TV Guilty Pleasures?


I can do whatever I want
Since my music one worked out so well(ha) I thought it would be interesting to see peoples tv gulity pleasures. Television programs that you watch alone and wouldnt want your friends to find out(not porn).
Here are a couple of mine:

1. Wrestling-None of my friends or anyone I know watch wrestling. One other person who I talk to watchs WWE sometimes. They all think its crap and fake so I watch it and pretend not too.

2. Another is Big Brother. The show is pure trash pointless reality but I love it. Its more entertaining then alot of scripted shows and some of the fights and hook-ups are very exciting.
Power ranger's - I know it's a kid's show, I know that it's never going to be good, I know that the new series's will never emulate the great 1st series, But I still love it. Maybe it's because I watched it as a child, And therefore possibly trying to create a link to it.
Hannah Montana. This show is another typical dumb Disney show, but it is actually really good. The southern humor rings true to me as it's what my life is like here in Kentucky. The music is catchy, the jokes are funny, the stories are typical but well done. The plot is silly as there's no way a singer could keep a secret like that safe from the media, but it's fun to be able to get lost in the story. Good show, good star.
I'm gonna have to with those reality shows on VH1. You know I Love New York, I Love Money, The White Rapper Show so on and so forth. I don't really know what it is about them. Maybe its because I am always up late and they are always on. But to me they are so bad that they are fucking hilarious. I love how they try and show it as "Non-Scripted" but it is so bad you know that it is. So that has to be my guilty pleasure when it comes to watching TV.
Saved by the bell. Used to watch it all the time when I was a kid and whenever I see that its on now I have to check it out still. Despite it being so corny and unfunny.
Boy Meets World. It was one of those cheesy TGIF shows on ABC Fridays, that got sent over to ABC Family in reruns...but, the overall tone of the show was one of moral integrity, which, I liked. It was one of the rare sitcoms that I could watch and wonder if the creators/writers of the show were intentionally bringing a Christian message to it or not, because it certainly seemed that way. Those kinds of shows on network TV are rare.
Sponge bob Square pants. I watch that show almost everynight when i go to bed. mind you there is nothing else on and it puts me to sleep. But i dont know what it is but at that time of night i sit there for two hours watching it. I used to have an Ecxuse but sadly now i dont but i still watch it everynight at least once. Its quiete an entertainig show sometimes. when your bored.
I'm addicted to animation, so I basically watch random animated shows. Doesn't matter what style of animation it is, anime or the "classic" style, I just enjoy it. Not half as much as I dig animated films though...

Oh yeah, and one of the crap channels in Norway recently started broadcasting the first season of Digimon. That show buries Pokemon beneath the earth. ******ed transformation sequences bedamned, it's damn good stuff.
I watch the Disney Channel. Hannah Montana, Life with Derek, Cory in the House, etc. I don't know, I like the shows, what can you do. I'm a sucker for kid's shows so I guess that's why I like them.

Also, wrestling too. My friends don't like it because it's fake, but they know I love wrestling and I don't care. They're into UFC, obviously.

P.S. Pokemon is awesome. The first 4 season or so are the best ones. I also like Digimon, but only the ones with the original digidestined and the second generation digidestined. Ugh, I need to grow up lol. But I don't care, those shows are fun to watch and you get into them alot too. Pokemon > Digimon though.
Guilty pleasure for me has to be the Disney Channel

Hannah Montana
Cory in the House
Suite Life of Zack & Cody

Maybe it just makes me feel that I have a little of my childhood left watching these shows. Which I want to hold onto.

I also used to watch Lazytown when I was in my old house in the mornings. Now, that is a guilty pleasure! Lazytown is just so weird that I just got hooked on it.

Robbie Rotten was my hero. Down with Sportacus!

Still catch Pokemon when it's on. Still great. The cards are gone but the games are still in my hands. Great show with Ash, Brock and Misty. The later one were a bit rubbish in comparison.
Obviously wrestling, but I talk about it with everyone and damn them if they think it's all fake crap. Most people I know dismiss it as fake and whatever, think I'm crazy for loving it, but I don't really care.

I'm kinda surprised at the common sentiment for the Disney channel. I wasn't gonna say anything but, hey, Disney fans unite. I dunno what the heck it is, but there's something about it.

Huge anime fan. I'll watch anything and everything. Even if I don't have a freaking clue what's going on. The Japanese can make some of the best fight scenes you'll ever see and when you really sink your teeth into an anime, most of the time you find really awesome stories in there. Honestly I relate it to wrestling, in a way. You've got deep stories punctuated by intense fights, which (ideally) describes wrestling.

Another one of mine is the Gilmore Girls. I love it. There's something incredibly fun about watching it, I don't have a clue what. I want to get me some boxed sets but that would be beyond people knowing I'm a wrestling fan. :p
Anthony Bourdain: No reservations. I watch it at night when i cant fall asleep and i find this guy at some points hysterical. everyone else that i know thats seen it says it sucks and hes unfunny but i find it easy to watch when im tired.

Also cheaters i watch once in awhile. I think that its interesting.
Funny one for me...

Two and a half men..

