Turning the page: HHH


King Of The Ring
This one's for you Hamler.....

As has been the cae in the past 7 turn threads, this one will focus on how you will turn a face to a heel, or vice versa, HHH has spent since Spring/Summer as a face 2006 after re-uniting with Shawn Michaels to form DX. A bad-ass face, but a face nonetheless. He teased a reuinion at WM 22 by breaking out the crotch chop in a losin effort to Cena, and after several failed attempts at Backlash and a Raw to win the title, HHH stood up to the ultimate heel, Vince McMahon. He was saved from a Spirit Squad beatdown at the hands of HBK, and the rest was history. He remained a face, albeit a badass one, since so that DX could reunite from time to time. But with Shawn Michaels retired, a heel turn could be just the thing for HHH, when he returns. Having said that, I ask of you:

1. How would you successfully turn HHH face?

2. Why would this scenario work in your eyes?

3. Is 2011 a good year to turn HHH, or should he remain a face? Why?

Note: I just ask that you answer all the questions and dont spam in here. Other than that, have fun with this guys!
He has been a Heel so many times and was so hated at numerous points in his career. That I think turning him successfully wouldn't be as hard as it might seem. I think a simple F-U fans kind of thing and jump some Face that is beloved would work.

I think a way to get him over could be to align him with Sheamus. I think he would immediately receive the heat needed to turn him. Maybe since everyone is expecting him to return and be involved at Mania, he doesn't. Than he returns at Wrestlemania with a run-in.

How big of a Heel would he be if he ran down and helped Miz defeat Cena or something along those lines. I think another thing would be if he was the GM. Have him be the GM and just screw over all Faces.

I pretty much think any scenario could work. Trips has always been able to get himself over, whether it be backstage, with the mic, or in the ring.

I think the ideal situation would be for him to help the Miz. By rumors and everything involving Mania, having HHH come out and turn, would be great.

Not only would the rumors of his feud with Sheamus be gone. All the expectations of Mania would then shift. Everyone expects Miz to be Champion until WM and lose to Cena. What if HHH made it so not only was Miz still champion after Mania, but God forbid, CENA LOSES AT WRESTLEMANIA.

I think that would get him over without much thought, or much of an attempt. The simple impact of what he did would be enough.

I think 2011 could be the perfect year for him to turn. His career is winding down at a rapid pace, and this might possibly be his last year of actually being "active".

Triple H was one the best Heels ever, and even though I like him as a Face, I LOVE the dude as a Heel. He was at his best and I would really like to see him have one more final run as a Heel, before retiring as a Face.
1. How would you successfully turn HHH face?

You know, with HBK gone, this was his 'Angel on his shoulder' if you think about it logistically. I mean, granted, HHH was always one to do his own thing. But Shawn always kept him semi-grounded and to keep him a little more level-headed, and more peaceful at times. It was the other way with HHH, he was the one to be counted on to amp up HBK to get him riled up for a match or feud, he would be the 'Little Devil on his shoulder.' It was the perfect symbiotic relationship. They were the only yin-yang relationship that lasted THAT many years that the fans still devoured with EVERY ounce of their being. I think with HBK gone, it may be hard to keep HHH face. You can sure bet that he will be back to avenge the way he was taken out as trying to get his sentiments worded to say goodbye to his friend. We all know he is protective of the word 'King' of anything. Need I remind you, we saw this back before Booker T left when he had a feud against King Lawler to see who the TRUE King of WWE was, after HHH injured his knee at New Year's Revolution in 2007 in KC. I'm sure HHH would return as a face, but more than likely, it would not last very long once he accomplishes his mission without his little buddy HBK there.

2. Why would this scenario work in your eyes?

I ultimately feel that HHH has run for quite sometime as a good guy, but we know that with his increased work schedule set to take on WWE behind the scenes roles, and more work outside of WWE, I think a heel role would allow him extra time to expand on other things that probably have been eating away at him 'internally' for storyline purposes. Besides, if rumors are accurate, and that he is taking over soon, as a heel, he may not be needed to do meet and greets that often, and can spend more time with family. But that is still something that calls for speculation. But, as I've said, this is still up to fans, because turning a star as big as him heel can still backfire because as the likes of Stone Cold, some people who turn heel or face, it doesn't matter, they still are as popular as a big bad, as a boy scout. I doubt it would hurt him anyway.

