs and opponent for the royal rumble...Cena comes out and accepts...we see another classic match that gets a ton of buys for WWE
  • at wrestlemania we see punk vs cena and lesner vs rock...Ryback ends up fighting undertaker and we dont care beacuse WWE gets like a billion buys for Rock vs Lesner... that is so far fetched and it would never happen but man it would be cool...
go ahead tell me how much you hate it...
My first prediction has to do with the WWE Championship. I'm not sure if a lot of you have heard, but there are rumors and pictures around that claim there is a new WWE Championship being made. Of course somebody has to debut the championship, and here is what I think will happen. Sometime before the Royal Rumle, I think Cena will regain the WWE title. I think no matter who will be the WWE Champ by Royal Rumble time, it will be a triple threat match between Cena, Punk, and The Rock. I predict that Dwayne Johnson will win the WWE Title off of Cena, and the two will restart their feud. Of course Johnson's usual promos towards Cena consist of him being a "fruity pebble" and Johnson insulting Cena's fanbase, so I think Dwayne should also hate the WWE spinner title that Cena created. I think he will ditch the spinner title, claiming it is nothing but a toy, and claim he wants to bring the prestige back to the WWE Championship. He will debut a new title. Then Cena and The Rock will fight in a rematch at Wrestlemania, and Cena will win. Of course the title will stay, and from then on they will use the new WWE championship for the title.

As for my other prediction, it regards CM Punk. Now I think this one is more of a wish rather than a prediction, but I think Punk was turned heel for a bigger reason. I think they were planning ahead of time, for a feud with Stone Cold Steve Austin. The two are nearly complete opposites, and we all know how good these two could be in the ring together. I can just imagine the things this two can come up with when cutting promos, and it'd be a fantastic bout to see. So heel Punk will take on Austin at Wrestlemania, and then I think Austin will beat the straight edge superstar on the grandest stage of them all. Then Austin will take a couple of Steveweisers, and pour them down on CM Punk.

One last prediction I'm going to make, also has to do with The Undertaker. For the last four years now, we've seen Taker beat HBK two years in a row, then Triple H two years in a row. This year, I think all three will fight in a triple threat match. It seemed like that's what they were leading to towards the end of the feud last year between HHH and Taker. Of course with HHH apparently being retired, it makes this specific prediction a little less possible. But HBK has been retired for a good while now, so I can definitely see it happening. It's something that could really end well in this HHH/Taker/HBK saga, and I think all three of these guys could put on a fantastic match. On top of that, we'd get to see The Heartbreak Kid back in action one last time. I predict of course that Undertaker will win in this match, and that will finally put an end to it.

If all three of these predictions were to come true, I have no doubt that this could be one of the best Wrestlemanias to date. It'd be filled with so much classic homage, that it would probably be enough to even draw in fans who are no longer as interested in the program. If they hear guys like Steve Austin, The Rock, Taker, HHH, and HBK are all competing in a match, there's no way that the buys wouldn't go straight through the roof. The sad thing is I've never been very good at predicting things, and we all know how much WWE likes to screw up opportunities. Sadly most of these matches won't happen, but I will predict that no matter what...Wrestlemania will be a good show. With guys like The Rock, Cena, Punk, and everyone else on the roster, we know that those guys will find a way to entertain us all as much as possible.
My Two:-

Jerry Lawler wins the WWF Title - Sounds crazy I know, but I really think the pre-heart attack feud with Punk was heading somewhere, towards Jerry being a transitional champ like Bob Backlund was in the 90's. He might only hold it for a night, but I could still see a scenario where Jerry says he's only going to risk his life to wrestle again if it's against Punk and it's for the title. Win or lose he is done after the match.

Someone screws Punk over and Jerry gets the shock win. Jerry plans to retire as champion but AJ books him against Brock (who wins the title) - Vince overrules it and vacates the belt - Which pisses the Rock off so Vince books Rock, Cena, Punk and Brock all in the Royal Rumble... the winner is the WWE champion... which in turn pisses Booker T off as he thinks Smackdown is being disadvantaged. Vince agrees and says the night after the Rumble, DRAFT...and both he and AJ are FIRED!

It would be controversial to let Jerry wrestle in this way, but also the most fitting end to his career, everyone on the planet almost now knows who Jerry Lawler is...and if he is going to wrestle again, it needs to be something major and memorable. Much as Rock v Cena or Punk at the Rumble would pop a buy rate, it can wait. This would give the fans a real feelgood moment and make the Rumble and Mania wide open... if nothing else, the rating for the RAW Punk v Jerry match would be through the roof.

Jericho v Undertaker - There is no logic for Jericho to beat Taker, we all know it prolongs the streak another year. How many really have interest in HHH or Shawn against Taker again? . If they are not ready to have Taker end the streak (against Barrett, the only logical choice to beat him) then I'd bet we see Jericho face the dead man at Mania.
I predict that Damien Sandow will get an unexpected push in the same manner as Jack Swagger. He'll be an extra person among some who are hyped to succeed and either capture the money in the bank or win the royal rumble. I only predict this because he's one of HHH's boys.

I predict (and really fucking hope) that the WWE learns that their product improved as a whole by offering more creative effort to the tag team division and decides to take the women's division as seriously. Female wrestlers from Shimmer and Japan start entering the fold.

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Honestly, I was not expecting to see the Creative Team pushing Ryback so high so quickly. I don't think there is a going to be a feud between CM Punk and Ryback bu I wanna see Brock Lesnar enter into this equation. Maybe Lesnar will return to be a Paul Heyman Guy and defends CM Punk from Ryback. Lesnar still has a lot more appearances on his contract, I think, and this could really push Ryback more...
Sometimes I ask myself how long most of you have been watching the WWF/WWE. I have seen so many generic/recycled storylines in this thread alone that I almost punched myself in the face.

Personally, I think injecting Ryback into anything that involved the Main Event is a horrible idea. He came back, squashed jobbers in twos, and suddenly hes having staredowns with CM Punk? What?

My 2 predictions:

1) Something changes. Something NEEDS to change. This PG garbage has GOT to go. The writing team needs an overhaul, and somebody worthwhile needs a rub from the big guys. The tag team division is finally getting some fresh air... A few weeks ago, I laughed at how stupid "Rhodes Scholars" sounded, but then it dawned on me... The golden era of tag team wrestling was the late 80's/early 90's and it was littered with cheesy names! The Mega Powers, The Moondogs, The Blade Runners, Badd Company/Orient Express, Hollywood Blonds, Money Inc, Soul Patrol, etc. I could go on and on... but I don't have to. The Tag Team division is back, so lets hope for the best! I predict a decent tournament.

2) CM Punk is going to manage to hold this title until Wrestlemania, barring any stupidity from the writing team. That being said, I give him until November. Of this year. They always ruin things.
My prediction is that CM punk will win at Hell in a Cell but will have a rematch the next night this is where Brock Lesnar will do a run in and DQ the match.

The week after Heyman turns on CM Punk and goes back to Brock and setting up a match between CM Punk vs Brock for the title no DQ match at Survivor Series.

Punk will win the match due to Triple H running in and beats up Brock which later they set up a rematch between Triple H vs Brock at TLC or maybe Rumble.
The more I keep thinking about Ryback turning heel, I think the WWE will really try to suck the fans in that night.

He has already beaten the Miz once and I wouldn't be surprised if they matched the two up at HIAC. They will let Ryback go over Miz in a convincing fashion and the crowd will go nuts. That will make his heel turn at the end of the night an even bigger deal.

All I know at this point though is I can't wait for the Raw after HIAC. We should definitely see some new storylines pick up with Survivor Series coming soon.

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