Before I used to talk trash about it.. But now that I actually sit down and watch it..I love it.. I even bought the first 3 seasons on dvd
I would have to say Gossip Girls (my wife watches and I picked my head up and if was actually pretty good. Blake Lively is smoking hot), Anthony Bourdain, Unwrapped, UFO Hunters, pretty much any UFO show on History/Discovery channel.
I also have to add a show that was on HBO but has been off tv for a few years and that is Carnivale. Fascinating, thought provoking series.
well wrestling for one with everyone at my school making fun of it for being fake and stupid saying little kids watch it but oh well im still going watch it.

invader zim is one because i like dir
This is pretty bad, but last night they were showing some old episodes of 90210 in anticipation of the new series, and at first i was watching it because there was nothing else on. But as the episode went on and as the second one started...

I found myself strangely hooked, and a little gayer.

It's so childish and so ridiculous to look at pretty much every hair and dress and talking style from that era all rolled into one, but hey, i'll give them credit, that show was entertaining.
I'm going to say wrestling is the only one, because my family and most of my friends say its fake. I try and talk to them and say I know it's fake, but I watch it for the entertainment. But they don't listen to me. So I only sometimes get to watch it on the computer.
Dawson's Creek is my all time favorite show, but I'm not ashamed of it. Everyone who finds that out starts to talk shit immediately, but I know for a fact that if I sat them down and made them watch some episodes, they'd become hooked. My best friend, who's black and nothing you would ever imagine watching anything on TV outside of Boondocks or something like that, ALWAYS talked shit about me watching that show. Then one day, I agreed to do something for him if he just watch one Dawson’s Creek show on TBS that morning (forgot what the favor was I promised, nothing gay though for you sick fucks reading this :p ), and even he admitted the show was a lot better then he thought.

Wrestling though, no one ever knows I'm a fan unless they come into my room in me and my cousin and his girlfriend’s apartment and see my very large DVD collection (I have well over 300 wrestling DVDs). But if you work with me or we just see each other every now and then, I would never bring it up. In elementary and middle school, I wore nothing but wrestling shirts, but all that shit stopped once I reached high school. You would have to be a real friend to know I watch it.

And lastly, Flavor of Love, the spin-offs from it, and the fucking Real World/Road Rules Challenges (funny though that I never watch the Real World or Road Rules on their own) are shit I watch and am not proud of doing so.
WWE is an obvious one, noone thinks it's real or good because they arent 12 anymore, and they can go and watch House, Prison Break etc.

I don't know if people think this is bad, but I am a huge Stargate fan, so much so I own every season on DVD + an entire magazine collection of about 90 DVDs of episodes (at like 7 quid per one), I don't tend to bring it up too much in conversation though.

My other guilty pleasure (or not pleasure) is not watching any of the "fad" shows, shows which get big for 1 season because theyre American and all the British kids think it's cool to watch foreign shows - IMO Prison Break, House, LOST, ER, Dexter and it's entire American crew suck, and I refuse to watch an episode, because I suspect it is all hype (Heroes aswell).

One for me was always Sabrina: The Teenage Witch, I always found it funny - Something tells me everyone thinks it sucks though, oh well, it isnt on much anymore.
Dawson's Creek is my all time favorite show, but I'm not ashamed of it. Everyone who finds that out starts to talk shit immediately, but I know for a fact that if I sat them down and made them watch some episodes, they'd become hooked. My best friend, who's black and nothing you would ever imagine watching anything on TV outside of Boondocks or something like that, ALWAYS talked shit about me watching that show. Then one day, I agreed to do something for him if he just watch one Dawson’s Creek show on TBS that morning (forgot what the favor was I promised, nothing gay though for you sick fucks reading this :p ), and even he admitted the show was a lot better then he thought.

Same story with me. I have seasons one and two on DVD and am looking at getting the rest. I was a late bloomer. I caught an episode one afternoon when I was bored back in 2005 when it was already done and over with (or was it? I can't remember). But anyway, it was a rerun and just that one episode got me hooked. I took it to Iraq with me when I deployed and (being a Marine Sergeant didn't help this) got jeered a bit by my Marines. But I sat down two of them and started season one. They were instantly hooked. So now all three of us were getting laughed at. But they stood their ground right beside me, just like I do to this day if anyone talks crap about Dawson's. It truly was a genius concept, well written, well acted, and deserved all of its hype back in the day. Funny thing is when it was in its prime, I made fun of it too, lol.
Beverly Hills 90210: To me this is one of those shows that are stupid and girly. But when you watch it you can't stop. It gets you addicted. Now sometimes I watch episodes on or Soapnet.

That 70s Show: Ahh that 70s show. For some reason I love this show. I watched every episode in one week. Some episodes are funny some aren't but Ashton Kutcher is annoying as hell. I really don't like any of the cast but I love watching the show.

The Hills: I'm freaking addicted to this show. I don't know why. I hate Laguna Beach but I live this show. I'm surprised that I've seen so many episodes.
Even though it is no longer on the air, it is still being replayed here in Canada on Much Music. That is The O.C.. I used to watch it religiously, when it was on Thursday, I would watch it with Smackdown, Monday, with Raw. I loved the Saga of Ryan, Seth, Summer, and that ****e who died in it. It got really bad in the 4th season, but I still watched it. The end of the first season was incredible, and I couldnt wait for the 2nd season to start. I have them all now, and recently startyed to watch the second season again.

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