3. Is 2011 a good year to turn HHH, or should he remain a face? Why?

I, personally, wouldn't mind seeing a heel HHH come his return. I mean, sure I'm someone who normally cheers the heels. Do I think it will matter what he does? No, but he's a guy who will be supported and cheered even if he were to show up at a funeral on a parade float throwing out DX lighters and having cheerleaders in green bikinis. The guy has fans that support him period. I will cheer him no matter what. The guy is talented. Talent will prevail thru heel or face behavior and that is what should be admired.
This one's for you Hamler.....

Suck on all that bitches.:)

1. How would you successfully turn HHH heel?

I'm guessing you mean heel LSN. Triple H may be one of the easier superstars to turn heel seeing how he is currently inactive. He's been out of action since the earlier half of 2010. All that is needed for Triple H to succesfully turn heel would be turn as soon as he arrives. For example, say he were to arrive tonight. Instead of making a huge impact debut against someone heel, do it to someone face such as Randy Orton. Have Triple H come in there with a sledge hammer and raise hell and leave. Another scenario would aligning himself with Sheamus.

2. Why would this scenario work in your eyes?

On one hand, yeah, I think it would. Randy Orton is phenomenally over as a face. Perhaps more over than any other Superstar in the WWE. Having Triple H attack someone who is that over as a face, would probably mean instant heat. On the other hand, I believe so many people will be so psyched for a Triple H return, Triple H could go and pedigree a child and still get a huge pop. I don't know, perhaps it would work, but I can see it not working.

3. Is 2011 a good year to turn HHH, or should he remain a heel? Why?

Sure, why not. The only problem I see is that so many people are dying for a Triple H return that Triple H could quite possibly do anything he pleases and still get a positive crowd reaction. I mean we can't have our heel being cheered every night like he's a face. So if they were to turn Triple H, they would need more of a slower, gradual turn. I have no problem with a Triple H heel turn, as long as he gets the heat like a heel should.
While I will say that Triple H turning heel would be a tremendous feat to behold; I must also say that I sincerely doubt that that it is going to happen. As has been stated by rumors, the plan at the momment is to have Triple H return in the near future, which will then give for an oppurtunity for him to build a nice feud that will result in a match at Wrestlemaina against the 'King of the Ring' winner, Sheamus. It's more likely than not, that during this feud, which will continue on for quite a while, will have Triple H as a face and Sheamus as a heel.

But for the sake of rolling with this thread, if Triple H WERE to turn heel, I would want him to turn heel right after his feud with Sheamus is over. Once his feud with Sheamus is over, chances are, so too will be the [rumored] feud with Miz and Cena. I sincerely doubt that Miz will hold the title past Wrestlemaina - I'm pretty caught on the idea that Cena will end up beating Miz at Mania [if they do end up facing each other]. But anyways, based on these assumptions, it's only logical for me to assume that Triple H will be the next person to face Cena.

As a result, you get the oppurtunity of a life-time to turn Triple H heel. Obviously, as in most feuds, there will have to be a heel involved in the match; and more likely than not, that heel will be Triple H. It's the ideal scenario, really. Triple H has always been one hell of a heel; and Cena has always been one hell of a face. So when you have two of the most iconic wrestlers in the WWE right now face off in a feud, you will have birds chirping so loud that you will be able to hear them all the way from the Caribean Seas.
I don't know that Trips is ready to turn back to being a heel just yet. That being said, I'm guessing the way they are going to turn him heel is going to be very similiar to the Mr. McMahon role. To answer the first question, I think that will be the best way to do it. I'd love to see HHH come back for a breif face run, and then turn heel mid-run before hanging up the boots and taking over as the corporate meanie that runs the company. I think that will work best and will make the most sense. Since he doesn't have a shit ton of time left in the ring, it wouldn't make much sense for him to turn on someone like Cena or another top babyface, because the fued would most likely be short lived. I'd like to see him turn on the entire WWE universe.

This Scenario would most definately work because Trips has the mic skills to really get the crowd against him. He's still young enough that he could be considered a legit threat to a face champion, by means of interfering via sledge hammer in a match.

I don't think 2011 is the right time for this however, as stated, I'd like to see ONE more face run, because honestly, his return will be a barrage of cheers regardless of the scenario. Let him play that out one last time for the remainder of year and then have him turn on the whole universe.

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