Twitter Feeds During The Broadcast


Lord And Master
Staff member
During the show, some fan tweets were shown. I don't have a damn clue if they are real. But if they are, that's kinda cool. It's a different kind of fan interaction that kinda urges them to join in on Twitter to get their word on the show. That felt kinda obvious to point out. The point is, it get's people to talk about the show in new ways. It's pretty small time and stuff, but it seems cool to have your message on TV. Nice trick there.
They've been doing it a few weeks now. I was wondering when someone would catch on and post about it, honestly.

The Twitter/Facebook/social networking infusion is really hitting a lot of live sporting events/sports of late. The New York Rangers do the same thing during their broadcast and even have fans tweet in questions for between periods interviews or post-game interviews, etc. It's a great way to really tie into the internet craze and gives fans a much more interactive means to feel as though they're part of the show.
FYI: WWE does this Tweet thing as well but not usually posts them n just tell us. Plus I like this as it shows us that the wrestling of the 80's & early 90's before the net went mainstream back in 1996-8 are gone n wrestling of now is still keepin up w/ it. As this is the "REALITY ERA" of all pro wrestling. So they should all keep up like this and all.
As much as I hate Twitter, this is a pretty good idea. The fans will feel like they are more of a part of the show and they will be more likely to interact in the social media networks if they have the incentive of getting a chance to see their posts pop up onscreen during Impact. The higher rate of activity on the sites is also a chance to get the product more widely known. I support TNA doing things like this because it has pretty good odds of benefiting them if they keep doing it.
I don't think I remember seeing this during Impact, but then sometimes I'm on the internet and listening to Impact more than I am watching.

I do like the idea of fan interaction.
an idea I wonder if they could do, but it would likely have to be done more so on the TNA website rather than twitter. have somewhere where fans watching can have a vote to determine something. it would have to be done either on a live show in order for it to be done on that Impact, or a vote on one Impact that would be done for the following impact yet to be taped. it could be something like deciding on what type of match it could be. I think WWE has done something like this, but I can't remember since I haven't watched WWE in years.

I think anything to get fans/viewers more involved and possibly increase fans/viewers is a good idea.

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