Twitter Wars - Y2J vs The Miz


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Just noticed there is a funny little twitter war between those two.

The Miz has written this on his twitter: "Ladies n gentlemen ur host for the metal awards RT @JoeyStyles: RT @IAmJericho: Team Chericho...Nuff Said!"

To which Jericho responded: "Ladies and gentlemen, your WWE Champion.... @mikethemiz"

The Miz's response was: "Really? Ur gonna make fun of old pics of me Really? Sweet pony tail my mom had the same one."

Jericho said: "Pre fauxhawk, the Miz had Beiber fever..."

To which Miz replied: "@iamjericho or simple jack? "You never go full ******.""

The next tweet of this war was: "The Miz steals yet another gimmick....."

Miz replied with: Team cherichos debut outfits for dwts.

And Jerichos final tweet for now was: "Not sure how WWE champ The Miz is going to be able to explain this one...." - Ps this was a win.

I myself dont have twitter, but after seeing there are such entertaining verbal battles there, I might open an account - reading the above was more entertaining than every match in NXT Season 3 combined!

Why I'm even posting this? I sometimes see twitter wars here on the news, so I thought this one was at least worthy of a forum thread :p

Anyhow, feel free to discuss.
I actually laughed quite a bit over this Twitter battle between Y2J and The Miz. Even outside the WWE, Jericho is doing his part to bring attention to the WWE, as well as school him a bit in good promo cutting. Associating with a great promo man like Jericho can only benefit The Miz. From what I gather from this battle, it's just a couple of guys that are just giving each other some crap and having fun with each other.

I also see this as Jericho trying to help The Miz get over more as a heel. Perhaps Jericho knows that The Miz is having trouble staying relevant at a time where The Rock and John Cena are definitely overshadowing the WWE Champion. Miz would be wise to learn promo skills and trash talking from the man who had plenty of great, if not the best, verbal battles with The Rock in the last decade.
Nice to see them entertaining the fans off TV. That was very old school Y2J, which gives me a sense of hope that he when he returns after Dancing with the Star that he'll be back to his old persona, instead of the narcissist. Although that gimmick thought me an awful lot of insults to make me people flabbergasted by when you refered to them by one.
To me, this just proves that the Miz still has so much left to learn when it comes to being a dick. I mean, it feels like Jericho wasn't even trying and he made Miz look silly. I don't think Miz is bad, mind you, but he's still got a long way to go before he's a legend like Jericho.
Its hilarious. Love the twitter feuds that have been going on lately. Bret hart v Hogan.....Cm punk v. Shawn jericho v. miz.....And especially the rock v cena. Love how Jericho claimed mix was stealing his gimmick with the body guard type claiming riley was like ralphus.
this is the biggest mismatch ever. even on twitter. the miz stayed in character with the "reallys" and imitating a middle school girl while trying to out talk a top 5 talker of all time. the miz is a joke. {until his last run in wwe, i was never too high on jericho. (besides his matches) he never sat with me right, but looking back i missed out on not loving him from the y2j countdown because his career deff. puts him in the top 10 of all time!!!!}
Meh, the Miz did well here. Few of the photos are deleted now for some reason, but even than, he hang out pretty well with Jericho.
Plus, this isn't a real feud, that's just 2 guys screwing around.
I got a total kick out of this. The picture of Miz "spanking" that other dude was the icing on the cake. Well played by both of them. :lol:
I been saying it for months, as if it wasn't obvious enough. All you Miz D-Riders open your eyes. Your boy is just a y2j wannabe from head to toe. Who lately was sporting suits to the ring when they were cutting promos ? Jericho. Now Miz. Miz used to wear those long black shorts and all of sudden when he got pushed he went to trunks, just like when Y2J got his push in 2008. If you cant see Jericho's mannerisms in Miz's promo you are blind. Squinting his eyes. Talking in a low monotone voice. Talking straight in front of the camera. The guy is so no ceative at all. Jericho clone that says he is awesome evey 5 seconds thats all this guy is. All his promos of late were just taking the catchphrases of rock or cena. Last night all he said was he'd take all these things rock loves and stick it up ... whatever. Wow, really creative. The guy is the most overrated mic worker in the biz. No matter what he says or does no one will ever put him anywhere near the league of Rock or even Cena for that matter. You are irrelevant Miz, even if you win the WM match because no one wanted to see it anyways, they wanted Rock & Cena, and will be more interested in whether they fight than whatever WWE does with Miz next. Maybe you should stop pointing out that you are the third wheel because it only fuels the idea by continually putting it out there. Act like you're important, dont say it.
I only have a Twitter to follow WWE superstars, and funny things like the recent Hogan-Bret war or words is something you won't find on TV.

Following Ziggler, Austin and Jericho really makes for an interesting read :)

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